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Mars pictures of ancient techno devices!

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posted on May, 4 2010 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Aresh Troxit
Find a rock, with an opening similar to the one in the pic, and with a circular rock encased, not fused, in it.
I see I wasn't clear on one of my previous posts; have you ever found two rocks that looked the same or had a similar peculiar shape?

What are the odds that we can find some rock that has the same look as the one on the photo?

I am sure that if I post a photo of a rock from Earth you will have some difficulty trying to find another rock that looks like it.

Remember, tho: it has to be a natural process that creates this. Since it has been decided by the majority that this was a common rock, I want to see rocks that can be categorized in the same class as this fellow here...
Sedimentary rocks can have many shapes and the process by which they are created is very simple.

Can you post a photo of a rock with similar features to this one?


Most rocks have unique looks because they are the result of a common process but made with different materials and under different circumstances.

You should take your picture of the pipe in a park, in the sand, in a similar position so we can be better judges. My pipe isn't in an appartment!...
Sure, don't you want to take the photo on Mars? It would be even closer to the photo you posted.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Well, if you pay half the bill, I'm ready to go to Mars...

What type of rock is on your post? I'm as knowledgeable in the classification of rocks as my mom is towards the Simpson.

I've been watching some Spirit pictures, and I would like to present some new stuff, not drawn upon. ( Sorry those who liked it! )

First, I'd like to know if this thing here is a part of the Lander, because on the text accompanying the pic, it says the rover is in it's 1000th day on Mars...


you can find it here

as well as the following


And now a natural martian screw...


...and I was wondering if this was related to the Chrome pipe... Maybe a Rusty pipe?


Oups... Here's the link to the rusty pipe...

, again

[edit on 4-5-2010 by Aresh Troxit]

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Looks like a shoe, a "sabot' (en francais)

Hence the derivation of the word, in English ('borrowed' from the French) "sabotage".

(In late nineteenth century, some workers would throw their 'shoes', the 'sabots' into the machinery as a protest....)

Hence, the term "sabotage'....did I say that already?

Anyway, the sample photo looks a lot like a wooden shoe, even though (to most 'trained' eyes) it is obviously a sedimentary rock sample....

BUT, 'IT' can be interpreted many ways...I 'saw' a "wooden shoe" Others, in different cultures (and mindsets) might have seen it as the "Ark", from the bible.

Others might see it as a "door stop" can get my drift, I hope....

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I was wondering a few minutes ago if it was wood. La tache ronde me fait penser à un noeud.
( translation: The round stain makes me think of a knot. )

Salutations, batteurdesemences!

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by Aresh Troxit
What type of rock is on your post? I'm as knowledgeable in the classification of rocks as my mom is towards the Simpson.
That is a sedimentary rock, and judging by its smell it's made of several layers of clay. I don't know why one of those layers has a much different colour.

I was wondering a few minutes ago if it was wood. La tache ronde me fait penser à un noeud.
( translation: The round stain makes me think of a knot. )
What round stain?

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

Hi! The "stain" is on the round part, on the top half of your rock. The one beige piece that is convex. If you look at it quickly, it looks like a knot.

Have you seen the other "rocks' I posted?

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Well, here is something similar, not the same shape, but in the same category. You can see the structure is basically the same.
Now, can someone show me a similar construct as that of the "Wheeled bone". It doesn't have to be a twin.
...OR... A rational explanation to the existence of the "rock" I presented.

By the way, I salute your presence here and the exchanges we get. After all, you are the only "nay-sayer" that took on my little challenge. Stars for you! I'm even revisiting some stuff I hadn't seen since school!

I forgot to put the pic...


[edit on 5-5-2010 by Aresh Troxit]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Aresh Troxit
Hi! The "stain" is on the round part, on the top half of your rock. The one beige piece that is convex.If you look at it quickly, it looks like a knot.
At first I thought that I shouldn't post that photo, but I decided to post it to see if someone would noticed the "stain", because that's not a stain, that's a depression/hole carved on the rock, as you can see in this photo.


As you can see, just by looking at one photo it's hard to know the real shape of any object.

Have you seen the other "rocks' I posted?
Not yet, I have too little time for all the things I would like to do.


Originally posted by Aresh Troxit
Well, here is something similar, not the same shape, but in the same category. You can see the structure is basically the same.
Would you be happy with a rock "in the same category"? And what that category would be?

Now, can someone show me a similar construct as that of the "Wheeled bone". It doesn't have to be a twin.
...OR... A rational explanation to the existence of the "rock" I presented.
I think that you are misinterpreting the rock, I don't think there's a wheel in that, just a rock with piece broken and that other part that you call "the wheel" may be a different or part of the same rock. A little dust accumulated in the depression helps the mystery, hiding the connection (if any) between the two parts of the rock or the two rocks.

