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The Ice-Age UFO in Estonia

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posted on May, 6 2010 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by StargateSG7

In that link they confirmed that the temperature of the brain can rise but not more than 37 C. That isn't dangerous.
I didn't read all of the links.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by defiler
reply to post by StargateSG7

In that link they confirmed that the temperature of the brain can rise but not more than 37 C. That isn't dangerous.
I didn't read all of the links.


Currently there is no CONCLUSIVE evidence that RF directly causes
blastoma or glioma-type tumour growths in the brain but that
those tumour growths may be caused by secondary damage
from localized deep tissue heating/excitement and/or shearing
effects caused by excitation of both plain water with the brain
tissue and the excitation of sodium/potassium/lithium ions
at the ends of the neural dendrites.

The reason for the excitation is that these substances
CAN be caused to "heat-up" via application of SPECIFIC
frequencies near 800/900 MHZ and 1800/1900 MHZ and
the 2.0 GHZ to 5 GHZ bands through direct radiation or the
accompanying frequency harmonics within those
same specific bands. (i.e. ripped apart like velcro tabs)

The temerature rise is miniscule ON THE SURFACE of the brain,
BUT deep tissue heating is inherently far more problematic
since convection is limited within deep brain tissue so even
SMALL rises begin to add up to major insults to the inner tissues
over periods of repeated application of RF radiation to those areas.

Using a medical analogy, having one mild concussion is usually
insignificant, but more than a FEW begin to add up to traumatic
brain injury and thus GREATER susceptibility to imcomplete
"repairs" to neural connections and the subsequent rise
in the probability of specific tumour growth or general brain

Ergo...Why Cook Your Brain if you don't need to?

Use wired communications if possible, and limit your exposure
to RF radiation as much as practical. On a statistical basis
SOMEONE is going to get a glioma or neuro-blastoma
just "Because", but why tip the scales towards a GREATER
probability by ACTIVELY subjecting your brain to your
handheld microwave oven (i.e. Cell Phone/Wireless Router)

My links are quite substantiative and while they do require
deep reading, they DO PROFER substantial evidence that

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:02 PM
What an incredible amount of time, men and equipment to dig such a relatively small hole? Seems an odd part of the story?

Two men with picks and shovels in clay soil could dig the entire property to 10 meters in a couple of weeks or a month at most I'd think. It seems they had equipment. A backhoe could do it in a shift.

Might only mean sensationalism for impact.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:04 PM
Great thread, I really enjoyed reading it.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 02:30 AM
Just a quick explanation as to WHY i'm harping on RF radiation
hazards and why people should think twice IN ANY SITUATION that
requires digging up goods and materials that MIGHT have
radiological or military origins.

Radiation of any type be it Microwave, Infra-red (heat), light
(Photons), Radio waves (RF) , extremely low frequency (ELF),
X-Ray and Gamma rays have dangers associated with the
duration of exposure and protections worn during exposure.

For both adults and children, the dangers can be EXTREME
and rather physically damaging and I wanted to bring up
some extreme examples just to HIGHLIGHT what humans
may face IF exposed unwittingly to dangerous levels of
radiation over specific periods of time.

Specific cancers and tissue necrosis induced by radiation
can happen in ANY PART of the body, not just the brain
which is illustrated by these two weblinks:

So my previous posts were INTENDED to highlight the dangers
of people willy-nilly going around in military-sensitive or
UNKNOWN areas and digging "Stuff" up without doing proper
checks for radiation, biological and chemical hazards.

The key is good information and proper tools!

I just wanted to make you all aware that speaking from previous
experience and based upon one of my duties within the field
of "Video-based Worker Safety and Hazard Avoidance Training"
I see all too often people that just charge ahead and get
themselves killed by the simplest of things such going down a
manhole without doing an oxygen-level or hazardous gasses check
or digging out a buried item and not putting in proper
side-wall bracing to prevent cave-ins.

On ATS (and Elsewhere!) when I see people wanting to dig out
a possible "UFO" from someone's yard (especially in a former
Eastern Bloc country where hazard mitigation wasn't practiced!) ,
it makes me cringe that they won't be taking the proper safety
precautions which can include a NUMBER of single and
multiple combinations of hazards.

Dig if you must to recover that Estonian "UFO" or any OTHER
artifact, I just want you ALL to be aware that unseen hazards
can kill ya deader than a doorknob!

Read, Ask Questions and Speak Your Mind! It's Your Life!

Come prepared for almost ANY eventuality which means
bringing Noxious and Explosive Gas Meters, Radiation Counters,
Eye & Ear protection, Biological containment tents and suits and
simple HazMat Suits with self-contained breathing apparatus.
They're not that expensive compared to a long stay in a
foreign hospital!

Also bring decent Boots, cold-weather clothing, wall-bracing for
digs and other personal safety gear for your "Recovery Effort"
and last but not least, bring BOTH a high-quality Still Camera and
Video Camera with GOOD Sound recording capability and LEARN
how to keep them STEADY with proper focus and lighting-levels
to record all your recovery efforts from multiple angles!

I hope this helps!

