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Alleged NASA -Affiliated Astronomer Deciphers 'Intelligence' Signal From Nearby Stars

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posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu
When I view the screen capture here

I don't know how to put scroll bars on an embedded picture, and this one really deserve the justice embodied in all it's full-sized glory, so I just linked to it. Hope the link works.

i'll try giving it a go....

if you remove ats from [ atsimg ] and just use [ img ] i suppose it should work....

Originally posted by nenothtu
Note the URL in the address bar, and the user's "personal webpage" listed at lower left.

but that's somebody else...

edit on 12/7/11 by mcrom901 because: tried fixing the second picy link... ah, the image linking issues persist.... meh

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by mcrom901

Thanks for fixing that! I'll study the BB code, and add it to my tiny reportoire.

Yes, you're right, that IS someone else... at least twice a day, and probably more frequently. So was Orbital Observer, moaningmartel, AnneH, and a whole bunch of others! "Split personality" doesn't even begin to cover the levels of weirdness Judy has under the hood!

I'll tell ya this, though - I wouldn't drag race her on a bet!

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 07:59 AM
Just been watching the news and saw that NASA sent out it's last space mission

Well............Judy has been VERY quiet since NASA said she wasn't on their pay roll

.................Does anyone think what i'm thinking?................MAYBE....just maybe

JUDY'S IN SPACE..................

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 02:07 AM
The offensive video has resurfaced at YouTube again, here posted this time by "TheAntisubliminal".

For some reason, YouTube is not allowing me to log in to spread The Guerrilla Poster's message from the previous page of this thread by re-posting the book link in the comments there, so the video is as yet without a link to the facts of the matter, and so must still be classified at this point as "disinformation".

Anyone who can fix that deficiency ought to go for it.

On the positive side, the link at the video on YouTube for "more information" goes to, and brings up one of Judy's "access denied" pages that she zapped the video from.

So this round of "Internet Whackamole" continues...

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

She/he's actually enabled comments? On his/her Youtube page?

Judy! You're slipping!
I expect that action to be gone in 5...4...3...2...1

So this round of "Internet Whackamole" continues...

Damn, that's funny ...

Or maybe I'm just tired. Dunno. But either way "TheAntisubliminal" is a new one.

So ... way to go with the competition for the: Amount-of-sock-puppets-one-can-have-in-one-year:

Wayne: 1,370 vs Judy: 1,893

The girl is winning! Yay team!

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by Netties Hermit

I don't think that is Judy herself. It appears to be an auxilliary doing a flyby to me.

Oh, and to be fair, it may be a bit hasty to celebrate "the girl's" victory... I mean, the "girl" has some..ummm... "problems" in that respect...

edit on 2011/7/13 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by Netties Hermit

...Or maybe I'm just tired. Dunno. But either way "TheAntisubliminal" is a new one...

If it is her/him... then, a few years ago it would've been 'Uncle-subliminal, but since
the 'hack-off-and-tuck' Auntie-subliminal is the way to go now.

If it is another 'light-Warrior' then bless his cotton socks for attempting to sway
others that we're unpaid (are you reading this CIA?) dis-info guys.
But heh, at the Disco, the chicks love us!

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by eletheia

...MAYBE....just maybe, JUDY'S IN SPACE....


posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Is that one of the "fah-sin-aye-tuh" thingys or whatever that word is I keep hearing in relation to the women's hats at royal weddings and such on Judy's headgear there?

Personally, I can't quite fathom what the "fascination" is with those thingys, other than to look at it and consistently wonder "what was she thinking to put that on her head? has she been drinking rather than thinking?"

Hope they remember to bring Judy back down this time - last shuttle mission an all that...

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:14 PM
I have come across some of Wayne's activities earlier than the following but i will leave
that for a later date

Things in 'Waynes World' seem to go in two yearly cycles! Starting with the 'bait' then
keeping them 'hooked' with fairy tales for a while and finally, dissolution and drifting
away. Leaving the fold for the new intake of fresh, naive sheeple.

