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OMG--Is it happening

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posted on May, 5 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by True-seer

When I see a thread where the member does not even take a minute to check spelling, or, actually doesn't know how to spell, or, how to put a sentence together, I make an instant judgment call. Even when it is sometimes on a subconscious level.

1. This person probably has nothing intelligent to say.
2. This person has taken no time to put a quality thread together.
3. This is either, a kid, a kook, a less-than-smart person. Or, all three.

90% of the time, if I take the time to review the thread, I find out that I was correct in my first assessment.

Just a little constructive criticism.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by UruFist

That's harsh, man. OP was merely asking for our thoughts on his idea. Should he apologize for his thread not being up to your standards? C'mon man, why are you seemingly bothered by his grammar and spelling? I had no problem reading it.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by spinalremain
reply to post by UruFist

That's harsh, man. OP was merely asking for our thoughts on his idea. Should he apologize for his thread not being up to your standards? C'mon man, why are you seemingly bothered by his grammar and spelling? I had no problem reading it.
That wasn't my point.
I was just saying that people might be like me. And, they might miss out on a thread that has something to offer, due to being put off by the initial presentation.

If it is worth the time to post it at all, it is worth taking time to put it together right.

As I said, constructive criticism.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 10:16 AM
There amount of activity in UFO field ebbs and flows as in any other field. Don't be alarmed this is normal, I have gotten excited in years past thinking something big was about to happen but it hasn't. The more activity the better so enjoy it but generally there has been a very gradual development of the field. Cheers

PS Dont listen to previous poster that attacked the Orig Poster. IT WAS A GOOD POST BY TRUE-SEER

[edit on 5/5/2010 by BungleX]

[edit on 5/5/2010 by BungleX]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 10:23 AM
Yea, when I first got here to ATS, I read so much about it I got real antsy and hopeful.

But as the time pasted, so did those hopeful/antsy feelings.

Don't get your hopes up is all, you don't wanna get to deep into thinking there's going to be disclosure.

In all honesty, if "they" knew, they would never tell.
The only way we are going to find out is if we find out for ourselves.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Exv8densez

True, but what was his motive? So many of these "scientists" (not to be disrespectful, but it HAS happened- which taints everyone) and "experts" have been commissioned to use their professions in order to shape public perception. There is so much waste (sorry- that is how I see it) & reckless abandon with things like the Hadron Collider & HAARP/ EISCAT.
Maybe I've become too much of a skeptic/ cynic.
See my signature. The truth outs eventually and it just doesn't seem to work in anyone's favor very often.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by True-seer

Since the start of 2009 it's really picking up.. maybe the 2011/2012 period is true... who knows

Gotta wait and find out

Also what invasion theory of Australia? i'd like to know as i'm going there for 8 months in June so...i'd like to know if i'm gonna be caught up in an Alien invasion

Can i have source on that and a related thread please

EDIT: nevermind found it

[edit on 17/05/09 by Raider of Truth]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 01:14 PM
I definetly see it... But if everything we see and read is a set up... I hope we arent believing exactly what "they" want us to believe.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 05:38 PM
I agree, there seem to have been many many reports of UFO's lately, especially orange orbs.

Two weeks ago while biking to work at around 8.45am on a lovely sunny morning I had stopped to photograph some not so lovely morning chemtrails when I saw an object in the sky, I immediately assumed a plane then realised it wasn't moving, then I thought helicopter? but as I stared it appeared to be like an easter egg in gold foil, extremely reflective. I hesitated taking a photo as I only had my 2mp phone camera and thought it would be too poor, then I decided to take a photo, looked down to get my camera, looked up and it was gone. As I said, apart from a few chemtrails there wasnt a (real) cloud in the sky and this thing was nowhere to be seen after searching the sky for 5 minutes.
I can't help but believe I saw something of the UFO nature.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 07:12 PM

OMG--Is it happening


What you need to remember is that this activity you mentioned could all be something created in order to keep our attention away from the important stuff thats going on in the world.

Too many kids/fools with internet.

the biggest pot-stirrer was Stephen Hawking. Hawking did the world a favor no matter what you feel about his views. He started quite a firestorm, giving back seriousness to an issue still reduced to ridicule.

You know what...what he said is OBVIOUS for ANY ufo-researcher for years(it is just logical, and i am amazed, that some of people now see SOMETHING SPECIAL with his statements.
Any logical person knew that for years, BUT THAT KNOWLEDGE doesn't change anything.
What funny is, that S.H. didn't make any statement about fact, that we are sending multitude of signals in space since first radios were invented(not to mention actual situation).

OMG--Is it happening

thing is just pulp for illogical people, imo.
Food for average, brainless mcdonald users.

What you need to remember is that this activity you mentioned could all be something created in order to keep our attention away from the important stuff thats going on in the world.

[edit on 5-5-2010 by potential_problem]

[edit on 5-5-2010 by potential_problem]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 07:57 PM
Similar thoughts in this thread over here:
Event leading to Disclosure coming this year!

I recommend the past couple blog posts over at Divine Cosmos

If anyone hasn't seen the whole Ancient Aliens documentary up to now, I recommend it.

