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Couple Arrested For Asking For Directions

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posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
My motto is never call the pigs for help. If someone is not shot bleeding or injured, there is always more risk of getting a bad pig showing up gung ho than a reasonable, normal human being.

Those kids should get a job, get a smart phone with gps and google maps, and then they can be reliant on themselves and not the pigs.

I am shocked in todays age, when most of our pigs are returning vets from these Middle East wars, (with all of the unresolved baggage that comes with that,) that people still call them into non emergency situations, or ask them for assistance.


The Pigs are NOT here to help you anymore. WE are the ENEMY.

I am shocked and always wonder why some people have such a horrible experience with cops and feel the need to call ALL cops bad names; whilst others never have any issues.

In my 30+ years I have never had a bad experience with cops. I have been pulled over for speeding many times (I have a lead foot) and never had one issue. Was always treated with upmost respect and I treated them with respect. I have tons of friends that are cops and they are more respectable than most citizens I come in contact with on a daily basis.

Are there bad cops? Yup. Just like there are bad civilians. But to throw a blanket statement about all cops is absolutely ridiculous.

I suppose based on many people's general outlook on a person representing all of that group, that means since many parents are horrible parents and abusive, that makes ALL parents this way.

Id say WAKE UP AMERICA and realize that all cops are not bad - and to label them all as such is not even logical.

You do realize that your post is very very offensive, right? There are a number of well respected members here who are cops and have morals and treat people with respect. Im not sure why its okay for you to trash and call them names when you have no proof that they are as such. The overall statement about all cops is just flat out wrong and offensive.

[edit on May 3rd 2010 by greeneyedleo]

you are just ignorant of the truth. If ANY police officer has enforced ANY law other than common law.......they are a bad police officer. Do some research into history......and you will see that police offers enforced common law only (basically don't hurt anyone, don't steal or damage anyone else's property, and don't fraud anyone) because those WERE the only laws that could be placed on a free, soverign individual......have you been given a speeding ticket? That's a bad police officer. What about littering? That's a bad police officer. The list goes on and on. So while many may believe (just as many officers do) that they are here for our best interests.....the exact opposite is true.

While this blanket statement "All police officers are *Snip*is necsessary.....because most of them are power tripping idiots who LOVE enforcing the "law".....there are a few who use common sense and critical thinking.......they are still *Snip* becuase they're very job is unconstitutional.

Get up, stand up. Stand up for your rights. Get up stand up, don't give up the fight

Know history and it fails to repeat itself......Know your rights and they will be much harder to trample on


Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 5/3/2010 by semperfortis]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:10 PM
I've lived in Baltimore and I can tell you that for the most part the officers you come across give you the general impression that they are angry and willing to arrest you at whim.

I've witnessed them harassing citizens, even being physically violent with some unnecessarily.

My wife and I once called the police for information on what to do about a baby in a carriage and a couple we saw sleeping outside at night on the steps of a church around 3 a.m.

I mean this was an infant and it looked like they had recently just become homeless. I was concerned and thought that maybe they could come out and try and offer them some sort of assistance to a shelter or something. I've worked with homeless in the past voluntarily and I know there are places for them to go. Most won't they told me, because of the conditions, and potential for robbery but for a couple with an infant I thought at least put the offer on the table.

When the officer arrived he immediately started yelling at us. Told us "this isn't Russia", and "why don't you take them home with you if you care so much and want to force them off the streets". He was acting as if I wanted them locked up. I said "can you just go over and ask them if they need to go to a shelter?" He just got pissed and then walked over to them. He came back and said "no! they are going to sleep outside right here."

It was a nightmare, because he basically said we were being arrogant jerks. We got into an argument that left my wife in tears and ultimately we just went home.

That is the least annoying experience with the darker side of the BCPD.

These guys illegally gave a cavity search to a man in public, with numerous witnesses then just walked away when they didn't find anything, leaving the soiled glove on the sidewalk. They beat down and pepper sprayed the wrong guy on a robbery call then left him on the sidewalk after discovering their error and during an integrity sting one officer who got a call about a bag of marijuana on a bench went out and retrieved it, then planted it on the first black guy he saw and then arrested him for it.


