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Cat tries to "revive" her friend

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posted on May, 2 2010 @ 10:36 PM
Saddest thing ive seen since my dog and best friend, hugged into my arms and died. Most mammals have the same emotions as us, just a lot of people dont understand that.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 10:53 PM
The YouTube video posted on the 3rd post is a lot shorter than the one found at this link:

Towards the end of the video, the cat is found biting the neck of the dead cat, while kneading it, and trying to get into a mating position. This is not "nursing" thing.....

My cat does exactly what is shown in the video, but with a blanket. He bites the blanket and keeps it in his mouth while he is kneading the blanket, and then something funny happens with his rear end, it's moving in very small humping movements, almost looks uncontrolled... I am pretty sure he is sexually aroused and just doing what feels good.

This video is a prime example of "nothing is as it seems". I bet if you changed the depressing music in the video with porno music you would see the entire thing differently. It's not a cat mourning death and trying to do CPR on another cat... it's a cat trying to get a quickie on a dead corps.

[edit on 2-5-2010 by ALLis0NE]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 10:55 PM
Anyway, since I am a dog lover I guess I'll post this... THAT is the real deal.

[edit on 2-5-2010 by ALLis0NE]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by CoherentlyConfused
reply to post by ALLis0NE

My cat is too old and fat (and spayed and female) to be horny and humping things.
Someone posted a link about the false nursing thing, which is exactly what she is doing. Sometimes she'll even chatter a little bit and she'll get all weird with her legs, pushing back against the blanket on my lap. She stops after several minutes, curls up in a ball and goes to sleep. She's not trying to hump me or the blanket, it's normal cat behavior. She's female, she's old and we had her spayed at a year old. I've owned my share of male cats over the years, as well. All were neutered as kittens, none ever humped anything but all did the same thing with the kneading and chewing on the blankets. The two cats my mom owned did the same exact thing and she had them both neutered as kittens, too.

If your cat truly is humping things, it's time to get him neutered and he'll stop. He won't stop the false nursing, though. It's a natural behavior and I've seen it with every cat I've ever owned or lived with.

When cats are "making biscuits" on you, its a sign of love. Same thing as when they give "nose kisses".

Animals are not on the same "spiritual" evolution (group soul) as humans but they have emotions and (sometimes) tend toward some "psychism". By that, I mean they can tell your moods, health, and needs.

All 4 of my dogs are rescues. My shephard was a mill momma. She was left tied in a field and only ate what she caught. You would thing she would despise humans....not even close. She's momma to 4 leggeds AND two leggeds alike. She REEEEEALLY likes little girls. My Josie Bell. Her and my shephard/charpei mix Warsteiner are both getting a little grey.

I'm not gonna be worth a damn when "that" day comes for them.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:12 PM
Cats have always been my favourite animal.
I think it is because I feel that I "owe" something to them.

You see, when I was a young kid my mum bought home a tiny kitten for me. I fell in love with it instantly. After playing around with it for only an hour my sister, not noticing the kitten was under her chair, squashed its head with the chair leg.
The kitten was running around in circles with its head pressed to the ground, and we didn't see the incident happen so we thought it was doing some sort of trick.

Anyway we realised what had happened and my mum took it to our next door neighbour to "fix". The little guy was broken, brain damaged, etc, so he was put into a shoebox and I was never told what the neighbour did with him so I don't know how he was put out of his misery. The guy got a six-pack of beer for it though, lol. I always assumed he was hit with a hammer through the shoe-box but my mum would never tell me.
I cried for the rest of the day and the memory is one of my only vivid memories from child-hood.

Anyway... there's my story and that is why I love cats.

[edit on 2/5/10 by Nventual]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by sandri_90

"Kneading"! Thank you so much.

My wife calls that mak'in muffins.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:25 PM
You all just reminded me of what happened Friday night...

I am a motocross rider and I go to a race track every Friday. Well, last Friday I injured my ankle on a large jump and couldn't walk without limping really bad. When I got home my cat was watching me get out of my truck as usual, and then runs to the front door to meet me there. Since I was limping really bad it took me a while to get to the door, so my cat was watching me walk towards him slowly.

I just KNOW the cat noticed I was limping, and knew I was injured, because his attitude was way different than normal. He seemed happy and excited to see me at first, but when he noticed I was limping he got really calm and quiet. He ended up walking towards me, making really soft meows, and then slowly started walking along side me as I limped along. I got the impression that he was being compassionate, and was concerned. It was interesting....

I know ALL animals are smarter than we think they are.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:26 PM
Compassion is even shown under different species. Just watch this hippo fighting off a croc to save another animal

And this one is one of the most impressive footage I've ever seen about animals showing emotional behavior

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:26 PM
Does anybody think there is an increase in cats and dogs showing these sorts of emotions? Or is there just more videos of it? Because I saw a video of a dog carrying a dead dog off a freeway after it was hit by a car. Could nature be trying to tell us to look after each other more?

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by Nventual
Does anybody think there is an increase in cats and dogs showing these sorts of emotions? Or is there just more videos of it? Because I saw a video of a dog carrying a dead dog off a freeway after it was hit by a car. Could nature be trying to tell us to look after each other more?

I don't remember anymore in which conference video I saw it, but they showed pictures recently taken during a fire in Australia, where koala bears willingly let themselves be held by humans and drank water out of a bottle. They said usually the koalas are quite aggressive when they feel in danger. They went on to say, that this is just one example for what is happening more and more on the planet. Supposedly the behavior of the animal world is like a reflection of our own. When our compassion raises, it raises in the animal kingdom as well. They made a biblical reference to this is, what is meant when it says "and the lamb will lie down with the lion".
It is a sign of peace, which has come upon earth to all and every being.

