reply to post by americandingbat
European Continental Freemasonry is nowadays very different from Anglo Saxon freemasonry, but they still share most of the old traditions of Ancient
Craft Masonry. And some of the European Continental Freemasonry are for logical reasons even older than their counterparts of Anglo Saxon American
Whereas, the (mostly closet Christian) Anglo Saxon masonry are saying that they are the 'true masons' and the only true path and the right way to
find true spiritual enlightenment! lol!
(They are almost acting like fundamentalist Christians/Muslims of the masonic world!)
European Continental Freemasonry and the so called 'Clandestine Lodges' are more modern and political & scientific in nature, and it's here you'll
find the network of European politicians, the European industrial elite, the financial elite, the Intellectuals and other movers and shakers of
The Anglo-American masons here on ATS are really funny when they are trying so hard to convince you that European Continental Freemasonry and that
many of the Continental European GOdF (or European Grand Orients) would be inferior and less masonic in nature than the Anglo American "Regular"
tradition of jurisdictions.
Pfft! that is only their "holier than thou" Inferiority complex and the deceptive propaganda from the Anglo Saxon American masonry!
Well! the Anglo-American masonry here on this site are not completely honest, and they are not telling you the whole truth to why they have declared
so many the European continental masonry lodges to be 'clandestine'
This is a term the conservative Anglo Saxon masonry invented, and it's not used anywhere else except in America and somtimes in the U.K.
Some differences between the two branches are:
1. The schism of the belifs in Deity and their relationship to the 'Grand Architect of the Universe' - to which I believe, we can now include:
Science & Nature.
2. The Political discussion & political beliefs and political activities in/of the lodges.
3. The "clandestine lodges" have removed some parts of the 'Volume of the Sacred Law' (the Bible) from its ritual.
And stopped being hypocrites about the false religions.
(Because almost everyone now knows that some late religions were invented for political & control purposes - and not for the true spirtual
The schism and the split started 1870 when the European Grand Orients lodges grow tired of the Americans prude and strong conservative ties to
Christianity and other ignorance running rampant among the American lodges - whether the Anglo Americans here like to deny it or not.
The Europeans and the rest of the world wanted their Anglo American brothers to stop being closet Christians - to deny ignorance - for the best of
And therfore prude conservative Anglo saxons with their strong Christian ties totally freaked out and invented the term and declared most of the GOdF
lodges to be "Clandestine!
The Anglo Saxons will unfortunately never admit this! because Christianity had such a big influence of the whole American society - from where the
Anglo Saxon lodges recruited from!
And there was probably some religio-political reasons behind this as well, but they will of course never admit this to be correct officially, because
they were not allowed to involve with the political discussion which had been strictly banned in the Anglo-American tradition
And that would make themselves exactly the same which they earlier had accused the Continental Europeans of doing.
Whereas nowadays, The European Continental Masonry seems to be the more enlightened of the two, where science and 'Nature' is taking a more
prominent important place beside the very important belifs of spirituality.
Therefore, the European masonry has evolved with their enlightenment and is now more of a combination of Science, Political, and Nature belifs than
soley strictly spiritual - and most of the unhealthy ties to Christianity and the Christian church are nowadays also much less prominent in Europe.
The American masonry has since the split from the Europeans, being viewed (in the eye of the Europeans) soley as:
A semi closet-Christian gentlemen social club not that different from any Rotary club or similar which both are like kindergarten for grown-ups- the
only difference is the Ancient Craft Masonry.
And the Anglo Americans like you to believe that they are the 'true masons' and that they are the only ones to hold the grand ancient secrets of
(Well! it must be good for business and to keep the interest alive! - I give them that!)
And they have been doing all this like any other usual 'chest beating' Anglo American behaviour (as we Europeans are now so used to see) to make
themselves look a tad more interesting and more important than they really are - thereof the schism of the two branches.
When in the reality, the Europeans knows exactly the same 'Ancient Craft Masonry' and 'secrets' (if not more) as their American brothers.
I like to call this typical behaviour: Anglo American masonic hybris & delusions of grandeur!
Anyway! It's just very sad to see the Anglo American masonry's forum gang activities here on this forum, unbelievable
[edit on 29-4-2010 by Chevalerous]