reply to post by henriquefd
i understand your concern about clarity because it is a very sensitive issue to say, while you explained it very well from your own self positive
when evil and truth are confused as a source of same reality, whatever one would say it would always sound as nothing then wrong
truth cannot be itself as positive result fact but absolutely and evil is always in creating shapes of positive by meaning to abuse any knowledge of
truth weakness to claim evil life as positive source only
truth is the freedom effect move out of certainty base as exiting fact, so truth is always about personnal life freedom that cant be an objective
source of positive when objective is always to existence fact certainty positive then
even when we are source of ourselves positive living senses it confirms more the absence concept of life as positive source from what ourselves are
meaning absolute freedom from objective existence to recognize its true living reality
it is about existence dimension that is never of needs but of facts intelligence that cant be then but one positive result
then what is from positive base is always to freedom life rights
the concept of positive source cannot be objective so it is always wrong, what is existing cannot perceive its living source as else, it is then
denying its fact existence as well as any superior positive to itself, you cannot say what is superior to you, you are killing then positive truth by
asserting yourself ability to state positive source presence
while the concept of positive existence can be fully objective in absolute terms and what is superior can proove objectively how existence fact is not
positive one
what is not of positive existence cannot allow expressions of free life
so people that love to emphasize on the result of negative fact existence being positive, are always meaning positive fake free expressions from what
is very easy to do or what is done already very easy to understand the logics of its systems base
you destroy any possible positive result that is very easy to hit any point to not allow it being absolutely, and then whatever comes out of that pain
with positive shape you take it to give credit to negative so you justify your wrong acts there while you keep for yourself the knowledge of truth
defense and abuses ways to open a market of and sell yourself as a source of fake realities lives that would assure your existence base as superior
from what yourself realize objectively as positive forms