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The Hybrid Program

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posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by Sinobyte
I think this is all nothing more than wishful thinking, overactive imagination & outright lying on the parts of people who state this kind of junk as fact.

There's no proof of any Hybrid Program. There's no proof of Extraterrestrials let alone whether they have genitals. This is the kind of junk that makes the UFO community look like a bunch of tin foil helmeted lunatics.

That's the best thing I've ever heard you say man!! I was thinking the EXACT same thing. Great minds think alike. Well, so do stupid ones, but that's not here nor there.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 02:32 AM
Jamuhn: All that we want is for people to recognize that these are THEORIES, nothing more. When someone states an opinion, they need to add a disclaimer saying that it is JUST THEIR opinion, and is unsupported by fact. However, if they can find evidence to back it up, then it makes their theory more plausible. We just ask people to be rational, and to accept the possibility that they could be wrong.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 03:04 AM
Yea, thats the point I was trying to get across, regardless of whether someone believed this or not. I don't necessarily believe that alien breeding occurs, just that DNA (human in particular) comes from a more intelligent system, even if that may be nature itself. ok?

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 07:30 AM
Moaning List

1) please dont turn this into a flame war.its childish and immature and isnt constructive to the debate.
2)i never said i wholly believed in the hybrid program theory,i have merely seen lots of interesting and compelling evidence and think its a distinct possibility.unfortunately i neglected to begin my thread with my traditional opener. "The Following thread assumes the following are true/plausible." that is designed to stop debate and ensure we all work on the same wavelength.
3)i could find masses of evidence to support the theory.granted there is no absolutely conclusive evidence there is still enough for me to acknowledge the distinct possibility.also if nothing else there is always the stories (im aware they are not 100% proved/accepted) of the Dulce Floor 6"Nightmare Hall" experiments.
4) i respect your opinions but i ask that you would merely post your reasoning before blatantly attacking a theory without support or evidence.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 07:37 AM
Actual Contribution

the underdog theory intrigues me.if they are an underdog then as one of you said it is possible that they are under threat from another you have all said combining physical resilience with mental powers would,as you have said,produce a powerful race.

and dread in reply to you why would they wage a war against us while they still need us?they would cut off one of their main lifelines.

and in reply to the shared fate question,people who have apparently been impregnated have been told that the program is to ensure we do not follow the same fate,which is why it was theorised that certain technology could be the root of it.

as azza pointed out we would appear to be primates to them.

the idea of an ATS debate on this matter sounds interesting.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
Am I a hypocrit for what I said? Of course I am, but I did it knowingly and for a reason.

No justification neccessary. Everybody caught the glaring discrepancies in your tirade on behalf of the downtrodden.

[edit on 6/9/2004 by Sinobyte]

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by AlphaOfTheOmega
1) please dont turn this into a flame war.its childish and immature and isnt constructive to the debate.

I agree...and yet...I'm accused of it lol

Originally posted by AlphaOfTheOmega
2)i never said i wholly believed in the hybrid program theory,i have merely seen lots of interesting and compelling evidence and think its a distinct possibility.unfortunately i neglected to begin my thread with my traditional opener. "The Following thread assumes the following are true/plausible." that is designed to stop debate and ensure we all work on the same wavelength.

Nobody ever said you did claim to believe it in but your wording indicates you do. You asked questions in your first post as if this wild theory was fact and common knowledge. There isn't alot of compelling evidence to support this "theory", if there was, you would have posted it already in order to offer something worthwhile to this debate. Is it possible that there is an alien hybrid program? I suppose if anything is possible if I'm willing to suspend common sense, stop all critical thinking and blindly accept whatever is set before me. You probably should continue to use your traditional opener because honestly...this theory is complete garbage.

Originally posted by AlphaOfTheOmega
3)i could find masses of evidence to support the theory.granted there is no absolutely conclusive evidence there is still enough for me to acknowledge the distinct possibility.also if nothing else there is always the stories (im aware they are not 100% proved/accepted) of the Dulce Floor 6"Nightmare Hall" experiments.

If I worked long enough and hard enough I could prove that Elvis was the Christ child and died for our sins...that doesn't make it correct or worth beliving in. I could relay stories of Elvis doing miracles but honestly unless I told you it was all made up...would you believe it? Even if I provided biblical evidence?

Originally posted by AlphaOfTheOmega
4) i respect your opinions but i ask that you would merely post your reasoning before blatantly attacking a theory without support or evidence.

I respect responsible UFO community members and their ability to recognize silliness as silliness and theory as theory but once again...this post was not offered up as "theory" nor was there or has there been any evidence to back this "theory" up. I think it's only fair that if the skeptic is asked to provide support or evidence of their disbelief there should be some kind of attempt at presenting evidence upfront by others first. you have any evidence to back this theory before we start drawing conclusions to your questions?

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Sinobyte
I'm sure it looked good as you typed it but I'm not on "every" topic in this forum. Just the ones I choose to voice my opinion about...

