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Mexicans have every right to be in California, and some other states

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posted on May, 9 2010 @ 08:51 PM
I couldnt agree more......every mexican can live here...

as long as they become a U.S. citizen and pay taxes and speak english.
that's what my great great grandfather had to do when he came from Germany. Why should illegal aliens get a free ride when my grandpa didnt....what make mexicans so special???
Give us your poor and your hungary .....but become Americans not mexicans.

oh by the way i doesnt matter who owned the land years ago .....i never took it from any native american or mexican and i didnt own any leave the past in the past and move torwards a better future.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by beyondsense

Land was not stolen. In the world of borders and nations, "might makes right". If the people of that area believe it to be their land, then they have to take it back.

Your whole premise was born in the prisons of California to bolster the esteem of the losers incarcerated in that lovely system. "Aztlan" is a fallacy.

Before you respond, be very careful to take note that I am not just some white guy in Texas saying this.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 08:58 PM
michigan, texas and other states are following the lead of beautiful arizona... illegal immigration is finished..
lets see what the feds come up with after all 50 states pass similar bills... what r they gonna whine about then?

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Miracle Man

Your right and it was The Pueblo Revolt of 1680 that first drove the invading Spanish back into Mexico... later New Mexico never was a part of Mexico just a sovereign territory

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 08:59 PM
Well thank you for the history lesson. Here is a little reality lesson. The US and the borders have been in place for quite some time. If you look at any country in the world, someone lost out on land rights. It happened. It happens. It is very unfortunate that Mexico is such a cesspool. I would like to keep the US from becoming a cesspool. An influx of illegal aliens who do not pay into the tax system, over breed and essentially rob hard working Americans blind is only going to make the US another Mexico.

I wish I could wave a magic wand and let everyone in the world have a wonderful carefree life filled with joy and happiness. I cannot. Neither can you. Your support of an invading country will only cause people in the US to suffer. I have known illegal immigrants good and bad. It breaks my heart to see a good family suffer, but to be honest, I would rather have us fix our countries problems first. I am sick of the US being the world police, and the worlds welfare. If we let everyone in, we will all be screwed.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Enigami
reply to post by Loken68

That's probably one of the most pea-brained, narrow-minded responses I've seen around here. " ha ha ha friggin' ha"...are you 12? Remember, land belongs to NO ONE but mother earth and The One who created it. Its the delusion of human beings that think otherwise. So many lives have been slaughtered in pursuit of land domination. The original inhabitants of this "American" land were slaughtered for nothing. Look what they've done to it, turned it into a parking lot, a smog-infested parking lot.

OP...couldn't agree with you more on this. Its disgusting what America has become. S&F

And anyone who thinks Mexicans aren't descendant from the original Native Indians, pick up a book READ for a change, stop watching yoututbe videos and reading Wikipedia.

While i may agree with you about land ownership, this is reality. Try telling your story to someone who has a deed. Tell them that they must vacate because it belongs to Mother Earth.

Reality is dictated by common consensus. Unfortunately, your true reality is not part of the consensus reality of mankind. It is noble that you point it out, but it amounts to a fart in a tornado.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by beyondsense

I'm pretty sick of people blaming Mexicans for making their way back into the land that was stolen from them. Here's a bit of history for those of you who think the land always belonged to the U.S.

Joshua Giddings led a group of dissenters in Washington D.C. He called the war with Mexico "an aggressive, unholy, and unjust war," and voted against supplying soldiers and weapons. He said:
“ In the murder of Mexicans upon their own soil, American blood shed. "Show me the spot," he demanded. ... Heaven knew."[24]


posted on May, 9 2010 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Enigami
reply to post by Loken68

Remember, land belongs to NO ONE but mother earth and The One who created it. Its the delusion of human beings that think otherwise. So many lives have been slaughtered in pursuit of land domination. The original inhabitants of this "American" land were slaughtered for nothing. Look what they've done to it, turned it into a parking lot, a smog-infested parking lot.

And anyone who thinks Mexicans aren't descendant from the original Native Indians, pick up a book READ for a change, stop watching yoututbe videos and reading Wikipedia.

