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Lady with flames for hair?

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posted on May, 16 2010 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Hey, BFFT, I want to apologize for hijacking your thread. You can tell I'm one of those first-class ass holes from Texas who has to come stomping in and ruin the party.

But, then, down in Texas, when you get a bunch of us first-class ass holes together with some Shiner beer and ZZ Top and them fine Texas wimmenz, you got yerself a goddamned blowout party!

Anyway, sincerely, sorry for hoggin' the thread.

— Doc Velocity

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

wasn't exactly as you described, but had many, many recurring dreams of a woman all aflame as a youth. never really put any "supernatural" meaning behind it though. was just another of many recurring dreams to me.
First I've heard of anyone else having something similar though.

ETA: do recall that I always referred to her as the "fire witch" in my own consciousness.
also was about the same time frame you speak of, very early 70's

[edit on 16-5-2010 by reticlevision]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

I get this feeling that you are being taught something. This ongoing connection with the number 5 means something. I just don't by the cookie-cutter numerology analysis. Most numerology is a bit too pat for me. I don't know what it all means but it may all come together for you. Perhaps one day you will see five UFOs or five aliens. It would all be part of the same SPIRITUAL expereince.

[edit on 16-5-2010 by Tiger5]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

BFFT I feel strongly that you should always remeber to honour your ancestors especially the one that came to you. I hope that this does not clash with your current religious perspective but there are so many cases of our linear ancestors still being with us and watching over us. THe catholics have a good idea in that they say a mass for the deceased whenever they feel like it.



posted on May, 16 2010 @ 04:55 AM
Very interesting story. Honestly there is not much I can add other than my own story, which fits in loosely.

When I was about 14 years old I lived in a house out in the country. I had several experiences in this house but I will save then for another day. One night in my room I was laying in bed wide a wake. I had only just laid down for about 10 minutes. The lights were out and everything. If I recall correctly it was right around 11:30-12:00 at night.

So all of a sudden an overwhelmingly oppressive feeling enters the room. Because this was not the first time (Or last time) I had an experience I was not scared at all. I did not know who or what had just entered my room, but I did not want it there. The feeling it brought with it was a very unwelcome one.

Instinctively I asked out loud, "Who is here" and an answer came to me... almost telepathically. The answer that was sort of, put into my head was "bad fire man". Now I don't mean bad fireman like a guy who sucks at fighting fires. I mean it just as it sounds. A bad man of fire.

I never did see anyone or anything but some how, I could just tell this bad fire man was standing in the far right corner of my room by the closet. As I said before I did not want him there, so I made it known saying something along the lines of "You are invading on my private property. You are not allowed to be here. I do not want you to be here and you are not welcome to ever be here. So leave."

I guess that worked because I felt this oppressive entity leave, and the room suddenly became much lighter. That was the one and only time I ever heard from the bad fire man but it certainly left a permanent impression on me.

All that said I do not know of any other stories or legends about people/ghost/demons with flaming hair although it seems a few have pointed out some things they have heard of before. I like this thread. Maybe we will both find some answers.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 06:47 AM
when you want to create a figure with fiery hair in photoshop, you take a photo of a person with wavy hair, tint it bright blue, and then convert it to negative image. wallah, insta fiery hair with bronze skin and pupil-less eyes. i thought about that for a bit and realized it's like a negative photographic image.

you coulda been seeing something quite blue, in the negative. if that makes sense. thinking....

i wonder if infra red and ultra violet might play a role in this.

here's a pic of a woman in infra red

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity


Your post struck a chord with me. I was your comment on being asked questions..almost being tested.

I remember being questioned by 'groups' of entities who would draw up equations with triangles and squares in them. They were drawn on a blackboard. It would always happen at night and I would wake up to find clowns or mushrooms surrounding my bed. I hated it. I still hate clowns.

I was 'rejected' by them...I remember my head hurting so badly as they asked me questions and I was crying and crying. They all said to stop and that I was not what they were looking for.

I remember the smell of them...tinder dry, like cardboard and mould all in one.

I was visited by a very tall one, one night years later. He told me he would be back later in my life and that I was a 'gatekeeper' (huh?). He touched my right elbow...and next morning it hurt like hell and was bruised.

I have had significant paranormal issues - incubus attacks...ghosts ...poltergeists ...OOBEs and shadows, etc. plus the usual sleep paralysis getting pulled from my body.

I hated the visits I got as a child and am glad there has been a respite.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Hey, BFFT, I want to apologize for hijacking your thread. You can tell I'm one of those first-class ass holes from Texas who has to come stomping in and ruin the party.

