posted on May, 21 2010 @ 01:39 AM
A subject like this having no right or wrong belief has to first address the question: "Does your opinion help you feel more of a participant or
outsider concerning God/universe/etc? For me to ponder a god concept, I can't look at it from the self identity (ego) of a single being. We have
those who think it's all controled or begun by intent. An act of changing something from a locus of identity. Thats God as a smarter, wiser, version
of us who has a realy nice house. To me no one created a nonexistent God. Or everything is random untill after once apon a time antireality self
organized to construct what we call physical laws, that direct self assembly of everything after. I got lots of problems with both. To me God, source,
etc. is not a single identifiable being. That would mean ego, or identity isolated from everything else. It's hard for us to experiance other
structured systems; personalities, physical world, because it's all filtered through our ego. No ego and we don't percieve, we become. Our
perspective is why we once placed Earth (us actualy) at the center of the universe. People back then were'nt stupid, I mean that's the sky as they
saw it. They just diden't appreciate what you experience may be a by product of something else. Such as the universe as hologram, or process at the
quantujm level.
But if there is no traditional God, does that mean s*** happens? OK, some time's. But it's a lot more then that. One concept we don't like is
eternity/infinity. To me infinity is a state of mind. To us we see time from the ego enslaved perspective "me", and everything else. Time happens to
us, it's a road were we percieve change. We view time from a fixed frame of reference. Time doesen't move, information creating our reality, and the
organized change that creates it is dynamic. If were in a multiverse then our universe has an organization that like everything, first "realized" by
Source, is information. The process (change) and product (a point of potential that is not changing next to what is ) create the reality of our
physical universe. If we are part of a hologram that is the side affect, or music, the instrument being source. I don't think the universe is a
machine who's goal is take a few atoms and make things out of bigger atoms, rinse, repeat. We are not part of the universe, we are the universe. So
is everything else. I don't see our universe as made up of different parts like a machine, were a machine is a means to a goal. We see our universe
controled by law's that don't change*. And were made of the same atoms, etc as the universe. Everthing loud, lumpy, or befuddled must lead, follow,
or get out of the way. To us eternity is a clock that never stops. We react in the view there is only past and future, because the present is an
infinitly short time. But I view the Source as dynamic, has no past or future only now The information it manipulates as process, product, and
manifistations like us, are creation itself. Creation is also a process, not the result. Source creates, does not just experience but is, well,
One charecter of our universe we know, it has at least one species with an individual ego derived identity.I see what we call evolution happening at
many leves. As intelligence and organization increase tools can modify an environment. That is a problem at our stage. We are with in a ecosystem that
is an interactive sytem. It will react to attack I don't think like a "me and the lice" context. Anger needs personality. And personality by
definition has an agenda. But it will still react the same if we keep trashing the Earth. It will throw up. In the same way I think our universe has
instinct. Everything we know and don't know that we are is a "change agent" on everything else. When our perspective change's it doesn't devalue
what it was, that new way of seeing something make's the experience richer. Like going from black and white to color. If our universe is loaded with
ego aware beings, that may be expressed on a cosmic scale. That "fingerprint" may be expressed as a topology, or appearence. While I don't see it
becoming a single self-identifiable mind, it could have some kind of instinct driven behaviour, and dynamic evolution. Not just adapt but anticipate,
and mabey run simulations on options.
I guess the God/no God are asking the same question. I can't accept a traditional monotheistic meglomaniac, or a by stander who's just to busy to
stop genacide, or earthquakes. What we call good and evil are what we think they are. It makes sense being a consequense of awareness/creation Source
is more then just aware of us, it is us. If we are a manifistation of creation, that process may be understood less as an equation, and more a
gestalt: It may be sensed as a mood. Concepts we think good and evil because it's based on how does it affects us. People who think as others only as
something to consume for their gain rarely win the Nobel. People who do the right thing because it is, are not affraid and better at seeing through
others eyes. That's a little peek of another reality. It can be euphoric. I think good/evil concepts might be information increasing in complexity
yet efficiancy. Disorder is unfocused potential. If driven by an awareness it is ordered, it would see Source as chaos. To us the "awareness" of
order by chaos is false.
Just as our reality is a divine hologram, which means everything, atoms, to personalities, to how it's geometry affects nonlocalized awareness. When
you can't define but have a feeling something "fits", has harmony, a hidden meaning (be careful), or we think is beautiful, it's the signature of
our hologram,so to speak. Being part of the reality we percieve we things like reality annoy us not because were stupid, but we don't ask what, how
why. It's like we see the universe from inside a ping pong ball. We just don't know it Our own universe affect's source like a hologram. I said
what we are/feel/dream is known by source because it understands our reality through us. It becomes the thing, actually always was, what it
experience's. So to say it feels joy, it is. Because we like it, it does to. When we feel pain or rage or fear, it does to. Not just as disorder, but
as we do. Even if someone like's it, it doesn't. Being the idea behind our universe of course sourse does not think it's "reality". Perhaps one
of many possibilities.
In th end, each universe will have it's own laws, perhaps. I like the idea God got the title not when created, but became aware. I think our
perception of what we consider existence before and after death may or may not be unique to our universe. But this topic fits in with an applied habit
of assuming things are not what they seem. Not always involving deception, sometime's unanticipated consequence's. Usually works, and sometime's it