You are nut's. Mother Earth? WTF? Ask your so-called native descendats what they think about your mother earth while they urinate and defecate in community ditches behind there homes. Ask what mommie terra thinks about them painting graffiti on natural structure's that our Ancestors declared National landmarks inside National Bio-sphere's. Ask these so called Native descendants if they give a crap about mommie earth.

Which book would you have me to read? Would it be the one's that prove that Desoto and Cortez wiped out the native populations of central America? Or would you rather me to read some claim to fame fairy tale's. Almost anyone can claim heritage to native American's for pete's sake.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 09:16 PM
And then the Mayans could kick out,
All the Spanish speaking Mexicans from their Country
And things will be back to Normal?
I don’t think So!
I think the Pima and the Hopi Indians
Would like a say in this!
Then some tribe from Asia marched across the
Frozen Ocean to Americas.
This argument could go all the way back to the Dinosaurs!

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 09:50 PM
Isn't it interesting that the main purveyors of the Southwest "belongs to Mexico" are a bunch of leftist that call themselves "La Raza" which means "the race". Sound familiar? Didn't Germany try out a political movement based on socialism and racism? Why are all these hippies so eager to support this sort of garbage? You are being duped.

Also, two words for you: Gadson purchase. That was sold to us well after the war because Mexico didn't even want it.

Finally, the people that considered themselves "Mexican" were few and far between during the time this war was fought. The majority of the population were Native American who really didn't have a part of this war.

The reality here is that Mexico is obviously trying to recreate the conditions that caused the hostility in the first place. They are fighting it with Catholic fertility. And eventually, maybe not this year, but sometime in the future if left unchecked this WILL start a civil war and I think nipping it in the bud now is far more humane than ignoring it and causing a horrible and painful war in the future. But most hippies can't see that for some reason. Too busy thinking they are outside of humanity I think.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 09:58 PM
I feel I'm starting to sound like a broken record.

I am of Apache/Spaniard decent living in southern Arizona. My Spaniard side of my family has been here(southwest) for nearly 400 years and my Apache side? well you know the story. When Arizona and New Mexico became states my family was given US citizenship as were all the natives, Spaniards and Mexicans that were already here. Most of the illegals are of Aztec or Mayan decent and never lived on this land. Today the reality is we have two separate countries with their own laws and own responsibilities toward their citizens. Illegals have no claim here. If they want to come here there is a process for that. My wife went through the process correctly and she is now a citizen. What is so hard about that?

[edit on 9-5-2010 by ParaShredder]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:19 PM


posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:20 PM
What gets me about some of the posters on this thread referring to how its the natives land and all that. The native americans may not have believed in ownership of the land, but if another tribe or nation encroached upon their lands they would fight to defend it and the resources of the area which they needed. The losers of said conflict were often then taken as slaves if they were not killed in battle. The land now belongs to the united states. Whether through monetary settlement or bloodshed. It is ours. If the mexicans want it back they need to best us in conflict or buy. End of story.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by Enigami

Read the "prelude to war" section in the following link.

They had too much territory they didn't know what to do with and the majority of the population was uneducated. They still are actually. The country was kind of in a state of chaos in 1821 when they gained independance, in 1846 when we declared Manifest Destiny, and now today with their STILL currupt govt. and drug cartels.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but we did the world a favor when we took approximatly half of their country away from them.

And the kicker? We didn't even know it. We claimed god was on our side. And as it turns out, we were actually right that time.

Mexico has been a country for 190 years. And what do they have to show for it? Besides millions of their own population fleeing with the risk of death looming behind every American rancher's front door, NOTHING.

It's not our fault they've NEVER had their sh#t straight. They should feel lucky that we didn't eat our wheaties one morning in 1846 and take their whole damn country.

If you don't have what it takes to protect what you have, you don't deserve to have it. And that goes for US too. America needs to wake the hell up and start taking their country back.


posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:33 PM
Quick question? How many Mexicans alive today had their land stolen from them during the Mexican-American war? How many people alive today stole the land from Mexicans during the Mexican American war? The war was from 1846 until 1848....I didn't steal sh*t and they didn't lose sh*t.

