posted on May, 21 2010 @ 05:14 AM
Originally posted by Brotherman
EDIT: I wanted to go ahead and add pay attention to the bottom of the page were you pay for your application from were it says "I acknowledge that US
IMMIGRATION SUPPORT is an independent organization not affiliated with the U.S. Government." I thought that was pretty wild too what kind of message
are these people sending
Why do you find that wild? Just someone trying to make a buck.
This does raise a lot of questions, like what percentage of undocumented workers (illegal immigrants) with ITINs pay taxes? I found some figures
related to this. Take Arizona for example, in 2002 it had 250,000-350,000 undocumented workers according to this:
But that also shows a pie chart of many foreign born folks are here with documentation in addition to the undocumented, and I'm sure they are more
likely to have ITINs than the undocumented folks.
So how many tax returns were filed using ITINs in Arizona in 2002? :
In Arizona, ITIN holders filed 24,371 state returns in 2002, said state revenue department spokesman Dan Zemke.
So if all the ITINs in AZ belonged to undocumented workers (They DON'T), only less than 10% would have paid taxes, though I'm sure many of those
folks are children who don't owe any taxes. Since many if not most of the ITINs belong to foreigners who are documented instead of undocumented, the
percentage of undocumented workers who pay taxes is probably very small. For example, all the day laborers lined up outside home depot and are paid in
cash, do you think they file tax returns?