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Alleged NASA -Affiliated Astronomer Deciphers 'Intelligence' Signal From Nearby Stars

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 04:44 AM
Well, here we go again, yet another string to Judy's bow. She is a Vampire !! Another video (yawn) from
her "PRIVATE COLLECTION" (you would think i was talking about a womens perfume ! )
Is there an end to her accomplishments as an individual ?

Judy's CV is more extensive that BIAD collection of avators ! (Like the latest )

With the commendable and excellent work of Nenothtu, Rich and the other ATS's, along with all the
proof, no stone left unturned, her career as a hoaxer is drawing to an end.
She may well find herself having to "Twilight" as a Vampire permanently, or maybe back to making handles for
car doors!

Like they say "A liar should have a good memory "
A Lie has speed but the TRUTH as endurance.

Then again there is "PANDORA'S BOX" !

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

I think that must have been my "Vicky" moment, knocked me all at six's and sevens' for the rest of the day!!

It seems to me that Judy has a permanant persecution complex....And i would'nt like to be one of Waynes friends he just uses them as sock puppets, mouthpieces or plain human shields, wheres his backbone??

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by zara_bow

Is this the same zara_bow who made her last posting on this thread on 4.11.10 at 2.57pm ?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

If anyone knows the address of the super rich Elite...
I once met someone who, I suspect, may belong to that group. Its not uncommon for media executives to turn up @unrelated projects to watch whats going on & often enough, set up the verbal agreements for another project which then go to the lawyers to define in legalese. This bloke appeared to be a friend of such an exec. Its out of order, but not rare for friends to get invited to 'see behind the curtain', as it were, but what they discover is that all the glitz & glamour are strictly for promotional purposes. The reality is a lot of hard work, in long stints, @unsociable hours. There isn't a deadline, there are a whole series & what needs to be done before them is subject to change @a moments notice.
People get grumpy, hungry, tired & miss their loved ones. Personally, if I've got to get something done & somebody is in my way, I haven't the time or inclination for a polite discussion, they get told to shift it & I dont care if they're the talent, the Sultan of Brunei, or Jesus H Christ, they either shift or the next thing that happens is I flick my radio to the security channel, or get my PA on the Bluetooth to get on to the producer to get security. People take offence @this, but its not just me: the tech depts are 1st in & last out; none of us are there for people skills - we have managers for that.
In hindsight, this bloke, despite wearing a watch that looked like it cost more than any of us would make in 2yrs, didn't take offence, he just shifted (into somebody else's way
), but even tho he got sworn@ vociferously, he didn't seem to care, he just shifted again. I honestly think these people are so divorced from the lives the rest of us live that coming to see what we do is something like going to the zoo. They just dont give a flying example of copulation what we, or the likes of Wayne, do @all.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:15 AM
Ah, I've just remembered something. I definitely did rock up against someone who is @the very least minor league super rich elite.
I was working @a gig that went out live on TV. The promoter wanted a separate recording of the entire feed to the outside broadcast unit for copyright reasons. This is simple for the TV crew b/c they can just dump it in their van... if the promoter trusted them, but he didn't. That meant there had to be separate video equipment & also, b/c the sound feed to the OB is a completely different mix to the Front of House or the recording of the FoH mixes (think radio edit on the fly), it needs a whole plethora of separate gear.
We'd arranged with the venue to use a small room close enough to the FoH station that the additional cableage wouldn't cause any significant signal degradation, b/c there just wasn't enough room in the main auditorium for it, without having to hire in barriers & extra security, + inconvenience the punters.
I got round to that bit only to discover a large man in a loose suit telling me I couldn't go in that room & never-you-mind why. Naturally, I questioned his parentage, sexual prowess & intellect. He was implacable. I called security for a particular individual who was bigger & has a taste for dragging people out by whatever comes to hand. The discussion became heated & violence was about to ensue when the door opened.
A "tastefully" dressed woman demanded peremptorialy to know what was going on. I explained. She informed me that this was now a private green room for a VIP. I informed her that if we couldn't set up our gear in there, whoever the VIP was could get to #, b/c the gig wouldn't happen. Then a bloke whom I hadn't noticed stood up behind her & asked her what was the problem. He was British Royalty!
What ensued was pretty bizarre b/c he didn't speak to me @all, he spoke to her & she repeated it to me, then repeated my responses sans expletives to him. They shifted on his suggestion. He just didn't care that I even existed. I was merely the messenger.
edit on 8/11/10 by Bunken Drum because: I redacted the name b/c I dont want any grief.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Bunken Drum

I have a few friends that are millionaires and I have yet to add to my
collection any Billionaires, it's difficult to catch them and keep them
alive in the jar!
I can only presume that when Moaningmartel says 'Super Rich Elite'
what he/she REALLY means is powerful people who can control the
lives of others.

