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Many can no longer remember when 9/11 took place

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posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:04 PM
This kind of shocked me... a series of street interviews with random people who can no longer remember what year the 9/11 incident occured. Even more bizzare, some can't identify the month or date, even when the interviewer uses the word "9/11"! There are further examples of people who can't remember other basic details of the event.

I suppose this is just another "stupid people are walk among us" kind of thing, and of course the makers of this have clip cherry-picked the most ridiculous answers from among a majority of more "normal" responses. Still, the mind reels...human ignorance should have ceased to surprise me by now, but somehow it never does.

I am also reminded that the youngest people of voting age today were only 9 years old when 9/11 happened. To me it still seems almost like a "current event," but to the kids these days, it may seem like something out of ancient history.

Anyway, the fools in this video aren't kids, for the most part, so the have no real excuses.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:51 PM
it feels like it happened a short while ago because the effects are still being implemented on a daily basis.

Terrorism is to control people with fear, that is the name of it, no matter of the government, a Muslim extremist or the ADL does it.

And that one is my new signature.

Edit to say, those people in the video are brainwashed materialists that have the short term memory of a gold fish.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by Grey Magic]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:56 PM
I hate these videos - it really never ceases to amaze me how self-involved and unaware *some* people are about current (still consider it current since the country is still marking it's anniversary yearly) events.


posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:59 PM
People always use these videos to say "Americans are dumb see!"

But I promise you, everyone everywhere else is just as dumb and uninformed.

Go to the streets of Shanghai, or to London, Paris, Cairo, Moscow, Tokyo, you name it.

People will prove themselves ultra ignorant of most current events.

Why? Probably because of a few reasons.

1) They don't care.
2) They are too busy working.
3) TPTB prefer to have citizens who don't know very much.
4) Add your own reasons....

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:01 PM
This is not an attempt to hijack this thread. It is in fact a reinforcement of a view I have.

Here it is less than 10 years after Sept. 11, 2001...we have the footage, we have the eye witnesses, we have countless books and articles and investigations. Yet, in less than 10 years...we have deniers of the act of 9/11, we have people that confuse facts, we have people disputing video and photos.

My point is this....if all of this confusion can come in less than 10 years. How much more could 4 authors, a handfull of eyewitnesses, and 4 letters written over the course of 70 years likewise confuse times and events like the crucifixian of Christ.

Yet, many point to such discrepencies to deny 2000 years, will we deny 9/11?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:04 PM

Some people have the intellect of lint.

However, I'd like to see all the other people who remembered. You know the ones they deleted during editing.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by AlreadyGone

Yet, many point to such discrepencies to deny 2000 years, will we deny 9/11?

In 2000 years 911 will be forgotten totally.

In such a long term scale, 911 is not going to be remembered at all.

It will be totally irrelevant to the people of that age. (If we don't blow ourselves up by then).

We barely remember Nero burning Rome, and that was a massive metropolis. I doubt people will remember a few airplanes hitting a few buildings.

I am not saying 911 is unimportant. I am just saying people in 2000years will not care at all.

Of course we all care. But we are the few. This video shows most people on the street of NYC of all places, definitely don't care. They didn't even bother to remember it...

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Some people have the intellect of lint.

However, I'd like to see all the other people who remembered. You know the ones they deleted during editing.

Yeah. I bet around 80-90% actually remembered it went down on September 11th 2001.

It's actually quite an unforgettable moment. Well for those of us who care.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
People always use these videos to say "Americans are dumb see!"

But I promise you, everyone everywhere else is just as dumb and uninformed.

Go to the streets of Shanghai, or to London, Paris, Cairo, Moscow, Tokyo, you name it.

People will prove themselves ultra ignorant of most current events.

No offence but I'm sure most other countries would know when 9/11 was, especially when the date is in the name. The US population have a history of not using their brain properly.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by Nventual

Originally posted by muzzleflash
People always use these videos to say "Americans are dumb see!"

But I promise you, everyone everywhere else is just as dumb and uninformed.

Go to the streets of Shanghai, or to London, Paris, Cairo, Moscow, Tokyo, you name it.

People will prove themselves ultra ignorant of most current events.

No offence but I'm sure most other countries would know when 9/11 was, especially when the date is in the name. The US population have a history of not using their brain properly.

No offense but grouping an entire nation into one category and saying "I bet they remember" is just as wrong.

Everyone is different. Sure some remember, but some don't. And others just don't care at all.

But I believe you are being bias and prejudice and your statement proves that.

Like everyone in London remembers the same thing, thats absurd.

