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Many can no longer remember when 9/11 took place

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posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by pablos

Mate did you even read my post? I did not claim that which you imply.All I know is seppos need to relax and be able to laugh at themselves. Also it was not so much a editing trick as much as patience to sift through the people that did know the date. I also hazard a guess you felt pretty superior posting your reply. Which if true amuses me considering you missed the point entirely and still decided to talk down to me. Also what do you mean lower classes? To whom do you refer? Poor people, dumb people, people that look and think differently to you. It seems you think yourself pretty superior. Maybe that should be your screen name!

Actually I did read your post. My point was that it was a garbage TV show using the standard editing and selection tricks. Anyone using such can make anyone else look bad, so this is not a matter of cleverness or originality but maybe one of ratings desperation for a poor show whose claim to fame may well be continued broadcast with no discernable talent.

No, I do not really care if people need to make fun of Americans but the selection of 911 to amuse the guffaw prone seemed especially crass. The remark I made was merely a tweak of the class oriented Empire, mate, to see how you responded and where you self-classifed.

Have a Fosters and learn to relax and be able to laugh at yourself while I ponder my new screen name.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by pteridine

Originally posted by pablos

Have a Fosters and learn to relax and be able to laugh at yourself while I ponder my new screen name.

trick the rest of the
No way am I drinking that crap. That is a conspiracy in it's self. We gather up the crappest dregs we can find, can it and trick the rest of the world into thinking that is Australian beer. You cannot even buy it in Oz

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 10:12 AM
Most Americans got their information about 9/11 on the day it occurred. I guess after the event people shut it out of their minds and went on with their lives.

The video doesn't really surprise me. With kids, jobs, relationships, etc most people have no time to do the proper research.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 12:31 PM
This video sort of reminds me of those wiseguys who went around to political rallies asking women to sign a petition to "end women's sufferage". Most of these women were college know-it-alls who knew exactly how to sync their Ipods but couldn't tell you where France is on the map, and so they gleefully signed the petition to end sufferage, not knowing women's sufferage meant, "the right to vote." I tell you, the more sophisticated a society becomes, the more retarded it gets.

Thanks for posting this, as it only confirms yet again there's no flipping way that anyone could have pulled off any obscenely complex 9/11 false flag operation without completely [censored]ing it up.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 10:27 AM
Until the video creator is put under scrutiny, you cannot take a small study group from one area to promote a majority.

I'll qoute one of my favorite lines here

" Ask any person walking the street this question. What is the biggest problem in america, ignorance or apathy? They'll say, "I don't know, and I don't care."

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by silent thunder

I don't really care about the dumb people all over the world. But I do live in America, where everyone prides themselves on how smart they are. This is pathetic. It's worse than pathetic. Americans are dumb as rocks. Actually many rocks are smarter than the average American, even pet rocks are.

We have an entire stockpile of some 9000 nukes, controlled by "our leaders" who don't answer to the American people one iota. And someday those nukes will fly after more lies from the government at the time. And Americans, are like those morons in the movie monty Python and the Holy Grail, where they would simply clap when Tim the sorcerer let off another fireball. Americans at that time will be doing the same thing. Oh my.... (Americans clap in background as Tehran is turned into a glass parking lot.)


Americans, considering the immense nuclear stockpile they possess are astonishingly stupid and it appears after 911 will put up with just about any lie, as long as they still have their god forsaken TV's.

Sorry for the rant, but my gosh, this is like asking a guy named Mike; "Mike, whats your name Mike?" Umm, I don't know man...Can you ask the question again?

The world is simply under a spell and completely bewitched. And won't ever wake up. And Americans seem to be the ones most under the power of this spell.


posted on May, 3 2010 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by Phil Jayhan

Americans are dumb as rocks. Actually many rocks are smarter than the average American, even pet rocks are.

Speak for yourself.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 07:16 AM
The difference between the two sides of the 9/11 issue is that people who support the government's views of the events think any alternative theory is not just wrong but inherently dangerous. However, the other side not only wants people to know what really happened, but they also want people to know the government's side of the story. If in 200 years people firmly believe that the government engineered 9/11, that is only half the battle won. People need to remember both sides of the story, they need to know that not only was the government responsible for the problems in the world, but they lied about it and blamed it on al Qaeda and Bin Laden.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 03:59 PM
It's actually so bad that the monument at the NYC 9-11 site I believe, it had the monument date listed as Sep 11th 2002 and it was like that for quite a while until someone pointed it out and the monument was then fixed. There's no excuse for that.

Maybe some people (like in the video) just don't follow wars and current world events.

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