2008 Build up to Blossom Goodchild (motherships ET's etc)
2010 Alleged NASA Affiliated Astronomer (Judy's false signal that went no where, and
the failure of attempts to resurect the hoax due to the vigilance of ATS ers.
2012 NOW maybe the following is what he has in mind

"QUOTE" from a poster on 9. 11. 2008

VERY IMPORTANT THR author Wayne Herschel wants you to know:
I have to remark here that the word monument comes from latin, literally translated it means
"warning" in other words the pyramids, the sphinx, and many other miraculous buildings
from a distant past are standing here to warn us, so that we start to search for 'why'. Now
i believe the why has been explained by Wayne Herschel the author of the book The
Hidden Records links to the web site which i have posted. Although the book carries
at least 70% more than the web site........the book proves the evidence, of which i do
suggest you obtain and all should visit the web site (link here to THR web site)
I periodically converse with Mr Herschel, and when i find something of interest he hears
about it. So i sent him a quote by Roy Bodie from another web site and asked for his take
on it. His response was short and straight to the point. His Reply

Important Announcement to friends:-
Since my book The Hidden Records has had a lot of interference in getting into book stores
due to it's forbidden content, I need to take the next step in spreading a critically important
message it was supposed to be leading up to.
i have good reason to believe there will be a meteor impact event in the northern hemisphere
around the year 2012. IF humanity has not made some critical efforts to relieve the suffering
in this world. This world has been protected from impact events for 10,000 years....but no
The Creation of the universe is linked to the great human suffering on this Earth and now
the numbers are about to reach the limit. We will no longer be protected. It brings on a
Dark Age period with no sunlight and freezing conditions for a few months.....30%population
at threat. All coastal cities at greatest risk. The entire Earths crust will feel it, causing
global quakes.
I will have the research and source reasoning that goes with it next week on my ultimate
quest site.......with an announcement of the paranormal source of my research.

The source will also be revealing of the 'Face of God' so to speak, and it will upset some
religous folks, but the majority of the population, especially those soul searchers will want
this information, and it will enlighten masses. It generally presents all the missing purity
and most important detail of The Tree of Life , removed by elite society over the ages.....
Nostradamus has identified the spiritual change and all it's detail so i guess its pretty big!

I risk a lot in doing this........but if i don't release it ......i have failed the source.......and i
couldn't live with that.
Nostradamus knew it.........
DaVinci knew it...............
Einstein knew it..............
Pope Leo X11 knew it....
Watch the Launch in a week or so at (link) to Oneism

Wayne Herschel 2008 - 2010 - 2012 Long term planning ?

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Hope they remember to bring Judy back down this time - last shuttle mission an all that...


The headgear can only be purchased at the Gift Shop at the V.L.A near Socorro -New Mexico.
Although they assured me they do ship.
If memory serves, a buyer doesn't have to be an employee, but they can say they are.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by eletheia

i have good reason to believe there will be a meteor impact event in the northern hemisphere
around the year 2012.
IF humanity has not made some critical efforts to relieve the suffering in this world.
This world has been protected from impact events for 10,000 years....but no more....

So now Mr. Herschel -not only discovers that a meteor is being sent to 'punish' the
Northern hemisphere, but these Powers That Be, let him know and advised him to
hang on a week before telling the masses?!

Those darn Northern Hemispherers! Luckily, the drug-cartels in S. America won't be
inconvenienced or scuba diving off the Barrier Reef. What a paradise it will be.

The source will also be revealing of the 'Face of God' so to speak, and it will upset
some religous folks, but the majority of the population, especially those soul searchers
will want this information, and it will enlighten masses.
It generally presents all the missing purity and most important detail of The Tree of Life,
removed by elite society over the ages.....
Nostradamus has identified the spiritual change and all it's detail so i guess its pretty big!

Pretty big... yer' think?!
It's a good job this 'Elite Society' won't be able to jump on the next bus South and escape
the meteor, Good Gosh! The Tree of Life is a bad-tempered diety.

Could this foilage-adorned-Meteor-thrower save us?
Is the acquiring of wealth a sin that we must discard?
Will Wayne donate ALL his book-proceeds to the 'Tree of Lifers' that can't get out of the
way of this hurled rock?
Stay tuned and as the revelation says... buy the book.

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 04:12 PM
sorry double post
edit on 17-7-2011 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 04:12 PM
My apologies if this has come up before, but the thread is so long and convolouted that i
may have missed this:-

Whilst reading a disscussion on another forum regarding Judy Faltskog and the 'signal' i
came across this link It is a BBC article
on the 3. 11. 1998 Alien hoax dismays scientists.The following are a few snippets from
the article

The data was posted on the internet starting a flurry of debate

The Seti league has a network of 900 members in 48 countries. Many of them operate small
radio telescopes as part of their search for Alien signals.

Real science has been jeopardised. It is sabotage of a highly respected grassroots effort. It has
set Seti back a hundred years.

Other scientists have denounced the supposed findings as a deliberate attempt to trick the

Dr. Nathan Cohen of Boston university declined to elaborate because he said such information
could be useful to future hoaxers

Rumours the signal had been detected by the the giant German radio telescope at Effelsberg
have also been denied "We are not involved in any Seti experiment.