It doesn't always go hand-in-hand that someone powerful has lots
of money, wealth may well be just a by-product.
edit on 8-11-2010 by A boy in a dress because: Left jewels in Edit Room.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by eletheia

I agree with you regarding Judy's 'permanant persecution complex' It seemed that in
earlier postings, the focus was on his/her body and his/her sexual abilities.
It may be that lately he/she has realised that his/her intelligence and manner are what
people perceive as how to justify a person, but personally, I think that train may have
left the station.

These days it seems James/Judy screams that the system has got it in for him/her.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

The thing that gets me... apart from the 'thing' I keep in the closet
*Gen. BDsego glances at BIAD with raised eyebrows. "I've just come back from a symposium on torture," he says, "You dont really keep your thing in a closet, do you? It should @least have its own basement to relax in when it gets back from running wild & free!"*
A bit like Wayne & Judy really, except theirs ought to have padded walls. How could anyone be so un-self-aware as to not realise that, if you're going to attempt to claim to quote or be a Phd, then your statements must sound like they come from such a person?
These days, its well understood that both dyslexia & autism are not "either you got it or you dont" but are sliding scales, so, whilst you may get marked down for typos, missing words, poor grammar & non-sequitur sentences in an academic paper, so long as your argument doesn't rest on logical fallacies & your conclusion follows from the argument presented, you'll @least get a pass grade. If its a Phd thesis that contains a sufficiently new idea, its possible your university will have it edited into a form which can be widely published to garner kudos for them (I got 1 of those but TBH, its only used as teaching material @that uni - still, I'm not a Phd). If your subject matter relates to real world phenomena, you must base your argument on cited evidence.
TBF to Wayne, he has presented some evidence, so, if I believed his interpretation thereof (which I dont), I must then look to the conclusion. I have not read 1 single tract from either of these people that does not rest on logical fallacies. Not 1!
Thus having presented my argument, which can be checked independently for authenticity, I draw my conclusion: these people may well be delusional b/c they seem to expect that we should take the use of words that might be found in academia sans argument as proof of learning. They could be dangerous.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Judy was definitely NOT in that video. Not worth watching, unless you're into the vampire thing.
Well, I'm not going to discuss what I know about Blutangel (&, since this is Wayne's MO, why should I?), but, if it were the case that Judy was in that vid, its extremely unlikely that it was b/c anyone thought she was cool. Much more likely would be turning up with your own makeup & costume to work for nothing more than snacks on set. You'd be damned lucky to even get travel expenses.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

I have a few friends that are millionaires and I have yet to add to my
collection any Billionaires, it's difficult to catch them and keep them
alive in the jar!
Well, I've allowed myself to be kept in a jar with the lid off sometimes, but people do have a tendency to want to put the lid on. In a way, I wish I didn't have such a venomous sting, b/c being fed & watered in exchange for being watched is a comfortable lifestyle, but I've got my own ant-farm to tend so it never worked out.

I can only presume that when Moaningmartel says 'Super Rich Elite'
what he/she REALLY means is powerful people who can control the
lives of others.
Yeah. What I meant was that such people dont concern themselves with the likes of us peasants except for amusement. They dont need to try to control us individually, the mechanisms to control us en masse are already in place.
Still, let's run with Wayne's claims:
People get &/or remain super rich &/or powerful by keeping a close eye (or having someone do it for them) on 'cost/benefit analysis', so they dont waste money or effort. If it were the case that Wayne had something that tptb didn't want known, what would be cheaper, a months long campaign by all the various "paid disinfo agents" that have waded into this thread, or a bullet in his head?
I keep trying to tell people, on a variety of different subjects, that life just isn't like films. In this instance, it wouldn't take some leading man with sophisticated hi-tech gear that charged 100s of thousands to pop him, b/c, unlike a leader like Dr. King for eg (who got his lo-tech stylee anyway), Wayne's "cause" has not attracted a cadre of followers who would act as a RL human sheild. There are people in this world who would & do walk upto perfect strangers & kill them for an average westerner's monthly wage!
Get that Wayne? You're not persecuted: you're nobody. Live with it. I do

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:01 PM
Reading through the rantings of gorgonzola on the Club Conspiracy Forum i would like to answer some of her rants.
QUOTE....Do you call it polite when all of your agents insult, and humiliate Judy Faltskog a married woman with four children by accusing her of being transexual and that she was a man You call that polite???????

