reply to post by dalan.
I got one for you.
I have a cousin. His name is Shawn. Shawn has a twin brother named Dale, and when Shawn and Dale were born, they both had to have open heart surgery
which involved breaking both of their rib cages open. They lived normal lives as kids until about the age of 8 when Shawn and Dale became very ill and
both went from playing football to nearly dying. After a few more surgeries, Dale had died from complications and Shawn got his dead brother's
This led Shawn on a pilgramage to ensure that people stayed healthy and fit because he was extremelly lucky in timing with recieving his brothers
heart that he knew his chances were slim had he not. Along the way, when Shawn was 9 to 10 years old, he met a lovely young girl who we'll call
Kelly, like Shawn, had recieved a heart transplant at a young age. They had much in common an immedietly became that "couple in high school who were
like married adults". They were so much like adults, that they dated clear until Shawn was 18 and kelly was 16 and a halfish. Shawn was on his way to
become a teacher, because he always wanted to be paid for something he liked to do, and to reach young people like himself.
Shawn and Kelly, like 90 percent of the other kids at school, had sex. They had sex often. One day, Shawn went to Kelly's house and discovered her
hanging out with other friends enganging in an act which some refer to as a train. AKA, she was cheating on him, with many people, at the same
This hurt Shawn so bad at that time that he had a heart attack outside her window, and lay there dying without her even knowing he was outside.
Fortunately, a passerby saw him and was able to for help. Shawn was nearly dead for so long that he suffered slight brain damage. ( which he recovered
from shortly).
Kelly, who felt so bad at what Shawn saw, pleaded for his forgiveness. However, like anyone who went through something like that, he wanted nothing to
do with her. After Kelly realized that she wasn't getting back with Shawn, and the emberrasment of her ways set in, she approached her mother and
wished to press charges againts shawn for sagatory rape. Without hesitation, the police arrested Shawn in his rehabilitaion clinic, and he went to
jail for two years, even though he had 100's of witnesses saying his and kelly's relations were consensual.
Shawn recently left prison, and he is now consider a....what did you guys all call it on hear? A scum pedo? He will never be a teacher. He will never
work around kids. His life is ruined and his last remaining days until his brother's heart gives out on him will be spent living alone, fighting the
urge to kill himself while praying constantly for strenght in the faith to believe the story of Job.