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Who cares if Jesus was real?

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posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
he's talking about the contention and violence that his teachings of love will cause.


Jesus' teaching of love causes CONTENTION and VIOLENCE !

There is Christian history in a nutshell.


posted on May, 6 2010 @ 03:07 AM
The only reason Jesus' teachings are "more popular" than others is because people continually DRILL it your head..sunday school...wednesday church..friday church..its constantly your face

Buddha had AWESEOME teachings..just like Jesus..but in this country..and many xtian countries..its not fact..if its not from THE book.its evil..dont touch it!

People tend to follow the teachings and beliefs of their parents..what you were taught..has been "driven" into your soul..

Whether Jesus was a real person or not..I wont argue..I have no proof..but I can tell you..IF he existed..he was middle eastern..not American..NOT European..and that might tell you a thing or two...use your own mind..

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

one night after picking up a small green Gideons NT that a chick had left on my bar a few days earlier I heard an AUDIBLE voice as if sitting to my left that said-
my name, I am Jesus I died for your sins believe in Me and you will never perish-AWESTRUCK (not raised churched or knowing the scriptures) I stood to my feet and said yes Lord

I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.-John5.25

Christ has indeed been raised from the dead-1Cor15.20

For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.-2Cor5.14

for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."-Eph5.14

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.-1Tim1.5

There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus.-Gal3.28

Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 04:37 AM
i care, because he is real.. and to know that is the most amazing, beautifull thing and also the most difficult challenge of your life. For to follow him, means to deny yourself your sinfull desires, replace your own will by His.(Lk 9:23) For to follow him means the world will hate you, and try to pull you down with her. (John 15:19)

To all those who say, believe and you will be saved; God reads the hearths of men,(1 Sam 16:7) those who believe him only with the mind can still do horrible things (James 2:19) But those who believe in heart will try to live his way. And the Lord assures you, he will reveal himself and sanctify you if you give up on useless arrogance. For without sanctification no one will see the Lord (Hebrews 12:11-14)

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows

Have a nice life in Hell then.

Maybe rethink your life before that?

Exactly the reason I almost HATE to tell people I'm a Christian.

'Have a nice life in Hell' you say, almost spitefully, gleefully and with relish.

*Shaking my head*...

Well, I'm a Christian, but that means I try to be CHRIST LIKE - and that means wishing NO ONE TO HELL.


You know who needs to wake up?

Christians who get off on the 'everyone who doesn't believe like me is going to fry' concept.

Remember - Christ saved the people who crucified Him. So what does that mean?

IF you're a Christian, you'd die to save the life/soul of not only your loved ones but your enemies.

Maybe you better rethink YOUR life...


posted on May, 6 2010 @ 05:00 AM
Bible = book = written word = man made item = man interpreted item

conclusion = not factually real.

News papers = news = written word = man interpreted item

conclusion = not factually real.

Evidence for the existence of god = The Bible

Evidence for the existence of ET's = ATS

Conclusion =

if ATS and other sites like it cannot show definitive proof of ET's/UFO's to the satisfaction of everyone who looks, given all the evidence that is available, pictures films, credible people, world leaders, police, military workers, to the point where people on here still say they are not convinced. I ask you what on EARTH were you thinking coming on here saying jesus and god exist using one book and the "Because I say so" defence.

You have no hope.

God does not exist, Jesus was just a man who liked to chat, who like a lot on here was probably delusional (I hear voices that tell me your a sinner). I hear a voice saying he is my father. Interestingly if Jesus did come back, we should be looking for him in a gutter or shelter or institution somewhere. Because thats where this race of losers would send him if he started saying that stuff now. Yay for our race wooooop woooooop.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by okbmd
reply to post by faceoff85

So , you're saying the 'devil' thwarted god's plan , and the only option available to god was to 'sacrifice' his 'only son' ?

So , does that make the devil stronger or smarter than god ?

God , being all knowing , knew that this would happen even before the foundation of the world , but was unable to prevent it ? Or just didn't want to ?

Lucifer got the upper hand and god allows his own kid to be killed , just to show me he loves me ? What kind of crock is that ?

First of, sorry for the delayed response... I love a good discussion with people who honestly want to share opinions. In that light I would like to respectfully point out to you (and many others for that matter) that there are true believers and it would be civil to show some form of respect to the topic just like you yourself deserves respect for your own opinion. I say this because some comments actually get me agitated wich I am sure is not your goal. for example the above post can be called pretty darn confronting for people who actually look up to Jesus as their savior. saying JEsus was delusional isn't really nice, neither is it based on facts wich the above poster seems to care for alot.

now to actually go into the material you presented. You mentioned you have actually done your homework and are quite knowledgeable. So I would like to start out with the story of job. as we all know this story revolves around Job, God and Satan the devil. Job was an honest god-fearing man who had everything he needed. but on a certain day he was put in a predicament by Satan. Why? because satan questioned job's faith, claiming it was based on the fact job had not experienced hardship wich would lead job to abandon his faith and god. In responce god allowed the devil to put job's faith to the test... I wont go in more detail but suffice to say the abovementioned situation has been playing out on a world-wide scale. The stakes? worship to god or the devil. the way tested? through human free-will. the end result? eternal live or death (no hell).

