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San Diego Faces Own Medicine as Arizona Residents Cancel Travel Following Boycott of State

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posted on May, 18 2010 @ 12:30 AM
Governor Brewer is starting to act like palin, oops too late she is already friends with palin, associating with palin bad move politicially. Only serves to make brewer into another palin, and you all saw how fast palin and mccain lost the presidency. Brewer will be just a memory of the past soon, I'm sure she'll be removed from office replaced by someone with a better mind, and not so crazy. Brewer is making enemies, look at the suns, they don't like her or her politics. Arizona citizens should vote her out of office or look to impeach her. Brewer is going to cost the state possibly millions in revenue, time for a change of governor I think. Look around people you really want more crazy laws passed by a buddy of palin's. Having Palin back brewer doesn't show her to be very smart. I wonder how long it will be before brewer has things written on her hands.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by network dude
Link to Article

Arizona tourists are biting back against San Diego for its city council's decision to boycott the Grand Canyon State over its immigration law signed by Gov. Jan Brewer last month. Would-be tourists have notified the San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau and some hotels that they are canceling their scheduled travel to the coastal vacation destination, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. According to the newspaper, the convention bureau has received about 25-30 emails from Arizona residents, with some saying they are canceling their reservations and taking their money elsewhere.

This is an interesting twist. The boycot seems to be backfiring on them. With an already shaky economic base, the tourism industry is going to take the fall on this one.

“It’s sad that people would cancel their plans to come here in reaction to that, but I still think we did the right thing,” Jackson told the Union-Tribune. “Certainly, we know how important tourism is to San Diego, and it wasn’t my intent to impact the tourism trade.”

"oops. My bad" doesn't seem like it will cover this.

karma's a bitch

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:48 AM
I am behind Arizona doing something that the feds have failed miserably to do. The USA is THE ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD that doesn't physically protect its borders, and this has always mystified me. Dont our leaders think we are worth protecting in this manner???

But this Cali boycott thing....ugh BAD juju for Cali.....
The first thing that came to my mind is the Glen Canyon Dam is IN Arizona and providing Cali with much of its power and about all its drinking water.
....WHOOPSIE! big boo boo there if Arizona wants to SERIOUSLY boycott Cali on multiple levels, Arizona has Cali by its suntanned balls. I do not believe there is an actual 'LAW' requiring Arizona to provide such things for Cali....

[edit on 18-5-2010 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by network dude

It seems to me that politicians react so as to get votes. I suggest that everyone who lives in San Diego take note of each and every city council member who has voted to boycott AZ and boycott that councilman at election time.

The simple truth is that if these same illegal immigrants were to be employable in Mexico building cities, with hotels, restaurants, banks, city buildings, etc. and stay at home they would probably draw the American tourist to Mexico cities to spend their money.

The Illegal immigrants need to take a look at themselves, and ask themselves, what is that they have done for Mexico? Anything at all? Just vacate it.

I live in Arizona and I see the news stories about the illegals. Businesses, schools, and medical services suffer as well as the illegals themselves, whether they are from Mexico or other places south of the border.

The truth is that most end up holed up in some wait house until someone breaks the story to the local police and then they are rounded up and sent back to Mexico or to jail.

Most do crime. What else can they do? Were they literate capable of sustaining themselves they would not be sold out by coyotes thinking that America is a panacea for their problems.

The situation is dreadful. San Diego City Council is acting improperly, only thinking that maybe they can get a few votes (illegal) as most in southern California feel pretty much the way that we in Arizona feel.

I applaud the governor for her stand! We all want the laws to be enforced. Joe Arpaio has done a great job!

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by network dude

Awesome....This is one of the best things i've heard all year. Every year the Arizona folk invade. Having worked in the tourism business (Hotels), this is seriously the best thing I've heard and since I no longer work in that business.....THANK GOD!!