But, then, down in Texas, when you get a bunch of us first-class ass holes together with some Shiner beer and ZZ Top and them fine Texas wimmenz, you got yerself a goddamned blowout party!

Anyway, sincerely, sorry for hoggin' the thread.

— Doc Velocity worries. I was reading along until i got sleepy around 1 or so. This thread is to gather information about something that happened. I want to understand it better.

In my own mind i have most things figured out to a degree that I am comfrotable with. I may be wrong, as i know i am. But when i get better information i amend it in my own mind.

I have a hard time classifying ghosts, spectres, etc. Mostly because you cannot trust peoples stories on a forum as well as in person. It is hard to judge the level of histrionics that people participate in without knowing them a little better. So i don't get a whole lot of data to go on.

But with my own personal experiences....if i can understand them better i will get the answers i seek, i think.

Plus, this story seems to be sitting just out of reach of my memory. I have memories of my life going back to my first few weeks (according to my mom telling me how old i was when i described seeing something in my memory). Why would i not be able to remember the fire hair lady, but know that i have a memory that is lost about her?

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Tiger5

i could almost agree with you but with 1 exception: i cannot honor my father.

But yes, i understand. My grandfather was the greatest man i ever knew. I can only assume that HIS father (the one i referred to in my story) was a good man, too.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

Throughout my childhood, and occasionally in my adult life, i would have situations where i would be about to fall asleep and wake with a start. Like an adrenal boost pulled me back awake. Sometimes there was INTENSE fear. Sometimes, not so much.

But never once was it something that made me stir. I would just close my eyes and go back to sleep, in time. Despite the fear, i did not rationally fear (if that makes sense). The fear was a physical response, not a mental one.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 03:55 PM
Interesting thread.

Unfortunately, I have no idea what or who the lady with flaming hair could be, nor what she wanted. If you ever find out more info, please share as it's gotten me quite curious.

As young children, our minds are more "open". We're not bogged down by earthly concearns. We're not as straight forward (logical) thinking as we are in our adult lives. That being said, everyone I know have had strange encounters with various "things" at an early age. Especially me. My entire family has a good history with the unexplained. Some nice, some scary.

The story about your great-grandpa was just cool. I am a firm believer that our loved ones watch us in the next state of existence. (Not trying to sound corny.)

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 04:17 PM
I have some drawing skills and I have draw many times womens with flaming hairs or with a wings because its fascinating concept. I turn my attention on this thread because I have just start drawing women with flaming had just before I found this thread. This archetype is somehow placed so deeply inside all mans imagination that it must have some meaning. The evolution mus be involved. When you see a spider or snake you are afraid because our ancestors have bad experience with that poison creatures for hundreds thousands years of evolution so If you see one of them even first time in your life you are afraid. That because this is imprinted in your DNA. If you see picture of women wit wings or flaming had or both you feel mysterious fascination. This is also written in your DNA but why? Did humankind have experience with such creatures? Mythology is full of such creatures which fascinate us. There must be something behind this.

[edit on 16-5-2010 by odyseusz]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity

Originally posted by truthseeker1984
If they have this evil laugh as you and these other people are saying, well, there's probably something there (not to mention the ranch freaky). I wish I knew more about this phenomena.

Well, here's something else to throw into your research.

Years later, when I was an adult, these things made a return visit. On 4 successive nights, I believe it was, I had dreams and visions of creatures in groups of 5.

The first night, I awoke from a disturbing dream in which 5 simian-like creatures were attacking me in an empty theatre which was showing a movie about me. Okay. I woke up in a sweat from that dream.

As my eyes adjusted to the dim light in my bedroom, I saw a cat sitting on my dresser. More curious still, there were 5 cats sitting all around my bedroom, all staring at me.

I had NO pet cats at the time.

I switched on the bedside light and they vanished.

Following night, I awoke at about the same time to find 5 owls in my bedroom, all staring at me. Same thing, switched on the light, they disappeared.

The next night, I awoke at about the same time — always between 2 and 3 AM — to hear some familiar mumbling and chattering from my bathroom. I turned my head to the right, looked into the bathroom, and by the nightlight's glow I saw them — the 5 little sons of bitches that had tried to kidnap me as a kid!

When they saw that I had seen them, they came swarming into my bedroom, grabbing me, pulling me, and they were just as strong as I remembered!

It was like a replay of my 7-year-old experience. I was horrified, and they were growling and laughing just as before. And, just as before, I used the Lord's Prayer on them — I remembered its effect.

And it worked again. They fled.