Maybe this image shows it better than the one you used. The colours were changed to get a less reddish tint and more colour contrast.

By the way, I salute your presence here and the exchanges we get. After all, you are the only "nay-sayer" that took on my little challenge. Stars for you! I'm even revisiting some stuff I hadn't seen since school!

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

If you go on page 6 of the thread, you'll see the WB with a bigger view. If you look closely, the wheel shaped rock has some little nodules along it's rim, and they are evenly shaped. It is faint, and I wish someone better able than me would help make these details out. You can see a large enough hole that follows into a small line alongside the "wheel".

It could be a "stain" effect, but the real hole connected to it, and the shape of the cut on the bone like structure, where the wheel fits in seems highly designed. A question: If you look at the bone like structure, on the opposite side of the wheel, you will notice a bump. Do you also see the 90 degrees plate attached to it? And opposite to this, there is this straight wall of sand. It must be placed on something... Another plate, seeing it is aligned with the one on the other side?

Until you can go see the other pics on this page, there is the remains of a natural rocky screw... LOL ...a rock with a perfect circle with a straight pin attached to it and pointing up, resting on a plate with straight lines and angles, all mingled in rock, and what seems to be another pipe at Gusev.

See you!

PS: On the far side of the Wheeled bone, there is a broken plate, aligned with the ones mentioned above. I just wish there were holes in them...

[edit on 5-5-2010 by Aresh Troxit]

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Aresh Troxit
If you go on page 6 of the thread, you'll see the WB with a bigger view.
That's part of the problem, that image is bigger than the original, meaning that it shows some distortion. Also, judging by the artefacts present on the image, it looks like it's a resized JPEG, making it even worse than a resized image without compression or with a loss-less compression method.

If you look closely, the wheel shaped rock has some little nodules along it's rim, and they are evenly shaped. It is faint, and I wish someone better able than me would help make these details out.
So far so good, I understand what you mean.

You can see a large enough hole that follows into a small line alongside the "wheel".
But this I don't understand. What hole and small line are you talking about?

It could be a "stain" effect, but the real hole connected to it, and the shape of the cut on the bone like structure, where the wheel fits in seems highly designed.
I don't understand this either, sorry.

A question: If you look at the bone like structure, on the opposite side of the wheel, you will notice a bump.
I wouldn't call it a bump, but I understand what you mean.

Do you also see the 90 degrees plate attached to it? And opposite to this, there is this straight wall of sand. It must be placed on something... Another plate, seeing it is aligned with the one on the other side?
I don't understand any of these references.

Until you can go see the other pics on this page, there is the remains of a natural rocky screw... LOL ...a rock with a perfect circle with a straight pin attached to it and pointing up, resting on a plate with straight lines and angles, all mingled in rock, and what seems to be another pipe at Gusev.
I saw those photos, but I don't see any perfect circle in any of the photos, there's no source for the rocky screw, and the rusty pipe looks even less like a pipe than the first one.

PS: On the far side of the Wheeled bone, there is a broken plate, aligned with the ones mentioned above. I just wish there were holes in them...
I don't see that either, could you please post images pointing to those things? I think it would be easier, although some people may complain about you trying to influence the viewers.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Hi guys and Girls.

OK...this is for everyone of course, but especially for you have shown a valid interest and have requested something that looks a little less 'rock like' and open to strong paredolia influences.

I think you'll all be suitably...stunned by what i'm about to show you. If not, then i'll just have to accept the old adage that you can't please everyone.

Hold onto your hats, ensure your tables and seat backs are in their upright positions, and fasten your seat's going to be a bumpy ride!

First though, here's a link for you. Be warned, it's a NASA link to a 12M image, so if any of you are counting bandwidth, you might want to make other arrangements to view the original.

It's a Spirit rover image from Sol day 582, the rover is at the top of 'Husband hill'

Following are some crops.

If you'll indulge me for a moment, i'll show you all that i have the ability to recognize the ordinary...

For instance;


A couple of ordinary Martian rocks.

And this;


Another ordinary Martian rock (it does get better)

And finally..


Yet more ordinary rock...


This isn't...


What i believe we are looking at here, is a delta shaped aircraft..nose buried or missing..or is it missing?


Is this part of the Delta ship? It's very sharp and evenly shaped nose section?
Notice the hollow underneath, and how the object is straddling across it?

Of course, they may not be ships at all..they may be part of this one instead...


That, ladies and gentlemen, is the fat lady's que to sing i think!

There is fuselage, there are delta shaped, tapering and even wings on either side of the main body.

What more do you need to at least acknowledge there is more going on that mere paredolia?

That's not all there is in this NASA image...but it's enough for now.

All i have done is change the colour balance to a daylight tone, and cropped the objects from the main, freely downloadable and more importantly, checkable official NASA image.

Anyone stunned? Or is it just ordinary rocks?

