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Iran offers help in fighting Gulf of Mexico oil leak

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posted on May, 3 2010 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211With the iranian republican guards in venezuela helping to prop up chavez, many are wondering if they didn't cause this disaster.

Since you're so big on proof, I know this will be asking a lot, but do you care to furnish any for the assertions you made? Venezuela, North Korea... it's amazing what lengths people will go to put the blame of an accident into the hands of the people they have an absolute hatred for.


My thanks to Iran, if they can do anything to help with this, they should be allowed in. Sorry for those that choose to bring their own politics into this, but this is about something a lot bigger than petty personal griping politics.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by jtma508

They'd rather have all life as we know it wiped from the Gulf before they would allow Iran to do jack.

Why do you think Iran can actually offer any help besides helping to clean the beaches like American's could do instead.

Iran would sent the minimal of resources to help as a media focus away from their internal activities.

BP are open to any suggestions, but this is their problem to fix, and to plug the hole.

[edit on 3-5-2010 by john124]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by john124

Dead animals are already washing up on shore. Turtles, jellyfish, dolphins...

I don't care what people's personal opinions are about Israel's mortal enemy (let's face it, that's what this all boils down to anyway.) I want to see help offered being accepted, not snubbed for BS politics.

The world is going insane. A huge disaster occurring which is destroying parts of the environment as well as people's lives and people are worried that a country offering to help might get good PR.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:49 PM
I consider myself a complete nub when it comes to foreign politics. It gives me a headache to even think about it, let alone try and understand it. It call comes down to who you want to believe, and frankly...I don't trust any of them so I simply do not KNOW who/what to believe. Having said that, I am completely blind to the political implications of Iran offering to help.

This is what I see: A disaster that has the potential of being the worst the US has ever seen or experienced before. Right now, the rest of the US (aside from the soutehrn states already affected) for the most part are only tuning in partially because it is not impacting us yet. Just wait until those little srhimp on the market shelf start disappearing or going up 400% in price....when the Mississippi shipping lanes get shut down and all of a sudden all of their commerce/produce goes away and causes the prices for any number of items to sky rocket. It will affec the stock market eventually and then it will go global.

What I am afraid of, is that people will be too slow to respond appropriately because we have become so accustomed to looking out for #1. We simply don't care what is happening until it is happening to us. I fear that if this disaster reaches it's potential, by the time it is realzied it will be too late to do enough to stop it.

We (the US) need to accept all the help we can, from whoever is offering and worry about the political BS at another time.

Our greed has reached around to bite us and we are pulling our hand back WAYYYYYY too slowly. We could be bitten VERY hard and our blind hatred will not allow us to see the blood flowing before it is too late.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:49 PM
Iran is not the aggressor in gulf - by the facts:

Great Iran Quitz - "Surprising Facts"

Smart move from Iran to gain positive attention.

[edit on 3-5-2010 by JanusFIN]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:51 PM
What is wrong with Iran offering help to us? I think it would be a good
start in renewing relations with them. We always wonder why no
other countries help out here in the US when a major disaster happens.
Now Iran has offered help apparently, so why not let them help? Every
little bit is good. Iran has experience in drilling for oil, and these types
of blowouts happen all the time on land. I know this particular disaster
is going on underneath the water, but Iran just might at least have some
good ideas. I say that if we don't allow them to help, when the day comes when we might have a disaster of Biblical size, they won't offer help to
us. I don't see anyone else in the world helping with a solution to this
oil blowout. I haven't heard of ONE other country offering to come up with
a solution here. But they will be the first ones to ask for assistance from
us. And they will usually get it even without them asking. We help at
times when it is needed. That is the nature of the US.

I might add that I have read a ton of posts of people blaming Iran in the
first place. So maybe the Iranian officials are feeling a twang of guilt.
Remember, they don't want nuked by anyone.

