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Who cares if Jesus was real?

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posted on May, 4 2010 @ 03:48 AM
People argue all the time about the reality of Jesus.

But the teachings of Jesus - ok, who did these teachings? Jesus did, so He was real.

But even if you do not believe that Jesus was real, at least His teachings are real:

Love others.

Forgive others.

Be gentle with animals (OK, that might be me).

Look after this world and everything in it

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:01 AM
Yep i think he was real, and i think he was probably very hated back then too.

Yep its his teachings you should listen too.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
who did these teachings? Jesus did, so He was real.


Sesame Street taught me to count, who did the teachings? The Count did, so the Count is real!

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by andy1033

Thanks Andy,

People are hated and resented when they try and introduce new things.

Jesus tried that and look where that got Him.

For some reason, Jesus asked people to follow Him, but a lot of people don't.

Tht is why we have war and hatred.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:08 AM
the name of the father is truth, truth is something that can not be wrong, so it has to be forgiven.

we do not need the symbol but the whole, and the wole is life as one.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by FlightOfTheNavigator

So Count Dracula will save you.

I don't think so.

But at least you know how to Count Dracula.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by FlightOfTheNavigator

So Count Dracula will save you.

I don't think so.

But at least you know how to Count Dracula.

Ive seen the Count, talked to him, and when i was a kid i even gave the Count a high five. Cant say the same for Jesus though!

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
People argue all the time about the reality of Jesus.

But the teachings of Jesus - ok, who did these teachings? Jesus did, so He was real.

But even if you do not believe that Jesus was real, at least His teachings are real:

since the scriptures were written some +50-200 years after his alleged death on the cross... one has to have 'faith' that these gospels are factual and a true recounting of his words

Love others.
Forgive others.
Be gentle with animals (OK, that might be me).
Look after this world and everything in it

these thoughts could have been spoken by Buddah, and i think they were...

besides, Christian's are followers of the 'Christ' not Jesus,
Jesus was the mortal model of living for humanity...
the claim that Jesus eventually became immortal as the Christ is the claim that is being challenged by the stand that Jesus never existed as a real-life, individual person.

too much hocus-pocus, magic, for a moral "ideal" to become immortal flesh.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by FlightOfTheNavigator

Have a nice life in Hell then.

Maybe rethink your life before that?

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by FlightOfTheNavigator

Have a nice life in Hell then.

Maybe rethink your life before that?

Another place i have yet to see or touch, maybe when i get there i can take a picture with Jesus and some Smurfs and send it to you so you can have proof to show people that think these things are just imaginary be sure to send me one aswell

[edit on 4-5-2010 by FlightOfTheNavigator]

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:32 AM
Love others, care for others, don't kill others...

"I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword."

Matthew 10:34

Don't tell me the above has some 'hidden meaning', or that it can be interpreted in hundreds of way. It is quite clear and succinct. His message can be considered, at best, paradoxical.

[edit on 4/5/2010 by serbsta]

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by serbsta

yeah it was talking about people not being able to get along in the same house because one is a believer and the other is not

the word "sword" comes from the root "fight"

[edit on 4-5-2010 by undo]

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows

First you come out of the gate with "Love Others" and before the first page is even half full , here you are telling someone to have a nice life in hell ?!!!

Boy , that should really go a long way in getting people to listen to you .

Just because the poster didn't agree with you , you basically tell him to go to hell .

Same ol' crap that we all get from you 'better-than-thou' christians , every time we disagree with your fairy-tale way of seeing life .

My god is bigger than your god and didn't need to let his only kid suffer capital punishment for crimes he didn't commit .

My god , having 'created' all the mess to start with , could have surely fixed the ills of humanity without allowing some mere mortals to execute his own kid .

What kind of weak-a** god would do that ?

I certainly wouldn't give up my only kid to the mob for execution , for a sorry bunch of losers that I created to start with .

Gee , thanks dad , those guys you created turned out to be IMPERFECT , so now you're gonna let them kill me to show them how much you love them .

What's wrong with that picture ?

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows

Thank you for saying what needed to be said.

I'm so tired of the endless debate here over whether Jesus was real or whether he really was the savior/supernatural son of God. That's one of the many many reasons I left Christianity behind a few years ago because it seemed most Christians concentrate on the unsubstantiated supernatural elements of the Jesus story instead of the part that's actually important - the teachings of Christ. I also tired of sermons regarding the old testament since the God of the OT is characterized as a nasty vengeful evil deity. In my opinion the only thing that should be considered sacred texts for Christians is the Gospels and I mean all of them not just the four that were chosen to go into the Bible.