Keep Safe and Good Luck in ALL Your Recovery Efforts
No Matter Where They Are In The World!

P.S. Check Before You Dig!

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by StargateSG7

Don't forget plenty of beer (you want need a cooler, its cold as a witches tittie there) and you might as well bring some toilet paper too.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 08:08 PM
I read somewhere that they actually stumbled upon some pyrite..

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:49 AM

While doing a research on alien abductions in Tbilissi, Georgia and Nalchik, Russia, which happened in the late 80ies i came across a refference to Talinn and the disc shaped object which is buried there.
I tried to research more about the disc an landed on ATS.
This is a great thread.

On 26. october 1989 a conference was taking place in Frankfurt, Germany under the name "D.U. - Dialogue with the universe". By that time the biggest international UFO conference which ever took place. 1800 people from 25 nations were invited to this event, among them leading UFO experts Wendelle STEVENS, Fred STECKLING, Chris GRISCOM, Stanton FRIEDMAN, Budd HOPKINS, Major Colman Von KEVICZKY, Irene GRANCHI, Zecharia SITCHIN, Johannes von BUTLAR, Timothy GOOD, Anthony DODD, Graham BIRDSALL, Erich von DÄNIKEN, Prof. J.J. HURTAK, Phyllis SCHLEMMER, Oscar MAGOCSI, Sixto PAZ-WELLS, Karl und Ann VEIT and Jean MICHEL.

The highlight of the conference was the presentation of the soviet delegation.
The most interesting cases were offered by the russian comitee of research of atmospheric anomalies and phenomena from the soviet academy of science with Arvid MORDWIN-SCHODRO, Valerii UVAROV and Valerii NAGIDIN.

Beside the research of UFO landings in Konantsevo, Wologda region the primary topics were the abduction incidents of Tbilissi and Nalchik which are still happening to the present day.

The case interesting for this topic here was reported by Valeriy UVAROV.
He reported that a psychical contact with the alien entity was made through one of the abductees. The alien by the name of SIN NAR was speaking through the woman, saying that they are visitors from the constelation of orion, from the planet number nine and allowed UVAROV to ask questions.

One of UVAROVS questions was about an artefact burried 10m below the surface in the city of Talinn. The locals are considering the artefact to be a sanctuary. They say that the artefact has been there for thousands of years and if tried to be removed, it would couse bad things to the area.
Mediums reported that there are 2 more artefacts below the disc. One of them is an orb with a statue on top.

UVAROV asked what this artefact was and SIN NAR answered that it is just one of more than 1000 artefacts stationed all across the globe. They are testing the atmosphere, the biological environment and the psychological situation of the planet and sending it to their home planet. He also requestet that the artefact should not be removed in any case.

The second question UVAROV asked is off topic but qiet interesting. He asked about ASHTAR and if he is negative in his intention.
The answer was that ASHTAR is a very high, universal beeing, who means no harm to planet earth.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by DGFenrir
I read somewhere that they actually stumbled upon some pyrite..

I couldnt find anything on that.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by Skyfloating]

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 06:50 PM
Ok, I just happened to stumble on this forum by accident.I used to live about maybe 500 metres away from that site on H9bekuuse street from 1979 to 2001 and I my perhaps only paranormal experience so far is connected with it. It must have been around year 1990 in the summer when me and my classmate( we were 11 years old then) decided to and look for this site that everyone seemed to be talking about then. We din not know the exact location of the house then, but we know that it was very close to Soviet radar station, which we knew where it was. So one day we just decided to go and wonder around the radar station and nearby houses hoping to see the excavation or anything remarkable taking place. I remember chatting to him about this object and trying to visualize it and get a "telephatic contact" with it. As we were casually looking into one of the gardens as I suddenly felt a very strange feeling, I can now only describe it as being a sense of overwhelming panic and fear, combined with a physical sensation of my legs "melting". Then I heard my classmate asking me "can you feel it?" I think I did not answer him but I started running as fast as I could, feeling that my legs were melting still there. That was perhaps the fastest sprint that I have ever done, we ran back to my schoolyard, which is also about maybe 700 metres from the "site" . As I was running I heard my classmate begind me repeteadly screaming "can you feel this"?
We ran to the scoolyard and sat down and after maybe 5 minutes the feeling was gone.But I remember this vividly as being a feeeling of imminent doom with very strange physical sensations and my classmate felt exactly the same feelings.
Later I found out which house it was that the paranormal was associated with and that day we had been very close to it, just one or two houses to the left. I have also tried to repeat that feeling by standing by the house and trying to telephatically contact it but nothing has ever happened again. I think it was the time ( 1990) when it perhaps felt threatened, having recently been under threat of being dug out , that it reacted this way.
And mrs. Mitt used to be our english teacher in Viimsi School, and she talked about paranormal stuff that took place during the excavations.We always thought she was crazy because the stuff that she mentioned was so unbeliavble.Soon afer she died ( 1996 maybe). I think that there is something going on there under ground.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 10:13 PM
Could you elaborate on the "paranormal stuff that took place during the excavations" that Mrs. Mitt used to discuss? I would find anything you recall to be interesting. Thank you in advance.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by SunshineLaws