[edit on 3-5-2010 by endtimer]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by niteboy82
reply to post by john124

I don't care what people's personal opinions are about Israel's mortal enemy (let's face it, that's what this all boils down to anyway.) I want to see help offered being accepted, not snubbed for BS politics.

ANY assistance would be appreciated. Now how exactly can they help? Setting political BS aside. What can they do that isn't already being done is my question?

The world is going insane. A huge disaster occurring which is destroying parts of the environment as well as people's lives and people are worried that a country offering to help might get good PR.

Again how exactly can they help? BTW I haven't read of any of the other OPEC countries offering assistance.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:57 PM
If Iran's offer of help is geniune, then it should be accepted. I really hope it is. But unfortunately I very much doubt it. They are more than likely just using the situation as an opportunity to make themselves look like the good guys. After all this is politics, and they are in the firing line due to their nuclear program. Its likely a carefully calculated move, they know what they are doing.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I like the idea of pouring rocks on top of the hole. And sinking ships to add more junk/weight to the mountain we will build on top of it.

I like the idea of dropping objects on the hole but I'm afraid it may be a little more complicated than that. The currents alone, would make it hard to be real accurate with dropping things on target, especially with the mouth of the mighty Mississippi River flowing out, near by. Then with all of the pressure thrusting from the hole, it might be hard to get something to "stick", even something as heavy as ship loaded with rocks. It seems like it would take a vast amount of resources, maybe more than Iran can provide, to plug the hole in that manner but surely not too much for such a large-scale disaster. I just don't know if it's possible but then again, if we can drop a bomb through a bedroom window from 50,000 feet or even launch a probe to land on a fast moving comet, then we can surely plug a hole 5,000 feet down on the bottom of the ocean, currents and all. I just think that regardless of who helps, BP should be fitting the bill.

As far as other posters concerned about what Iran could offer as far as help, they are very experienced in the industry and even if they don't have a viable solution, two, three, or four heads are certainly better than one. If anything, they can provide money and resources for the clean up and/or containment. There are many, many things that Iran could be helping with and it would be absolutely stupid to not even consider the help just because our political leaders have a particular anti-Iranian agenda. It is not our leaders who are going to lose out by this disaster so it shouldn't be up to them to turn away help, if it is indeed productive.

We allow our leaders/rulers agenda to screw us on so much, are we really going to allow our leaders to now screw us with this, so that they may further or protect their agenda, which does not benefit you, me or anyone along the Gulf Coast? What a shame! We should not allow their stupid selfish agenda to prevent the most effective clean up and containment of the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf Coast and possibly the Atlantic Ocean. Lets stop allowing the agenda of TPTB to screw us, whether it be supporting unjust war or refusing help for a massive oil spill containment/clean-up operation. Just my 2 cents.

Edited to add last sentence.

Edited for grammar.

[edit on 3-5-2010 by airspoon]

[edit on 3-5-2010 by airspoon]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by endtimer

What is wrong with Iran offering help to us?

Nothing at all! That is the beauty of it! We can't accept the help and still take the high road on all the other issues. We can't turn down the help and then try to demonize them.

Turning down the help and endangering the coasts in the Southern United States conservative political zone is political suicide, but accepting the help from our enemy #1 right now is also political suicide.

Iran is playing every angle of the UN and public relations game like a pro! They are calling out the US on its Nuclear Threats. They are calling out the US on its shoddy handling of 9/11. They are offering to come and speak at our Universities and open up dialogue. They are offering to help with this ecological disaster, and they are forcing us to act like spoiled kids on a playground, being stubborn and calling them names. Genius!

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by niteboy82

Originally posted by centurion1211With the iranian republican guards in venezuela helping to prop up chavez, many are wondering if they didn't cause this disaster.

Since you're so big on proof, I know this will be asking a lot, but do you care to furnish any for the assertions you made?

So let it be written, so let it be done ...


Note the link in the article to the Pentagon report ...

