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San Diego Faces Own Medicine as Arizona Residents Cancel Travel Following Boycott of State

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posted on May, 17 2010 @ 04:01 PM
Feel good politics at it's best
How dare anyone from AZ. dare boycott us?
What will they do when AZ has company from other states? Their opinion is a minority anyway. Isn't the percent favoring the bill nationwide like fifty-one or so?

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 04:01 PM
Hey atleast now Californians have a chance to supply their own economy. All the munchies that state gets is got to be a big boom for the snacks industry.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by hangedman13
Feel good politics at it's best
How dare anyone from AZ. dare boycott us?
What will they do when AZ has company from other states? Their opinion is a minority anyway. Isn't the percent favoring the bill nationwide like fifty-one or so?

That support went up now, it is at 58% approve of the law and 71% approve of the LE's asking individuals for papers to prove citizenship.

+3 more 
posted on May, 17 2010 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
Starve and make thirsty the Kalifornians!!!! We are the beast...ooops...I mean best!!!

Heil Fuhrer Jan Brewer!

Seig Heil Arizona!!!

Schutzstaffel SS Heinrich Himmler
Generalbevollmächtigter für die Verwaltung


The Nazi parallels are epic fail on a grand scale.

So other countries with borders and immigrant provisions (all of them, buddy) are inline with Hitler?

The Nazi argument is the weakest in the history of the forensic league.

Anyone else have this guy on ignore?

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Tharsis

Some people only have Nazi arguments left and racist & bigotary slangs to throw around as all other forms of debate can not be applied.

Even after a Jewish community comes out sates that Arizona Laws can not and should not be compared to Nazism.

Jewish Communities Support AZ Law

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 04:14 PM
For all those boycotters on either side of this issue I have one thing to say.

Come to Las Vegas our economy sucks and we could use the money.

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by DarkStormCrow

Well I don't know if the spenders are going to be coming to Las Vegas anytime soon, but the Illegals are definitely heading your way. Harry Reid has been paving the welcome mat for them as soon as the Arizona Law was signed.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 04:55 PM
Something is not quite adding up right in the reality column here.
Councils comprising of 5 to 9 members are being held up as the voice of millions?
I just spent time in San D, El Cajon, Escondito, Imperial, La Jolla, Hermossa, Santee, Oceanside, and used Coronado as my home base.
I spent time with a very diverse bunch, from the unemployed to the business owners, from the anglo to the latino, the young to the old,
and there wasnt one, not one, that was in agreement with what has been going on with immigration and it being out of control.
The Californians that I met are mad at their government, mad at the Feds, they were very passionate and verbal.
Yes, even the LEGAL Mexican immigrants were upset.
This isnt about nationality it's about out of control immigration.
I rode the blue line down to the border crossing and saw for myself
TRAIN loads of mexican nationals crossing back over after leaving work, and train loads riding north to go to work as well.
I didnt "do the tour bus" brochure, I did the friends and family take you everywhere tour.
The state is broke and broken, the only thing still good is the weather, that's it.
Is it an entire gangland wasteland? No, not yet, but with the trend and path its on it wont be long.
This problem also is not limited to California or Arizona, you can find the same trouble in eastern Ohio, or New York.
Turning it into a human rights violation complaint is magical and false.
This isnt about wanting to "come to America" and "Be American",
What we see is American flags ripped down and mexican flags waved around, we dont see praise to or for the country where the benefits are being attained.
The legal tax paying residents are NOT being represented in the voices of these councils or their legislature.
You wont travel far without seeing someone living under a bridge, or off the side of the road, or an alley, or hillside, or garage or storage unit.
The lucky city homeless have shopping carts,
I just spent two weeks passing out money and mostly food.
I've seen worse in the world, but on an individual level, worse is relative isnt it?
The families living in cars was a good barometer of what's to come.
My opinion, it's now beyond any type of immediate repair.
Just imagine "anyone" just coming into your HOME, uninvited, and expecting a place to stay, eat, and be taken care of,
by you, until the load is so great on you, that you fail to provide, and then YOU join the ranks.
That is the by product of unregulated immigration, that is what's happening.
Are "they" dividing us? YES absolutely.
This isnt about not caring about people or human rights, that argument is insane.
This is about maintaining a working and safe country to live in and for others to continue to come to that isnt destroyed by unchecked population.
This is about consumption without contribution, the parasitic eventual death of the invaded host.
That may sound bad or nasty, but it's a reality.
The only other option......merge.
One big happy North American Union, and that my friends is the reality that's knocking very loudly at your door,
your door that will soon dissolve into a duct taped tarp, the same duct taped tarp that you'll call home.
Mark my words.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by TheCoffinman
got an economic civil war goin on in the states... not good.

this is exactly what i was thinking... what we in the US need to realize is that we are UNITIED STATES and should be working together to better our country instead of fighting against each other and breaking us apart. its no wonder other countries think we're stupid (as a country).