Come on OP, fighting over territories that haven't been yours in over 160 years. Surely you can come up with something better than that. The mindset you have continues today in a place we call the middle east. Lets not have that same disaster here please.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:42 PM
Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers.

Go get an army and take the land back if you want it...

Oh wait, you can't, because USA is best!

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 11:02 PM
I'm sorry but why should i feel sorry for the mexicans? Because over 100 years ago we purchased land from them and won land in a war? This gives you the right to invade a sovereign nation?

I'm sorry, but when my Grandpa moved here from puerto rico he didn't waste his time complaining about how christopher columbus and the white-man stole his ancestors land. No, Instead he learned how to speak english, became an official citizen, and married a woman who's parents were polish immigrants. But i guess him being racially tolerant makes him a traitor to his country doesn't it?

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by DeathShield

You should feel sorry for all people of the earth....they bleed red breath air like you do. This makes me sick to hear so many people on this thread just reply with an "oh well, not our problem". You've let war and silly man-made laws become more important than morals and natural law. You are all the living reason this country is going down the toilet. You have no morals. Simply because you'd help and old lady cross the street and carry her bags, or help your neighbor when they really need it, does not make you moral. You kill your morality when you turn your back on your brothers over man-made, politically-driven laws. All should be welcome to roam the earth as they please. In fact, it is a birthright. I'm well aware where we are at in this time period on earth, and that my wish, is, just a wish. But if more people understood, and lived with that thought, this planet wouldn't be in the mess it is in today.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Enigami
reply to post by DeathShield

You should feel sorry for all people of the earth....they bleed red breath air like you do. This makes me sick to hear so many people on this thread just reply with an "oh well, not our problem". You've let war and silly man-made laws become more important than morals and natural law. You are all the living reason this country is going down the toilet. You have no morals. Simply because you'd help and old lady cross the street and carry her bags, or help your neighbor when they really need it, does not make you moral. You kill your morality when you turn your back on your brothers over man-made, politically-driven laws. All should be welcome to roam the earth as they please. In fact, it is a birthright. I'm well aware where we are at in this time period on earth, and that my wish, is, just a wish. But if more people understood, and lived with that thought, this planet wouldn't be in the mess it is in today.

While you may be right (and i think you are), your apparent detachment of the reality of humanity will benefit nothing other than to bolster your own certainty that you have some kind of superiority. Ego is a hard thing to tame, ain't it?

ETA: you will not change anything yelling into a forum. The people who decide the path that our civilization will take are not on this forum. You might start with David DeRothschild. Change HIS mind, and you will start the domino effect.

[edit on 9-5-2010 by bigfatfurrytexan]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Enigami
reply to post by DeathShield

You should feel sorry for all people of the earth....they bleed red breath air like you do. This makes me sick to hear so many people on this thread just reply with an "oh well, not our problem". You've let war and silly man-made laws become more important than morals and natural law. You are all the living reason this country is going down the toilet. You have no morals. Simply because you'd help and old lady cross the street and carry her bags, or help your neighbor when they really need it, does not make you moral. You kill your morality when you turn your back on your brothers over man-made, politically-driven laws. All should be welcome to roam the earth as they please. In fact, it is a birthright. I'm well aware where we are at in this time period on earth, and that my wish, is, just a wish. But if more people understood, and lived with that thought, this planet wouldn't be in the mess it is in today.

Sorry, I don't buy that for a minute. As stated that land is our for over 160 years now. Our problems are the way our government spends our money and the way they let anyone through the border. Now, if they want to go in and take there government and adopt a new philosophy in their country to make it better, then I am with them. I will actually donate to their cause. I have also stated before that if I were them I would do the same as them. But on the flip side if they were me, they would do the same (see Mexican immigration laws). You are correct, if more people accepted the nomad mentality then things wouldn't be so bad, but they don't. Right now my concerns are where my money is being spent. It is being spent in wars I don't agree with, and the living expenses of illegals right now.

TL;DR We anti illegals aren't the problem. We go to work, pay taxes, and ask for security. The illegals aren't necessarily the problem either. It is our federal government and their reckless "morals".

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