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Chemtrails? Need Help. 5/6/2010

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posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:03 PM
As a few people alluded to, here in central Michigan, the skies have been clear for a week, at least. Hardly any plane activity.

This area usually doesn't encounter a lot of jet traffic.

All of a sudden today, Jets all over the sky. Many of them spewing chem trails.

Some of the jets, just contrails.

I have been keeping a close eye for the last few years and have some good pics. I will try to post them some time.

Yes they are Real!!!

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:35 PM
Someone please tell me who is spraying our air with whatever you guys think this is.....

It is just contrails from jets to me. Not everything is a conspiracy, I work around military jets almost everyday and never see anything wierd or unusual about them. The military doesn't keep harmful chemicals on standby to release into the air.

So is it normal jets that people fly all over the world then?? This conspiracy just seems a little too far fetched to me and I have read many threads on "chemtrails" and none of it makes any kind of sense.

It also depends on how fast the jets are moving and the humidity and altitude they are flying in and you will get different looking contrails.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by Reign02]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Reign02

This article could explain a few matters.

"The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."

Alexander King Co-Founder of the Club of Rome, (premier environmental think-tank and consultants to the United Nations) from his 1991 book The First Global Revolution

"We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public's imagination... So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts... Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest."

Prof. Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Biology and Global Change. Professor Schneider was among the earliest and most vocal proponents of man-made global warming and a lead author of many IPCC reports. He is a member of the Club of Rome.

"We've got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy."

Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation and member of the Club of Rome.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Northwarden

Thanks for the info pretty weird stuff

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by Reign02

You're welcome. I'm also finding this article a really good overview of the global warming agendas from a variety of perspectives.

Anyone who isn't aware yet that Global Warming is nothing but a money-making nwo concoction might want to read this. Then you can understand the geo-engineering from actual perspective. Then you can understand why it's been going on unannounced for over a decade. From the article Earth Bureaucracy – An Educated Review Of Global Governance, this is noteworthy :

More than 100 Rockefeller descendants hold a significant stake in Exxon through a variety of trusts, but the exact percentage is unknown. In 2006 Senator Jay Rockefeller wrote to Mr Tillerson urging the company to stop funding groups that denied the existence of climate change.”

Large corporations absolutely adore making new money from Carbon-Tax trading, governments giving them millions in Global Warming grants, and most of all communist-capitalism (such as China has) is a safe haven for ‘CO2 efficient’ monopolies or cartels of global corporations. The propaganda selling-point is that monopolies produce less CO2 than if thousands of little companies were producing similar products. The Soviet Union had the same line that monopolies were more ‘efficient’ but without the CO2 marketing of course. When so called capitalist David Rockefeller said “competition is a sin” that statement would come across as ironic only to those who don’t understand. Don’t understand that corporations aspire to be monopolies and get subsidised by the state. Trillion-dollar banking families through Private Trusts can own majority holdings in as many companies they wish. Because they are private it’s almost impossible to find out what companies they own and what percentages they hold. Private Trusts and Foundations are one of the loopholes to ‘conflict of interest’ laws and it’s meant to be that way. As the expression goes “those who own the gold…”

Earth Bureaucracy – An Educated Review Of Global Governance

Anyone reading this, check out this site! There's a loooot of good articles to bolster our understandings. I hope sites like it have many of their articles duplicated and saved for future reference too.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by Northwarden]

[edit on 7-5-2010 by Northwarden]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 12:18 AM
Hi, Im in South Jersey and have several threads with my images of chemtrails, and a 'ufo'...

Yours are chemtrails alright. No matter what some here want you to believe. Chemtrails are right in front of everyone, yet reptilians get more crediblity here than damn near anything...


I have about 8000 chem images now after 2-3 months.

Document as much as you can, get images of the planes, medical statistics, soil and surface samples after a heavy spraying, water samples, and anything else you can.


Telling some about FEMA CAMPS is one thing, but having them look up in the sky and say, 'WTF'! Is much easier and allows them to open up abit about other pressing things...

Good images

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by Sauron
reply to post by truthseeker1984

Contrails are short not much longer than the air craft and they dissipate quickly.

Chemtrails expand into cloud cover..

Two different animals all together.

That's not correct.

Planes can produce no contrails.
Planes can produce short contrails.
Planes can produce long-lasting persistent contrails.
Planes can hit pockets of air which makes it look as it the contrails turn "on and off".

The variance comes from temperature and relative humidity conditions in the the upper troposphere.

Why do contrails look different than we remember them as a child?

Simple: changes in engine technology, fuel composition, flight altitudes, flight paths, atmospheric temperature, surface albedo, accumulation of airborne contaminants over metropolitan areas, etc. etc. etc.

The notion of planes "spraying chemtrails" is a hoax.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Originally posted by Sauron
reply to post by truthseeker1984

Contrails are short not much longer than the air craft and they dissipate quickly.

Chemtrails expand into cloud cover..

Two different animals all together.

That's not correct.

