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Have aliens hijacked Voyager 2 spacecraft

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posted on May, 13 2010 @ 04:27 PM
It would be really helpful if they would release the signal to the GP and let the savants out here have a go at it...

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 05:13 PM
Maybe its just me, and if Im alone here then forgive my ignorance, but I for one have a real hard time believing we are still able to send and recieve any functioning commands to Voyager 2. This thing was built 35 years ago, when our computer systems were in the infant stage, yet we somehow have the technology to upload software patches and download data from it. There are more functions available on a cheap Casio digital watch than what the entire system of the Voyager 2 is comprised of, as aknowledged by NASA, yet we are still able to communicate with it, from over 10 billion+ miles away??? Im not buying it....To me, "happenings" like these are blips to keep our focus shifted in the direction they want us looking in, not where we would choose to be looking if we were to know all of what is going on...People make the argument to others trying to defend stuff like this, when to me it seems as something that serves to ridicule us even more in the face of non-believers...just my .02

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by theQuest

The system uses radio waves I believe, which is why communication is so slow. Radio wave tech has been around forever, and our radio transmissions extend across our galaxy. There was a recent 3D movie about what we know about space, which explains how far the radio waves go.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by theQuest

As to whether we can still technically communicate with the device, of course we can. Just because we have advanced doesn't mean we can't do the old stuff. The software communicating with voyager 2 is probably being emulated on a virtual machine somewhere at NASA.

Having said that, it could be done comfortably on a £300 dell at home - whilst you're surfing ATS...

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:21 PM
Talking about messages being sent to space. Has anyone else sent information about themselves to outer space? There were two programs, one by NASA, in which I sent the name of my then girlfriend and mine together. I can't remember what the program was named.

Then there was this online game "Tabula Rasa", awesome game btw, (it means "Clean Slate")which had to be shut down. But the owner, Richard Garriott offered to send the DNA, name, and characters of a few selective players to space. I was one of the selectived players.

So my name, and dna, alongside that of one of my ex-girlfriends is flying around in space for any alien life to recieve.

BTW, about the op, let's wait and see what they say about it. It is wierd that part of the returning data is being send in a format which they can't identify. Dunno what to think of it. There are so many possibilities.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:36 PM
Ive always wanted to send my own personal message into outer space, with one of those headphone and small radio dish listening things yuo hold in your had, reverse technology it somehow. WOnder if it could be done?
Time to time, if im out at night with flashlight, i always love shinning the light into a clear night sky for a few minutes..thinking my flashlight light will go throughout the solar system and space..maybe an alein race in millions of years will eventually see it

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
Talking about messages being sent to space. Has anyone else sent information about themselves to outer space? There were two programs, one by NASA, in which I sent the name of my then girlfriend and mine together. I can't remember what the program was named.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

You mean on the Stardust spacecraft? I got my name in

[edit on 13-5-2010 by Gromle]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:40 PM
"Voyager 2's initial mission was a four-year journey to Saturn, but it is still returning data 33 years later,"

Can I ask what has been powering this probe for 33 years?

There is no mention of it on wikipedia - i.e the power source (solar, batteries, nuclear etc)

maybe they're using moray free energy devices??

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by Magzoid

This should be useful, its sourced from wiki, link here - very nice read indeed

Electrical power is supplied by three radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs). They are powered by plutonium-238 (distinct from the Pu-239 isotope used in nuclear weapons) and provided approximately 470 W at 30 volts DC when the spacecraft was launched. Plutonium-238 decays with a half-life of 87.74 years,[5] so RTGs using Pu-238 will lose a factor of 1 - 0.5[1/87.74] = 0.78% of their power output per year.
In 2006, 29 years after launch, such an RTG would produce only 470 W × 2-(29/87.74) ~= 373 W — or about 79.5% — of its initial power. Moreover, the bi-metallic thermocouples that convert heat into electricity also degrade, so the actual power will be even lower.
As of 2009-09-25 the power generated by Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 had dropped to 276.4 W and 277.6 W respectively. This is about 58% of the power at launch. This level of power output so far has been better than the pre-launch predictions based on a conservative thermocouple degradation model. As the electrical power decreases, spacecraft loads must be turned off, eliminating some spacecraft capabilities.

I think its pretty amazing how these things can transmit back from billions and billions of miles away, check the image at the bottom on the right hand side, a picture from one of the voyager satellites, were just a small speck xD

I found a website that reports weekly stats on the voyager, hoped to see if there was anymore recent news on this, although it seems not,weekly report from nasa last update on the 02 april, which is almost 6 weeks out of date now, I wonder if the 'time gap' is due to these problems, if so, then the article could be wrong with its dates stating it happened at the end of the month, and it would be more like 5 weeks.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by fill0000]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 08:00 PM
if anyone can get a copy of these unknow files id love to take a look at them

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 08:27 PM
The History of NASA gives a detailed accounting about the development of computers of the era. Its rather amazing to read about them developing the tools that we take for granted today, (computers talking to each other, dual processors, distributed computing, etc.).

