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Rape suspect deported 4 times

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posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:24 PM

Rape suspect deported 4 times

EDMONDS, Wash. – The man accused of raping a woman behind an Edmonds grocery store has been deported at least four times in the past 15 years, reports KIRO Radio.

An officer responding to a woman's cry for help Sunday night found 46-year-old Jose Madrigal on top of the woman and arrested him.

According to court documents, the woman told police that Madrigal had followed her and offered her $35 for sex, but she said no. She said Madrigal then forced her into the bushes on the north side of the store and raped her.

Documents say Madrigal told police "Sometimes we have control in our
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:24 PM
Well this is almost literally in my backyard. Edmonds is no where near the US mexico border, yet we still seem to have a rather huge problem with illegals. The Home Depot near my place is over run with illegals, they drink, get into fights and generally are a huge pain in the A everytime you drive down Hwy 99. It sickens me that the Seattle City Council just boycotted AZ, except for the company that runs our red light cameras. This issue is getting closer and closer to me, and I am fed up.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:38 PM
They need to put more stories like this out and start asking those who are opposed to the AZ law, why they are against the safety of the very people they are suppose to protect and govern. Not letting up, not letting them off with a bs answer, but demanding straight answer. You mentioned about the drinking and fights, well that needs to be video taped and brought to the city council and asking them if they are comfortable with their children, their sons and daughters being exposed to that. Put it on a personal level to where they are having to justify the danger to their own families and go from there. The more we can embarasse the government, the more prone they are to do something.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:42 PM
Aside from this poor woman being raped which is horrendous all on its own, the worst thing about this is that they will probably deport him again and in a few months he'll be back.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:51 PM

Snohomish County prosecutors have charged Madrigal in district court with second degree rape. He is also is being held for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

Why hold him for the immigration and customs enforcement agency ? They'll deport him again and obviously he'll only turn around and come right back in.

Now they know that he's a danger to our society, can't get out of this one, caught in the act by the police. Couple that with the fact that they know he is a habitual border jumper and refuses to stay out of our country. IMO when he's convicted they need to just lock him up for the rest of his life and be done with it. What else can they do deport him again, so he can come back again and rape another woman, maybe kill the next one, if he hasn't already.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by chise61

Why hold him for the immigration and customs enforcement agency ? They'll deport him again and obviously he'll only turn around and come right back in.

Hopefully, they are detaining him, until he goes to trial for this rape. At the same time, I hope they are interrogating this guy for hours on end, about how he's managed to sneak back in so many times. Hopefully the information will be used to keep the rest of his buddies out!

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by chise61

That was what I thought when first reading this story, that we need to just lock him up and throw away the key. Obviously mexico isn't going to do anything. It really irritates me that there is essentially a revolving door for illegals.

I feel genuine sympathy for illegals who just want to make an honest buck and have a better life, but when I hear of one that has been deported numerous times, and commits heinous acts against my fellow citizens, my blood begins to boil. Secure the damn borders.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:10 PM
Illegal aliens....

Coming here to rape women that Americans refuse to rape.

Those opposed to the recent Arizona law wont be posting in this thread.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:15 PM
Hand him over to the Russian Navy, They would offer him a nice little skip to go sailing in just like the pirates.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:24 PM
There should be a three strikes rule for deportations.

Get deported three times and come back then we send you to a labor camp and you get to work on penal farms, do county/parish clean up and landscaping.

If youre really bad we assign you to reconstruction teams in Iraq, Afghanistan, Djibouti, Haiti, and in the future Somalia.

[edit on 20/5/10 by MikeboydUS]

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by brainwrek

Well I am fairly certain that they will be posting in this thread. Of course it will probably be the womans fault that she was raped, and of course I will be labeled a racist for even posting the information. When the illegal problem starts knocking on their back door as it has mine, I am sure that many of them will switch sides.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:28 PM
Better idea:

See if civilians can catch him. Lock him in chains, and take him DIRECTLY to the White house, dump him on the Lawn, and have him wear this note:

"Still wanna say we dont need a border?" A border is needed to keep scum like this one OUT.

Angry Tax Payers and victims of his crimes

PS: There's a couple million more we'd like to dump here to *personally* make your problem, if you dont mind...."

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Raustin
reply to post by chise61

Obviously mexico isn't going to do anything. It really irritates me that there is essentially a revolving door for illegals.

Yeah.. well.. why spend money incarcerating the animal when they can just let him wonder back over the border at no cost to the Mexican Cartel... I mean Government.


posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:34 PM
To the observer, it sounds as if the US is waging a budget-war against Mexico -- with US citizens forced into the role of both victim and aggressor

A cheap-war. A budget-war. With the US-rael administration putting the money and official forces and arms into Iraq and Afghanistan

Instead of killing millions of muslims 'overseas/over there', why hasn't the US 'brought democracy at the end of a rocket' to Mexico ?

