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Couldnt charge him with a crime so they sent him to re-education.

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posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by pieman

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
They're trying to "treat" away his point of view.

For me to have a problem with that you're going to have to convince me that they shouldn't. They seem to be treating this guy differently to your average gun nut.
It would be interesting to know what your definition is for the term, 'average gun nut'.

I have a problem with a government that would enlist the services of a hospital and their staff to change a person's point of view, when that person has not shown sufficient evidence that he is likely to cause another person harm.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by tigpoppa
well lets look at the facts. he is not in the military and has alot of guns. People like this always snap eventually, especially those with grudges against the American way of life and our government. This person is from the bottom of society, obviously not a doctor lawyer or scientist. Good thing he is locked up, thats alot easier then I would have been on these liberals who cant stand our freedoms. I would suggest exectution or failing taht at least castration so this type of person cant multiply. Only real americans should be allowed here and if they dont like it and want to stockpile arms to hunt down our children in the streets like dogs, we should deport them to australia and see how they like it there.

Freedom is a precious thing and people like this only end up in towers at Texas A&M. being a ward of the state isnt enough, this is why we need reeducation camps in this country for those who never completed at least a masters. In these camps people like this could learn what it is to be a true american. Republicans are going to take back washington with a vengeance and people like this will have no place in the america of tomorrow. People like this need to be kept busy, idle hands do the devils work. We are a services economy now as per the real President of the USA Bush, since this person wasnt working hard enough to contribute I say good riddance to rubbish.

[edit on 11-5-2010 by tigpoppa]

Der Comrade!? Yesssssss, this is what we need - GULAGS!

Can't wait for the day your ass lands in one - and it will!

People like you don't deserve freedom, liberty or a right to life!

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by pieman

Originally posted by havok
I'm assuming the wife thought he was crazy and turned him in.

What's your basis for assuming he's sane?
Most people are assumed to be sane in society.
It is far better that we prove someone insane before lockup and treatment than vice versa.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:38 AM
The guy was stock piling weapons to Survive Armageddon, people that go on shooting sprees are usually suicidal and don't care about survival....

It is quite chilling that people here agree with what the government is doing... IMO its obvious we no longer have any rights, because if they can do it to him, they can do it to us all.

So much for following the boy scout motto"be prepared"

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:38 AM


posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by pieman
A threat to shoot any government who want to take your weapons is seen as admirable.

Although he might literally be "crazy", any reason to overthrow a tyrannical government because they are taking our rights away is protected in our Constitution.

We don't know that, and the article doesn't go that far into detail.

Now "shooting" them, can't make that threat.
Even though I am positive that people in this country make those comments on a daily basis.
With that being said, I don't see anyone in this country taking up arms against the gov't anytime soon.
We already know what happens to those that threaten the gov't.

We are a nation divided with views, affiliations, and opinions.
And its getting worse everyday.
Perfect way to keep the citizens at bay.
Let them fight amongst themselves.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by pieman
What's your basis for assuming he's sane?

My trail of psycho hose-beast X's.

If the word of an ex was enough to have somebody locked up for 6 months and their property confiscated about 95% of the earth's population would be in prison sucking down medication.

He was sane enough to go through all of the licensing and FOID card crap that MA puts its resident through. He was perfectly sane one day for his Class A license then insane the next?

MA laws put you under nearly perpetual evaluation to get licensed and keep that license.

What changed for him other than some ex making a claim?

Should I be able to run through the phone book and start making "tips" to the cops about all the crazy people I feel are a threat and have their property taken with nothing more to back the claim up? In CT you can do just that. I dont know for sure about MA but given what is happening to this man and their anti-gun history I would say it's a safe bet they have a similar system.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:44 AM
The moral of the story, I guess, is shoot the [snip] up if they knock on your door. Apparently you're going down anyway - innocent, guilty, whatever... doesn't seem to matter much anymore. So, go ahead, unload all of your clips into 'em before you go down I guess. So stupid, this WHOLE thing!

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 11-5-2010 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by kozmo

That's what this will all boil down to eventually. You have faith that if you've truly done nothing wrong justice will prevail then they kick in the wrong address door and shoot the family dog looking for some pot dealer who hasnt lived there in a decade or come take you away and confiscate all of your belongings because some woman whom you've never met that's been stalking you for 3 years decides in her head that you're dangerous to her and her schizophrenic world.

Justice may come eventually but in the months or years you're waiting for it you lose your job, home, friends, family then they send you out into the street with little more than a "my bad" and a "good luck."

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by kozmo


The moral of the story:
Don't tell anyone about your stash.
If the gov't doesn't have to tell its citizens about its stash, neither do you.

Oh yeah, If your wife thinks you're going crazy, you are screwed.

I think we are going to see more of this too.
The MSM telling people to watch out for hoarders, and stashers, or doomsday people.