Here is the newest one:
Ancient Aliens 2010: The Mission

And the trailer for the upcoming disclosure project film:
The Day Before Disclosure, New Documentary Trailer

And last but not least for now, is this nice little nugget:
Russian official admits to boarding alien spacecraft? 100 flags btw. BBC news... Obama may have missed his shot, IMO the Russians are through with this crap, they've had it with the NWO/rockefeller/israeli/banking cartel/fiat oil economy/neocon balloney.

The 'governor' billionaire from the above story has funded his little province with his own moolah, and it is primarily a buddhist state. I think that is pretty significant. I can't quite put my finger on why I think so, but buddhism is pretty awesome. The Dalai Lama is actually quite versed with quantum mechanics, he thinks it resonates quite well with buddhism and I'd have to agree.

Now, this whole disclosure thing... I am convinced it is coming, probably before the next election for sure. An interesting thing I have considered as well, is that due to the Oil spill, which for the most part is unprecedented in every way - the best thing I have heard to fix it is a nuke... not sure if that is the best idea for a first time ever event for humanity... but that the ET's might be forcing it(or gov't who knows) in order to get help to clean up the mess.

Or maybe it is a test to see if the world can act in unison... in that case maybe the whole thing is a NWO sham... or a legitimate test from nature. either way disclosure is immanent - legit or false flag. It is no fun to imagine its all false flag... that would be extremely disappointing...

So I hope out for some benign help from ET's and also some new energy technology. And personal vimanas...

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420
We need something to take our mind off the NWO...

Hahah the item in your display picture to the left would take my mind of the NWO.

Glory be to the mass of beer.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Here's a link to a current thread regarding the Australian"invasion".

Hey- I think you forgot to post the link...
Could we have it now....?

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by jinx880101
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Here's a link to a current thread regarding the Australian"invasion".

Hey- I think you forgot to post the link...
Could we have it now....?


I guess it's not really all that exciting.

The point I was going to make was there are some reprobates in the Northern Territory who are beating up a bunch of stories to encourage "UFO tourism".

"Have a few Darwin stubbies & see the aliens!"


Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

[edit on 6-5-2010 by Maybe...maybe not]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 08:24 AM
oh how i wish it were true.
something bigger and more powerful than ourselves, some real excitement in our lives.
But it's not true. Nothing is going to happen

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by UruFist

Truely petty and pathetic. What if he is better physical shape than you? Does that make you less of a person? What if he is more mechanically inclined than you? Does that make you less of a person? Do me a favor .. Start evolving! You are truely not that awsome. Stop trying so hard!

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by True-seer

Old fashioned war don't work anymore.

The "war on drugs" don't work anymore.

The "war on terror" is losing it's audience.

People are beginning to realize that these things don't effect them......

Now we have the "Alien visitor/invasion scenario" coming into focus.

Everyone loves a mystery.

There isn't anything going on anywhere,you just have instant access to the entire world.

Information Overload.

Even if something does happen,it doesn't matter.

If I have time to pay attention to all of this,I have too much time on my hands.

Or maybe we are being de-sensitized to world events,so we just keep sitting around doing nothing when something does actually happen.


Don't Worry,Be Happy......

[edit on 6-5-2010 by chiponbothshoulders]

[edit on 6-5-2010 by chiponbothshoulders]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 08:55 AM
I would expect to see and hear more alien topics on the TV and internet as we approach 2012. Networks and MSM are aware of the hype behind the date and will undoubtedly use it for ratings.

I wouldn't read much more into it unless you get tractor beamed

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 09:06 AM
The thing is, no I cannot see this so called "increase" in related chatter and media events. Television shows, documentary programs,newpaper articles, and freedom of information, have been there in one format or another, in varying degrees for DECADES. It may be that we are going through one of many upsurges, but if disclosure was actualy imminent, then the mainstream media would have to be all over that like flies on dung. Its not small news after all. And just to clarify , they arent.
You can go back as far, and further than the seventies , and see alsorts of media interest in the things from beyond the stars. Its old damned news is what that is. And news which has recieved THOUSANDS of hours of television time, hundreds of thousands of column inches in the press, and god only knows how many books are published on the subject in one year alone. Plus you have the enourmous amount of content available on the net, growing daily , as photographic and video equipment become easier to use, cheaper to buy, and thusly are present in ever more unlikey locations, and on increasingly mundane occasions ..."I was on the way to the mall, and check out what I video'd when I got into the parking lot".
These new documentaries, these supposedly new revalations by "officials", they are NOTHING that hasnt been seen or done before one way or another. They are essentialy rehashes of old news.
Now, from that you might get the impression that I am not a believer. You would be wrong. I am however a realist also, and I understand that when disclosure is imminent there will be no avoiding it, because even channels which do no broadcast news, WILL be taken over so that any message the governments of earth have for the citizenry will be passed on without delay. It will be a world stopping event, and probably will happen with virtualy NO warning, no signs, no evidence of anything but another day on planet hell. Then boom.
All this "omfg its like totaly going to be tomorrow, next month, this year, this decade" talk is silly. We wont know till it happens. End of.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

beating up a bunch of stories to encourage "UFO tourism".

Hmmm, sounds like another place we all know of.... Excellent point!

Nothing like a tourism boost when the economies are in rough shape....

But... not everyone is a liar, and many people have reported these sightings. I won't hold my breath but I won't dismiss it so easily either- I'm just here...on the fence I guess.

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