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Alleged NASA -Affiliated Astronomer Deciphers 'Intelligence' Signal From Nearby Stars

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posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by dcmb1409

What rank does he claim to have left with? I know in James' case, he claimed some gawdawful high rank in next to no time. It was Captain or Major or something right around there by age 22 I think it was. I don't think it was as high as Colonel - that, apparently, came later, after separation.

Anyhow, I've never met a 22 year old Major that I can recall. Have you? Most guys in the officer ranks are still trying to learn how to fold a map at 22... and stuck on stupid at Lt. That's why they have Sergeants to run the troops - so they can devote more time to map folding...

Some foreign armies do advance their troops pretty quickly, but I don't think South Africa is one of them. I once met a 16 year old Syrian sergeant, who claimed to have been stuck on sergeant since age 12, but I can't vouch for that.

If South Africa was running green troops through OCS and slapping bars on them like an assembly line then throwing in high security clearances as a bonus, then it's no wonder that Mandela kicked De Klerk's ass from a prison cell!

On the positive side, South African troopers were some of the toughest, meanest hombres on that continent - and two or three other ones. The were second only to some of the Rhodesians. Selous Scouts were probably the top Rhodesians for toughness and endurance, and 3/2 Bn troopers, who took on SWAPO in Namibia were tops on the South African list.

I don't think SAAF Intel even MADE the list....

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Marrr

Originally posted by nenothtu
reply to post by Marrr

I bet he's not even REALLY retired! Sounds to me like an Undercover Military Intelligence Officer, with a rank of AT LEAST General (if not Field Marshall!). I bet he's just undercover, and really working for THEM!

There it is.
He spends that year undergoing intense espionage training. Then upon completion, given his assignment and summarily discharged with his orders

I bet he reports straight to the President (is Mandela still president there? Is he even still drawing breath?) and does whatever the Elites bid him do in waging his disinfo campaign. Part of that, of course, is to cast doubt on us, and tar US as disinfo agents, to throw attention away from HIS activities...

Could be that BOTH Wayne AND Judy are still high ranking SA intel officers, and we are the target of a CoIntelPro operation HQ'ed in South Africa, run by the Elites...

That seems to fit... throwing out obvious BS to cloud the waters, and while folks look in vain for alien UV signals in their radio telescopes, "leaked" (manufactured) Skinny Bob videos, etc. - and are thus distracted, the Elites are sneaking the real reptilians into Wayne's basement, where they are no doubt building a Death Ray.

The Light Warriors are complicit in the destruction of the Earth, and are traitors to the human race!

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by Marrr

Originally posted by nenothtu
reply to post by Marrr

I bet he's not even REALLY retired! Sounds to me like an Undercover Military Intelligence Officer, with a rank of AT LEAST General (if not Field Marshall!). I bet he's just undercover, and really working for THEM!

There it is.
He spends that year undergoing intense espionage training. Then upon completion, given his assignment and summarily discharged with his orders

Could be that BOTH Wayne AND Judy are still high ranking SA intel officers, and we are the target of a CoIntelPro operation HQ'ed in South Africa, run by the Elites...

That seems to fit... throwing out obvious BS to cloud the waters, and while folks look in vain for alien UV signals in their radio telescopes
The Light Warriors are complicit in the destruction of the Earth, and are traitors to the human race!

I can work with that some nenothtu. However, I have to disagree as far as Jimmy being a trained operative.
Jimmy, if this theory is true, would have been brought in by Wayne to work under him and further Wayne's orders from the inside. Similar to what the Feds to say, in investigating a hate group. One agent on the outside working with an informant on the inside.
A distinct possiblity, and one that will not be read on Facebook. This outcome would explain how the dynamic duo have escaped capture and jailtime.
The question that remains if true. Who provided Wayne the training? Surely South African Intelligence lacks the capabilities to train such an individual? Is it possible he was trained by a group on the outside...perhaps even the powers that be that Wayne claims to despise and be despised by?

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Marrr

We'll have to dig into his background some more, see if we can find any "missing time" where he may have been off at a secluded training camp for operatives of The Elites.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 08:11 PM
Well! I've done a good days work to earn my CIA/NSA/Mossad/MI6/KGB/GRU/U.N.C.L.E. paycheck. I hope it comes soon - it's been "in the mail" for well over 15 years now. Ought to get here any day, eh?

To think I did it all from what amounted to a clearing in the middle of a jungle, out in the middle of nowhere! Life is good, technology is better!

Operational Phase Three is in effect. Countermeasures are self-sustaining now. Judy ties a good knot, but neglected to remember to take it off of her own neck! Don't even have to give her the rope to hang herself anymore - she's making her own!

edit on 2011/7/10 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

In the clearing... are you building a Radio Receiver Dish that can pick up UV signals?
Please, wear the hat and tell us aaaaalllll about it.

