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Female posters incapable of original thought?

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posted on May, 7 2010 @ 05:41 AM
I never understood why some dudes think women shoudn't be treated as equal by men. In fact, Sumeria treated its women with equal respect. My thinking in all this is religion is where men decided that women aren't treated as equal. I always have thought that in my book women have the capable of thought and reasoning.

If we doods have the thought and reasoning just look at hardcore skeptics and hardcore believers.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by LordBucket

I thank them for their help, smile, get what I need, and go. Their disbelief in that situation is understandable, which I didn't realize I needed to explicitly state when I first mentioned it or I wouldn't have brought it up at all. They're not used to it, it wasn't part of how they grew up, I get that. I also never said I was offended when they offer their help, I said it's irritating because I already know the things they think they're teaching me.

That doesn't mean I turn into a witch and rant at them or start burning bras in the middle of the store. It also doesn't mean I tell them that I already know whatever it is that they're explaining. I smile and let them explain it to me because they think they're helping and I'm not going to tell someone to shove off when they're trying to be helpful. I just don't see the problem with me being mildly irritated over being treated like a child when I go into one of those places solely because I'm female. Not offended, irritated.

Opening doors is a common courtesy, and one I've done myself. I've held the door open for many a man because I got to it first. Sometimes I get there first intentionally to hold it open for older men just to see the amused look on their face when I wave them through first. Why? Because that amused look makes me smile which in turn makes them smile and makes everyone's day a little bit brighter for a few minutes.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by Jenna

Originally posted by Janky Red
In fact, now that I think of it, the gender slight is likely a substitute for the age old male water sport. I think it can be some what empowering to understand this during debate as it might not be apparent, because girls don't see the necessity to whiz on things when they feel threatened

I need a new keyboard now because you forgot to put a "Do not read while drinking anything" warning label on your post. And you're right, I've never felt the urge to whiz on anything when I felt threatened.

Now Jenna, moisturizing things is not what I was suggesting... I was trying to propose that ATSing should not prompt or warrant any sort of liquid discharge. The nature of the fluid and manner of its propulsion was not the point I was trying to make, clearly this getting out of control

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 05:46 AM
Now I will get flamed for this, but what the hell, sometimes you just have to say it like it is. Many women's resentment towards men stems from the fact that they are really the more insecure sex. Most men don't need to be told they are pretty, smart, funny etc. to be happy and content. Most men do not complain when they have stereotypes thrown at them and when they are judged negatively because of their sex. Most women DO!

ETA: I am referring to insecure in the sense of the need to have positive reinforcement from those around us. NOT our self-worth or ability to be independent.

[edit on 7/5/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by Jenna

Originally posted by expatwhite
You should spend less time on here, the ironing will be really piling up and those dishes wont wash themselves.......

Gets his coat sharpish

Yeah, you're probably right...

Of course he's right, he's a

Why did the woman cross the road?
Don't matter how did she get out of the kitchen? Just kidding op.

I never think about poster's gender. The only time I've found it to be a problem is when they wield it like a weapon, just as some will use the race or religion card.

Great post op. u get a star and flag.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by Izarith
I just don't understand why women care about such things. Why would a Woman care if a guy thinks she is as smart as he is.

It's not so much that I care if some random guy thinks I'm as smart as he is. It's that I don't understand how anyone could truly believe that your gender is an indication of intelligent you are.

These old men you speak of came from a time when they did all that work. To them it's not a surprise that you are capable, they are probably surprised that you don't have a man that will do it for you.

I do have one, actually. That doesn't mean I put it all off on him though. If something needs fixed and he's at work, I can do it myself. I'm not going to just sit around all day doing nothing but writing him a honey-do list. Why put it off on him if I don't have anything else important to do and know how to do whatever it is?

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
When I saw the title of the thread on the front page, I thought to myself "oh dear, this fellow is about to get his gonads ripped off by some scornful female posters!"

Yeah.. Maybe not the best of title choices in retrospect.

But come on, do you really think people think you are unable to think because of your gender?

Some have actually made that claim, so yes. Not directed at me personally, but I've seen it made.

It is pretty easy to spot those who can and those who cannot think critically using their own minds to formulate ideas and make arguments. Also be mindful that those who are against Feminism are NOT necessarily against women or women's rights. I am somebody that is strongly in opposition to Radical Feminism, but I still value and appreciate input from women and still respect them as human beings.

Agreed on all points. Radical Feminism irritates me more than sexist comments do, truth be told.

Originally posted by riley
I think you're about to be called it again.

*sigh* Yeah, probably. Oh well, it happens.

