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Couple Arrested For Asking For Directions

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posted on May, 3 2010 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
My motto is never call the pigs for help. If someone is not shot bleeding or injured, there is always more risk of getting a bad pig showing up gung ho than a reasonable, normal human being.

Those kids should get a job, get a smart phone with gps and google maps, and then they can be reliant on themselves and not the pigs.

I am shocked in todays age, when most of our pigs are returning vets from these Middle East wars, (with all of the unresolved baggage that comes with that,) that people still call them into non emergency situations, or ask them for assistance.


The Pigs are NOT here to help you anymore. WE are the ENEMY.

I am shocked and always wonder why some people have such a horrible experience with cops and feel the need to call ALL cops bad names; whilst others never have any issues.

In my 30+ years I have never had a bad experience with cops. I have been pulled over for speeding many times (I have a lead foot) and never had one issue. Was always treated with upmost respect and I treated them with respect. I have tons of friends that are cops and they are more respectable than most citizens I come in contact with on a daily basis.

Are there bad cops? Yup. Just like there are bad civilians. But to throw a blanket statement about all cops is absolutely ridiculous.

I suppose based on many people's general outlook on a person representing all of that group, that means since many parents are horrible parents and abusive, that makes ALL parents this way.

Id say WAKE UP AMERICA and realize that all cops are not bad - and to label them all as such is not even logical.

You do realize that your post is very very offensive, right? There are a number of well respected members here who are cops and have morals and treat people with respect. Im not sure why its okay for you to trash and call them names when you have no proof that they are as such. The overall statement about all cops is just flat out wrong and offensive.

[edit on May 3rd 2010 by greeneyedleo]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 11:38 AM
The above post is absolutely true and well said!

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by RestingInPieces

Besides, It's 2010. Who the hell has to ask for directions anymore? It's an anachronism.

Me and quite a few others. Not everyone has a GPS you know.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:53 PM
Let me, a German speaking foreigner, interpret it for you Americans:

trespassing on public streets = committing an offense on a
public street like disregarding a stop sign, but not

walking over a public street to the other side to ask an officer
for directions, if there is no danger for crossing.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:03 PM

I am shocked and always wonder why some people have such a horrible experience with cops and feel the need to call ALL cops bad names; whilst others never have any issues.

In my 30+ years I have never had a bad experience with cops. I have been pulled over for speeding many times (I have a lead foot) and never had one issue. Was always treated with upmost respect and I treated them with respect. I have tons of friends that are cops and they are more respectable than most citizens I come in contact with on a daily basis.

Are there bad cops? Yup. Just like there are bad civilians. But to throw a blanket statement about all cops is absolutely ridiculous.

I suppose based on many people's general outlook on a person representing all of that group, that means since many parents are horrible parents and abusive, that makes ALL parents this way.

Id say WAKE UP AMERICA and realize that all cops are not bad - and to label them all as such is not even logical.

You do realize that your post is very very offensive, right? There are a number of well respected members here who are cops and have morals and treat people with respect. Im not sure why its okay for you to trash and call them names when you have no proof that they are as such. The overall statement about all cops is just flat out wrong and offensive.

I agree completely. The only people I have ever met that think the way she does are criminals. Even people that had just a bad run in with the law, usually know that there are good ones. There is no reasoning with people like her. They are lost in their own little world where the criminals are the good guys. Great post.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:08 PM

Don't worry, the fine for the stop sign is going to pay it all. Since they were being belligerent idiots, I'm sure they got charged the max, which is around $350 give or take. Plus, they merely left them in the cell for 8 hours. That doesn't cost much, if anything. I doubt they had to hire a cleaning crew afterward.

They didn't charge them either, so that's no cost paper-work and no cost man hours.

I don't see why you are getting up-in-arms over two idiots telling the police that they think they can run stop signs if they pay the "stop-sign toll".

It is being detained illegally. Yes it will cost a lot of money when they go and sue the city. Rights were clearly infringed on and even I could represent them in court and win the case. 8 hours in jail is a long time, if you have somewhere to be at. As someone who supports free speech, I am sure you can understand that I have a problem getting jail for telling police how I feel.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:13 PM
Sounds like some Black badged sisters with "I'm against whitey attitude"

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:13 PM
This poor couple obviously did not know the reason we have police. It is not to protect and serve. That is so old hat. The real reason we have police is to raise revenue. Give these officers a break they were just fulfilling their priority assignment of collecting tow & impound fees. Just think of the kickbacks they must have secured from the thieves at the vehicle lockup. Way to go collectors err officers.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by BingeBob

What? No they're not. I have several police officers as friends who I get together with regularly and we've discussed their academy trainings over drinks many times. At no point has that message EVER been relayed to any of them.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Udo Hohnekamp Lux.
Let me, a German speaking foreigner, interpret it for you Americans:

trespassing on public streets = committing an offense on a
public street like disregarding a stop sign, but not

walking over a public street to the other side to ask an officer
for directions, if there is no danger for crossing.