(I'm getting a little too free and easy with those 'smiley'-things!)
edit on 10-7-2011 by A boy in a dress because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by A boy in a dress
reply to post by nenothtu

In the clearing... are you building a Radio Receiver Dish that can pick up UV signals?

Why, YES! How did you know? It's only a small one, so that the aliens can't detect US by having the UV signal reflected back to them, thus enabling them to pinpoint my location "out there". It's an "Above Top Secret Cosmic" facility, y'know? It's all very hush-hush, so I had to use a pretty tiny dish. I was going to use a DirectTV satellite dish as the primary, since they're only about 18" in diameter or so, but wouldn't you know it, the neighbor detected me in acquisition mode, and all hell broke loose. I don't know why he has a problem with the advancement of Science! You'd think he would have been rather proud to assist!

Anyhow, I wound up using a pie tin for the reflector body. galvanized pipe was just too heavy to carry all the way out there, so I mounted it on a broom stick instead. It seems fairly sturdy. I may upgrade to a hubcap later, if the funding comes through from headquarters.

Also, Judy needs to double up on security at her Above Top Secret Cosmic Radio Telescope Facility in the Canary Islands, because I'm gonna get me some of that EFFET Tesla Technology to mount to my fancy receiver dish, by hook or by crook!

That's right, the Lear Jet has already been chartered for the raid! I've got to go now - the jet is double-parked...

edit on 2011/7/10 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

, the Lear Jet has already been chartered for the raid! I've got to go now...

One of John's -I presume?
The EFFET Tesla stuff... what does it do? It sounds very complicated
Mr. Nenothtu, you should team up with someone and relate your findings.

Would you like some money? Do tell us more about how you struggle due
to 'those-in-the-know' getting your information out.
You should write a book piers and jetties.

My, how they'll flock to you.

(Do I have to mention sarcasm?!)

edit on 11-7-2011 by A boy in a dress because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

There's a You Tube video named 'Seti Now Implementing EFFET Techonlogy.
The chap on stage is Gariki Israelian.
Apparantly, the link won't do it!

The link:

Garik Israelian is an Armenian-Spanish Astrophysicist who led the team which
found the first observational evidence that supernova explosions are responsible
for the formation of black holes.
He works for Institute of Astrophyisics of Canary islands and European Northern
Observatory. He is the leader of the team Observational Tests of the Processes
of Nucleosynthesis in the Universe.

Below is thethe quote from 'upyourforkpipe'

The Astrophysicist Judy Fältskog has been slandered and discriminated against
for her research project called the EFFET / D program, by criminal individuals
operating from ATS as a platform for over a year.
Now the EFFET / D technology has officially been accepted as the next step
in SETI next generation research.

Did Mr. Israelian mention EFFET?
edit on 11-7-2011 by A boy in a dress because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Well, I can already write books - with a great deal of stress, effort, and help - so I've got that angle covered. The EFFET Tesla Technology,,, why, that stuff is sheer MAGIC! What WON'T it do? I'll have to let my nails grow again before attempting another book, but I'll need an illustrator to "team up with" - wink, wink, nudge, nudge...

Now, a little bird told me that those "in the know" have already gotten my information out, and I suspect it's going to hurt my book sales, so I'll need to rent a warehouse soon so I can store several thousand copies there... after I print them out for storage, that is.

Perhaps I'll trade in my "Lear Jet" for a water plane, so I can keep it next to my piers! I wonder how much John makes from sales of those babies?

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

I watched that video (the sacrifices I make!) all the way through. Took me an hour to watch a 15 minute video, because I had to keep taking breaks and drinking more coffee to endure it. Nope, no mention of any "EFFET" telescope, although he did touch on SETI in a vague, peripheral sort of way in the latter half of the video.

He's a Spectrometrist, which means he studies lines in the rainbow created by splitting a star's full spectrum through a prism-like device. LIGHT, not radio. One can tell which elements are giving off a particular light by black bands, called absorption lines, which are found in different areas of the spectrum according to what elements produce it. You'll hear them referred to as "the Fe band" or "the O2 Band". etc, depending on what element produced the absorption line.

No mention of either "EFFET Tesla Technology" or anything else, other than the study of spectral lines. There is also no mention of "EFFET" in the scientific literature, and a real astronomer friend of mine must have thought he'd discovered alien life when I asked him about it - he looked at me like I'd just landed on Earth from Mars! Now, a breakthrough like that would be sending the astronomical community into convulsions, and not a one of them has ever heard of it.