Planes can produce no contrails.
Planes can produce short contrails.
Planes can produce long-lasting persistent contrails.
Planes can hit pockets of air which makes it look as it the contrails turn "on and off".

The variance comes from temperature and relative humidity conditions in the the upper troposphere.

Why do contrails look different than we remember them as a child?

Simple: changes in engine technology, fuel composition, flight altitudes, flight paths, atmospheric temperature, surface albedo, accumulation of airborne contaminants over metropolitan areas, etc. etc. etc.

The notion of planes "spraying chemtrails" is a hoax.


Complete and utter BS. Theres enough, more than enough evidence, not too mention eye witness account that this does go on.

Im sorry, but while your post was worded nicely, you dont do anything but state your opinion. Others, including myself bring EVIDENCE

Theres a big difference there.

(also, a hoax... But Shape shifting reptilians are here and amongst us?)

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by Goethe

I don't see any evidence here?

So I call BS on your response.

Contrails have been studied for years and what you call BS is known science.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by Goethe

Complete and utter BS. Theres enough, more than enough evidence, not too mention eye witness account that this does go on.

Im sorry, but while your post was worded nicely, you dont do anything but state your opinion. Others, including myself bring EVIDENCE

Theres a big difference there.

(also, a hoax... But Shape shifting reptilians are here and amongst us?)

I'm certain that what would constitute evidence to you would basically mean a thorough education in atmospheric conditions as well as a timeline of changes in all of the items I had listed and more. You need to educate yourself on these issues as there is no benefit for me to locate it and post it all for you in the hopes that it will be somehow coherent to you.

This is well known science and hardly a mystery. If the best you can do is call "BS", then you need to produce the evidence that states otherwise. Personally, I've never seen any convincing evidence of any kind, including the so-called "evidence" posted in this very thread.

If the claim is that there exists a massive conspiracy to spray chemicals on various populations or that there is a vast conspiracy to modify the weather through high alttude chemical spraying, that is an extraordinary claim which requires extraordinary evidence. The onus is on you to provide it. Yelling "BS" is hardly convincing.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

I know I am probably wasting my time but,

You DO realize that 99% of what you DO BELIEVE, you have never seen with your own two eyes. Isn't it a matter of WHO is presenting the "evidence", and whether that so-called evidence makes sense to you?
Keep an open mind.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 09:33 AM

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 12:22 PM
I guess Im still crazy right...

Ill link some other reports on this in another thread later.

I still call some of the comments here BS

Ill go outside,. and watch all white, no markings, planes fly through the sky and lay grids of chemicals.


YOu can say you dont believe and theres no evidence for you to believe...

All I can say is this... Go talk about some reptilian shape shifters running our world...

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 12:31 PM

Heres some more...

Now, would you like to provide any documents helping your side?

I can go on if you like...

My eyes and these docs and many more like it PROVE TO ME WITHOUT A DOUBT SPRAYING IS GOING ON

The only question I have is why...

Too many possible answers to just guess.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Goethe
I guess Im still crazy right...


The author states: "I freely admit I am not an expert in climatology, chemistry or meteorology. However, I do have a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Physics and have a background in Software Engineering."

He then lists responses from the U.S. EPA and U.S.A.F. both denying the existence of "chemtrails"; the USAF going so far as to call it a "hoax". The response from Greenpeace listed looks like a classic blow-off letter assigned to any nut.

He later lists sites such as RENSE and YOUTUBE as providing "evidence".

Basically you've got a "software engineer" who has paranoid conspiracy theories about "chemtrails" writing a paper that reads like any chemtrail thread here on ATS.

Please, be serious and provide some support that is not completely comical.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Goethe

My eyes and these docs and many more like it PROVE TO ME WITHOUT A DOUBT SPRAYING IS GOING ON

So you can positively recognize "spraying" from 35,000 feet away using only your eyesight? Now I'm calling B.S.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 12:37 PM


posted on May, 7 2010 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by Goethe

The only way I have found to "clean up" the Chemtrail threads is the Ignore feature. I have wasted ENOUGH time with those that do not do their due diligence. For whatever reason, they often derail these threads.
I am going to be taking my OWN air samples to push this cart further down the path.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Stewie
reply to post by Chadwickus

I know I am probably wasting my time but,

You DO realize that 99% of what you DO BELIEVE, you have never seen with your own two eyes. Isn't it a matter of WHO is presenting the "evidence", and whether that so-called evidence makes sense to you?
Keep an open mind.

You do realize how absurd that is? One cannot sample the air by leaving a bowl of water on "daddy's pickup truck" overnight, pour it into a mason jar and expect representative results of air quality. Let's not overlook the load of dirt in the bottom of the sample (which contains barium amongst other things). Then there's the issue of comparing the results of an aqueous solution to the recommended standards of air quality. Even a child could see no parallel or congruence in such testing. So, unrepresentative contaminated water sample results compared to recommended air quality standards - absurdity. I'll keep an open mind as long as some of you start using yours.

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