Typically these types of offenses are called infractions. In the US there is no possibility of jail time for an infraction, just a fine. You can only go to jail for a misdemeanor or a felony.

It does happen when officers will arrest people for a what they think is a felony or misdemeanor and turns out it isn't that is called a false arrest. For instance posseing a concealed knife of 2" when it's only a mesdemeanor for having one more than 2 1/2" In those cases officers are not protected from shield laws.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
I am shocked and always wonder why some people have such a horrible experience with cops and feel the need to call ALL cops bad names; whilst others never have any issues.

In my 30+ years I have never had a bad experience with cops. I have been pulled over for speeding many times (I have a lead foot) and never had one issue. Was always treated with upmost respect and I treated them with respect. I have tons of friends that are cops and they are more respectable than most citizens I come in contact with on a daily basis.

Are there bad cops? Yup. Just like there are bad civilians. But to throw a blanket statement about all cops is absolutely ridiculous.

I suppose based on many people's general outlook on a person representing all of that group, that means since many parents are horrible parents and abusive, that makes ALL parents this way.

Id say WAKE UP AMERICA and realize that all cops are not bad - and to label them all as such is not even logical.

You do realize that your post is very very offensive, right? There are a number of well respected members here who are cops and have morals and treat people with respect. Im not sure why its okay for you to trash and call them names when you have no proof that they are as such. The overall statement about all cops is just flat out wrong and offensive.

[edit on May 3rd 2010 by greeneyedleo]

I am completely SHOCKED at the absolute naivety of some of the people on this forum.

Almost daily...DAILY we are seeing cops taser old people, abuse students, abuse their authority with total disregard for the people they serve, yet at every turn the same badge kissers come out in force with, "It's a few bad apples". It's a few bad TREES is a more apt statement.

In your 30 years you haven't had a negative experience with police?. And your name is Green eyed LEO...hmmm That might be self explanatory...

It may come as a surprise to the many police cheering squads on this board, but history has proven that no amount of your cheering will make any difference when the police come for you. Ask any of the NAZI brown shirts how that went for them.

Here we have a young couple, DUMB enough to believe the police would consider helping them. How foolish of them to believe the propaganda that the above post has affirmed. How dare they interrupt a police persons day by asking for help from them...or another cop.

Here is why COPS need to be held to a higher standard than both the average civilians and the average parent. WE, THE PUBLIC, ENTRUST THE POLICE WITH POWERS ABOVE THE COMMON MAN.

What is really offensive, is the consistent abuses that are becoming prevalent in today's society by the police. I am appalled that an 80 Year old woman can be tasered by the police at all, or that a group of police will beat a student and then LIE about it.

For everything I have written above, there is a lot of proof right here on ATS. One day the "Bent Brotherhood in Blue" will get what is coming for them, and I for one will not life a hand to help them.

The real question one should be asking themselves is WHY do all of these people feel this way about a group that at one time was greatly respected?

And the blanket statement that the only people that feel this way are criminals is as sweeping a generalization as all cops are bad. Although not all cops are bad, enough are that none can be treated without suspicion. Hmm kind of how they treat us.


posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:15 PM
Female Cops and PMS, a very bad and dangerous situation indeed.

I wonder if Cagney and Lacey ever had days like this? How do you tresspass on a public street?

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by v3_exceed

"Although not all cops are bad, enough are that none can be treated without suspicion. Hmm kind of how they treat us."

Well said!

Do not forget who the cops really work for today. It is not the average citizen. They work for the corrupt politicians and union bosses. They are more than happy to gouge working men and women with red light cameras and skyrocketing parking meter fees. After all that helps put more money into their own pockets.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:42 PM
When will the public wake up to the fact the the police are your enemy in a police state. Not to be trusted in anyway, render no assistance, ask no help, given no quarter.

There is no such thing as a good police officer. If this statement was un-true the fact would be that there would be no such thing as a bad police officer. Meaning that the bad police officer would be removed not protected and actions covered-up by his fellow officers.

No excuses.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by SerialLurker
What a joke.

I thought police officers were PUBLIC SERVANTS meant to SERVE and PROTECT.

Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.

I agree that those two police officers should be suspended.

Only if they are an officer of the peace do they serve and protect......if they are an officer of the law.......they are simply revenue officers meant to enforce by-laws and the like to gain the state revenue........I've yet to meet a police officer who could critically think about a situation......they just do what they are told.......# the police......they've never done anything for me. Waste of a human being if you ask me. Brainwashed idiots

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:52 PM
All I can say is "typical..."

I lived in Baltimore for 7 years - horrible place with tons of angry people. I saw so many incidences of racism by black people toward white people it was just appaling.

