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Arizona vandals smear swastika made of refried beans into Capitol doors

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posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by pavil
Am I the only one here confused. Some on this thread seem to think it was Redneck Right types. I don't get that. The law was passed and signed, why would those on the right protest it by going to the capital and smearing a Nazi symbol. It doesn't make sense.

If I had to put bets on it I would put it 85% that those who don't support the law did it and 15% some skinhead group did.

Either way it was pretty stupid.....where the CC TV at the capital?

They are calling the signers of the bill Nazis.

2nd line.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by antonia

Yes, which would imply that those that did the swastika opposed the bill. Some here on this thread seem to thing it's the "racist Right" that did the swastika. Unless I am misreading some of our posters.

Like I said, pretty stupid way of getting your point across..... not going to help their cause.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by pavil

Meh, i think it's just an anger issue. There is enough anger on both sides of this argument. No real solutions, just screeching.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by devildogUSMC

Listen, I am a latino us citizen living in southern Arizona, I am 100% in support of this bill. Anyone who says there are no extreme problems being cause in this state by illegals is an idiot or has a misguided agenda.

This swastika smearing has the sings of the radical leftists groups La raza or Derechos humanos written all over it. They are the ones who have been organizing the protests and have a long history of employing dirty tricks.

These groups agenda is restoration of the southwestern united states back to mexico by illegal imigration invasion. It is being taught to students in mexico that they have the right and duty to do so. I have listened to many
of thier speeches myself.

If I get stopped and asked for my ID Im not going to get upset at the cop. Im going to get upset at the illegals and the government of Mexico for causing this problem in the first place.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by ParaShredder

They teach that in school? That is interesting; do you know exactly why they think they are entitled to the land?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by devildogUSMC

They believe that the southwest U.S. is Aztlan the mythical original home land of the Aztec peoples. They compare their struggle to that of the Isreali Palistinain struggle. The U.S. is Isreal and they are the Palistinians.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by ParaShredder]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by ParaShredder

I get La raza and other "Meso Supremacy" groups believe that because they say such things. But, Do you have any proof the Mexican government teaches this to school children?

[edit on 26-4-2010 by antonia]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by devildogUSMC

I would be very interested to hear if that is actually taught in Mexican schools. Historically speaking there are large areas of New Mexico and Arizona that were never controlled or governed by Mexicans or the Spanish as it was Apache land and not much interest in conquering it or claiming it until the mining boom just before the turn of the century.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by antonia

I dont think the Mexican government is directly responsible for teaching it. I think it is radical teachers that are doing it. The Mexican government is guilty of doing nothing about it and doing nothing to improve conditions for their own nationals. Illegal immigration is the saftey valve the corrupt Mexican government. As long as they keep coming here, there will be no uprising in Mexico

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:57 PM
This whole story is bogus, just another liberal plant that didn't do his homework.
First of all Mexicans hardly ever protest, but when they do, do they so in large groups and out in the open.
They don't sneak around after hours, not in their culture.
They wouldn't bother going to some government office to make their point, a public park would suffice.
Most illegals are not familiar or are rather ignorant of the meaning behind the swastica.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by ChrisCrikey

Not only is it being taught in mexico, it is also being taught in some Arizona schools who have been infiltrated by these radicals in the guise of "Raza studies" paid by tax payer dollars. and hispanic teachers that speak out against it get called racists or traitors by these groups

One example:

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:06 PM
Mexican school students are basically taught believe that the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago (which ceded present day AZ, NM, and CA to the US in 1848) is invalid. They also see Texas as a renegade state of Mexico (remember, Texas was a Mexican state until the 1835-36 Texas War of Independence and it's 10 years as the Republic of Texas before they voted to become part of the US).