The "but you're a woman/feminist" reply is like an emergency flair from a sinking ship.

I think so. It's usually about that point someone else shows up to back up that posters point. Maybe it's some secret signal we don't know about..

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 05:56 AM
from my perspective, it's much worse than you think, and going very quickly, into an even darker scenario. it tends to extremes, as well, which makes the situation even worse.

i've been called everything, from "idiot" to "drama queen" to "ignorant" to "stupid" just because my view point is different, sometimes radically so-- because of experience.

for example, while responding in a thread i've since forgotten the name of, i encountered a gentleman that basically informed me that women weren't just stupid, but evil and ultimately unnecessary (and that's no exaggeration!). after several days of being insulted by this guy, someone finally noticed his behavior, warned him, warned him, warned him and eventually banned him. i don't usually report a poster unless i think the person is seriously disregarding the ToS, so i didn't report him myself, however, somebody did. to this day, he probably thinks i did because i was just an evil woman. he came back a day later with a new persona and started it all again , someone recognized his topics and posting style and banned him again, but not before he managed to dump a whole new load of hatred of the entire population of females on the planet.

the part that concerned me was that he represented the voices of many members of the male species on the african continent. and that furthermore, they were taking over planet in the very near future. at first, i thought he was just exaggerating, till i started reading about the places where this has actually happened. don't read about the events in south africa, if you don't want to be rudely awakened.

so op, i think your post is actually not strong enough in my opinion, because what's coming down the pike is definitely not woman friendly. in fact, this is probably the trend you're seeing. the thing that inspired the attacks on the conspiracy chicks forum, and the outright attack on anything western.

i'm not usually an alarmist, but we western women are not even remotely prepared to be treated the way many women in non-western countries are treated, and this may account for not only your shocked response to such thinking and behavior, but also the very real possiblity that the ATS forum itself has been invaded by groups of these non-western men, who beyond a doubt, will view anything you may have to say as idiocy.

add to this, if you support a political party or religious stance, which is not in keeping with theirs, their numbers will added to by atheists, making the position of the average western female a very uncomfortable position to maintain.

[edit on 7-5-2010 by undo]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

Not really tho.

I like being told i'm pretty. Hell i'm even a total homophobes but I feel rejected if a gay dude does not say something about my Latin eyes.

And i'm always being accused of being a chauvinist pig, all the time. And I really find it unwarranted. I have never in my life lied to a woman about that fact that I expect them to cook, clean for me and that I will not tolerate not getting sex when I want it. I usually get dumped right after a few months of sex.

It really sucks man.

I even tried to drastically change my ways, i offered to cook clean and give all the sex i could in return for not having to work so some one could raise the kids and again i was slandered as being a guy who wanted a free ride?

I don't get women now a day, it like a double standard. I'm expected to be a total working man who takes his gal to fancy restaurants but the second i ask for a sandwich i'm the bad guy.

It just sucks.

Everyone here might think i'm joking but i'm not

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by Jenna

rather attention seeking this thread isn't it. female posters what a joke seriously this thread is uncapable of original thought!

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by Janky Red
Now Jenna, moisturizing things is not what I was suggesting... I was trying to propose that ATSing should not prompt or warrant any sort of liquid discharge. The nature of the fluid and manner of its propulsion was not the point I was trying to make, clearly this getting out of control

Tell me about it, now my keyboard's all sticky! Is this whizzing when threatened thing contagious? I'm not going to start feeling the urge to spray my keyboard with drinks every time I debate something on here now am I?

On the bright side the stickiness fixed my broken backspace button.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by Jenna

I don't understand how anyone could truly believe that your
gender is an indication of intelligent you are.


Think of it this way: there are three possibilities. Men are on average smarter than women, woman are on average smarter than men, or on average men and women are of equal intelligence.

So, the odds that gender indicates greater intelligence are two in three, right?

In all seriousness, though, I think it would be better for both genders if we stopped competing with one another. It's ok if one us of is better at something.

So what if men were smarter than women? Why would that be a problem?

It would only be a problem if men tried to lord it over women and impelled them to try to compete with men. Yin does not balance yang by trying to be more yang than yang.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by Izarith
And i'm always being accused of being a chauvinist pig, all the time. And I really find it unwarranted. I have never in my life lied to a woman about that fact that I expect them to cook, clean for me and that I will not tolerate not getting sex when I want it. I usually get dumped right after a few months of sex.

I find those who call somebody a "chauvinist pig" are in many cases doing so because they have responded emotionally to a comment that is directed at the opposite sex that they don't like. In other words, they are unable to view constructive criticism objectively and use that label as a comeback remark to stifle further debate.