The officer in the integrity case set up by Internal Affairs didn't even get in trouble because when the video came to light former Mayor turned recent Governor, Martin O'Malley, commented on how outrageous the officers actions were and the officers lawyers claimed he could not get a fair trial now since the Mayor biased the people on camera via the local news.

These events didn't get nearly enough attention though, and sadly, these sort of abuses only seem to come to light or get dealt with when it happens to a White couple, particularly ones not usually found in the poorer areas of the city.

Minorities have been complaining about this sort of thing for decades and it is usually dismissed and ignored as useless complaints or whining. No one cared if they treated them with a heavy hand because it seemed they were all viewed as criminals anyway.

A similar thing happened to another White couple in Baltimore who were also arrested for being lost in a bad neighborhood and it was all over the radio and news. I remember listening to one radio program and a caller asked why they were giving this so much attention and condemnation when we minorities have been complaining about this and getting no responses or help in the matter?

Hell even the racist website "Stormfront" is playing up the obvious "White" angle on this case.

Maybe we can't empathize with the long-suffering victims of constant police abuse unless we can put our faces onto the problem so perhaps this is a good thing. Maybe if this happens more to clean-cut White couples the corrupt actions of these officers in minority communities will be dealt with because constantly ignoring this problem WILL make it eventually end up becoming OUR problem, too.

Having lived in Baltimore for ten years I can say this is nothing new.

- Lee

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by daddio
reply to post by polarwarrior

What ALL OF YOU must understand is that ALL police officers, other than the sheriff himself, are nothing more than corporate SECURITY GAURDS.

They are HIRED by cities, NOT ELECTED, they do not have to protect and serve the public like you would think. They uphold city ordinances and statutes which DO NOT apply to flesh and blood living souls, they ONLY apply to those who agree to the corporate policy by obtaining a drivers license and such, thus becoming a part of the corporation and you must follow corporate policy or face the consequences. Auto registration/title and License plate tags and so on are your contract agreement with the state that your auto is THEIR property and YOU are paying a "lease fee" to use it, traffic tickets are the fines for improper use of state property. Think this is BS, do your own research into the "law". There are a few threads here about it.

Common Law supercedes ALL other forms of "law" which are merely "color of law", and not applicable to sovereign people.

Time you all woke up and stood your ground and stopped this insanity.


Someone who knows what they are talking about.......this is an important post......everyone should do the research on this

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by LifeInDeath
You all should watch "The Wire" to see how FUBAR things can get in the Baltimore Police Department - much of it is based on real stuff that has happened there. Best television show ever.


Dang I was gonna say the same thing!!! The wire is SSSSSOOOOO Good. Homicide: Life on the streets is its equally amazing predecessor which is also based out of Baltimore. Also, the Orioles are one of the more entertaining teams out there.

I would imagine you would be more likely to be arrested for asking a random person directions, but to be arrested by the cop after asking is insane. Im going to do some research about the events that lead up to being arrested, because something else is here and noti being said that lead them to this, and I REALLY want to know what it was.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:15 PM
as one other person stated this happened over 5 years ago. i am intrigued at how many people are commenting on this as if it just happened. just goes to show how little attention people pay to things reported online and immediately jump on it.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:18 PM
I agree with your original post. The lack of respectable police officers is very sad. There was a time when talking to and getting to know your local police officers was a good thing. Now a days it seems that they are very rude and inconsiderate.

If it does not involve them or meet their agenda they just don't want to be bothered.

This stuff makes me so mad sometimes.

good post by the way

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:26 PM
ALL profit must be taken out of the police and prison system. That is why this country is so messed up. When there is PROFIT for somebody for writing tickets or putting people in JAIL then you can be darn sure it will happen more and more and more. This incident makes me sick because it shows the pure arrogance of some of the police. They are supposed to help people.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:26 PM
You guys should shoot the Baltimore PD an email

Tell them what you think of this backwards ass situation.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:40 PM
This sounds really sad. It is madness in fact.

I read a story here in the UK, in the Daily Mirror newspaper, that a man had been sentenced to life imprisonment - I speak the truth of what I read ! - for stealing a box of cornflakes, something to do with the fact that he had offended several times before.

It beggars belief, and it makes me wonder whether the USA administration is in fact "renigade". If they are not, then they could prove so, by taking urgent action to show that they are not.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Rockstar02
reply to post by BingeBob

What? No they're not. I have several police officers as friends who I get together with regularly and we've discussed their academy trainings over drinks many times. At no point has that message EVER been relayed to any of them.

