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Have you seen a dog headed man?

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posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by LocoHombre

hoofman or hoofwomen seems to always need a ride loooool

Locohobre: I don't think the grandma predicted the future but maybe new the husband for who he truly is and tried to warn my friend.

sometimes they r not bad or evil at all.

I was also told that they are forbidden to communicate with us just how in some religions it is forbidden to communicate with spirits, jinn, ghosts etc etc. Explains why they don't come out in the public much.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:09 AM
I guess in my dream the dog head was similar to a beagle or more like Snoopy's head. This thread reminds me of a comic strip. I believe the Dilbert comic strip had a recent series where one guy had surgery and to save money, he had the nose of a dog or something like that. Maybe others are seeing dog heads in their dreams.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by sallamy

perhaps, but there's still a chance.

and yes i know that they are often forbidden to communicate with us, but some dead people can possess people in a trance. i've heard some accounts, like how one person who was murdered possessed a coworker, and helped solve the murder case! no joke!

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:12 AM
Alright I'm seriously starting to freak out. All this talk about dog people, hoof people running 60 miles an hour or asking for rides, brings back to my memory a story from one of my friends.

He said he was driving down a dirt road out in the countryside. He happens to glance in his rearview mirror and sees this white doglike creature. He then said it stood on its hind legs and started chasing his car!!! He said he sped the heck out of there until he couldn't see it anymore. Oh my god. I would poop bricks if that happened.

I really like this thread.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by SolarE-Souljah

ya never mind the moccobaweas (sorry its a phonetic spelling, mainly because i am not sure how to spell it at all, there wasn't a written language for the Hidatsa or Mandan), and the /cc/ is like having something in your throat, and deep, like saying Achmed.

these were supernatural beings, like old women spirits. they would call children into the woods, and yes there are woods in North Dakota, and then their bodies would be found in the morning, drowned.

Speaking of which, one of my friends was out snowmobiling one night, when he put away his snowmobiloe and began walking home. he became stuck in a snowdrift, about waist-deep. keep in mind he had no idea about the above mentioned spirits. he said that he then heard a raspy, feminine voice calling his name. this is actually very similar to the legends.

ya, these beings in Mandan/Hidatsa lore are pretty freaky.

***ETA***:Holy crap, i just made a comparison to the banshee

[edit on 8-5-2010 by LocoHombre]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by LocoHombre

I do believe that also as I have witnessed such phenomena's. My late grandfather always visits my mum in her dreams and warns her before bad things happen to her family and it actually happens, pretty insane.

lol that dog story is scary as hell!!

I remember my aunt moved to a new house and her son got possessed, they didn't know what to do with him so they kept him in his room for a long time and during that when she sets in the living room she would see the same son running headless towards the window and falling from there. Imagine seeing such a thing every single day!! They moved outta that home and things got back to normal again.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by sallamy

omg that is freaky!

sorry OP, for turning your thread into a share-all cryptids thread, but it is very educational.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by SolarE-Souljah
Alright I'm seriously starting to freak out. All this talk about dog people, hoof people running 60 miles an hour or asking for rides, brings back to my memory a story from one of my friends.

He said he was driving down a dirt road out in the countryside. He happens to glance in his rearview mirror and sees this white doglike creature. He then said it stood on its hind legs and started chasing his car!!! He said he sped the heck out of there until he couldn't see it anymore. Oh my god. I would poop bricks if that happened.

I really like this thread.

Ask your friend....did it look like this?

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:35 AM
A cynocephalous man?

Sounds to me like a handsome combination ... very handsome.

[edit on 8 May 2010 by schrodingers dog]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:38 AM
Thanks for all the replies folks. There seems to be a lot of references to DHM in our popular culture, for example the schools mascot statue in Donnie Darko is a DHM, there is an artist famous for his DHM paintings (cant remember his name but he paints those pictures of DHM playing cards), I myself have a large statue of a Buddha like man with the head of a dog.

I dont think this is a Djinn though, I've had my own experiance with such a creature and discussed them at length with some Muslim friends in Australia. Still every opinions a winner!

As for this being a story to scare you all I can say is that this was a tale told to me by a friend, I cannot know if he was telling the absolute truth but I can attest to his honesty in general and also his lack of interest in such matters. If he made it up then his story sits close to many other experiences I've read about, which would make for an interesting bit of synchronicity in itself.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:20 AM
I was reading the link that SD posted, there is a ton of stuff in our history that refers to the dog head people. Virtually reams of the stuff.