We have seen many times on this thread how Wayne and Judy link their current projects to
things which happened previously, making innuendoes that they were linked and therefor

It looks to me like 12 years later they have tried to resurect some one else's OLD HOAX


posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by eletheia

I've tried the link, but it there's nothing there... can you assist?

...German radio telescope at Effelsberg have also been denied...

' Effelsberg' and EFFET... a word-play?!

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by eletheia

Is This it, my friend?!
Eletheia's Link:

There's another on the side-bar...

Wrong Result...
edit on 18-7-2011 by A boy in a dress because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Hi Baid

Yes and thanks
That was the link i was referring to a 'star' for you
And hey you

found another one which lends extra credience to what i was saying about the two of them

resurecting OLD HOAX's and trying to run with them.


posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by A boy in a dress
reply to post by eletheia

I've tried the link, but it there's nothing there... can you assist?

...German radio telescope at Effelsberg have also been denied...

' Effelsberg' and EFFET... a word-play?!

If you'll recall, early on in the hoax last year, there was a short period of speculation that "Dr" Judy worked at the Effelsberg facility. The linkage there sort of jumped out at me when I read that, but as it turned out, there was no REAL linkage at all.

EFFET, other than being French for "effect", or something like that, is an acronym that Judy made up on the fly for her imaginary telescope when she posted the videos of the MAGIC telescopes. I can't recall what it stood for, but it can be found easily enough, in her "EFFET Telescope" videos.

THOSE are still around, aren't they?

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 04:08 PM
These are "off site quotes" from another forum (South African Skeptics) which in turn were
quotes from Wayne Herschel's The Hidden Records web site. Due to Wayne's constant
updating and altering content to suit, and the fact that it's dated 15. 9. 08 they are
probabaly no longer on. So all Wayne's 'quotes' come from 'Astonishing Disclosure of source
by Author Wayne Herschel'

Wayne has decided it is now time to release the spiritual material his book was leading up
to. He will take the stand himself by revealing his source, and make most of the new material
available in advance of his next book.

[Defination of spiritual....relating to, consisting of or having the nature of 'spirit' NOT tangible
or material. So therefor NOT FACT....................and his NEXT book??

Herschel claims the source to everything he has found is 'not of this world'!

[No one to date has any concrete (pun on Waynes day job
evidence of ET's Aliens
or life out there so again it's all Wayne's imagination and supposition rather than FACT.]

The information came with two conditions. One was the responsibility of presenting the
material by securing it with copyright to prevent negative interference that will try to block it.

[What!!! Do the pleiadians, Ra or this 'tree' (all Wayne's font of knowledge) know about
I was under the impression this 'knowledge' was meant to be spread
worldwide and to go 'viral' and not be the 'sole property' of anyone including Wayne!]

The second condition was that since the complete presentation has enough evidence to
'enlighten' humanity thus starting a new belief system, it must be available for all to see
freely on the internet and it must carry the name "oneism"

[So Wayne why not remove the donate button on your sites, and stop chargeing for your
book, and entrance fees at your seminars. Finally once and for all lets put to rest that 'old
chestnut' that your book is encountering difficulties and being banned by TPTB, the CIA,
the FBI or any other such agencies]

ZAVVI £12. 21 free shipping...........Amazon £11.07 inc £13 32
The Book Depositry £11. 53 free £12. 46 free post.......... £13. 52 free post..........PickABook £13. 56 £15 34 inc post £13. 99 inc post..........Sprint books £15. 64 inc post..........WHSmith £16.15inc £16. 20 Free post..........Waterstones £17. 09 free post.......... £24. 60 inc £21. 48 free post £20 £28. 53 free shipping save 34%........................

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by eletheia

...What!!! Do the pleiadians, Ra or this 'tree' (all Wayne's font of knowledge) know about copyright?
I was under the impression this 'knowledge' was meant to be spread worldwide and to go 'viral' and
not be the 'sole property' of anyone including Wayne!..

Yes, it's widely known throughout the cosmos that Copyright infringement is a growing concern.
RA, that enigmatic 'fly-by-night' used a similar design from 'Herman's House of Fans' on Beluga VI
and manufactured his 'Zoom-ship' that alighted it's three legs on the back of the Sphinx.

The Pleiadians did some 'knock-off' Star-suits about ten years ago, but the Galactic Fed brought
in some heavy fines that deterred the li'l buggers from continuing the line.
Walmart were also at the hearing for that one.

The Tree Of Enlightenment knows everything, even the the arrival time of the late-night bus from
Pheonix. (All Light-Warriors know that one)

I hope this helps.

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