I used to be in law enforcement...went to the academy...Yes they do...

Just for an obvious example...Have you ever been stopped at a sobriety checkpoint??? Even though you had nothing to drink they are stopping you from your personal buisness because until the determine otherwise, you are drunk and driving and that makes you a criminal.

There was a pretty decent article in a cop magazine i read lately...It was detailing the change in the way local police work in the community. Only 20 or 30 years ago (maybe longer i cant remember exactly) the system was set up so that the same officer walked the same beat everyday so he could get close the citizens and be able to really get to know his area. This allowed him to profile effectively and to pick out the bad guys from the good guys. This changed when a police chief somewhere decided that officers could get "too close" to the community they served. THey came up with the idea that the cops stood a better chance at being bribed and taken advantage of if they were too familiar.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 03:47 PM
This is a shame! I'm sure that there is much more to the story but regardless, they shouldn't have been taken to jail unless they committed some type of real crime, against another person. What has happened in this country, when the police have the authority to hual anyone off to jail with out a crime being committed against another person?

There are far too many stupid laws on the books to know off-hand and ignorance of the law is no excuse so basically that means that there will always be a reason for the police to hual you of to jail for what basically amounts to political crimes. This is no longer a free country and we are no longer the beacon of liberty and justice. American freedom is no longer a reality but rather a historical reference.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 03:56 PM
I really wish the bad apples in the bunch would understand that they get much more negative publicity if they do something wrong. anything done right is kind of unacknowledged because's their job.

I live in LA and have been let off the hook numerous times when I should have gotten a ticket, or even arrested. I try hard to remember stuff like this when I read or encounter bad cops

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Good cops are the exception. Cops like this are typical now.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by v3_exceed

Here, here v3_exceed.

I was thinking the same thing about the Moderator's Greeneyedleo handle and I'm glad that you pointed it out.

That young couple also had a positive experience too though.

They learned to keep a closer eye on the Gorillas (called cops by some) than on the criminals who would steal their wallet. A valuable lesson indeed.

Now, not only did they have to pay fines but the Car Insurance companies are going to sink their teeth into them too.

For the lady who was held for 8 hours in jail it was probably psychologically akin to being kidnapped for her. And I'm sure on some level she was traumatized by the event. For the man, internally he was probably enraged that people physically handled his wife and treated her in such a way.

But in the end the Gorillas educated those poor folks as to their real standing amongst them which they had foolishly misunderstood.

The Gorillas could have said: "Hey I know you're lost but in this town we follow the street signs regardless. Don't run another light/or stop sign or I'll cite you. Now here's how you get home." But no it had to escalate. The couple could have been shown their place without this escalation. The people were disoriented and frustrated to begin with. But the Gorillas just had to add insult to injury. This is how they think now. It's truly a shame too.

They will think twice as many of us do before they even think about speaking to them now though. Perhaps this will spare them further humiliation in the future. It is truly a shame that it is shaping up to be that way these days but such is how it is more and more now.

I blame it on their training. I blame it on their police cruisers that iscolate them from us. I blame it on their pain compliance toys (tazers). And I blame it on the good old boy network mentality that is rampant amongst them now.

Perhaps psychological counseling in public relations will be at least a start. But it would be far from what is truly needed to turn things around.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Buddywhasisname

Originally posted by daddio
reply to post by polarwarrior

What ALL OF YOU must understand is that ALL police officers, other than the sheriff himself, are nothing more than corporate SECURITY GAURDS.

They are HIRED by cities, NOT ELECTED, they do not have to protect and serve the public like you would think. They uphold city ordinances and statutes which DO NOT apply to flesh and blood living souls, they ONLY apply to those who agree to the corporate policy by obtaining a drivers license and such, thus becoming a part of the corporation and you must follow corporate policy or face the consequences. Auto registration/title and License plate tags and so on are your contract agreement with the state that your auto is THEIR property and YOU are paying a "lease fee" to use it, traffic tickets are the fines for improper use of state property. Think this is BS, do your own research into the "law". There are a few threads here about it.

Common Law supercedes ALL other forms of "law" which are merely "color of law", and not applicable to sovereign people.

Time you all woke up and stood your ground and stopped this insanity.