Truth = Some remember , Some don't.

Let's try to stay away from the blanket statements please.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:24 PM
What I find really distasteful about this video is the freaking *laugh track.*

Dunno about you but, I'm not laughing about 9/11. Ever.

Edit for spelling & to add: even if it is a live clip, I'm still not laughing. I understand it's suppose to exploit the ignorance of some but even that I don't find humorous, just sad and disappointing. Well said Slayer!

[edit on 4/26/2010 by Whisper67]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:24 PM
It's not about remembering the event or date, rather realizing the date is in the name.
I just don't believe any other countries citizens could not know when "September 11" was.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:28 PM
I am completely baffled. And for some odd reason, I cannot help but think that anyone who tries to tell these people the truth about 9/11 is called the usual of insane, lunatic, conspiracy nut, etc.

This video goes to show how hard it is for the Truth movement to bring factual information to the entire population of the US. I mean we, as a whole, have made significant strides in the past few years, but this goes to show that we have much work to do in the future.

In the midwest, the majority of people can answer questions like that, but I find it that they usually don't know about WTC 7 and other information that raises our eyebrows on alternative news websites.

*Edit - Whisper, I completely agree with you, I was amazed and slight irritated by the laughing too.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by higns07]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by Whisper67
What I find really distasteful about this video is the freaking *laugh track.*

Dunno about you but, I'm not laughing about 9/11. Ever.

Edit for spelling: tiny netbook keyboard!

[edit on 4/26/2010 by Whisper67]

It's not a laugh track, it's an actual studio audience.
The clip is from an Australian show that is no longer around.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by silent thunder

Kind of reminds me of this...

Very funny... However, as muzzleflash pointed out, these videos are often used for American bashing... sad really, because you can finds the same level of stupidity anywhere in the world.

The irony is that the people who make these sort of videos do it under the pretence of being cool liberals who are gonna show the world how Americans are stupid and racist... but by doing so, they themselves have become stupid and racist. You cannot judge an entire country on a few uneducated people!!

I still laugh at the video though


posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:38 PM
I wish they'd have interviewed me. I remember where I was (in a house we were building), what I was doing (finishing sheetrock) and even what I was listening to (I was blaring Pavrotti singing Nesun Dorma) when my Bride pulled up to the house and told me the Twin Towers and Pentagon had been hit by commercial airplanes.

I thought she was pulling a cruel joke and laughed at her and said, "nice try". When she walked closer and I came down from the scaffolding, I saw the tears on her face. I couldn't believe it. She had been playing cards with two of her friends and saw the second strike on TV. This was before we had cell phones, so she jumped in her Z and screeched out for my jobsite.

I'll never forget. Guess that makes me an olde pharte.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:47 PM
Everyone forgets until and will turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to any problem until you raise the price at the pump. This country will allow ethnic cleansing abroad but we are ready to pull out the big guns when we have to pay more for gas.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by argentus

I was at work (in London)... i had just come out of a long and boring morning meeting and noticed that the office looked empty. After a quick look around i see a massive huddle of people at the far end of the office, outside the rest room.

One of my work friends see me approaching and shouted to me... “a plane has crashed into the world trade centre”... I couldn’t believe it... i remember getting to the crowd and standing on my toes to peer over them and see the small rest room TV they were all watching... the camera shot was of the two towers standing with one of them billowing smoke.

The next thing a see will stay with me forever... the second plane hitting the tower was a shock... i thought this was a tragic accident but when the second plane hit i knew it was deliberate and would have global consequences.

I remember going back to my desk, getting my stuff together, and leaving. The boss said "where you going" and i just looked at him and said "home"

I needed to get to my daughter, i know it sounds silly now because i was in London and the attack was in New York... but i just HAD to get to her and if it meant losing my job, so be it.

On the train home, i remember phoning my Nan... she lived out in Essex, on her own, and i wanted to make sure she was ok and not to shocked... And i remember having a mixture of extreme anger and sadness... also... and i'll probably get flamed for saying this, i felt like an American... it almost felt as if my own country had been attacked! I think if it wasn’t for the fact that i had a daughter i would have got on the first available plane.

I know it sounds silly now... but it really got to me!

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:36 PM
It comes to be really no suprise I heard that a good deal of the earth population don't know the closest star to us is the sun!

So people forgetting the day of 9/11 is just what the powers that be want, a redirect!

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:36 PM
I also dislike interviews like this... I bet the majority of people they asked knew the date.

Hell I remember where I was and what I was doing when the planes hit and the date is pretty much branded into my brain.

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