I realized when it mentioned it, that I had been killing dog head men in a video game all along, and never even noticed it under my nose.

The Gnolls in Warcraft lol....

Dog Head people are Everywhere in our culture! This is crazy because I have never even thought about it before this thread came up.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:23 AM
This thread is fun. I've never seen any animal/human hybrids in my life. The strangest looking being I've seen, though, was driving a car...honestly, he (or she) was probably just someone with either a very unfortunate facial deformity, or had suffered some horrible accident, but I remember while looking at this person I had a really hard time reconciling what I was seeing. Basically, this person had absolutely no jaw at all. Their neck simply went straight up into their face - I'm not talking an especially weak jawline, I mean there was no apparent jaw to this person, a lot like Beaker from the Muppets. In fact, this person's mouth opened and close a little like his, too - not quite so hinged, but it looked sort of like that. I remember they were wearing sunglasses and had a messy mop of dark hair. They really kind of didn't look human, which I hope isn't too mean to say, but that was my distinct impression in the 30 to 60 seconds I had to look at them. I've even entertained the notion that maybe this was an alien, trying to pass as human...but why would it be driving a sort of beat-up, 10 year old car in a dull, non-descript suburb of Baltimore, then? Just doesn't make sense. (This all happened probably around 1996, I believe.)

Originally posted by LocoHombre
no i am not messing with you. this is a legend that has been passed down from generation to generation. idk why they want a ride, but they ask people for them a lot. ugh im shaking

So the stories of them asking for rides is a common theme, not just the two stories here? Or are you just referring to these two stories? Very strange, I wonder what that's about. It's almost like it's some sort of test...ask the person for a ride, see if they are decent enough to help a stranger. I wonder what would happen if you refused them?

One version of the Queen of Sheba story - the version from Arabic folklore that predates Islam but is included in the Koran - has it that she had goat's hooves, which was revealed when she came to a special palace Solomon had built for her. The marble floor of the palace had running water that covered the entire floor. When she entered, she was forced to lift her dress to walk across without getting it wet, revealing her hooves for all to see.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:33 AM
Im living in (IMF-Land formerly known as) Greece, in Pilion right now. This is where the centaurs are said to have lived.... and still live. The locals are convinced of this.

When this one guy was busted for growing weed, the people said he grew it near the caves "where the Centaurs live" (they used present tense).

Id so love to meet one for they are believed to be great archers and natural healers (medics), but my implanted "common sense" prolly wont let me, which i find #ty.

So thats our local story of a Hoofman, or "men"

About the DHM, propably a guuy in an Anubis costume, or even Anubis himself (well his was a Jackall-head though)

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by SOXMIS

Very interesting story... That's very weird that it kept pace with him. And the fact it didn't even bother to look at him shows that it probably knew he was there. Things like these only let you see them if they want you too.
I am Native American and stories like these have been passed down from generation to generation. I believe it might have been something like a skinwalker. But these are only in america. I am sure that beings like this are common all over the world. But it is believed the Skinwalker is a witch.

My brother told me a story about him talking to a cop on the Navajo reservation in New Mexico about skinwalkers. The officer told him one day he pulled over a truck that had expired plates. As he approached the window he said that there were three dogs sitting in the front seat laughing at him. After that he ran to his car like an olympic runner and got his ass out there. All the cops down there have stories of dog men and other paranormal beings.

Stories of humans with dog heads are common on the Navajo Reservation. The hoof man stories are pretty common in Utah and Nevada as well. The Natives believe the Bigfoot and Hoofman are Spirits. As for the Skinwalkers, they believe them to be Witches. I am not sure about the dog men though. It could be a shapeshifter like the skinwalker. Or it might be some kind of Shaman if it's outside of the United States. What ever they are I think they are all evil.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:56 PM
After reading OP's post, I can't help but be reminded of Morrissey's song entitled 'Alsatian Cousin'.

And Morrissey is, himself, from the U.K. Could he be hinting at something with the song title?

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by Shadows in Silence

Very possible, the original DHM story on the thread mine was added to on the FT forum was from Manchester, from memory it was someone walking past an empty house and peering through the living room window to see two DHM sitting on an old sofa. Dressed in checked shirts! I've got a link to a crypto site somewhere that lists a few sightings, I'll dig it out and post it when I find it.