They already want you to turn in those who only use cash.
Nazi-Style Denunciation Campaign Urges Americans To Report Each Other
Not a huge fan of Jones but this article is spot on.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

There is no evidence presented in this thread that the police acted incorrectly.
There is no evidence presented in this thread that the judiciary acted incorrectly.
There is no evidence presented in this thread that this is type of action will be widely applied to weapons owners.
There is no evidence presented in this thread of re-education.
There is no evidence presented in this thread that the guy will be detained or sent anywhere.

All I have found in this thread is a story about a guy who has had his rifles removed following an investigation based on the fact that his wife reported him to police as being a danger to the public. That hardly seems a basis for concern.

Presenting something as a basis for concern when it clearly isn't is a classic misinformation technique designed to ratchet up tension.
You seem to be indulging, I'ld love to know why.

+1 more 
posted on May, 11 2010 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by pieman
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

There is no evidence presented in this thread that the police acted incorrectly.
There is no evidence presented in this thread that the judiciary acted incorrectly.
There is no evidence presented in this thread that this is type of action will be widely applied to weapons owners.
There is no evidence presented in this thread of re-education.
There is no evidence presented in this thread that the guy will be detained or sent anywhere.

All I have found in this thread is a story about a guy who has had his rifles removed following an investigation based on the fact that his wife reported him to police as being a danger to the public. That hardly seems a basis for concern.

Presenting something as a basis for concern when it clearly isn't is a classic misinformation technique designed to ratchet up tension.
You seem to be indulging, I'ld love to know why.

Whatever happened to "Innocent until PROVEN guilty? I guess we should just base our entire judicial system on mere heresay and innuendo? YOU are very dangerous to the freedom of ALL Americans!

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by pieman
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

There is no evidence presented in this thread that the police acted incorrectly.
Arresting a man on a string of charges that did not hold up in court seems highly inefficient if nothing else.
Is that the purpose of a police force, to assist a wife in her divorce battle?

Face it, 75% of all crimes are not solved.
So, if your home is invaded, give the police a call.
They will arrive about the time rigor mortis begins to set in. The perps will be crashed out in their rooms, enjoying the profits of what the stole from your house.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:32 PM

He must also continue to take proper medication, and surrender all weapons and military gear taken upon his arrest.

I'm the OP of the original story and I'd like to thank the OP of this thread for following up on this. Kudos to you.

We all know that the police raided his home because
"He indicated to police that he anticipated some form of Armageddon to take place shortly and he was getting prepared,".

OMG and what did they find there? Firearms that they knew he owned. He was legally allowed to own these firearms because the CHIEF OF POLICE of his town approved the FID and class A licenses and the FBI Boston also approved. You also need to be vouched for to get a class A, and they don't give those out to just anybody.

Having legally owned firearms is not an arrestable offense. This is not a reason for police to be able to enter his home. They arrested him anyways and entered his home anyways.

Now all these months later we know the result. He wasn't found guilty of any crime, but he must take state mandated medication and surrender his LEGALLY OWNED firearms.

Even though I personally feel that this guy was probably a nutter I also feel the police acted unlawfully and I'm appalled that the state is mandating him to take meds.

Nothing ominous or unlawful or tyrannical about that at all.

"You aren't guilty, but you must take these meds because big brother mandates it"

I wonder if the meds they are forcing on him is "Soma" from "a brave new world"?

"When the Warden started booming, she had inconspicuously swallowed half a gramme of soma, with the result that she could now sit, serenely not listening, thinking of nothing at all, but with her large blue eyes fixed on the Warden's face in an expression of rapt attention."

[edit on 11-5-2010 by METACOMET]

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:39 PM

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by pieman

If I understand you correctly, anyone who has say... more than one weapon is a nutbag?
Anyone with less than a master's degree is unworthy and in need of RE-education?
Either you have some serious sycophantic tendencies towards those in power or you may be the one in need of meds. I have met quite alot of people in my day who had their masters, and while a goof lot of them were fine upstanding and contributing members of our society, there were a few who would be far better off medicated and re-educated. Your argument is both immoral and illogical. If the gentleman was allowed to purchase the weapons in the first place only to be vilified in the second... this sounds more like a form of entrapment than anything else. And they will be coming for you eventually. Your neighbor will probably be the one to turn you in. And it will probably happen to any of us who dare to stand up and say... "No More!"

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

In the original articles, he told his wife, "you don't talk to people, you shoot them" (paraphrase)

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:49 PM


posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:50 PM
Don't you know that if you live in Massachusetts the government knows what is best for you. You are not to prepare for civil unrest. You are not to even THINK about such things as Martial Law. This Man is completely quilty of a THOUGHT CRIME. This is Massachusetts justice, COMRADE.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by pieman

My life has proven that uk police do set out to destroy and frame people for no reason. They have been trying to do this to me for 18 years. They effectively ended my life without me doing anything wrong or acting out of character. They just went after my life as a massive vendetta.

Police should be in prison for my life so i would guess they have what they did to me to many people.

Police are murderers, and my life proved it.

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