No offense AZ folk, as I know you are not all like this, but if I ever had to serve another snot nosed 17 yo "extreme sport" A-hole driving an Escalade and speaking down to me and everyone else like slaves the kid would of had to valet his Caddy from the out of the marina along with his skateboard and coke stash. Imagine 1500 "Pink" and "Cory Hearts" descending upon you at one time talking at you like you don't understand english and just how quickly that would get old....

Awesome news....Thanks


posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:05 AM
San Diego not happy, no tourist, dumb "A" city council and mayor. Not getting tears from me, it's Karma time.

When more states, NM and Texas decide to lock down the border what then for the boycotts?

Maybe Arizona should start border patrol between themselves and California! That will make the SD & SF boycotts easier AZ will enforce it for them.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:12 AM
makes me wonder if any of these politicians are looking at the really important issue here
That being the baseball schedule
diamondbacks/padres tickets anyone?
Or maybe they're already working that exclusion clause into the boycotts?

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by crafty_gnome

I guess so after reading this from your article:

"Visitors from Arizona, who number 2 million a year, are a major component of San Diego’s tourism industry, contributing roughly $800 million to the economy, the visitors bureau says. "

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by MisticDragon
Governor Brewer is starting to act like palin, oops too late she is already friends with palin, associating with palin bad move politicially. Only serves to make brewer into another palin, and you all saw how fast palin and mccain lost the presidency.

What does that even mean? Brewer's leadership is now sought everywhere. I would definitely like for her to castrate our governor as he does jack around here. To bring Palin in this argument just shows how your partisan mind can not comprehend the vast support this bill has which was already on the books as a federal law.

Brewer will be just a memory of the past soon, I'm sure she'll be removed from office replaced by someone with a better mind, and not so crazy. Brewer is making enemies, look at the suns, they don't like her or her politics.

So now the suns represent the entire citizenry of Arizona?

Did you even get to see the latest polls? She is making friends where she never had. Her approval rating jumped considerably since she passed the bill. Time to wake up from the Kool Aid Drinkin' slumber. Did you even read the Arizona Bill or just jump on the bandwagon like Holder, Obama, Napolitano, & all those shouting Nazi.


Arizona citizens should vote her out of office or look to impeach her.

Ah, The thing is ARIZONA Citizens can only vote. And by looking at the polls, she isn't going anywhere unless she was to be nominated for Presidency.

Brewer is going to cost the state possibly millions in revenue, time for a change of governor I think.

"I think" about back up your comments with proof. Brewer is going to be saving Arizona Billions by tackling this Illegal problem.

Immigration costs rising rapidlty new study says, reaching over 2 billion dollars in Arizona alone.

Look around people you really want more crazy laws passed by a buddy of palin's. Having Palin back brewer doesn't show her to be very smart. I wonder how long it will be before brewer has things written on her hands.

Having Palin around, Palin is a lot smarter than our sitting POTUS. Palin knows the constitution. POTUS doesn't even know who wrote the constitution. Here I have a video for you....

Is he smarter than a 5th grader?

[edit on 18-5-2010 by prionace glauca]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
Heil VolksArizona!!!

Let California revel in wealth as others from not only US but other parts of the world descend upon SD for being supportive of human rights, while fellow volks here live on potatoes and kick every latino butt out of this Aryan State!

After the latinos go, let's target the blacks, the chinese, the jews, and everybody else till I alone remain!!!!!

Heil Fuhrer Jan Brewer!

Seig Heil Arizona!!!

Schutzstaffel SS Heinrich Himmler
Generalbevollmächtigter für die Verwaltung

[edit on 17-5-2010 by SeekerofTruth101]
Well since you're comparing Arizona's immigration law to the nazis, how about I compare your debate tactics to that of Glenn Becks? Glenn Beck compares a lot of things to Nazis too. If this is the opposition's best argument against Arizona's Law, then I say Arizona wins by default.