Before you get all crazy on that statement know that I am a white guy, very peaceful, and my wife is black. I'm not racist, just reporting my personal experiences.

This kind of thing happens ALL THE TIME, especially to white college students! There was this one bus driver (black male) who used to pass me by, glaring at me, so often that I had to get a video camera and catch him in the act, call him on it publically (seriously risk getting killed for this), and threaten sending the video to the news before this racist ***hole finally started stopping the bus for me.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

What ALL OF YOU must understand is that ALL police officers, other than the sheriff himself, are nothing more than corporate SECURITY GAURDS.

They are HIRED by cities, NOT ELECTED, they do not have to protect and serve the public like you would think. They uphold city ordinances and statutes which DO NOT apply to flesh and blood living souls, they ONLY apply to those who agree to the corporate policy by obtaining a drivers license and such, thus becoming a part of the corporation and you must follow corporate policy or face the consequences. Auto registration/title and License plate tags and so on are your contract agreement with the state that your auto is THEIR property and YOU are paying a "lease fee" to use it, traffic tickets are the fines for improper use of state property. Think this is BS, do your own research into the "law". There are a few threads here about it.

Common Law supercedes ALL other forms of "law" which are merely "color of law", and not applicable to sovereign people.

Time you all woke up and stood your ground and stopped this insanity.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:03 PM
I've known one jerk of a police officer in my 43-odd years. I had a few that were friends. Most are normal people, who have to deal with unmitigated asshats on a daily basis. I've gotten tickets.. ok, that's fine.. I've never gotten one I didn't deserve. Yes, sometimes they hit the streets more to get revenue. If they do.. don't break the law, you won't get a ticket.

The lack of respect for police makes me shake my head. It goes hand-in-hand with the lack of respect now for almost anything out there. The word "retard" is thrown around without thought, elders.. they are useless humans who should be shoveled off into old homes and forgotten, and it's all about the "me." If it impeded upon your right to do anything you want, it's clearly a wrong, evil thing.

There are bad experiences with police. There are plenty I'm sure with egos which are unsafe for their positions. But keep in mind, the type of job in of itself draws that sort of person naturally to it. Unless you start forcing people to become police officers, you will always have this. All you can do is deal with the bad apples and move on.

There are MORE then enough police who dilligently do their jobs to the best of their abilities. And people here call them evil.. call them "pigs," and are so derogatory, it borders on racism. If police were a race, the sort of hate directed at them would be considered exactly that.

P.S. Humans.. even in the wondefully "advanced" and humane, caring U.S. of A., would fall into utter chaos if ther was no law. If you think we are mature enough to "handle it" on our own, you are laughably mistaken.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:07 PM
Its not all of them, no matter what some want to say. There is alot of bad cops, but for the most part, Ive only been blessed with decent ones so far.

(But when stopped I follow a lil list my LEO friend advised me on...)

1: When stopped in your car... Turn off the car (at night, turn on all the interior lights) and throw the keys on the roof of the car out of reach of yourself.
2: Be nice. Its easy to be a smart ass and know it all.
3: Remeber Sir or Maam go along way and think if you were them and you had to stand out there.

Any ticket or arrest can be fought in court... Well, hopefully. Renditions and all... Wo really knows anymore.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo

I am shocked and always wonder why some people have such a horrible experience with cops and feel the need to call ALL cops bad names; whilst others never have any issues.

In my 30+ years I have never had a bad experience with cops. I have been pulled over for speeding many times (I have a lead foot) and never had one issue. Was always treated with upmost respect and I treated them with respect. I have tons of friends that are cops and they are more respectable than most citizens I come in contact with on a daily basis.

Are there bad cops? Yup. Just like there are bad civilians. But to throw a blanket statement about all cops is absolutely ridiculous.

I suppose based on many people's general outlook on a person representing all of that group, that means since many parents are horrible parents and abusive, that makes ALL parents this way.

Id say WAKE UP AMERICA and realize that all cops are not bad - and to label them all as such is not even logical.

You do realize that your post is very very offensive, right? There are a number of well respected members here who are cops and have morals and treat people with respect. Im not sure why its okay for you to trash and call them names when you have no proof that they are as such. The overall statement about all cops is just flat out wrong and offensive.

[edit on May 3rd 2010 by greeneyedleo]
In your opinion, in my opinion I stand behind what I said.

What I posted was my GENERAL OPINION, still constitutionally protected as of this typing.

I am not making this personal by naming ats members, I am stating my general opinion. If it offends you (general you) maybe that is your problem. I am perfectly fine with my personal viewpoint of the pigs. In your opinion it is flat out wrong, in my opinion not.

What proof do you offer for your opinion? That is what I thought, so why am I asked for proof of mine? Opinions do not need proof, facts do.

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