posted on May, 4 2010 @ 11:27 PM
I think I would also agree with you. I can see slowly more and more information is seeping out to "test the waters" in the public limelight. This
comes from all sorts of fronts. Hell, talking about Aliens REALISTICALLY and logically rather than all the nut-job stuff you see if becoming possible
with everyday people. I mean discussing the concept of Alien life rather than talking about being Abducted or something. People don't
wanna hear about that sorta thing. Anyways..... I'm hoping we see it in the next few years as opposed to the human race killing itself off in any
number of possible scenarios.
That Day of Disclosure documentary looked good to. Just watched the trailer. In my mind I just begin to piece the small puzzle pieces of the picture
together. The Vatican coming out about "accepting ET as brothers" is interesting. (Which is a way to reassure Christians/Catholics and others who
looked to the Vatican for spiritual guidance). Then you have Hawkings comments and his new serious that "dabbles" in the Sci-Fi / Quantum Physics
area. (Which could be a way to help you understand some of these concepts before they come to fruition) Factor in the MSM covering UFO stories and
other "disclosure ideas" from time to time and you see that slowly....the information is coming out in bit by bit. I'm not sure TPTB, Obama, Any
other world leader, ect even know when "Official Disclosure" will come about. It could come from any multitude of sources although most wouldn't
accept it as a reality until it's common fact and has the Scientific Community/ Political/ Military stamp of approval on it. Who knows when that will
come about?
It's hard to predict the future when you only have small bits of the information to go but I'd say signs point to before the next Presidential
Election. The only reason I state that is because increasingly more and more people aren't caring for Obama's policies and this threatens his
potential voters. A lot of people voted Obama in for "change" and haven't exactly gotten what they are looking for just yet, myself included. I
think if Obama was smart, and potentially "knows" of some type of information...or is able to speak himself and give the "Official" nod of
approval, then he should do so to help himself in the next election, let alone help humanity. Imagine if you are elected President on a platform of
change. Approaching your chance for re-election you begin to sweat as you realize your poll numbers are down and the GOP are looking tough. Hell they
even got the mean ole Tea Party folk at their side. Everyone is looking at you for some sort of "change" and you've yet to give it. What would be
the PERFECT move to win ENORMOUS support for the next election, let alone go down as the BEST president in the history of the World really. Because
that is the scope of the subject we are discussing. Why....only disclosure itself would GUARANTEE that you win the next election and put your name
down in the history books of the US...let alone the world.
Now, since I don't believe Obama is the anti-christ, but just another "not exactly clean, but not dirty politician" then I'm hoping he will look
to his re-election as a perfect time to let it be known and disclose all. I also find it kinda coincidental that the Presidential election will be in
November 2012 with the "Maya" date following not long after. *shrugs* /endrant