Originally posted by 23432
Jihad indeed but I am afraid you are not really clued in on the meaning of Jihad and are only thinking in terms of violence and war .
Jihad is more then war and violence .
I am very clued up on the meaning of Jihad, do not take me to be some uninformed fool who is uneduacated on such things!
Yes Jihad is more than war and violence, BUT war and violence are large aspects of Jihad... they are some of the tools of Jihad, brute force,
agression and slaying of infidels.
What a loving, tolerant, peaceful religion you are a member of!
here is the wikipedia definition of Jihad...
please click here
There was a war and one side lost and the other won . Nothing new here , is there ?
A war fought in the name of Jihad, a war that was intent on converting others to islam, does it not say in the qu'ran that those who refuse to turn
to islam will be slayed and in the most gruesome of ways? That any muslim may take whomever they want in the name of allah by force and guile?
Yes infidel , you gonna burn and burn good in hell . Come to Islam before it is too late .
Yes I am an infidel,a kuffar and I am damn proud of it! I am the thorn in your side that does not go away, I infect your wound that you call your
faith. I will NEVER turn to your sick, intolerant religion!
I will not burn in hell, you are brainwashed in thinking that all those who do not worship in the name of allah will forever burn in hell. Isn't
allah such a loving god, condemning the VAST majority of the earth who are unbelievers into hell, wouldn't a loving god offer them a chance no matter
what religion they believe?!?! Therefore, your god allah is a fraud!
"O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends."
I have friends from both faiths . You are reading too much into it .
No I am NOT reading too much into it, it says it in your Qu'ran clear as day, big and bold and in numerous passages that it is forbidden to take
infidels and kuffars as friends, anyone who is not a muslim is considered to be an infidel and a kuffar.
In not practicing what the Qu'ran says then you are not a TRUE muslim and are therefore a hippocryte! The vast majority of practicing muslims who
take the Qu'ran as 100% and must be obeyed would undoubtably consider you to be among the infidels for not obeying the word of allah...
you are a misguided individual and a hippocryte in my opinion.
"Mohammed said, 'I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, none has the right to be worshipped but Allah'.
That is right . None has the right to be worshipped but the Creator of All .
Fight , does not necessarly mean violence or war . One can have a pillow fight too .
It all depends on the other side .
Are you completely nieve?
Understand the context in which the word fight is being used numerous times in the Qu'ran, in more or less every context it is being used in a
negative, agressive and warlike manner!
Don't make me laugh... a pillowfight?!? does it mention anywhere in the Qu'ran about having pillow fights with infidels??? I think not, instead it
in no doubt talks about how the kuffar must be converted by ANY means nessacary and how the infidels msut be slain in the most barbaric and torturous
ways possible!
It's all about context and in 95% of the context regarding infidels and kuffars the context is agressive and violent.