I kinda like their theory....

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:41 PM
The cat isn't actually trying to shag it's dead mate, the 'dry humping' thing is just part of it's repertoire of intimacy and affection displays. Cats only actually couple with female cats in season, you don't see them trying to do it with anything and everything like you do dogs and other animals.
Poor old cat's in shock for pity's sake, it knows it's mate is dead otherwise it wouldn't have climbed onto her to knead her. It's just demonstrating affection, after all it also licks her and lies next to her, definitely not behaviour associated with feline mating.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by sandri_90

This video is so sad. It just shows that humans arent the only ones with emotions. Im going to school presently to be a vet for reasons exactly like this. I love animals alot and it makes me sad to see them hurt.
Beautiful vid. A million thumbs up

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Bigfoot73

So are you trying to say my cat is being intimate and giving affection to a blanket? No, he is pleasuring himself.

The video in the OP is of a cat pleasuring himself on a dead cat. That is why the cat was biting the neck of the other cat which is what cats do when they are trying to mate because it holds them in place. Research that yourself.

By the way, breading season for cats is YEAR ROUND.

-edit to add a reference-

Female cats transport their kittens from place to place using their teeth to hold them by the scruffs of their necks. Kittens have an instinct to stay completely still when their mothers pick them up by the nape of the neck, and adult cats don’t entirely lose this innate response. The tom cat uses this neck bite to hold the female immobile and to protect himself if she decides to bite or claw him. While some find this behaviour alarming as the mating appears forced, in reality male cats only have the opportunity to mate when females allow it.

Read more at Suite101: Why Does a Tom Cat Bite a Female’s Neck While Mating?

...I think the cat was confused and thought the female was "allowing him".

[edit on 2-5-2010 by ALLis0NE]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:53 PM
When Majestic died, His best buddy Jensia cried all night for a year and a half. She always slept with him at night for ten years. She still does it once in a while.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:53 PM
I saw this video yesterday and it made me just cry. I've been a cat-lover ever since I was a baby. I have seen my cats show emotions in ways that seem far beyond their capabilities. For instance, I used to have a cat named Jack. I was cooking and some grease smoked up the house real bad. When he smelled it (smoke alarm was not functioning, btw), he RAN up to me and actually grabbed my leg with his and then ran to the door. When I didn't come right away he did it two more times! He looked at the door and then me, meowing frantically, but it wasn't to get out. He could have gone out the cat door right in front of him any time. He wanted to make sure I was okay! Now that's a pretty amazing cat. I think all cats and dogs have that in them when it really matters, though. They take care of the ones they love.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by sandri_90

oh dam.. this one got me..

my car Rasta just got killed april 27th in front of the house..

[edit on 2-5-2010 by reeferman]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Pharyax
Yeah.. I cried.
amazing video, even if its so very sad.

When I saw the video on I cried too. My jaw may have dropped too. The title and image for the video at Youtube caught my eye most likely. This is quite amazing and sad at the same time. I posted a link to this video in my facebook, I will spread the word to all my friends and relatives.

I love cats; kittens can make my heart melt, but I am unfortunately allergic to cats
My brother has two white and black cats and My mom has a Black cat. My mom's cat is so attached to her! Where ever my mom goes her black cat follows her and even heels! They can be so passionate! Words cannot explain how passionate animals can really be!

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:56 PM
I have seen similar behavior in raccoons (no, not humping or perceived necrophilia) when I came across a couple of raccoons on the side of the road before dawn on the way to work one morning. I slowed down when I realized that one animal was laying dead on the shoulder of the road, and the other, smaller animal was sniffing and pawing at the carcass. The smaller raccoon really did appear to be trying to get its fallen companion (which I later on found out was a big, old male) to get up. I believe they were a mated pair, since the living animal was much smaller and was obviously concerned for the big male, and the fact that raccoons are solitary animals except for when they mate.

Regarding animals having/sensing emotions, several years ago I rescued 4 kittens from a feral cat that had been living under my tool shed (she still does live there, after I had her spayed, and I feed her everyday so that she leaves neighborhood bird feeders alone). I gave two of them away, and kept the other two. We also had two dogs at the time. One dog was getting old, and had lots of health problems. The kittens were maybe three months old, and they would spend their days and nights wandering and sleeping throughout the house. But they never slept upstairs, and never on my mom's bed. Well, one day came that we had to have the old dog put down, and unfortunately I had to take him to the vet for the last time. My mom and I were quite upset, and for the first time, the two kittens came up at bedtime and spent the entire night cuddled up to my mom. They couldn't get into my room because I'm the keeper of the house plants - if you have cats and plants, you know it's best (at least for the plants) if you keep them separated, so they wouldn't have been able to come cuddle up with me. Ever since that night they sleep in her bed with her.

My other dog, the younger one, also has a curious habit - if anyone cries or laughs, he gets up and comes over to them and tries to sit in their lap, and if he can't do that, he snuggles up against the person and licks their face.

The "jury" might be out on what's happening in the cat video (humping is possible, as one time I recall seeing a picture of a young rhino humping a dead hippo, very strange) but I do believe that animals can feel and sense emotions just like people.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:11 AM
Hmmm not so sure, i have a cat myself...but i don't think it is smart enough to try and "revive" another cat. Yeah i like my cat, but i would never put it's intellect on such a high pedestal...and i certainly don't like it more than people, even the ones im not fond of. I don't understand cat and dog owners who think like that.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:11 AM
Dont forget that we too are animals, and as with them, Other animal species similar to us have emotions and feelings the same as we do.

People who doubt this apparently haven't lived or worked with them.

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