Does that send your day into disarray? Would you like to show everybody how "open minded" you are and provide proof so an intelligent debate can take place or do you plan to whine about my replies from here on in?

[edit on 6/9/2004 by Sinobyte]

Very good Sinobyte, I see we got your blood pumping. And to answer your question, my day is going quite nicely, thank you for asking.

On topic:
My idea of being open minded is not to rule out any plausible event. Who is to say Aliens do not exist? Do we have proof that they don�t exist? No. Do we have cold hard proof they do exist? No. At least I don�t, and neither does the open scientific community. Of all the millions of planets in the universe, why would we be so cavalier to say that Earth is the only planet that contains intelligent life?

Since there is no evidence of either possibility from my knowledge, let�s say that they do exist for a moment. In fact let�s say many variations of intelligent life exist on various other planets within the infinite universe. If we consider this for a moment as true, then would you believe that an intelligent life form would seek out discoveries, learn and evolve thought and experience? And of all the combinations of such extraterrestrial life, that one would decide to experiment on what it saw as a lower life form? Why not, we do on animals. We can not communicate as intellectual equals to animals � we never know exactly, in words, how they are feeling about us cutting them open while alive or rubbing toxic carcinogenic chemicals in their eyes in the name of science.

This being said, I would say that it is plausible that there could have been random encounters. Of all the combinations and possibilities, they could have technology that can block our memories. As far as a hybrid program of large proportions, I�m sure we would have had factual evidence by now. However, we are only beginning to understand how proteins fold, how genetic DNA mutates for good or bad and how awareness of ones self really comes about. So until we really understand the human baseline, how can we compare and judge if anything in our genetic makeup is being modified?

I�m �open minded� to both arguments�as long as the argument contains good, thoughtful content and humility. You do not have proof they do not exist, I do not have proof they do exist. So really this is more of a philosophical arguement.

It wouldn't be much fun if this was a Proof Only website - If I want real proof, I'll have to experience it for myself - otherwise I'll have to read a scientific encyclopedia or if I'm feeling lucky, the national enquirer and believe what I am reading.

Deny arrogance...

[edit on 9-6-2004 by 1998OX4]

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 11:47 PM
To deny ignorance is to claim to be educated in a certain topic. You've already made it known that this topic cannot be proven on either end of the essentially...on this subject, we are all ignorant...and arrogant in it.

The word "ignorance" gets tossed around on this site like it's a catch all insult and tends to be used quite a bit against skeptics on this board but a major portion of this boards posts and theories are based on being ignorant of the facts. You might want to ask yourself if "deny ignorance" applies to everybody who posts on ATS including yourself or just those whose posts & opinions you dislike. Your answer might be far more arrogant then you'll admit.

[edit on 6/10/2004 by Sinobyte]

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 12:54 PM
brilliant posts the both of we can all work are right though OX4,the best proof of anything you might see on this site is seeing it yourself.but unless anyone here has a degree in Biogenetics and an uber powerful microscope that aint likely to happen lol.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Sinobyte
To deny ignorance is to claim to be educated in a certain topic. You've already made it known that this topic cannot be proven on either end of the essentially...on this subject, we are all ignorant...and arrogant in it.

The word "ignorance" gets tossed around on this site like it's a catch all insult and tends to be used quite a bit against skeptics on this board but a major portion of this boards posts and theories are based on being ignorant of the facts. You might want to ask yourself if "deny ignorance" applies to everybody who posts on ATS including yourself or just those

whose posts & opinions you dislike. Your answer might be far more arrogant then you'll admit.

[edit on 6/10/2004 by Sinobyte]

Wait a minute. Did I say you were arrogant or ignorant? Did I direct that comment to anyone in particular? I don't think so. But I knew you would get all hot and heavy over it - that's why I made it obvious at the end - just to get a rise - no harm done. You did however say I was a dimwit, a fool (in another forum) and challenged me to try to "prove" how I was open-minded (in this forum). I responded to the challenge and you reply in such a manner - no harm done there either. You're hilarious!
You did state your points, and I've read them. Very good. Have a good night.

If you'd like to look at this as a good thing, we got more posting points.

deny naughtiness...

[edit on 10-6-2004 by 1998OX4]

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 12:38 AM
Hot and heavy over a post?
lol whatever gets you to bed at night. If you made it obvious why would you be asking if I assumed it was for me? You didn't get a rise out of got a reply on a messageboard. I see that I have most definitely affected you for you to be recalling instances in which I've insulted you though so it seems somebody has gotten a bit worked up but unfortunately, it's not me. That explains why you seem to be posting against my opinions instead of sticking to the topic. Oh for the whole extra points thing...I have 7,000 points on my original forum name...I don't see the need for them.

Have a good one.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 11:33 AM
lol this is so funny to watch.there should be a grudge forum where people have flame wars and there should be a judge for who gives the most unique insults lol.aww well even your flame war has an advantage: it gets me closer to RATS!yey!lol.i can see this post has bogged down into a quagmire so let the flames begin!lol

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