Firstly i am NOT an agent and i neither intend to insult or humiliate Judy Faltskog, but the TRUTH is she is the father of two of the children mentioned, offically recorded on Birth Certificates

QUOTE ....Your Agents call her a sex change You call that polite??????????/

That is neither polite or impolite. It is what it is just a plain Fact

QUOTE......Show me one piece of official evidence that her name Judy Faltskog will legally stand up in a court of law that proves she is a transexual

Two passports same no. one belonging to James van Greunen the other Judith van Greunen (Faltskog) and an official court document from a German Court confirming this FACT.


QUOTE......Have you any idea what trauma the slander and blatant lies your agents are spreading about Judy Faltskog has on her four children ??????

Firstly her children are all ADULTS now. Secondly she should take ALL THE BLAME for any distress and trauma they may have been caused because if she hadn't ditched them fatherless as babes, and if she hadn't put the spot light on herself with her blatant LIES, HOAXES, and conning she would be just an ordinary person like us on ATS and not the NOTORIOUS HOAXER she she has become.

QUOTE....Have you any idea what it is costing finanancially to help her whole family cope with the trauma your agents are inflicting on them ???????????????????

Well you NEVER SUPPORTED them as children. So how would you know?? And i reiteriate ATS are not Agents but ordinary citizens.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:23 PM
What is this "signature hitlist" MM had up? Was I in it?

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 09:16 AM
A few observations on Wayne Herschel and some snippets directly from him. Credit where its due he is a master of illusion and would have done well in the advertising world as he suffers from verbal diarrhoea, with his over use of adjectives, exclamation marks and innuendos. Below a few of his favourite words defined

HYPOTHESIS-----a supposition made on the basis of limited evidence
ELITE--------a group of people considered to be superior
INDISPUTABLE.....A fact unable to be challanged
SUPERIOR-------higher in rank, status, of quality, better
INSIDERS-------some one privy to information unavailable to others
INSIGHTFUL....having or showing an accurate and deep understanding, perceptive
INCITEMENT.....provoking unlawful behaviour urging someone to behave unlawfully
BIZARRE.......very strange or unusual.
And a few of his slang expletives
WOW, Gee Wizz, Awesome, Cool, Yo!.......CAPS only for IMPORTANT WORDS.

All fairly innocuous on their own but used very liberally by Wayne

What EXACTLY are Waynes qualifactions ? ASTRONOMY? EGYPTOLOGY? GEOLOGY? HISTORY? ASTROPHYSICS? PHYSICIST? UFOLOGY? ASTROLOGY? SCIENCE? Has he any validated qualifactions in any of these areas ? as he is always pontificating on them.

Direct QUOTE from Wayne
But then there is also the unacknowledged 'government' of deep cover, deep black projects, contract agents and companies, and shadowy mid-level functionaries, who's task it is to ensure that the government of 'we the people' know little or nothing about the unacknowledged 'government' The right hand does not know-or often want to know-what the left hand is doing. For nearly 11years i have quietly researched how real secrecy is maintained, in the latter half of the 20th centuary. What i have found is astonishing and frankly unbelievable----

Do any of you ATS agents recognise yourselves in the above fantasy??? And yet another:-

Direct QUOTE from Wayne
The insane NASA scientists interpretation of coloured sand sliding down the hills ....bizarre !!!

See theres that word again (bizarre) And Wayne with all of HIS qualifactions sees fit to call NASA scientists with all their ACCREDITED qualifactions INSANE. Well you couldnt make it up could you ?

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by eletheia

It seems that every sentence Wayne Herschel writes, implies that a covert
plot by the 'Government' to keep the public in the dark.

He can't resist to lay a tone in his writings that indicates that it's really
going on and the 'Waynster' is on the case.