The big difference was that I wasn't living on a ranch anymore, I had moved to the "big city" of Houston, Texas, and was living in a house down there in a residential neighborhood.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 5/16/2010 by Doc Velocity]

Hey Doc,

Here's something that I came across in my research today. I'm still looking around for an exact description, including the owls and cats, but this one seems to fit:

Dark Elfs:
Like lobsters, they build their homes beneath the earth. They are frequently found in houses where they prefer dark corners, only visible at night. They may be of grey, brown, red or black colours. If a house has locks with no keys or small cracks in the wood, Elfs shall come in through those tiny spaces. They have many names, such as Cauchemar, Qaalruter, Nachtmannle.


It doesn't give much more of a description than that, but I'm still going through some old folklore books from around the world (I've amassed quite a collection of them over the years) and if I find something else, you'll obviously be the first to know.


OP- So far, I have been unable to track down any conclusive documents on what you experienced. Like I said before, I have seen this biatch once in full apparition form, and other times just through the research of others. I still think that it may be a succubus, but I'm still looking for something more conclusive. I'll keep you posted on my findings.

Peace be with you.


posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:18 AM
BFFT I got to say that the lady with flames for hair has really struck me. I have poured over accounts of various traditional ghosts, fairies, elementals and so on in various cultures. So far nothing. The only remote thing that I can compare it to would be "Pink's" wife in the animation segments of the film of Pink Floyd's The Wall.

It would be impossible for an influence because The Wall was not released until 1982, which would be at least 7 years later if this was in 1975.

Definitely a mystery that has had me thinking and researching.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by Ahabstar
BFFT I got to say that the lady with flames for hair has really struck me. I have poured over accounts of various traditional ghosts, fairies, elementals and so on in various cultures. So far nothing. The only remote thing that I can compare it to would be "Pink's" wife in the animation segments of the film of Pink Floyd's The Wall.

It would be impossible for an influence because The Wall was not released until 1982, which would be at least 7 years later if this was in 1975.

Definitely a mystery that has had me thinking and researching.

Yeah, i have been left with the same results.

In 1982 i was living in Texas and my mom and dad had divorced.

I figure that if it isn't something that others have seen, it is a revelation made on a personal level. There are a couple of previous posters who had seen something similar.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I have not walked around in your shoes but I have first- hand experience of those who were idiots in life sometimes making radical improvements and becoming decent folk after death.

Just a thought. There is a sure fired way of clarifying that but it is a long story.



posted on May, 17 2010 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

ok, your account has become even more eerily similar to my father's.

location: ranch in the middle of nowhere lol

no joke. i was asking him about this,and that is what he told me. he was also imprinted by these extremely. he said that as soon as he saw these things, he reached for the light, and they disappeared. and to this day, he still sleeps with a light on.

ya i'm still sticking with the Hidatsa lore because they had a cave that they saw them come from.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 11:24 PM
Hey bigfatfurrytexan. Have you witnessed any shadow beings of any kind when you grew up? I did encounter some shadow figures at a young age. The shadow figure was almost like a cat that pounced on me coming from the end of my bed. Then my arms and legs flail everywhere, from being all scared, waking up in a cold sweat. One of my cats did die, and I know she's around here somewhere. My other cat would know where she hides, cats minds operate in a different wavelength than we do, so their sense of what's around them of what we sense is a lot stronger. But the shadow being I felt wasn't my cat. It was a frisky one!

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:08 AM
the lady with the flaming hair i think i know of this being she isnt something you want around i should know i happen if you can acually believe this believe she is opressing me ive seen her in my minds eye many times heard her voice many times often trying to get me to do things that are completely out of character for me she threatens and menipulates once shes in things change dont let her near you protect yourself she often apears as a sexy young lady naked with grey or bronze or brass colored skin always with flaming hair and sometimes with horns shes very bold with me and im now on bi-polar medication because of the way she made me act she runed five friendships that ive had for years and has made me an outcast with most of my family when i dont take my meds i often hear her beutiful voice telling me things whispering things making me act different i had a book on demonology because i wanted to know what she really was i found a description fitting her and it wasnt lilith but the desturbing thing is she became very angry when i showed my cuzin who was like my brother her true name and what she was she sent me into a fit i ended up on the floor rithing in pain and suffering inside my mind my cuzin stuck i bible to my forhead and yelled stop it and i felt a burning sensation then my body whent limp and i breifly blacked out for a minute i came to my cuzin started telling me how scared he was i didnt know what to do

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Stop moaning - you got a million stars and flags!

I love these true story things. I got all shivery reading about your grandfather.

The lady with flaming hair - do you have any redheads in your forebears?

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