Love one another, the Golden Rule, forgiveness, are the real lessons of the story regardless of whether Jesus was real and regardless of whether he was really who he claimed to be.

Star and Flag

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 06:31 AM
the way I learned it is that Jesus Christ IS CHRIST and god is his father. also wether jesus was real or not, his teachings were very important since even today we recognize those teachings about moral to still have lots of value... but... the most important thing the bible says jesus gave us was "the possibility to be forgiven". let me explain. the bible tells that since adam and eve, who were created to be perfect and immortal, had sinned against god they lost their perfection as a whole. this "sinfull body" has been inherited by all of us including the lost connection to god wich was also achieved by adam and eve's sin. still following this?
god had a goal with his people that the devil pretty much succesfully twarthed. for god to still be able to fulfill this goal he needed a sacrifice to balance out the damage done by adam and eve... for this reason god sent his first-born son Jesus to earth as a perfect!!! thus immortal human being. yes Jesus was truly immortal but definetely not indestructible!!! Jesus has given the world gods teachings as being gods first-born/made son, as Jesus knew and honoured his father like noone else would. this was proven in the numerous occasions in wich he denied any form of worship to his person claiming only god was worthy of worship.
With his voluntary death (and this is the biggest gift Jesus gave us!) Jesus gave us the possibility to come before god in prayer and ask god, trough Jesus as our mediator, for forgiveness for our sins. We as imperfect humans are prone to sin alot and god knows this. without Jesus's sacrifice nobody on earth would be able to live up to god's standards since we're prone to sin. but being able to ask for forgiveness actually opens up alot of possibilities but thats a whole other story...

so yeah if you can accept the bible as the true word of god, it is imperative to care if Jesus was real or not
my 2 cents

[edit on 4-5-2010 by faceoff85]

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 07:06 AM
Diet Christianity, now with 100% less Jesus, but with all the guilt and scripture of original Christianity!

I cant wait. I'll save you a seat next to me in Hell, FlightoftheNavigator...and bring the Count.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by faceoff85

So , you're saying the 'devil' thwarted god's plan , and the only option available to god was to 'sacrifice' his 'only son' ?

So , does that make the devil stronger or smarter than god ?

God , being all knowing , knew that this would happen even before the foundation of the world , but was unable to prevent it ? Or just didn't want to ?

Lucifer got the upper hand and god allows his own kid to be killed , just to show me he loves me ? What kind of crock is that ?

Picture it this way : A scientist creates a new life form . One of his staff comes along and contaminates said life form . The scientist allows the new life form(s) to kill his kid to show new life form(s) that he loves them , but they must believe that the scientist allowed his kid to be killed because the staff member contaminated them .

If the new life form chooses not to believe this , then the scientist will punish them forever with fire ?

Why kill your own kid , as well as billions of the new life forms ?

Why not just shoot the staff member in the head for screwing up your project , and remove the contamination ?

Contamination not removable ? Again , is lucifer more powerful than 'god' ?

Even so , kill the original contaminated life form instead of allowing it to multiply and perpetuate the contamination .

Surely , 'god' is smarter than I am and could have figured this out ?

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 08:06 AM
After reading "Jesus goes to Hollywood : the alternative theories about Christ" by William Bramley, I was left with the belief that HE did exist. Somebody has gone to the trouble to erase all records of his existence. Whether it was the Jews or the Christians, somebody did it. The Egyptians tried to erase the existence of certain Pharaohs, so why not get rid of The Christ?

It's not going to make me believe in Christianity, but it does make me believe that Jesus did exist.

"History is written by the victors" - Winston Churchill.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by okbmd

me thinks you think to much my friend. overanalizing is detrimental to progress, you need to start from the begining with a whole new perspective.

Just read the word just like it was written for you from begining to being open to His truths, not the worlds and you just might, i pray, have a whole different point of view. Try it, i challenge you.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by assasinforfather

I have read it ., more than once .

I have also studied it ., more than once ., along with religions from numerous other cultures .

And yes , I've been told before that I am overly analytical . Sorry , can't help it .

The bible has been touted as the most important book of all time , as well as the all-time number-one best-seller ., so yes , it has gotten my attention more than once .

There are a lot of truths in there , a lot of wisdom , direction and knowledge .

I just won't believe that existence , infinity , and eternity are all dependent upon the story of jesus .

That's not to say that I'm denying he was here , in history . I believe he was .

I just don't agree that I must believe in the religion that was created in his name .

And I'm putting my money on the fact that he wouldn't either .

The whole concept of 'god' is subjected to base profanity when you reduce his/her abilities and potential to such a simple story .

My opinion .

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