Wouldn't that be the logical step of a wannabe-emperialist administration ? After all, Mexico is right there, on the US's doorstep, like Canada. The US would be a geographical super-power if it annexed Canada and Mexico, officially

Instead, the US-rael administration spreads itself thin by waging war 'overseas' --- and leaves the US-Mexico war to individual hand-to-hand, rape-by-rape skirmishes between Americans and Mexicans on hourly basis

If this doesn't illustrate to Americans how absolutely valueless they're considered by the US-rael administration, then I don't know what could

A cheap war, a budget war, with Americans sacrificed to 'economy' in combat

Clearly, Americans do not want to be unofficially drafted into US-Mexican combat zones by fat cats who're busy making 'official' war for profit elsewhere in the world. Americans simply want some semblance of quality of life -- want a modicum of security within their own homes and towns -- want their children to enjoy some the safety their taxes and hard work are paying for

Who are those jerks in American politics who treat their constituents with such disdain ? Do Americans have the power to remove them from their luxury offices ? And wouldn't that be preferable to fighting hand to hand combat in American towns in the attempt to protect the American way of life from those who're determined either to steal it or destroy it ?

Americans' enemies are their own politicians. Dump them via whatever means are available. And keep on dumping them until a few decent politicians emerge. Otherwise, they'll continue sitting like pigs in the trough, without a care in the world --- as American men, women, children and elderly continue to battle to retain US borders against the enemy hoardes

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
There should be a three strikes rule for deportations.

Get deported three times and come back then we send you to a labor camp and you get to work on penal farms, do county/parish clean up and landscaping.

If youre really bad we assign you to reconstruction teams in Iraq, Afghanistan, Djibouti, Haiti, and in the future Somalia.

[edit on 20/5/10 by MikeboydUS]

You know that is not such a bad idea, but to make it even better they have to work for free. I don't condone that horrendous act that he comitted but I don't want my taxpayer money sheltering, feeding, and clothing him in jail. So MikeboydUS, I think that you are on to something.

I am opposed to the AZ law only due to the fact that majority of those people do come here to make an honest buck and support all 58 members of their family back in Mexico & central america. Also the fact that they do most jobs that we wouldn't do. I don't think it is right to give a doughnut eating cop the right to stop me or anyone else just because I'm hispanic or hispanic looking. It pisses me off... if we would start doing this to black people the country will go balistic and some other guy will get on a podium stating the he has a get me!!!!
Now I have nothing against black people or red people or pink people or any people, but even black comedians make fun of white people on how they are all scared to make a black person feel all uncomfortable. Is this how it is going to be in 50 years but about hispanics???? Come on people...
Now I do believe that we have to make our border a more difficult place to cross and keep dum dums like this raping idiot outta here

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by qbanthinker305

If done properly the program would pay for itself.

I'm not looking at it as an ethnic issue. If someone from Quebec came here three times, committed crimes, was deported three times and then came back, I wouldn't treat that person any different.

The regular illegals, aka undocumented workers, would be different. One of my ideas with that is to have a federal agency devoted to tracking them down. Once they are tracked down they are taken into temporary custody and given a background check, biometric data is taken along with a DNA sample. A simple fine or fee, depending on how you look at it, is given. The info is placed into a database accessible to law enforcement nation wide. The "undocumented worker" is then assigned a temporary workers visa and a case agent. The now documented worker has to check in monthly with his case agent and keep his temporary visa current.

This of course would be an option. The other choice would be deportation, but only after their data is collected and they are entered into the federal database. It would be the worker's choice to be part of the federal workers program or be deported.

The program would not provide employment, but it would allow those already employed to keep their jobs, provided that the employer makes sure they are subject to federal taxes, provides insurance and follows all state and federal labor safety laws.

[edit on 21/5/10 by MikeboydUS]

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Raustin

That revolving door is one of my biggest problems. Build a wall, man it with military personell (as it should be) and eliminate the problem.

I understand what you say about being at your back door. I live in Chicago, now you know that I'm way far away from the Mexican border, but because our politicians decided to make us a sanctuary city we're overrun with illegal immigrants. We have to obey all the laws, but they sure as hell don't have to.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

That would be a divine idea.
Just to clear the air, I wasn't trying to make it an ethnic issue I just was analayzing how the media and half the country are adamantly against hispanics. Everyday you turn on the news and it's either a hispanic getting his butt whooped by hate crimes or hispanics are bad rants.

Anyways, I think that you have a good idea, let's see if Obama (he is the puppet afterall) and TPTB can come up with this solution all on their own

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by qbanthinker305
I am opposed to the AZ law only due to the fact that majority of those people do come here to make an honest buck and support all 58 members of their family back in Mexico & central america. Also the fact that they do most jobs that we wouldn't do. I don't think it is right to give a doughnut eating cop the right to stop me or anyone else just because I'm hispanic or hispanic looking. It pisses me off... if we would start doing this to black people the country will go balistic and some other guy will get on a podium stating the he has a get me!!!!

The illegal alien invaders are NOT here to "make an honest buck." They are here to steal jobs, social security numbers, and identities from American citizens. It is a LIE that American citizens won't do the work. This is evidenced by the fact that there are millions of American citizens without jobs and forced to live in tents. The citizens should be the ones able to make an "honest buck." An illegal alien invader is not honest by definition. They invaded the country. They steal from others. They are criminals.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
The program would not provide employment, but it would allow those already employed to keep their jobs, provided that the employer makes sure they are subject to federal taxes, provides insurance and follows all state and federal labor safety laws.

They should not be allowed to keep their jobs. The jobs should go to American citizens, not illegal alien invaders. Illegal alien sympathizers are traitors to this country.

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