Man, I'm sorry but this is terrible.
I honestly am appalled to see ANYONE defend these cops.
What does the cage have anything to do with this? Two dogs were shot. One died as a result.
If you watch the video again, the first knock - AKA the first attempt the cops give at making their presence known - is at 0:30 seconds.
The first dog bark is at the same time, which is normal dogs hear very well and always bark RIGHT away when someone comes to the door. I'd say
anyone that has ever had a dog is aware of this. The dog could have barked after hearing the officer drop his riot shield onto the lawn.
The door is opened at 0:40 seconds. That is ten seconds since the family inside has had any clue that someone is at their front door.
Its hard to tell which family member opens the door, presumably the wife or kid. Actually, I'm not sure they did even open the door, coulda just
been busted in... TEN SECONDS... how long does it take you guys to get the door? Its 8:30 at night... what if they were cooking? and anyways... its
only been ten seconds.. what if they would have waited 5 more for a response??? The dogs would be alive, kids wouldn't of been traumatized, etc.
There is a loud knock as the police officer in the front kicks or harshly knocks the door wide open at 0:41.
Then, this is really amazing I can't believe ANYONE thinks this is ok..
Shot fired at 0:42.
The door was barely open.
Imagine being inside that house, with your family.
Hearing a knock, then one of your family members going to the door... 5 seconds... 9 seconds.. the door opens, loud knock then BLAM! gunshot and your
dog yelps... you aren't even aware at that time your dog has been shot(because you are probably not in the living room, he was spreaded at the end of
the hallway)...
Then your other dog starts barking to high heaven because he knows somethin ain't right...
Anyone in their right mind can see this is not right.
The commands for the squad are then issued, 'gogogo! get through the door!'
0:49 second shot fired. another dog yelp...
0:50 loud clamor, dog yelping and PDDM!!, SHTF
~0:55 suspect is on floor end of hallway
1:04 3-4 more rounds are shot
I don't know, apparently the dogs weren't shot on the first 2 shots?!
Is this when the second dog is
shot?! something is not right damnit. 5 shots fired within 35 seconds of the family knowing someone was at their front step.
~1:20 wife and kid are probably told to get out of the bedroom, or whatever room at end of hall, 3, independent impatient rude cops yell in their face
to MOVE PAST HIM! (because he is spread eagle on the floor at the end of the hallway)
~1:30 officer yells at the suspect on the ground to 'put your hands behind your back!'. suspect puts his hands on the top of his head(MUCH MORE EASY
TO DO UNDER STRESS, AND LAYING FACE FIRST ON THE GROUND) which prompts the impatient asshole of a cop to kick him and reiterate the order again 'PUT
~1:40 some officer says 'we got another injured one'(referring to the dogs they shot point blank invading a private home at 8:30 in the evening,
using 5 shots
in under a minute) to which the dazed suspect barely can grasp that his dogs have been shot... 'injured... what... whats injured?!
whats happening?!'
And I'm done analyzing it... what a pile of sh!t.
A close analysis reveals absolutely NO evidence of this:
These people heard the cops say: call your dog off. They did not.
watched the video. They said for the dogs to be called off.
The first shot was fired immediately when the door was opened. 12 seconds after the family heard a knock. So, when exactly did these cops ask for
the dogs to be called off? In between the knock on the door and the first shot?! I think not...
Imagine if these cops had waited a minute at the door... or even 30 seconds...
All of this would not have happened. It is hard to tell if the cops broke in, or the door was answered.
But if it was answered... WTF man. WTF either way. Couldn't someone have come to the door and talked about it? If they thought they were gonna
run, the cops coulda put a guy or two to the back of the house or whatever..
EPIC FAIL by these policemen... unreal.