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 05:23 PM
All of this would never happen if the Fed government was doing their job and protecting the borders. Instead they are more busy infringing on our rights as citizens, making wars and protecting opium crops in other countries. They seem to enjoy and promote racial divisions so people focus on that instead getting together as one and kicking out the criminals controlling our Fed.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 05:32 PM
Other places may not like what Arizona did, but that's their problem, not Arizona's. Arizona is right in their stand against illegal immigration.

If this boycott causes many to spend their vacations in more local areas that's a good thing. People should support their local economies and communities as much as possible.

A city in California trying to tell the state of Arizona what to do is rather funny actually. They seriously need new leaders, one at least, that's smart enough think an idea through before initiation.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 06:04 PM
This thread discussion below may be generating more discussion soon as a result of some of the discussions here that are also being discussed nationwide:

Don't worry. If Texas secedes, the price of gasoline should only go
up to around $10 a gallon or so for you know for all those import taxes you would have to be paying to the new Republic of Texas, an independent country

Just kidding of course, but these movements are actually gaining
momentum in more than one state at this time.

[edit on 17-5-2010 by manta78]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 06:19 PM
As an Arizona resident- born and raised...I honestly think this whole "boycotting" thing is absolutely ridiculous!! First off, Why would they boycott the state??? Who cares!!! Plus its not like AZ residents really had a choice in the matter. But anywho, let's just all get along and just make the "illegals" legal! Wow, what a novel idea!

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by berrygurrl
As an Arizona resident- born and raised...I honestly think this whole "boycotting" thing is absolutely ridiculous!! First off, Why would they boycott the state??? Who cares!!! Plus its not like AZ residents really had a choice in the matter. But anywho, let's just all get along and just make the "illegals" legal! Wow, what a novel idea!

Even more novel Idea, lets get rid of the Illegals. That should help straighten out a lot of communities and make the tax payer burden on the states near the border a lot less.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 06:28 PM
Seriously, so a handful of families, individuals and maybe even a few organizations will not patronize San Diego. That won't hurt San Diego in any real way. The impact Arizonans can have by counter-boycotting is insignificant compared to the cumulative effect of so many others around the country and elsewhere boycotting Arizona.

All the "taste of their own medicine" posts are silly. Do the basic math before you go off on the nah-nah-na-nah-nah posts.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by pajoly
Seriously, so a handful of families, individuals and maybe even a few organizations will not patronize San Diego. That won't hurt San Diego in any real way. The impact Arizonans can have by counter-boycotting is insignificant compared to the cumulative effect of so many others around the country and elsewhere boycotting Arizona.

All the "taste of their own medicine" posts are silly. Do the basic math before you go off on the nah-nah-na-nah-nah posts.

I guess you have not been paying attention to the posters and news media reporting about the other 13 states taking up Laws similar to Arizona. Have you payed attention to the polling out there from several MSM outlets.

The least favorable poll toward Arizona's Law was 58% majority approval up from 51% and with 71% of majority Americans supporting LE's to ask for papers to verify citizenship status.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by pajoly

If members of the San Diego Convention & Visitor's Beureau are being quoted in a national article about how fragile their economy is, do you seriously think they're not worried?

All I'm saying is, if I'm in the SD tourism business, and if the cancellations of a "few" hotel reservations and group functions from AZ aren't keeping me up at night, I'm not taking questions from people wanting to know if it bothers me...

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by network dude

Don't mess with Arizona. I'm glad these beatnik San Diegons got what was coming to them.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 08:32 PM
this immigration issue is a pathetic attempt to divide the states against each other. California boycotts Arizona what the funk does that even mean? Maybe the whole country should boycott california or better yet just get rid of Arnold. Pick any one of Arnold's movies and the main character would kick the governor arnold's behind. What a sell out.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by pajoly
Seriously, so a handful of families, individuals and maybe even a few organizations will not patronize San Diego. That won't hurt San Diego in any real way. The impact Arizonans can have by counter-boycotting is insignificant compared to the cumulative effect of so many others around the country and elsewhere boycotting Arizona.

All the "taste of their own medicine" posts are silly. Do the basic math before you go off on the nah-nah-na-nah-nah posts.

Guess this why the San Diego Convention and Visitor's Bureau already have a letter drafted that they were going to publish. Doesn't seem to be a knee-jerk reaction to me. They decided against publishing it, but just that it was written and they were already considering it says a lot to me.


Just a day after drafting an open letter to the state’s residents to be published in The Arizona Republic, the San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau concluded that it would be best to hold off on pursuing an attention-getting move regarding the increasingly controversial legislation.

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