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"Everything in that marsh is DEAD tonight!" --Obama's Katrina.

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posted on May, 23 2010 @ 04:48 PM
I feel for the fishermen and women. The impact on wildlife is horrific, but those poor souls went thru hell with Katrina, and now this? I never wished to have extra money for them now more than ever. Sounds like the US gov is failing on them yet again.

We used to travel often through the backroads around New Orleans, and they are some the kindest folks we ever met. Amazing seafood, fresh as can be.

All those fishermen have already been paid hush money, some of them got BP paying boat payments.

Article on BP buying out people so they don't sue later.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by dragonseeker
they're supposed to plan for things like this to happen, because it can happen.

So, Obama, a lawyer, was supposed to have planned for an oil rig explosion? Wow. You must think he's greater than those who supposedly worship him.

You can dispense with the sarcasm. there are fed agencies that are supposed to plan for such things, not obama himself, which is what I meant.

He's a man. A politician. A lawyer. Not a king or a god. He doesn't have a magic wand. I don't know what you expect him to do.

use the bully pulpit of the presidency to bring pressure to bear.

Obama is supposed to use his power as president, during a national emergency, which is what this is, to make things happen.

What power? What kind of power do people think a president has? I agree that he should hold them responsible, but we simply don't know what's happening behind the scenes. We don't know how his hands may be tied. I'm not defending his inaction, but I don't know enough to be so critical.

his presence on the ground alone would focus the entire world on the problem. he's very hands-off, and this is an emergency.

Let me put this in perspective: this is WORSE than 9/11. the damage to the country is far more severe and long-lasting.

Interesting opinion. But I disagree. We don't know what the damage is yet.

it's already worse than the exxon valdez, it's not stopped yet, and the damage is irreparable. as bad as 9/11 was, the physical damage was somewhat localized, and limited. buildings can be rebuilt, we can get new planes(obviously the lives lost cannot be replaced), but, already entire ecosystems have been destroyed. those marshes are DONE. yes, it's worse than 9/11. 9/11 was just more spectacular.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

And we know is never going to happen, profits are above human lives, when we talk about "money here" is bigger than all the financial in the world, this is the money that keeps the world moving.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 10:46 PM
Money no longer matters. This is beyond politics. On Earth Day, the NWO offer an assisted suicide to the Earth as her birthday present. Now with HARP, if a hurricane is developed, the future food supply of the gulf and surrounding areas, could be come a toxic wasteland if this leak really builds. Expect a massive migration of people from the afflicted areas and Mexico. Wild cards abound at this point. Extreme measures could result from the additional stresses. But the true goal of a satanic force is not nearly the capture of humanoid souls, but a planetary spirit would be too much a trophy for the dark side. I do believe the Earth is an advanced spiritual form and it's consciousness can be affected by it's inhabitants. This is why the Native Americans and all early tribes where advised to be the caretakers of the Earth. While they where doing their part, the Earth was strong and pure. But the dark forces conquered the Natives and the Earth became weaker. Soon the peoples connection to the Earth was weakened through convenience and mindless media entertainment. Our bodies are weakened with chemicals.
The key to the survival of the Earth and in keeping her in the Light is through our return to her care taking. We must adapt to our environments in a sustainable way and not kill one another over food and fear. The greater the fear, the greater the feast. Do not fear. Seek out the truth. Forget politics and blame. Pray for a calm season.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 11:13 PM

Half of Terrebonne boom lays idle

As oil from the Deepwater Horizon disaster makes its way toward Terrebonne Parish, half the boom that is supposed to keep it at bay bakes on a dock. Nearby, two skimmer boats that could be protecting the coast sit idle on trailers.


In the face of such a threat, state and local officials say, protective equipment such as booms shouldn't be sitting idle.

A high-ranking Coast Guard officer, acknowledging he could have done a better job of monitoring the situation, promised pressure would be placed on the oil-industry giant.

Jindal said efforts to protect Terrebonne are moving too slowly, and he vowed there will be change.

He also continued his push for the corps' approval of dredging work needed to create land bridges to keep oil from entering the fragile marshes. Those plans include protection of Raccoon Island and others in the barrier chain close to Terrebonne.

Freakin' joke.

The article cointinues:

The governor said it's up to the Coast Guard to make sure the oil-spill response is swift and appropriate.

“It shouldn't be up to BP or a contractor to decide when that boom should be deployed,” Jindal said. “One of the reasons we brought the Coast Guard today” was to show them the unused boom and skimmers and to “make sure that these assets ... get deployed.”

Capt. Edwin Stanton of the Coast Guard's New Orleans sector said blame rests with him.

“It's too slow and if it's anybody's fault it's mine for not pushing them hard enough, perhaps,” Stanton said of BP, pledging to take immediate action. “If we don't have enough people and don't have enough boats, I am going to go back and tell BP to hire more boats, hire more people and get more boom and put it out.”


There is no leadership!

[edit on 23-5-2010 by loam]

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 11:18 PM
Hello ATS,

This is my first post. I am a singer/songwriter, that wants to use my talent to bring about awareness and change. This disaster stemming from the greed of big oil and big brother inspired me to make my first music video. Link below......

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 11:27 PM

Nobody is in charge.

Dispersants are a PR stunt!

[edit on 23-5-2010 by loam]

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by loam

Who is that guy in the second video, the one that is telling the truth?

I would shake that mans hand, let me tell you.

He is absolutely right. There is no one in charge who gives a good God damn about doing the right thing. Its just a job to those people. He impressed the crap out of me.

Good for him. Its nice to know there is an official still willing to tell the truth, though with that unfortunate habit, he has no future in government.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
Who is that guy in the second video, the one that is telling the truth?