I'd like to thank you for flying Martian air, and hope you all have a safe and pleasant onward journey!

Goodnight all.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by spikey

Ummmmm....based on the plethora of OTHER Mars Rover photos, I'm gauging the relative SIZES of these rocks, on that basis.

SO, using that well-known, and exhibited (from other Rover photos) sense of scale....our "Delta-Winged" something-or-other isn't quite large enough to even be an acceptable MODEL for a Barbie doll...

Last time I measured, or really, estimated by eyeing her in her box at the toy store, a Barbie ( and her friend "Ken") is each roughly 12 inches long.

That would be, in modeling scale terms, about 1/6th scale, using an average of about 6 feet for a rather tall Human being.

SO....please, again, describe for everyone this "Delta-Winged" aircraft, on the surface of Mars?

Imagination IS a wonderful thing, but NOT when it goes into such incredible fantasy territory, unless it is used as some sort of fairy tale, for the ears of children.

[edit on 5 May 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

That'll teach me to do too many things simultaneously!

I've reworked the wheeled bone in three separate pictures. And remember that we cannot limit the form and shape of old technologies, even if it were that of humans, to what we expect to see, according to our own actual designs.

Here goes:


The cropped original to compare:


About the angle of the plates:



For this one, I "burned" the mid tones and look what we now see. Top middle, we see a U-bolt, and to its left, a light colored rod. You can see its shadow curving under it. To the left, when burned, that zone revealed a double set of double cables, with th top ones with some kind of clips evenly spaced.
Top right, we see a beautiful broken block, and right under it, an evident artificial device.
On the wheeled bone, I point to a 3D mirror design on an evident flat surface. And you can see the rip and bending of the metallic side on it. Any one still doubting, now?

Next, I've taken a look at spikey's original pic for the wonderful post that was made above. I've got a question for you all. It is a long sentence question, so you may have to read more than once... before looking at the crop from spikey's original I post below.

What makes a straight line on top of a moving sand dune appear, with flips on both sides of the said line, even throwing a little bit of wetty sand in the direction the wind blows?
I don't know, but if I could get my hands on it, I'd be rich, and famous, and rich, and famous, and rich, rich!!!


Thanks, spikey! This one is for you! If it is found, one day, I propose the name Spikeyus areshtroxitis! Seriously, it is a rocky planet, right?...

And last, but not least, a double sided ripped box/container. Take the time to look at it. NASA calls it "Rotten Rocks", Duh!?


Here's the link. And here is the one you asked for earlier tonight about the screw:

And voilà! I hope it was better understood than with my mangled words... or is it mingled?...

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by Maddogkull
The only one that looks believable is the pipe. Everything else seems like imagination. But who knows right

You are right but the thing is that pipe DOES look believable.

Can someone verify that's a real picture from mars?

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by sremmos

Just go see the links provided in th OP. Muzzleflash confirmed it at the beginning of the thread.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by spikey

Well, I'm impressed! ( Tho some will say it was expected! )

About the size of the objects, they could be smaller, but that would be understandable on a planet with less gravity.
But when you see the plane with two wings, you know it is far from the rover from a simple fact: there is a shift in color that goes towards the blue...

You honor me by posting these here: you could easily have made your own thread with this. I salute you with my forehead on the toes...

This week is SO cool!!!

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by spikey

Just ordinary rocks, from the three types that are common in Mars.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Aresh Troxit
Thanks for the detailed explanation.

It's always best to explain things as if people cannot see them.

What makes a straight line on top of a moving sand dune appear, with flips on both sides of the said line, even throwing a little bit of wetty sand in the direction the wind blows?
I don't know, but if I could get my hands on it, I'd be rich, and famous, and rich, and famous, and rich, rich!!!

That's an interesting discovery, it looks like something got stuck in the sand recently (but I don't think there's wet sand in there, just darker sand).

And here is the one you asked for earlier tonight about the screw:

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 02:32 AM
Here's a crop from Home Plate. Link to original will follow the pic.


posted on May, 7 2010 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Your_Number_One_Fan
reply to post by VonDoomen

Yea how dare you blame tetrahydrocannabinol! Maybe lay of the psilocybin or lysergic acid diethylamide. But never the sweet cheeba!

To Greeneyedleo
We all know it's a very vivid imagination and a strong desire to want to find something on mars. However if your not a doctor in psychology then don't claim it's a psychological condition, perhaps suggest it.

How come you use Google to look up unusual rocks? Then link us with that. Mars and Earth have very different extremes in which ways they'll shape their own rocks.

Since you addressed me specifically.....and you are an expert on weather conditions here on Earth and Mars and how they affect the natural formations of the environment....Feel free to school us on the variying conditions of Earth and Mars and how they form the shapes of rocks and such
I look forward to your research

[edit on May 7th 2010 by greeneyedleo]

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