posted on May, 2 2010 @ 08:40 PM
1.Solar Flares.
2.Expected solar maximum
3.Unprecedented sun spots, after eerily quiet year
4. Unprecedented natural disasters. Up 200%
5. Chemtrail spraying of aluminum oxide to reflect solar rays
6. Denial of chemtrails
7. Popping the mortgage bubble and taking insane amount of money out of the market. Impending doom?
8. Government bailouts for same elite people who were making money off of the collapse.
9. Ancient volacanoes awakening
10. Talk of a binary star system
11. Ancient sumerian glyphs of such a second sun, and talk of another planet
12. Unusual reports of 2 suns
13. Increase in UFO reports
14. Bees dying at an unprecedented level
14. Water being polluted at an unprecedented level
15. Sharks, which have existed for millions and millions of years, which eat the smark shark and ray species, which in turn eat small fish species
which in turn eat plankton. Plankton eat caron dioxide. Without sharks, the plankton are dissapearing and CO2 levels in the oceans are rising
16. Massive population increase which most likely will have to balance out
17. Massive awakening to the truths of the world and people are starting to understand the whole game being played out
18. Revelations, whether the bible is regarded as a source or just fiction, , it and many other religious scripts speak of cataclysmic times.
19. Attack on the pope's credibility in order to fulfill supposed prophecy
20. Georgia Guidestones
21. America being allowed to literally die from within, with such cities as Detroit almost being a laughing stock if it wasn't such a sad tragedy the
state of the nation is in. Also, glorious California debt stricken
22. Unprecedented unemployment...middle class dying?
23. Middle class almost dead
24. Impending gold collapse to kill middle class
25. No physical gold for amount printed
26. False flag terrorism
27. Terrorism
28. Manufacturing industry almost dead
29. 100 percent extinction rate on planet earth
30. History being re written in the dark ages as a form of control.
31. Humans have lived for millions of years
32. Increase in underground bunkers being made
33. Predicted seed banks coming to fruition
34. Denver Airport
35. Movies as a sense of "preparing" you for the what if scenario
36. Revolution in the States
37. Does another country take a run at the Alpha dog?
38. FEMA camps
39. Engineered virus's and vaccinations
40. Katla