He is the same guy from the video that starts this thread.

I posted more about him here:

Billy Nungesser

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by loam

After watching this go on and on and on .. and still, the pipes spewing as much oil today than the first day .. and especially since oil has finally started hitting the coasts..... Why is BP still in charge of the clean up?

Surely our own government agencies have the power and coordination to take over all operations and give BP the boot.

Prior to oil hitting the coast, bp had the oil relatively contained in that it was kept at open sea where the sun can break it down, be evaporate or eaten by microbes (also burned) .. apparently they couldn't manage the whole situation, and let their guard down on the coast.. as can be seen by huge portions with no protection.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Why is BP still in charge of the clean up?

I really don't know and can't understand it.

One theory I have is that maybe the Obama administration thinks that as long as it continues to receive the blind support of the public and media (just look around these boards), it doesn't have to do very much other than appear angry at BP or very concerned about the situation.

They obviously aren't eager to change the circumstances where their actions will be directly tied to the disaster.


posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:06 AM
The emergency shut-off valves were deliberately made inoperative just before the platform exploded. Make no mistake, all is going according to plan.

"The West is the best.
The West is the best.
You get him, and we'll do the rest."

[edit on 24-5-2010 by TheArxmaster]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by loam

Sounds about right to me.. and it's funny because I see so many people blaming Bush or Obama for the incident .. it wasn't anyone's fault (well.. except Transocean Ltd who owned the rig) .. but to not to do anything at all and let the company that caused it try and clean it up with minimal supervision is just..... lazy.

But this seems to be the American way.. we did the same thing with the banks. They make a disaster, so we just funnel the money to them and hope they can make it right.. Mean while the Feds only real job right now (according to them) is to make new laws to "prevent" this from ever happening again.

I hate living in a reactionary society.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:16 AM
I'm not suprised by that video. I'm looking at all that disaster from an outsider point of view, i'm from Canada and i can see something is very wrong. They (Governement & BP) seems to be working hand to hand and nothing is getting done fast. I think that's the most obvious the general lack of urgency shown by the authorities. They act like it's something small. Something is wrong somewhere, you cant let that happen and do nothing or do so little and so slowly.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:22 AM
Totally depressing. No other words for the OP.

One thing that's been bugging me about this is the well/pipe itself. People keep talking about how it's too far down to dive to weld etc. Well how in the heck was the thing put down there in the first place???

Think about it.

Really, if someone here has insight into it I would like to know, maybe it will help us come up with a better solution (did some googling, couldn't find anything).

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by habu71
Obama declared this as a National Security issue, therefore, his continued inaction COULD be grounds for impeachment.......Look up the major institutional investors in will find JP Morgan, Goldman, etc.....the connection becomes dark and devious....

AGREE 100 % this is no longer a political arguement because all sides get money from these oil baron MONSTERS .It is time for us to get our country back and BP needs to fix this now and pay 100% of all dmg ,including the future damage that this will do ..

I applaud your post ,Starred and flagged

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

Surely our own government agencies have the power and coordination to take over all operations and give BP the boot.

I worked for a defense contractor on a DOE project for 8 years on what was at the time a cutting edge project.

We lived and worked in a remote location, so we got to mix and mingle with the higher ups in ways you usually dont. The military ranking people as well as the civilian and other government ranking people.

I can assure you that competence is scarce all the way up the chain, and people are so afraid of taking responsibility for anything for fear of losing their gravy train jobs that the buck is passed a million times before anything is done, ever.

I can also assure you that the people in the positions of power are not necessarily the brightest and best. They are usually the ones best at butt kissing and other social sucking up.

Which is why I argue that there are no evil geniuses plotting against humanity. It is simply human greed causing people to behave in eerily similar ways that make it seem as if they are acting in coordinated ways.

Its a conspiracy of greed and ineptitude, and thats the truth of the matter, and if you ask me, it is much more frightening than the idea of some "illuminati" plotting against us.

[edit on 24-5-2010 by Illusionsaregrander]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Originally posted by Rockpuck
is just..... lazy.

It's not lazy. It's WRONGHEADED!

Americans will not put up with this. If this crisis continues for months, this early inaction will cost the Obama administration dearly.

Americans will be angry... Many of them...

Americans understand "fighting the good fight", even if you lose. But Obama and his administration appear not to know that. Instead, they're playing magic tricks with cards, banking on the assumption that they can keep the focus, responsibility and blame on BP and big oil.

It's a stupid political strategy....and criminal one, relative to the current crisis.

[edit on 24-5-2010 by loam]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by loam

Americans will not put up with this. If this crisis continues for months, this early inaction will cost the Obama administration dearly.

Americans will be angry... Many of them...

Im sorry, but so what if they are angry? What will they do? Vote for the OTHER handpicked corporate candidate next time?

Well THAT will teach them, wont it?

What we should be noticing as a nation is BOTH parties being overly solicitous to big oil, and BOTH parties being utterly unconcerned with the well being of America as a country. Its easy for the party out of power to say "we would do it, we would stop it, blah blah blah....' just like the Democrats said they would end the war, and the Patriot act, and the Republicans said they were against the bailouts. (as soon as Obama won, they were for it all the way up to that moment)

We need to get a clue here people. There is a pattern occurring. Blaming the current talking head President is not enough. We need to wrestle our government away from the people with money who are currently buying and paying for them, or it wont matter who is in office. We will get the same crappy service.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by loam

...Angry at what? .. A British oil company? .. As far as America is concerned, Obama and the Federal Government still # skittles and can do no wrong..

Americans will do nothing but sit and watch. Then flip the station to something more exciting, because this oil spill was so last week.

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