... For nearly 11years i have quietly researched how real secrecy is maintained,
in the latter half of the 20th centuary. What i have found is astonishing and
frankly unbelievable----

I wonder what he found...? an alien-sent UV signal that radio telescopes could translate?
Could it have been evidence of something sinister.../ would he have recognised this
rare gem called evidence?
I can only suppose it's all in that book-of-books 'Hidden Records'

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

I wonder how aware Waynes unquestioning admirers are of Waynes questionable sense of loyalty. Do you suppose he deletes them if they ask too many awkward questions? lol. I give you another priceless snippet

continued from my earlier blog........nuke conspiracy on the weekend of the 'nuke' prophecy on my page in full detail which had flags raised from an insightful possible encoded 'elite insider' from an encoded Simpsons episode...........
..............after news media bragged about Obama having his nuke buttons with him on his trip (ref. follows).....
..........a super size missile of potential Nuke status launches from California..............and officials say.....
...........What missile?............probably just a firework............yeah..........sure!!

Notice the loaded adjectives? Now i watch the news everyday and have not seen or heard anything remotely like the above. And as for nuclear war being encoded in a Simpsons episode !!! well lol.
Prophecies for 10. 10. 10. and 6. 11. 10 both dates have come and gone without dissaster How does he explain away his poor performance on predictions ?? You could'nt make it up ! lol lol.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by eletheia
reply to post by A boy in a dress


....after news media bragged about Obama having his nuke buttons with him on his trip (ref. follows).....
..........a super size missile of potential Nuke status launches from California..............and officials say.....
...........What missile?............probably just a firework............yeah..........sure!!

So where did this 'nuke' take off from and where did it go?
Is there facilities in that area that test missiles...?
If it was live 'nuke', then the country it was aimed for has sat silently
and took it on the chin, an admirable trait -I think you'd agree.

Utter clap-trap and as you commented, full of hooks indicating that Wayne
has his finger on the pulse. He boldly states that officialdom in any country
lie-lie-lie and fight a secret war that main-stream media ignore and only
Mr. Herschel's blogs and websites dare to proclaim.

Fiction comic-style foolery.
edit on 10-11-2010 by A boy in a dress because: Left Herschel-Code Book in Edit Room.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Portugoal
What is this "signature hitlist" MM had up? Was I in it?

I'll have to dig into the archives to retrieve it, but no, I don't think you were on it. I was, BIAD was, RICH was, Nettie was, and a couple of others. Around 7 altogether, I think.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by Portugoal
What is this "signature hitlist" MM had up? Was I in it?

I'll have to dig into the archives to retrieve it, but no, I don't think you were on it. I was, BIAD was, RICH was, Nettie was, and a couple of others. Around 7 altogether, I think.

I think I have just come up with the ultimate conspiracy. Wayne/Judy/MM put up the hitlist to throw us off. One of the people on the hitlist is actually Wayne/Judy/MM. Guarantee it (my bets on BIAD- have felt a bad vibe from him since the beginning).

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by Portugoal

OR.... it could be.... ME!

What if I'm compiling this book just to sink this thing once and for all, so I could start out a new life as a wealthy Russian mobster this next go 'round?

You know, there've been a LOT of UFO sightings, landings, and abductions in Russia...

Personally, though, I just like the sound of "wealthy" there...

These Shadow Government Disinformation jobs just don't pay like they used to.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by Portugoal

Hey! You made the hit list! Welcome aboard! Your name is on the list Judy gives in this video, along with several others of the rest of us (the hit list is at 04:23, but the rest is worth watching as a lesson in what NOT to do when making a propaganda piece unless you want it to be transparent):

The list of names is: RICH-ENGLAND, BIAD, nenothtu, eletheia, Merkury, Nitromaria, Bunken Drum, Marrr, Drunkenparrot, Portugoal, and M0r1arty.

I really am hurt, though, by the insinuation present in that video that "Nenothtu" isn't my real name, because it is.

I've always been a big fan of hiding in plain sight. See how well it works? Folks will stoop to the level of claiming I am not who I am... just like they claim that THEY are not who they ARE!

... and that is how hiding in plain sight works!

Here's an idea for you folks running that campaign: if it's "disinformation", you should be easily able to counter it by providing.... INFORMATION! So then, all you have to do to counter it is show up HERE (where you allege the campaign is going on) and provide verifiable information to counter it.

Since you've got none, however, I'll not hold my breath until you provide it. Instead, I'm content to watch you run in circles because you have one foot nailed to the floor with one of your OWN lies, yet you still try to get away... with this scam...

Watching you run in circles and yip is all the entertainment I really need in a day's time...

It's a shame someone hasn't already posted an invitation to this thread as a comment at that video! Boy, wouldn't that be icing on the cake... facts provided to refute that claim, and folks get to decide for themselves.... AND the invite posted right in space rented by the hoaxers!

edit on 2010/11/11 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

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