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24 day trip to hollow earth! Who wants to sign up?

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posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 01:08 AM
Actually certain parts of the poles are restricted "unofficialy" if you get my drift.

Two men were walking through one of the poles (can't remember which one and I can't remember why) but they got lost. From out of nowhere a helicopter appeared and told them they were off course and pointed them back in the right direction (which was away from the direction the helicopter came from).

So there is at least a base there, who knows what else...

[edit on 8-6-2004 by Faceless]

[edit on 8-6-2004 by Faceless]

[edit on 8-6-2004 by Faceless]

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 01:27 AM
I honestly think is bull#, but if i had $20k to throw around i'd go for the adventure of it all.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 08:40 AM
I don't actualy know, it looks like BS to me, but anyway, it's quite interesting:

I think, it's quite easy to gather many different stories and myths into one and make from that "real" theory. But who knows

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 12:22 PM
Hi there, i just posted the link, but later i found more information about that question (now i already forgot the adress) and it is told there that on the poles there are no holes for sure
it's a fake to attract rich people.

on the other hand if you have money - to travel with an icebreaker to the north pole would be and experience for sure, so whatever. I would travel just to see to be sure, that there's nothing more than water and ice.

by the way did anybody ttried to find more info about this hollow earth thing - there's a lot of theories and interesting stories about that. but it sounds more like sf not the real thing. especially that theory that earth is made of 4 different levels (4 spheres in each other). I don't believe that.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 05:12 PM
link I called up Steve Curray expeditions.....and left a message.

Within the hour I received a return call from Mr Steve Curray. He seams very nice, but I would expect THAT from somebody who wants your money to travel WITH them.
I told him about my experiances as a river guide, and a chef, and told him I wanted a job on this hollow earth tour. I told him I would bring my guitar and sing songs if folks got board....or scarred.
He told me most of his expeditions are done in the winter months due to the fact that WHERE he goes is usually winter, during our summers, and vis versa. So I guess its warmer in Siberia in Dec than in July. I dunno....

He also told me his cooks come from Chile, based on the fact they work way cheeper than americans. Plus they have excellant chefs..........CHEAP.
He said he was going to keep my number and let me know if he can use me....but it didnt sound very promising.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 06:53 PM
I thought perhaps this thread was a double post of this thread.
Although it's a different website it's the same expedition team. Anyways, I hope this helps a little bit.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 07:24 PM
The Earth isnt hollow. If they think it is, they could attempt to build a achine to take them down there just ro burn to death
. Also looks like BS. I dont think they will ACTUALLY attempt this.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 09:54 PM
Man, if I had the money I would go in a heartbeat. It would be an unbelievable experience, even if we didnt find the entrance, I would love to go there anyway.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 02:12 AM
I've been looking on Google for that newspaper report about Admiral Byrd, but I haven't come across it yet.

One thing that I always wondered about was how you would enter it, and what the gravitational conditions would be.

This expedition is by sea, right? So as they sailed upto this gaping hole (which would be terrifying in itself IMO) at the point of entry, would it be like going over a waterfall, or is the theory that the gravitational pull changes, so that you would stay on the sea, as it curved inwards and down?

Also, I wonder how it would look - this giant hole, like a circular waterfall, would there be clouds over the top of the hole, creating an atmospheric roof, or just a hole going down - if there's an inner sun, could you see the light shining through the hole?

It's quite confusing.

One thing I did think as I pictured this giant hole in my mind was the flat Earth theory - and how in the past the idea of the Earth was a flat plain, and I've seen drawings of the sea just falling off the edge, again, like a waterfall - it is a similar image.


I found this:

Which was a concise overview of the whole Hollow Earth theory.

[edit on 11-6-2004 by VelvetSplash]

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 01:29 PM
I can't imagine any way to not fall into it. The best case scenario would be that once you reached the very center gravity would pull you against the sides of the hollow core, because it's the mass of the earth which has gravity. Until you reached the center though... you'd fall towards the center of the Earths mass, and once you reached the core, you'd hook towards whatever side had the most mass before splattering against the wall.

All this, of course, relies on our current understanding of gravity, which isn't dead on. Like Einstein said- Newton forgive me. Until the unified field theory or "theory of everything" is perfected, we won't FULLY understand, light, gravity, magnetism, etc. So theoretically, there could be some strange exception to our "rules" of physics which could make all sorts of amazing stuff possible.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 12:21 PM
Someone at a rare book store in Florida told me about the theory of the Hollow Earth and where it came from. I cannot remember the original author he said but I do remember that all the information given on Hollow Earth was an automatic writing from a being who was named Satanas.

Also its strange to note, I get a vibe that this expediton has "Mormon-Latter Day Saints" written all over it. The two reasons being that, 1) Provo, Utah is the leader's headquarters and 2) The site says, "We are of the opinion that they are the lengendary Lost Tribes of Israel who migrated into the North Country over 2,500 years ago and literally became lost to the knowledge of mankind."

[edit on 12-6-2004 by lostinspace]

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 12:36 PM
If I made millions of dollars a year I might do it. But I don't and 20, 000 dollars of faith seems to steep to me.
I would like to hear the results.
I do not believe what GOVERNMENT or PAYED-OFF scientests say.
Call me a skeptic but I am considering the idea.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by The Vagabond

Actually according to our current understanding of gravity and Earth - there is zero gravity it the center.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by lostinspace

Also its strange to note, I get a vibe that this expediton has "Mormon-Latter Day Saints" written all over it. The two reasons being that, 1) Provo, Utah is the leader's headquarters and 2) The site says, "We are of the opinion that they are the lengendary Lost Tribes of Israel who migrated into the North Country over 2,500 years ago and literally became lost to the knowledge of mankind."

[edit on 12-6-2004 by lostinspace]

NOT NOT NOT...........the LDS headquarters is in Salt lake City...NOT Provo. Provo is the town that BYU is in is all.(the Osmonds live there to whooptie whoop)

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 03:38 PM
Okay, so your there taking a nice $20 000 vacation in the centre of the earth.

A week comes and goes. How the hell are you going to leave?

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