posted on May, 1 2010 @ 01:48 AM
I've had this theory for quite some time now, and thought it would be a good time to set it free. It came to me after I heard a quote from a
Cannibal. He commented that humans " taste like veal".
Using our DNA Study's have shown that humanity has been on the brink of extinction a few times now. I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but it seems
every few thousand years a catastrophe of sorts occurs which leaves only a relatively few humans remaining.
Now imagine an alien civilization a million years ahead in evolution. Their population would be in the Trillions or more. They would no doubt be
inhabiting much more than one planet by now. Perhaps even spanning a few Star Systems. To us these planets would seem far apart, but by now they have
mastered interstellar travel, ... not just by spaceships, ... but by teleporters, or some type of stargates. So an alien could jump from planet from
planet simply by using a portal.
You would have to imagine by now they have used all of their natural resources, from raw materials to their ability to grow food stuffs.
Overpopulation is also another issue they must face. However with their mastery of interstellar travel and transportation perhaps they have the
ability to "Seed" whole planets with whatever Animal or plants they wish to grow.
If they are reptilian originaly, there is a good chance that they are complete carnivores, so they live on a diet of meat alone. But not the way we
eat meat. They probably process it for maximum nutritional benefits as well as filtering out any toxic materials.
So just as we raise pigs or cows, they allow their livestock to flourish on a planet untill they need it, or its simply time to harvest them. However
what if we are the livestock !!!! and these "catastrophe's" which happen every few thousand years is actually the harvesting of human beings !.
Perhaps they have ten's of thousands of planets which they routinely harvest. Choosing the best candidate that planet offers, and genetically
modifying them to suit their needs. Then they simply allow the species to flourish, as maintaining all of these planets would be a waste of time in
their eyes. perhaps were the equivalent of free range chickens.
Science has shown we have made leaps and bounds evoutionary wise, perhaps we have been genetically modified to make better livestock, Bigger brains
without the ability to fully use them. Perhaps brain matter or certain components of our brains are quite tasty to our alien visitors.
So, how would they harvest us ?? With all these weapons we have, surely the world would unite ???
Well UFO's have already been documented at nuclear launch sites, being able to switch off and control all of their systems. Our technology would
easily be overcome, and shutdown by them remotely.
Abductee's have reported aliens being able to pull them through walls, or their roofs, changing their frequency in order to pull them through solid
objects. Now imagine this on a large scale, .... whole city's becoming paralyzed whereever they are, and pulled to a ship through their very roofs or
cars. Or perhaps they would simply gain control of our minds, and make us come to their pick up points.
What would they do with us ??? transport billions of people on a giant spaceship ??? No, I dont think so. They would probably have initial
processing centers here, where they chop us up into certain peices, .... and from their transport the meat through their transporters or "stargates"
to their home planet for further processing. and as their ability to keep food fresh is far ahead of ours, they may only process one planet every
year or two.
In fact their " food" may be totally unrecognizable to us, after all the processing and whatever else they may do to us.I'm sure we wouldn't look
very human after all. and before they leave, they " reseed" our species with young children and a few adults spread across the continents, for
future harvesting of course.
Yet how can they do this to us you ask !! were human beings for christ sake !!.
well they know no christ, and have evolved past the point of morality and ethic's as we know them. They work for the greater good of their species,
as some have reported aliens having a "hive" mentality. And although we think were geniuses, .... compared to them were just dumb cows.
I thought it was a cool theory, if anyone has anything to add, ... or even any facts they've come across, please feel free to share them.
and share your thoughts, how could we fight them off etc, etc.
[edit on 1-5-2010 by IntastellaBurst]