Chapter 6 covers the creation of the computer for the voyager.
- Chapter Six -Distributed computing on board Voyager and Galileo

Here is a pic of the Flight Data System thats having problems.

It hands off the data to an 8 track tape recorder for transmission to earth.

I wonder why they stopped their weekly updates last month.

[edit on 5/13/10 by makeitso]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by theQuest

That's because it's all a hoax they let you believe because they expect to deliver you new equipment on a regularly basis.

Old stuff don't last for only five years because it has not yet been designed to break down.

I still have a tv that works perfectly and it was the first colour tv of my grandparents.
It's easily more then 25 years old.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 08:50 PM

Well only a couple of aliens.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Max_TO
Seeing just how vast space is we must keep in mind that Voyager is very very close to us when we look at this in space terms . If an alien race was able to get to and find Voyager then we would only be a hop and a skip away . They , the aliens , would see Earth long before they noticed Voyager and assuming they , the aliens . wanted to get in touch with us they would simply pop into orbit and tweak an orbiting satellite . They would not fly light years to simply stop at our relative door step to pick a needle out of a hay stack .

None the less its a very interesting find and thanks for posting

That is what makes me think the signal source is not Voyager. Voyager is simply picking up a signal and retransmitting it. Nothing more, nothing less. Now comes the question, it it just space noise or a real signal. The word FORMAT keeps coming up meaning it seems to be more than just space noise. A bad file would show up as a bad file not an unknown format. If this is a signal that has been floating though space for years maybe even 100's of millions of years and got picked up and retransmitted by Voyager then I do not think we will ever be able to read it. We maybe getting signals like this all the time right here on Earth but with all the radios and TV's and cell phones running 24/7 we can not here them.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by theQuest
Maybe its just me, and if Im alone here then forgive my ignorance, but I for one have a real hard time believing we are still able to send and recieve any functioning commands to Voyager 2. This thing was built 35 years ago, when our computer systems were in the infant stage, yet we somehow have the technology to upload software patches and download data from it. There are more functions available on a cheap Casio digital watch than what the entire system of the Voyager 2 is comprised of, as aknowledged by NASA, yet we are still able to communicate with it, from over 10 billion+ miles away??? Im not buying it....To me, "happenings" like these are blips to keep our focus shifted in the direction they want us looking in, not where we would choose to be looking if we were to know all of what is going on...People make the argument to others trying to defend stuff like this, when to me it seems as something that serves to ridicule us even more in the face of non-believers...just my .02

I have a 8-Track tape player and a record player hooked up to my Acer computer. Old systems can be used with new systems. Back then when it was first launched the ground base side of it took up a whole room. Now it can be ran from a signel desk top in the backroom. As long as it is still working we will be able to communicate with it.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 09:19 PM
Wow that's the kind of cheesy thread title that got me into ATS!

BUt how come the NASA and the JPL just can't read between the lines? Are they THAT stupid?

It's a goddamn reply from outer space!!! We sent them a greetings message, some advanced alien civilization picked it up, and they did the most logical thing to do... sending their own message through the very same medium, so it wouldn't be confused as some weird irrelevant signal, but rather a deliberate attempt at using Voyager 2's transmitter to talk to us!

Well I just hope this is real news, and it's gonna go somewhere.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by fixer1967

That is what makes me think the signal source is not Voyager. Voyager is simply picking up a signal and retransmitting it. Nothing more, nothing less.

According to the source article, it can't be doing that:

Engineers have since instructed Voyager 2 to only transmit data on its own health and status while they work on the problem.

...which means the probe has been programmed to transmit only that type of infos, so anything else would be the result of either technical failure or a deliberate hacking of Voyager 2's systems.

Technical failure is more than likely to explain that, BUT then, why does the code is in an unknown format? Some natural EM disruptions from neighboring space bodies/waves that could have messed up the code, perhaps?

[edit on 13/5/10 by Echtelion]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by amari
reply to post by tothetenthpower

By reprogramming the computer into a different computer language and

format the aliens are showing their superior intelligence and saying to

us figure it out if you can. ^Y^

Here comes the kicker what if the aliens continue with this specific

program and they know we are recording the information sent back

by Voyager 2 and they change the program again. Then we

know this is for real. ^Y^

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 09:47 PM
why looking for aliens somewhere in space if they are already here.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Echtelion

Please read the source article

"Engineers have since instructed Voyager 2 to only transmit data on its own health and status while they work on the problem."

Meaning they switched of its ablity to to collect space data and relay any signles it may receive AFTER they started getting the unknown data format.

So my statement still stands

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