posted on May, 19 2010 @ 05:58 PM
Here is the interview with Ulf...
K: Who are you guys? Friends, students, researchers? How did this group come together to get this done?
U: We all come from a different background. Sebastian is into extreme sports. I am more of a technician. And Miguel, well, he is just mental. But we
all share a passion for pushing our boundaries.
K: What were you doing when the idea came about?
U: We were really bored with other extreme sports. I mean, all has been done before. So we started looking for the next challenge in life. Nowadays
people can fly with wingsuits. People try to land without parachutes. So why not do what people have tried to do for centuries: walk on water. We
decided to chase after that epic goal and make a difference.
K: How many methods were tried before you decided the curve method would be standard?
U: I had a skimming stone epiphany early on so we wanted to imitate that motion. We were experimenting from the beginning with a foot-twist technique.
It kills the speed though. When we saw a documentary on Discovery about the way planets circle around the sun and basically are being kept in motion
by a constant swing, we thought about making use of the centrifugal force.
K: Could you explain the running technique as well, and how it changes from running normal?
U: There is a downward force needed and speed. We sort of lift off with every step. We call it the sewing-machine technique.
K: How were the Hi Tec shoes found on accident? Were you actively testing other products?
U: We used a lot of products. While testing in Poland, we run into a guy from Hi-Tec who told us about a new technology they use to make their shoes
very Hydrophobic. These shoes repel water so well it gives us the edge needed to take that extra step.
K: How long did it take Hi Tec to get on board with this? I saw an email saying you guys got somewhat of a sponsorship with them.
U: The Hi-Tec guy was very helpful. He gave us some shoes and merchandise. We hope to work with Hi-Tec again to let technology and human spirit come
together to make the impossible possible.
K: How long did it take to really start to see some success? When did the filming start?
U: Well, if you can do three steps, you know it works. The rest is practice, really. Via a friend we got approached for this film. It has been a good
opportunity to go out in the open and inspire people with our story.
K: How much of a hobby is this for you, in other words, how actively are you trying to push this to new heights.
U: Everything we do in life is an expression of who we are. If we would see this as a hobby, we wouldn’t take life serious, would we?
K: Have you been able to teach this to other people?
U: There has been people out there following us. It is great to inspire other people. I do want to warn people. It is an extreme sport. You
shouldn’t just go out there and do it. At the moment, we still feel like students ourselves. Mother Earth is our teacher.
K: You go into how you have to believe you can run on the water, and how important it is, can you go into that a little bit?
U; We do meditate before a run. It is with everything else in life. Unless you believe in yourself, you won’t achieve the goals you set out.
K: What do you do to prepare?
U: Lots of physical work out. You have to be fit. And as said, meditate. Besides, I drink a lot of bica’s (Portuguese espresso).
K: Do you have anything to say to the people who will not believe this is real?
U: All throughout history people have been skeptic about progress. Copernicus tried to convince people the earth was round. Not everyone believed Neil
Armstrong stepped on the moon. We don’t feel the need to proof anything. What do you believe?
K: What is next for liquid mountaineering?
U: Every next step we take is a next step for us. I mean, if we make it close to a hundred steps or so we would be truly out there in the open. At the
moment we still make baby steps but we are growing up fast. It is our nature to dream of fantastic possibilities. Imagine running on the open sea and
conquering big waves next to those surfer boys. That would be really Liquid Mountaineering. If you believe, anything is possible.