I have no problem with people listing sightings of similar creatures, it certainly spices up the thread, as long as we can keep the main focus on DHM. Its okay to wander off the path as long as you can and do return from time to time!

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 01:54 PM
sorry, got caught up in the lulz
thought provoking stuff, akin to beast of bray road

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:02 PM
Hmmn, I actually have an account with some similarities to that. Bizarre, I know. It happened 10 years ago when I moved into the house where I'm living now. I could dismiss it as a dream but I've had a lifetime of 'out of body experiences', even shifting back and forth between perspectives of 'in' vs. 'out' while half-awake for awhile, and watching reality change (consistent to each state, but slightly-different from each other) during, and I think I was just OBE. Still I found it kind of intriguing.

I was moving into a new house, and I was physically exhausted. I went into the room that would be mine, where mattresses were on the floor and boxes all around. My dad was somewhere outside, doing some landscape work he said was needed and overdue. My toddler was with my stepmom. I walked toward the window of the room, really curious to see the back yard, which I hadn't seen yet. But I was so insanely weary physically, that despite my enthusiasm I decided, no -- first rest. And I literally just let myself fall face first, hands up by my head, onto the mattresses. But it wasn't like I fell asleep. It was like I hit the mattress and instantly was standing next to myself. My curiosity turned me to the window and I walked the few steps to it and looked out into the backyard.

The yard didn't have a fence around it yet. There were a few substantial trees. It looked like the neighbor must be out there with his dogs or something, and they'd come over to my side of where some kind of fence ought to be while they were playing. He was very tall, and dressed all in black, which looked great with the dogs. They ranged from puppy to older dog and they all looked kind of like black labs (I don't know much about dogs). He was really limber and he was running, leaping and playing with all of them, and they were all running and jumping and barking in delight.

And then it occurred to me that although I was watching them, I couldn't *hear* anything. That seemed odd. I mean I could see that they were barking, and yet I didn't seem to be picking up any sound. I looked back at the man who thus far had had his back to me, and something must have tipped him off, as the moment I realized that about sound, he whirled around to face me. But his face... was like a dog's. It was like those labs except it wasn't dog-snout, it was human-ish features, but it was totally covered with that same kind of short black fur those dogs had, and his eyes were large. As I stood there gaping at him, he was seeing ME, and he froze, and stood there gaping, as if equally amazed and shocked, at me in turn.

We stood there just staring at each other in agog silence for probably two full seconds -- and then my father, who was apparently out back but not seen by either of us, turned on a chainsaw, and instantly I was leaping up in fright from the sound, from where I was face down on the bed. I felt as if it just slammed me back into my body.

I stood outside later just pondering the lawn and trees and bushes of the backyard. Everything was exactly as I'd seen it -- except for the man and dogs. Maybe it's all physics, beat patterns and frequencies, and slightly overlapping with what I think is reality are many other realities, that being tuned to a slightly different sine wave would show me.

Later the part that seemed odd was that his face wasn't entirely dog nor entirely human, either. Anyway, because I was falling face down on a mattress about 2 seconds before this happened I realize it just sounds like a dream, but I took it a bit more literally than that.


[edit on 8-5-2010 by RedCairo]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:12 PM
a couple of years ago we had this user named "Doghead" that had some stories about dogheaded people. The stories he told were pretty scary stuff, though.

Look him up. He was banned, because he tended to be a jerk. But he had some outstandingly interesting stuff to share while he was here. What this thread describes meshes perfectly with what he was talking about. And it may be important to know, if true.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
I was reading the link that SD posted, there is a ton of stuff in our history that refers to the dog head people. Virtually reams of the stuff.

I realized when it mentioned it, that I had been killing dog head men in a video game all along, and never even noticed it under my nose.

The Gnolls in Warcraft lol....

Dog Head people are Everywhere in our culture! This is crazy because I have never even thought about it before this thread came up.

This, to me, is important. It denotes that we have found something that was hidden in plain sight.

Yeah, a little "tin-hatty", but i believe when you realize something that was there all along, it is because it denotes esoterica that was hidden from the profane by placing right under our ignorant noses.

This is something i will be mulling for a few days, now.

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