I even tried to drastically change my ways, i offered to cook clean and give all the sex i could in return for not having to work so some one could raise the kids and again i was slandered as being a guy who wanted a free ride?

Don't worry friend, you will find the right one. Plenty of women out there that love a man with more traditional views. Just as there are many who hate them but prefer more feminine males. Everyone is different. I am sure you will encounter the type you will feel compatible with some time in the future.

I don't get women now a day, it like a double standard. I'm expected to be a total working man who takes his gal to fancy restaurants but the second i ask for a sandwich i'm the bad guy.

Men and women are literally from different planets on some issues.

Everyone here might think i'm joking but i'm not

I understand where you are coming from. It is just the way Western civilisation has become. As a male, you are expected to just take it on the chin and deal with it. If you do find something offensive or troublesome, you are mocked and told you are soft. Trust me, you are not alone in feeling the way you do.

[edit on 7/5/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

Well, you've lost your honorary member status for the secret meetings us women have now. That'll teach you to spread our secrets around...

Originally posted by Loken68
Why did the woman cross the road?
Don't matter how did she get out of the kitchen?

Well see, there's this thing called a door....

That's actually a pretty good one that surprisingly my hubby hasn't told me yet.

I never think about poster's gender. The only time I've found it to be a problem is when they wield it like a weapon, just as some will use the race or religion card.

I call it the 'girl card'. I've seen it get played before, and trust me it irritates me just as much as it does you.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by Jenna

It's not so much that I care if some random guy thinks I'm as smart as he is. It's that I don't understand how anyone could truly believe that your gender is an indication of intelligent you are.

Men who actually think that about women are rare tho.

Successful married women who are more successful than their husbands are very demeaning toward their spouses.

For every dude that think a woman is dumb because they are a woman there is a woman who thinks guys are dumb because they are men.

There are people who think a different race is dumber than theirs, it just the way it is with some people. But not in the majority of people.

I do have one, actually. That doesn't mean I put it all off on him though. If something needs fixed and he's at work, I can do it myself. I'm not going to just sit around all day doing nothing but writing him a honey-do list. Why put it off on him if I don't have anything else important to do and know how to do whatever it is?

Did not mean to imply anything negative, i'm just saying that's the time they came from.

Hell those old goats back in their day would have gotten a pan thrown at them by their wives if they asked them to change the oil.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by prettygreeneyes26
rather attention seeking this thread isn't it. female posters what a joke seriously this thread is uncapable of original thought!

So... Are you being sarcastic? Or are you volunteering to be exhibit A?

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
Now I will get flamed for this, but what the hell, sometimes you just have to say it like it is. Many women's resentment towards men stems from the fact that they are really the more insecure sex. Most men don't need to be told they are pretty, smart, funny etc. to be happy and content. Most men do not complain when they have stereotypes thrown at them and when they are judged negatively because of their sex. Most women DO!

I know it is not nice to hear, but it is rather difficult to deny. This has been a fact since the dawn of time and it does not appear to be changing.

Saying women hate being stereotyped is perpetuating a stereotype. It's also baiting them.. which I suspect is what you wanted so they would turn around and complain and fulfill your stereotype. Subtle.

Women do hate being stereotyped.. but so do men. Men don't complain? Seriously? This forum is riddled with whiney guys.. especially whiney self professed "nice guys" and guys who constantly complain about women as though they are copulating praying mantises about to bite their heads off..

[edit on 7-5-2010 by riley]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by Jenna

Sorry, I often get those kinds of comments from women. It's funny, about 50% of women find it admirable, the other 50% are disappointed.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by Izarith

I don't get women now a day

It just sucks.

In my experience men who have the problems you're describing are usually having difficulties because of how feminine they are. An emotionally healthy women will generally find pleasure in making that sandwich for an emotionally healthy man who appreciates them as a woman. But an effeminate man can sometimes invoke female competetiveness while simultaneously failing to live up to their expectations, thus getting the worst of both worlds.

Trying to overcompensate by "being a chauvinist" probably doesn't help.

I like being told i'm pretty.

I feel rejected if a gay dude does not say something about my Latin eyes.

So, yeah.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

i view the extreme pendulum of women's liberation to be a conspiracy that will ultimately come back and bite the women of the west on the hind quarters, so hard, it will be horrific. i really do try to remain positive, but some of the stuff i'm seeing and reading , is just beyond the pale. way beyond.

personally, i don't care what religion you embrace, if you send thugs after women who aren't the same faith, you are as good a reason as any, to teach women self-defense.

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