Perhaps another FOIA request to NASA is in order. If they are using this "breakthrough" technology now, per the claim of the video title (although not the video), they ought to know something about it where no one else on Earth - or any other planet - does, shouldn't they?

edit on 2011/7/11 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by nenothtu


Yup, "F it" alright. Doesn't this venturing take Jimmy away from the dedicated time she has on the Hubble telescope?

Herr Feld Marshel Herschel of the Afrika Corps, are you an intelligence operative of the Secret Elite? Divulge your military dossier will you?

edit on 11-7-2011 by Marrr because: "

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Marrr

I did a Google Search for it, too, and came up with nothing but a bunch of French web pages (evidently "effet" means "effect" in French") and Judy's lying videos which claim the MAGIC Telescope is her EFFET baby.

I'm almost sure that both of them are actually working for the Elites, the objective being to discredit honest researchers by making the entire field look looney, thus keeping the secrets of the Elites for them. Whenever a serious researcher stumbles across something juicy, it's automatically discredited in the minds of most people as a direct result of the efforts of hoaxers, the likes of Wayne Herschel and Judy Faltskog. The evidence for that is building up pretty high at this point. I smell another free e-book on that scandalous discovery coming!

That also explains their desperate attacks on us - they're trying to discredit us, because of their imminent exposure as Elites Agents. The desperation shines through in every attack, and is commented upon even by disinterested observers, so it's not just me. Being hoaxers may only be the tip of that iceberg...

edit on 2011/7/11 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Not that anything else makes sense, but Jimmy, "trademarking" F it technology, why is it in French vs German?
She did a whole lot of thinking on the decision to move on this one

edit on 11-7-2011 by Marrr because: grammatical correction

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

but I'll need an illustrator to "team up with" - wink, wink, nudge, nudge...

*BIAD's shoulders straighten and the silly man/girl in the red dress, nods
an affirmative... with two 'fs'*

So if I put a video on You Tube titled 'NASA Come Clean And Admit Ms. Faltskog
Worked There' and then showed Elvis live at Vegas, then that would be in-line with
what Mr. Upyourdoo-dah is up to?

It's been a while since Kindergarten, but here we go again...

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu
reply to post by Marrr

I did a Google Search for it, too, and came up with nothing but a bunch of French web pages (evidently "effet" means "effect" in French") and Judy's lying videos which claim the MAGIC Telescope is her EFFET baby.

Oddly, a fast poke around the scholarly paper indexing services shows no "EFFET telescope" either. Even the intarwebs only shows EFFET and telescope together on Judy's propaganda sites.

However - looking at the MAGIC telescope website would maybe give you an idea why she picked that one. First, you have to assume J/J doesn't really understand technology that well, as evidenced by page 1 of this huge thread. So let's assume that she behaves the way I've seen a lot of technically-at-sea people do, especially in the CT world, and will google for keywords and pictures without actually understanding the physics in the boring text parts. And MAGIC is a jackpot!

First, she'll be looking for a way to salvage the "radio telescope that picks up UV" thing. So if you look at the MAGIC home page, you'll see a lot of references to radio quasars, radio galaxies and whatnot. So, obviously, if you're pointing MAGIC at RADIO objects, it must be a radio telescope!

Better yet, it's all covered in mirrors, and they talk about it picking up blue and UV light - Cerenkov radiation - so it's an OPTICAL RADIO TELESCOPE! One that picks up UV LIGHT! We're in business! And in fact, J/J and friends refer to MAGIC/EFFET as an "optical radio telescope".

Only, that's not what it is, because there's no such thing.

MAGIC looks for things that emit gamma radiation. Very high energy gamma radiation. And apparently, radio objects either emit a lot of it or they're interesting in seeing if they do. These very high energy gamma rays zoom through space and whack into the atmosphere of Earth. And when they hit a gas molecule in the upper atmosphere, they knock electrons off like a croquet mallet sending a ball away from the wicket. These loose electrons can pick up so much energy they move faster than the speed of light in a thin gas, and when they do, they emit a blue glow called Cerenkov radiation (it's what you see around cobalt sources in those neat blue glowy radiation photos). The color of the blue glow is an indirect measure of the energy of the gamma ray, the more toward the UV the color is, the more energetic the gamma ray was that caused it. Since gamma rays don't make it to the surface any more than J/J's putative far UV alien signaling, the only easy way to detect gamma rays is to look for something else, in this case, the blue Cerenkov radiation. So MAGIC isn't that magic unicorn farting rainbows that J/J would like - it's NOT an "optical radio telescope" at all. It's a plain old optical telescope, albeit a neat one, that only looks at the blue or near UV light emitted by thwacked electrons in the upper atmosphere tearing along at superluminal speeds for that medium.