She used to talk about things like alien creatures staring at her from the bedside when she was waking up at one time, things moving by themselves, being followed by ordinary looking people who were aliens in disguise and once about their family dog who was somehow thrown out of small kitchen window( it was a big dog).Also she talked about man who was doing the excavations receiving electric shocks from the well in the form of a small lihgtning or such. Obviously we concidered her to be an eccentric nutcase, except that I still had a rather fresh memory of my own experience with the site. I had also seen Estonian documentary called "Meetings with the Unknown", that seemed to reflect everything that she had told us.. almost. She also mentioned japanese scientists visiting and taking measurements and that while the soviets were excavating she received a generous monthly donation from them. She was a nice lady though and I felt symphatetic towards her ,except that I was and still tend to be rather sceptical about this issue, even though that I had my own experience, which could, I suppose be credited to juvenile self-suggestion and panic attacks. But to experience it together with someone else at the exact same moment.. It's hard to say what happened exactly but I beleieve that there really is something there.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by mArc01
Ok, I just happened to stumble on this forum by accident.I used to live about maybe 500 metres away from that site on H9bekuuse street from 1979 to 2001 and I my perhaps only paranormal experience so far is connected with it. It must have been around year 1990 in the summer when me and my classmate( we were 11 years old then) decided to and look for this site that everyone seemed to be talking about then. We din not know the exact location of the house then, but we know that it was very close to Soviet radar station, which we knew where it was. So one day we just decided to go and wonder around the radar station and nearby houses hoping to see the excavation or anything remarkable taking place. I remember chatting to him about this object and trying to visualize it and get a "telephatic contact" with it. As we were casually looking into one of the gardens as I suddenly felt a very strange feeling, I can now only describe it as being a sense of overwhelming panic and fear, combined with a physical sensation of my legs "melting". Then I heard my classmate asking me "can you feel it?" I think I did not answer him but I started running as fast as I could, feeling that my legs were melting still there. That was perhaps the fastest sprint that I have ever done, we ran back to my schoolyard, which is also about maybe 700 metres from the "site" . As I was running I heard my classmate begind me repeteadly screaming "can you feel this"?
We ran to the scoolyard and sat down and after maybe 5 minutes the feeling was gone.But I remember this vividly as being a feeeling of imminent doom with very strange physical sensations and my classmate felt exactly the same feelings.
Later I found out which house it was that the paranormal was associated with and that day we had been very close to it, just one or two houses to the left. I have also tried to repeat that feeling by standing by the house and trying to telephatically contact it but nothing has ever happened again. I think it was the time ( 1990) when it perhaps felt threatened, having recently been under threat of being dug out , that it reacted this way.
And mrs. Mitt used to be our english teacher in Viimsi School, and she talked about paranormal stuff that took place during the excavations.We always thought she was crazy because the stuff that she mentioned was so unbeliavble.Soon afer she died ( 1996 maybe). I think that there is something going on there under ground.

Originally posted by mArc01
She used to talk about things like alien creatures staring at her from the bedside when she was waking up at one time, things moving by themselves, being followed by ordinary looking people who were aliens in disguise and once about their family dog who was somehow thrown out of small kitchen window( it was a big dog).Also she talked about man who was doing the excavations receiving electric shocks from the well in the form of a small lihgtning or such. Obviously we concidered her to be an eccentric nutcase, except that I still had a rather fresh memory of my own experience with the site. I had also seen Estonian documentary called "Meetings with the Unknown", that seemed to reflect everything that she had told us.. almost. She also mentioned japanese scientists visiting and taking measurements and that while the soviets were excavating she received a generous monthly donation from them. She was a nice lady though and I felt symphatetic towards her ,except that I was and still tend to be rather sceptical about this issue, even though that I had my own experience, which could, I suppose be credited to juvenile self-suggestion and panic attacks. But to experience it together with someone else at the exact same moment.. It's hard to say what happened exactly but I beleieve that there really is something there.

That's quite an extraordinary experience you had. Is there anything else you remember about your own experience? Can you remember any other stories about this house? Thank you in advance, for any more information you might have.
edit on 29-11-2010 by SunshineLaws because: fixed quote tags

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 09:22 AM
i remember reading about this topic ages ago but i dont think there were many estonians here in those days. we could do with some imput from someone who lived there at the time

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by mArc01

Please return to this thread and tell us more. This is like confirmation of the thread. Im sorry I missed your post back when the thread was done!

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 01:56 PM
i know this is dragging up a thread form the past but,
this was linked ffom the baltic sea 'UFO' thread and after reading through it all, im wondering if there has been anything new on this story?, as i find it rather interesting and would like some kind of closure on it lol

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 07:23 AM

i know this is dragging up a thread form the past but,
this was linked ffom the baltic sea 'UFO' thread and after reading through it all, im wondering if there has been anything new on this story?, as i find it rather interesting and would like some kind of closure on it lol

No. Like most stories where evidence is involved, a shroud of silence falls over it and its never heard from again. No follow up appears to be done either way (pro or con).

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