Someone who knows what they are talking about.......this is an important post......everyone should do the research on this

I second that! Listen to Daddio, he knows what he is talking about!

ANd for my two cents, I have to side with the pig haters and against the badge kissers. And my dad was a beat cop, then a state trooper, and then a Secret Service agent. I grew up with Supercop as dad. And my uncle was the Chief of Police in a small town. Both of them, now in their seventies, hate all cops now, and say they are nothing like the way they used to be, and are more like thugs. And these are two old guys who have badges that will let them get off scot free from any incident.

They are just there for the money, and to enforce the corporate regulations, not to help you in any way. They will lie to protect each other from any incident like this. And they are all too brainwashed to even realize that all they are are enforcers for a totally corrupt Mafia style extortion and protection racket system. Only instead of break your thumbs if you don't pay the "charges" against you, they put you in jail. So only those with a Mafia enforcer type attitude even apply for the job, and they won't even hire them if their IQ is too high.

Only the Sheriff represents the real Law, and he is elected.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 04:47 PM
Everyone on this board should go to and file an internal affairs complaint against Officer Natalie Preston. I did.

But everyone also needs to remember this is an individual police officer that did this. All cops should not be blacklisted beause of the poor actions by one or a few of them.

[edit on 3-5-2010 by craig732]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by BingeBob

Only 20 or 30 years ago (maybe longer i cant remember exactly) the system was set up so that the same officer walked the same beat everyday so he could get close the citizens and be able to really get to know his area. This allowed him to profile effectively and to pick out the bad guys from the good guys. This changed when a police chief somewhere decided that officers could get "too close" to the community they served. THey came up with the idea that the cops stood a better chance at being bribed and taken advantage of if they were too familiar.

I agree with you on this point. When I was a kid in the 60's and a teen in the 70"s we were very familiar with our beat officers, as they were with us, we all knew each other by name. They knew who the trouble makers were and who stayed out of trouble. We had respect for and trusted each other. They didn't harass us for sitting on our front porches like they do now, because they knew us and knew it was just a group of neighbors enjoying a nice summer evening. And they could walk down the street without worrying about being shot. And they knew if they ever needed help the neighborhood would be there to help them just like they were there for us.

This thing they do now, changing their beat every year has damaged the relations between police and citizens.

I'll tell you something else that has changed. I don't ever remember a cop swearing at people, now they swear at people like they're some kind of street thug, instead of a police officer.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

. Collins reported a city officer arrested them for trespassing on a public street while they were asking for directions .

How is it possible to trespass anywhere in public?

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 05:07 PM
Is it ok to defend yourself against such cops who do stupid idiotic things to people like that for no reason? or is it best to just accept all of the stupidity because they are "cops" and obviously they are only doing their job... at what point does it become illegal and ok to stand up for yourself?

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Knowledgeseeker5434
Being born and raised in Baltimore I attest to the horrible job the Baltimore city police do. If its not corruption or false evidence its this.

Remember the early 1990's raid on The Block? (The Block is actually a two-block section of downtown Baltimore where a lot of strip clubs and sex shops are located.) A few hundred cops sealed off the entire neighborhood and arrested every single person there. Never mind that most of them were legal patrons of the little, seedy strip clubs and sex shops just minding their own business, or maybe some people who just happened to be walking by at the time. I have friends who got arrested in that raid for no good reason.

The Mayor and the Governor came down and gave speeches - supposedly the whole thing was about finding major drug dealers in the area. In the end, there were no major arrests and nearly all charges were dropped - what few there were.

The most hilarious part of all this, the next block over from The Block is taken up completely by the city's main police station and office building. The next entire block is actually closed off because that's where all the cop cars park. So this gigantic raid happened on the next two blocks over from where the chief of police had his office...dumbest thing ever.

Originally posted by BingeBob
There was a pretty decent article in a cop magazine i read lately...It was detailing the change in the way local police work in the community. Only 20 or 30 years ago (maybe longer i cant remember exactly) the system was set up so that the same officer walked the same beat everyday so he could get close the citizens and be able to really get to know his area.

Again, I bring up "The Wire." Season 3 and Season 4 of the show get into this issue, some. How the policing of communities has changed and the cops are no longer a part of the community and are seen by the people more as jailers and oppressors.

[edit on 5/3/2010 by LifeInDeath]

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