posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 04:32 PM
Originally posted by LadySambuca
You said she is a man and has no boobs.
Incorrect. We said she WAS a man, not IS. I personally said that her boobs are nowhere near a DD cup as she claimed. Evidence for that is to be found
in any photos seen of her so far which depict that specific area within them. Of course a sex change operation will necessarily involve constructing
mammaries, and so after having said operations 'she' will have them, but NOT of the claimed magnitude.
Now I want to show you the picture to prove she has boobs because she had boobs and this photo has no adams apple.
Presence is not in question, magnitude is. You made the claim of a greater magnitude than is present anywhere on the internet, and are now backing
that claim up. Good for you, once you get it done.
Oh yes, the Christmas tree for the children was in Germany, we went back home for Christmas ! Why do you ask ?
Trick question. Christmas in Chile falls during summer, so it wouldn't have been cold as you stated. Germany is a different matter. Point goes to
you. Why are contract employees still hanging out together after the contract is over?
Oh yes.. cyber bully... that is SUCH A COMMON WORD !
A relatively new concept, but agreed it IS becoming more commonly used as a pejorative... especially by certain elements that stumble in here
As to the matter of posting the photo, if you continue having trouble, I can U2U an e-mail address to you, you can e-mail it to me, and I can post it
from my ATS photo account if that becomes necessary.
If all else fails, let me know and we can set it up.
[edit on 2010/8/21 by nenothtu]