posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:41 AM
My Analysis of the Situation Regarding Alien Entities
I believe that it is impossible for life to magically spring up from chemicals. It really doesn't happen. Evolution definitely does happen, as the
life forms on this planet as we know them are able to adapt through experience, just like human culture does, using the same process really -
something that I would venture has everything to do with quantum mechanics, parallel universes and string theory, and even some philosophies of
Therefore, something out there must program in double-helix. Our DNA strands certainly *seem* to be some kind of code that, in my opinion, if we had
the right operating system and interface, could be uploaded and then manipulated just like a floppy drive containing the code for some kind of
computer game. Basically, the biological entities we see on earth are kind of like robots engineered by intelligent designers - and no, I am not a
religious nut. The only difference is, they are somehow able to access free will in order to learn through experience (once again, in my opinion,
through visualizing parallel universes in order to make choices) and from those choices, the less effective ones are weeded out simply by being less
The same thing happens with human culture. People band together and form ideals to follow, and these ideals are written down in books or passed on
from generation to generation in order to continue their journey through time, evolving as mistakes are made, and eventually giving rise to a culture
that has learned enough from experience to be effective.
If I were to guess, one possibility is that at least some alien races out there are extremely short on culture and have started to decay. They simply
cannot figure out a healthy way to run their empire. They might even be short on creativity and spirituality. Therefore, why not create something else
to continue the work where they have failed, basically a gigantic quantum super-computer formed of human beings especially designed to be spiritually
connected to the multiverse in huge doses so that they can evolve a culture that could eventually be adapted to keep the aliens from decaying
completely. This is only one possibility.
Another possibility is that in addition to, or instead of, the race of decaying aliens without a balanced philosophy, there is a race of humans that
either spawned from Earth or share a lineage.
At any rate, the real important thing that I am almost completely certain of is that if aliens do exist, and if they have the transportation to get
here, they most certainly already know we are here and most certainly are already involved in some kind of multi-system government, or more than
It would simply be ridiculously retarded if they never bothered scouting the solar system we live in. In fact, they would probably even have the
technology to scan solar systems from their homeworld to determine which ones would be suitable for life so that their scouting operations would be
just that much more efficient.
The situation where we accidentally send out a signal announcing our presense, and then some alien race in the neighboring star says "Oh look! There
is life there, let's go there next week" just doesn't make sense.
Basically, if aliens with the transportation to get here do exist, then the reason we don't know about them is because either they don't want us to
know about them, the government of earth doesn't want us to know about them, or the human race in general is so closed-minded and obsessed over their
own culture (mentioned earlier) that an alien could slap them in the face and they wouldn't know because they didn't WANT to know.