Originally posted by circuitsports
Damn there are alot of stupid people on the interwebs - 20-30 whole people boycotting SD OMFG!!!!!!! noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
You being one of them. Read the article before posting, or in this case read more than the top half of the OP.

[edit on 18-5-2010 by technical difficulties]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by technical difficulties

those are the posters who won't be back after their drive by. It is a waste of time asking them to actually read the article you post. It's essential to have all pertinent information in the title to the thread or they miss it. Reading not bing one of their strong points. Sometimes I purposely mislead the point by titling the OP completely off topic to make these folks look even stupider. they never disappoint.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by technical difficulties

Seriously, this guy is a troll... he shows up a couple of times per immigration thread, doesn't read anything past the headline, leaves two or three paragraphs decrying human rights violations, facism and calling those who want stricter border control nazis and then leaves... waste of carpal tunnel to respond IMO.

Don't feed the trolls...

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 01:00 AM
I live in SD and I think it's just dumb. I totally agree with Arizona and its laws. In fact I think we should just put up motion tracking automated 50 cal robot turrets and a minefield all along the border. Then we need to catch all the illegals, confiscate all of their belongings, banish them back to their country of origin. Then we need to find all of their children and revoke their citizenship and banish them back to their parents country of origin. Then we need a law that says "If you only speak spanish, go back to mexico."

We have a process for legal immigration, use it or get out.

if we got rid of all the illegal immigrants, the unemployment problem in the USA would be solved. Medical costs from uninsured illegals would be solved.

Every day I deal with you people, you illegals, with your 17 screaming kids, none of you speak a damn word of english, or pay taxes, and when you get sick you fill up our emergency rooms, and you don't even have insurance and we all end up paying the bill for you. On top of that, every cent you make goes back to mexico to your impoverished relatives. Why do we put up with this? if you are here illegally you should leave or die. I don't care which.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 02:21 AM
"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people".

**Theodore Roosevelt 1907

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by romanmel

Great idea if California is so worried and so compassionate why not open the doors to your state then they wont have to go to Arizona. The fact is there is a legal way to gain citizenship to our great nation and these people chose to break our laws they are criminals and should be punished. I for one will be happy to join the boycott of California my brain has been rotted enough by Hollywood anyway and i will be cancelling my farmers insurance (just got a proggressive quote its a little cheaper anyway Hopefully there not from California if they are someone please let me know). As a Former resident of the great and Beautiful state of Arizona I salute you keep fighting the good fight and If California doesn't like it well really who cares.:up

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 02:25 AM
ooops sorry

[edit on 19-5-2010 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by Legion2112
reply to post by technical difficulties

Seriously, this guy is a troll... he shows up a couple of times per immigration thread, doesn't read anything past the headline, leaves two or three paragraphs decrying human rights violations, facism and calling those who want stricter border control nazis and then leaves... waste of carpal tunnel to respond IMO.

Don't feed the trolls...
I kind've assumed that he was serious. After all, there are some people who think like that, so I figured maybe this guy is for real. Why isn't he/she banned yet? Isn't trolling against the T&C or whatever?

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Legion2112

Check back a few pages at my post defining fascism. Apparently this troll did not like the taste of my medicine as he has offered no response to my post. It annoys me that I take the time to construct a post and no one of the opposing view will reply to it. Is that a testament to the validity of my post?

Next time I will insert grammatical or spelling errors so at least they will have something to nit pick me about.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 03:40 PM
i wanna boycott california for giving us nancy pelosi
i wanna boycott illinois for giving us obama

simple truth is boycotting is useless.

unless you live in az what give us the right to tell them what to do?

too many self involved, self important people trying to run the universe from their own little worlds.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Dilligaf28
reply to post by Legion2112

Is that a testament to the validity of my post?

In many instances yes, though I'm not entirely sure he didn't just saunter off to another thread to test his "Nazi-as-verb" word usage theory...

There are only so many ways you can call people nazis, facists or racists before you have to come up with something fresh. It takes time...

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