posted on May, 14 2011 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by BlueFireWolf
This might be an old topic, this might have been said before etc etc.
But when I saw your post BlueFireWolf, I just had to correct you. No your not lucky. THAT guy in the video is lucky as hell. Because even in his
situation, he has learned to see past that and at the same time he is actually doing good for others. Saying that you are lucky unlike him, is so
wrong on so many levels. Cause unless you are doing something worthwhile with your life, you are not lucky. Unless you are doing something that does
good for others, you are not lucky. You simply are. Nothing more, nothing less.
HE is lucky, and a damned lucky one at that.
Now before anyone goes all hailfire on my ass, I do not know if you actually do good for others, or if you are completely happy with your life. But do
not say that you are lucky unlike him. Cause as far as I can tell, he is the luckiest man alive.
I wish that I had his view on life, I wish that I was as good a person as him (him being the guy in the vid), and I wish that I could do as much good
for others as he is doing.
But I am simply sitting here, infront of my computer. Looking at my life, which is empty, unfullfilling and worth nothing, compared to a guy like
that. And I hate myself for thinking that way. Because it is my own damn fault, and my own twisted point of view that is making it so.