Picture it this way : A scientist creates a new life form . One of his staff comes along and contaminates said life form . The scientist allows the new life form(s) to kill his kid to show new life form(s) that he loves them , but they must believe that the scientist allowed his kid to be killed because the staff member contaminated them. If the new life form chooses not to believe this , then the scientist will punish them forever with fire ? Why kill your own kid , as well as billions of the new life forms? Why not just shoot the staff member in the head for screwing up your project , and remove the contamination ?

your example is good although quite incomplete. removing the contamination and shooting the bad staff-member would still leave God with the question free will poses... did the life-form chose their creators ways voluntarily or should the creator force them to follow him? adam and eve were easily tainted... even though they knew the implications. the current situation left the sceintist with the option to destroy all and start-over or let the experiment continue and prove his way was the only right way. after wich he'll start over anyway.
But the specimens were given a choice... to rely on their own wisdom or trust their creator.... instead of asking why he'd kill us in the end you should consider why he didn't kill us from the start

[edit on 6-5-2010 by faceoff85]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Kapyong


Jesus' teaching of love causes CONTENTION and VIOLENCE !

There is Christian history in a nutshell.


Actually the people responsible for the violence in christian history can factualy be called followers of the devil. Even the vatican belongs to that group. The bible clearly teaches that true followers of god "give ceasar what belongs to ceasar" meaning to respect the rules of governments up to the point where it contradicts the teachings of the bible. true followers are to, at all times, NOT take up arms, and not to in any way be a part of the governing body of this world. True followers respect and pay their due's to the governing body's but look to the bible and God for true Governing. "For you cannot eat at the table of the devil and eat at God's table at the same time". The bible also teaches that this world is ultimately governed by the devil

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Stormwind™
God does not exist, Jesus was just a man who liked to chat,

Jesus did not exist either.


posted on May, 6 2010 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by faceoff85
Actually the people responsible for the violence in christian history

But you said it was CAUSED by Jesus' techings of Love !

You said the violence was CAUSED by Jesus teaching!

Originally posted by faceoff85
can factualy be called followers of the devil.

Factually ?

Let's see :

Samwise can factually be called the follower of Frodo.

Hermione can factually be called a follower of Harry Potter.

Felix can factually be called a follower of James Bond.

You just presented one fantasy being as evidence for another.
Very funny.


posted on May, 6 2010 @ 06:53 PM
Public revelation is the foundation of Christian truth.
Jesus is the apex and summation of Gods revelation of himself to mankind."Jesus is the way,and the truth and the live"
The realism that Jesus existed connects us with this this truth.Teachings are one thing but without substance they are nothing.Jesus was that substance.We all know what good and evil are, He was not just here to teach us the difference.We were taught by his example.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by oliveoil]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by Kapyong

Originally posted by faceoff85
Actually the people responsible for the violence in christian history

But you said it was CAUSED by Jesus' techings of Love !

You said the violence was CAUSED by Jesus teaching!

hehehe... uhmm no actually Kapyong was the one who said that but... indirectly Jesus could even be linked to the bombing of Hiroshima, hell Abraham Linclon even could be linked to that. so yeah not really a need to go into that remark

Originally posted by faceoff85
can factualy be called followers of the devil.

Factually ?

Let's see :

Samwise can factually be called the follower of Frodo.

Hermione can factually be called a follower of Harry Potter.

Felix can factually be called a follower of James Bond.

You just presented one fantasy being as evidence for another.
Very funny.


well for one its true I should have chosen my words more carefully... let me rephrase and ad that my opinion is solely based on biblical teachings.
But I presume you must at least a little bit understand what I was trying to make clear... the part of the bible teaching to not be part of the politics of this world and not take up arms. when I mentioned the vatican thats what I was trying to point out... hell in ww2 priests on both sides of the ocean were asking god to help the soldiers kill the other sides soldiers, how screwed up is that... like god would want any part in that situation. the vatican has its hand in more dirty bussiness than you and me could ever imagine.. you cant tell me that you think their conduct is based on jesus teachings can you? it might incorporate some elements but its definetely not based on it!!! so yeah once again we can draw a conclusion. if the vatican is not following jesus tchings then who'se teachings are they following?

[edit on 7-5-2010 by faceoff85]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by catwhoknows

I laugh at folks who don't think Jesus was real. These folks have no problem thinking that Alexander The Great was real, even though the first recorded history of him was centuries later.

There is more contemporary writings about Jesus than there are about Alexander The Great.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 02:49 PM
Yea notyourtypical.... people will say this as prophecied in revelations until we are in WW3.

they don't want God to be real IMO, but he is, and like I keep saying when the world starts to be destroyed by it's own doing they will have a choice to make.

as for the OP.

I care if he was real. I know he is for a fact from what I seen in my life, the saints lives who seen him face to face, my grandmother who seen him, and the eucharistic miracles tested by scinece, padre pio curing a woman with no pupils, and the list goes on for 40 more pages.

But you see, don't open the doors to questions like that OP because you are telling me by that that you open the idea to his non existence.

you need strong faith in these times right before antichrist... As do I.

But I do see the premise of your OP which is a good point and as for the statement about people in hell.

There is a part of the soul that wants justice done. All these God haters, you want them to eat dirt for their hatred for God and christians. That's understandable.

BUT, they don't have a clue what awaits them, so don't wish it on them.

The saints seen hell at Fatima. 70,000 gathered to see the miracle.

Lucy seen hell and she seen it for a couples minutes and couldn't bare the sight of their hatred there.

These souls as you know need prayers all day so they could actually open their hearts to God.

peace OP!


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