So if you look at the MAGIC website with your keywords a-googlin', you'll find radio, telescope, UV, optical, all the good words! And if your readership don't actually have a clue or don't want to read the ooky science stuff, then you could spin this into an "optical radio telescope", at least for the clueless.

Of course, she's still got the "radio observatories all over the world are reporting this" part to explain - there's not that many Cerenkov radiation telescopes. A few - VERITAS, MAGIC and Milagro, but certainly not "radio observatories all over". And they weren't seeing "sidebands and harmonics phasing in and out at 40 Janskies!" or what have you from Contact, because that's not the sort of info you get from a Cerenkov telescope - they see the little electrons whizzing along for a few nanoseconds before they hit something massive and quit being superluminal. So you get little "peeps" of blue light that only last for a handful of nanoseconds per event. The thing's more like a particle counter than a radio receiver where you could even get the keywords "sideband", "harmonic" and "Jansky" into play.

Nope, I think the reason she picked MAGIC as the site of "EFFET" is that the MAGIC website matched her keyword search. Then, to get the credulous to lose what remaining reason they might have, you have to rub Tesla sauce on it. To a true believer, the terms "vacuum energy", "zero point" and "Tesla" are holy, and nothing that's had the holy name of Tesla pronounced over it can be questioned.

Personally, any time someone brings Tesla into an explanation of something, it's an immediate indication that it's likely to be fraudulent. Unless you're talking about Tesla coils.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

Tut-tut, you've ruined the 'magic'!
So my tinkering with a dustbin lid and two vanity mirrors isn't going to work?

Great!... fantastic, I've fallen out with my neighbours for nothing.
Strange though, with all the partying I do as a so-called 'transvestite'
maybe I should get a Tesla coil fitted.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:41 PM
Wassa matta, Judy? Your videos keep falling off of DiscloseTV...

Come, little one, debate me here, right here, right here in front of God and everybody...

I SO hate censorship.

We left all of your comments, AND Wayne's, in all their vituperative glory at dcmb1490's blog, so you could have your say.


Well, until your ol' buddy Wayne and his minions came along and knocked 'em off the 'net FOR you!

Now here we are, and you keep censoring some one over at DiscloseTV because you can't answer their questions... and the only way you can censor them is to zap the whole video, then re-upload it?

It's not because of the link they keep throwing in there to our book, is it? Wayne does that crap all the time and gets away with it.

Fair is fair, and -


Censors FEAR that the truth will get out, so the try to squelch information... like the links to "The Hoax Heard 'Round the World".

Truth hurts, don't it? Can't argue against it, and you can't allow it to get out, can you?

And you call ME a "coward"?

Come debate me here, litttle one... or pick a neutral ground of your own choosing, where we can both be assured that not a single word will be removed or censored.

I WILL EAT YOUR LUNCH in such a debate, and you damn well know that. You're afraid of it.

Be afraid, little one, VERY afraid. The Truth will follow you until the end of the world, nipping at your heels.

I hope they have the chutzpah to hound you over there for weeks!


and while we're at it, WHO'S YER DADDY?

Edit to add: DAY-YUM! That last video lasted less than 21 minutes from the time you posted it to the time you yanked it because you couldn't face the heat! (only 4 minute from post to yank for the Lear video, so I don't know if they got you on that one, or it was a pre-emptive retreat).


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:54 PM
I copypasta'd the Guerrilla Posters last post before Judy zapped the whole vid. Here it is:

Here you go. oax-Heard-Round-the-World

This is a free, downladable e-book that goes into great detail about why this individual is slandering the particular individuals slandered in that video. Evidently they tagged a hoaxer but good, and now the hoaxer is out to shut them down so that she can go on hoaxing. There's all sorts of evidence in that book to back up what they say.

Now, Ivanovic, where is YOUR evidence to back up the claims you make in this video?

I invite anyone and everyone to re-post that, or a suitably edited version of it, wherever they can find the slanderous videos that Judy is putting out there about ATS, in the comments sections of the videos, as often as necessary.

It's one thing for these hoaxers to have their say, and another thing altogether for them to try to shut down the Voice of Truth via censorship, just so they can keep on milking that hoaxing gravy train.

I believe that ALL sides of a story deserve a hearing. That's the only way folks can get informed enough to make up their own minds in a matter.

And THAT is exactly the thing that Wayne Herschel and Judy Faltskog fear the most.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:09 PM
This comes to mind:


When I view the screen capture here

I don't know how to put scroll bars on an embedded picture, and this one really deserve the justice embodied in all it's full-sized glory, so I just linked to it. Hope the link works.

Note the URL in the address bar, and the user's "personal webpage" listed at lower left.

Go ahead, censor your comments section on YouTube. The Truth is gonna chase you down and getcha wherever else you go.

edit on 2011/7/11 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

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