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

That's hardly proof that Iran is to blame for the oil rig fire/spill. In fact, your source is one of the main mouthpieces for the Israeli agenda so one should take any info on Israel or Iran from the Washington Times with a whole tub of salt. If Iran had anything to do with it at all, I'm sure we would have already pointed a finger at them and let Israel invade/bomb already. In fact, I'm surprised that the propaganda mill hasn't already officialy blamed Iran.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

No... so it is not done. :shk:

Give me proof, a shred of evidence, that Iran via Venezuela is responsible for the failing of an oil rig.

A Pentagon document showing that they are helping out their buddies just as we help out our own buddies does not count as proof that they were involved with creating what may be the largest environmental disaster in modern history.

Until then, this is just your speculation and name calling, which I know from other threads you are firmly against without the facts.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by niteboy82

Excuse me. :shk:

This is a conspiracy theory website. No one has to provide proof that a conspiracy is true, only report that one exists - which I have - or start one of their own - which I have not.

I never said iran or venezuela was proven to be responsible for the oil rig disaster. I only pointed out that people have played "connect the dots" with iranian paramilitary groups now stationed in venezuela, neither having any love loss for the U.S.

And you're saying that ATS now frowns upon speculation? Would there be any posts or threads left?

[edit on 5/3/2010 by centurion1211]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 03:52 PM
i think this could turn a tragidy into a turning point. think about people basicly love to fight eachother for any reason they can find but one thing we like more is the old "team up" if we do this together and succeed "get our hand dirty together" so to speak i think a lot (not all) of our problems just would not seem as big and we would both see eachother as people...hell maybe everyone could actuly get along for a few years......but probly not gonna happen sad

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 04:00 PM
I will reiterate noticing the direction this thread has gone.

If Iran is sincere then I welcome them to come help. Period.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Dicex
i think this could turn a tragidy into a turning point. think about people basicly love to fight eachother for any reason they can find but one thing we like more is the old "team up" if we do this together and succeed "get our hand dirty together" so to speak i think a lot (not all) of our problems just would not seem as big and we would both see eachother as people...hell maybe everyone could actuly get along for a few years......but probly not gonna happen sad

I'll ask again.


How can Iran help? Seriously? What can they do that would help the REAL situation. While others argue over BS political [should they or shouldn't they?]

The real focus should be on how?
What do they really have to offer? I have yet hear one credible instance on how they could possibly help.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

They have resources and a navy with plenty of ships that can either help with the clean up and/or containment. They also have money and man-power. We can almost never have too many ships out there working on containment. Also, the quicker we clean up, the less damage it will do to the ecosystem and the better and quicker that we can contain, the less damage this tragedy will do to the ecosystem.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by airspoon
reply to post by SLAYER69

They have resources and a navy with plenty of ships that can either help with the clean up and/or containment.

Iran does not have a blue water navy capable of even getting to the Gulf of Mexico. Their navy is tasked with operating in the Persian Gulf and other areas close to their shores. I believe that is the point slayer and I are trying to make. It's easy to make an offer to help for political purposes, but watch what would happen if the U.S. accepted (called iran's bluff), they wouldn't be able to do anything.

And as for accepting iran's manpower "help", you actually think it would be a great idea to have hundreds or thousands of iran's revolutionary guards types crawling all over our sea coasts?

Earth to airspoon: iran is not the answer to this problem


posted on May, 3 2010 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

Iran does have some bigger ships in their Navy and when you combine this with their industrial/commercial ships, they could offer reasonable help. I'm not suggesting that Iran is the answer, only that they can help. I'm personally not of the belief that Iran wants to harm the United States. I think that Iran is far less dangerous than Israel and Israel was pouring all over Haiti. Iran has never aggressively attacked anyone, why on earth would they start now, especially since they know that Israel and possibly the US is just itching to bomb them to smithereens. Israel, on the other hand, has deliberately targeted and attacked US interests. Frankly, I feel safer with Iran around our coasts.

Again, I don't think that Iran is *THE answer, only much needed help.


[edit on 3-5-2010 by airspoon]

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