IMO Mexico's actions are bordering on an act of war. I find it especially ironic that they constantly complain about our immigration policies when their immigration policies are among the harshest on the planet. I firmly believe that we will see some sort of armed confrontation over the Southwest within the next decade. It probably won't be US vs Mexico, but rather US patriot militias vs the drug cartels and their puppets in the Mexican military.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by ChrisCrikey

This Ideology lends back to a time before the founding of the government of mexico back to a time of the Aztec empire and its roots.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:15 PM
I support whoever did this for whatever reason they choose to do it. They could have used spray paint or something more permanent, but choose to use something that would be seen and easily disposed of. This is freedom of speech not vandalizism.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by ninthaxis

This is freedom of speech not vandalizism.

No this is a clear act of vandalism. Painting something on a wall or glass with anything even it is easily removed is not speech. It is vandalism.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Support for this initiative is quite short sighted.

Why would anyone be for this initiative?
This is just another step towards a police state, how can anyone advocate that?

Also what you are advocating makes no sense.
That's like supporting a bill to clean up a flooded town in the most inconvenient and unconstitutional way instead of saying "hey, how about we close fire hydrant".

It's ridiculous and a complete lack of... well plain thinking.

What difference does it make if you try and look for illegal immigrants all while keep on letting them in?

Only the dumbest uneducated redneck would have that small scope of thinking.
That's not an attack to anywhere here keep in mind, in fact you should all be happy of the swastika sign, AZ is showing it's true colors and those colors are of acceptance, understanding and empathy.
Be proud!

As obama recently said, the federal government had its chances over the years - in many administrations - to do something about illegal immigration. Because Republicans seemed to think illegals were somehow good for business and dems seemed to think illegals made good current (illegal) and future voters, neither side would do anything about enforcing existing laws.

That failure has resulted in the AZ law. Someone had to do something.

As for name calling by mexico, their YOUR people. YOU take care of them. Oh, and again for mexico, don't forget to STFU.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
Mexican school students are basically taught believe that the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago (which ceded present day AZ, NM, and CA to the US in 1848) is invalid. They also see Texas as a renegade state of Mexico (remember, Texas was a Mexican state until the 1835-36 Texas War of Independence and it's 10 years as the Republic of Texas before they voted to become part of the US).

Very true, I hear this one fairly often from La Raza or illegals I have talked to.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 08:53 PM
The thing about this bill is the blatant hypocrisy that comes forth from its supporters.

Obama is accused of being Hitler like and then a Republican governor goes and makes it a law that individuals (Hispanics) must have their "papers" on them at all time. Stick a felt sombrero on them and call it a day.

If anyone is like Hitler it is these right wing loons. We need real immigration reform, not discriminatory practices.


I am seeing names and avatars of hypocrites who were like "Hell yeah, bricks through windows of Democrats!"

Grow up and stop being the monsters that I thought we left in the past. I swear if you all teach any of your children this behavior (I know most of you are older) then myself and others are going to have quite the hard time spreading Social Equity and respect through passive means.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by TheOneElectric]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Where does it end???
No, wrong question!

The question is.. where does it start!!!!!!!!

Take a moment to really consider your question...

Where does what start?

The law abiding citizens of the State of Arizona, and all of the border states for that matter, have been admirably patient, while the Feds have been derelict in their Constitutionally mandated duty to "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"

I expect that the authors of Arizona's SB1070, as well as each person voting for the bill and the Governor, were fully aware that that patience was wearing thin. The passage of this bill might well prevent the people who are witnessing the increasing violence, from choosing to create a solution, of their own. If this law is quashed, by the Courts, the result could be bloodshed, leading to an international crisis.

Since the Feds refuse to act, the States will. Failing that, the people will. You know, they used to hang horse thieves and cattle rustlers. Murders, kidnappings and home invasions are much greater motivators than livestock.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Jakes51

How would law enforcement distinguish who is legal and illegal without improperly singling out one particular group? To enforce this law tactfully and carefully seems impossible? This issue needs to be discussed and action taken.
[edit on 26-4-2010 by Jakes51]

It cannot be escaped that this law is about illegal Mexicans and others from the south of the Rio Grande. Let us stop wrestling with that one point.

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