posted on May, 2 2010 @ 07:11 PM
You know, when I was around 10 years old, I had noticed two Blue Jays flying outside of my window. Like any young boy of my age, I was hell bent on
destruction and if I didn't want to h*mp something, I wanted to kill it. Anyway, I aimed my brother's Benjamin pellet gun out of the windowed and
fired, dropping one of the Blue Jays from the street light below. The bird that happened to be flying with the other who just met his fate at the
hands of such a disturbed preteen, immediately dropped down to the dead bird and started to chirp in what sounded to me like a sad song of sorrow.
Anyway, this bird wound up not leaving the dead one for almost an entire day and night, the whole time chirping a distress tune as if its life had
just been turned upside down by the loss of a companion. In fact, the bird only left when guilt finally forced me to give the deceased a proper bird
burial. These two birds were obviously life-long companions or at the very least, best friends. Since that day, I have always had a big respect for
the lives of Animals. I have never taken another kill for granted and the whole experience moved me, a 10 year old mischievous little boy at the time.
Animals would seem that they are capable of love and possibly some other emotions that we only relate to humans. I'm certainly not proud of what I
did back then but I was completely impressed at the apparent emotion shown by the surviving bird.
Good post, by the way!