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posted on May, 15 2010 @ 08:32 PM
I had forgotten about this, but while visiting with my mom early this morning (we were at her house waiting for my son to call so we could go to his
band concert...i am not "young") she reminded me of it. Problem is, i have absolutely no personal memory currently, other than the abstract
knowledge that it was a real event in my youth.
Here is the story, as she tells it:
When i was 2 i came in her room crying. She asked me what was wrong, and i told her, "The lady with the fire hair is scaring me." She said she
held me until i stopped crying, and then we went into my room.
When she turned on the light, she asked me, "Where did she come from?" I pointed to a spot on the wall. She said, "She came out of the wall?" I
told her yes.
She then started to ask me about her. Was her hair just red? No, it was flames like fire. Did she act mean to me? No, she talked with me but she
looked really scary because of her flaming head. She then told me that she could really get me to tell her what the lady said.
This is not the only such event from my childhood. In the same city, different house, i was about 3 or so. Since my father was a travelling type
businessman, i often slept in my moms bed. She slept like the dead, and not much would really wake her. We always got up really early. She has
always been the type to awake at 3 or 4 and start her day, then go to bed at 8. One morning, after she had gotten up and was getting my clothes ready
she couldn't find my belt. It really frustrated her, as i was an active boy and needed my pants to stay on. This went on for a few days.
Then one night, in the middle of the night i woke up and saw an old man standing in the doorway. He had a big nose, and kind of looked eastern
European in retrospect. But he was not menacing in any way, and appeared to be very affectionate in his mannerisms. He talked to me, but i cannot
recall the sound of his voice or what he said. I just remember the abstract notion that it was heavily accented and that i couldn't understand him
very well. He walked over and laid my belt (a yellow leather belt with 2 rows of buckle holes, as per 1975 fashion) on the chair that my mom had next
to the bed (she has always had a chair next to her bed, strangely).
The next morning, when she woke me up she asked me where i found the belt. I told her that i didn't find it. I then told her the story. She was
amazed at the story, especially after so many other of these types of stories (remember, the flaming hair lady), and life just kind of went on.
Many, many years later i am sitting at my granparents house, and they are showing pictures that they have. I must have been 13 or so. Since my
grandfather worked on the cooling systems in the Kwajelein missile base, he had loads and loads of really cool pictures and video's of various rocket
launches from the base. We often went through a new stash that they had found.
When he pulled out a picture of "Pops" (his father), my blood ran cold. That was the man who brought me my belt when i was a 3 year old. Then it
all sort of made sense....my great grandfather immigrated to the US from Hungary, coming through Ellis Island. When my mom was a little girl she says
he used to sit her on his lap and sing the National Anthem in a VERY thick accent.
I have quite a few stories like this from my life. Mostly in my far, far flung days of youth. I brought up the second story to display this. But
what i am asking here is, does anyone have any experience or knowledge of a lady with flaming red hair? Is there an archetype that already has an