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BBC Report: Al Qaeda never existed

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posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra

If our Government created all of this as a massive coverup to justify a False Flag Operation, dont you think President Obama would be the first person to make this information public?

Why do you think this? Is this based on an assumption tha Obama is a "good guy" even though he has broken just about every campaign promise he has made, is showing absolutely no motivation of investigating any Bush admin crimes, was given campaign funding by Goldman Sachs, is not standing up to israel's hypocrisy, and bows to every foreign leader he meets.

I think you are looking into the Obama mirror, in which you see what you want to see when you think of Obama. Listen to the song "Cult of Personality."

"I tell you one and one makes three..." -Cult of Personality

...and people believe it.

This is why Obama campaigned on "Change you can believe in" and then didn't define the change, so that people would fill in the gaps and believe whatever they want without the leader having to worry about complications.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by filosophia]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by vicen
Of course Al Qaeda exists. You can't surely be saying that the author of the monumental "Looming Tower", Lawrence Wright, either deliberately wrote a work of fantasy at the behest of some evil group , or that something went badly wrong during his years of research. Every single person he interviewed lied to him, and he bought it. He's obviously an idiot.

We should thank the gods that people holding the absurd view that Al Qaeda doesn't exist will never get within a country mile of a position as a toilet cleaner in national security.

Imagine some intelligence coming in regarding a possible terrorist attack. Action needs to be taken, instantly. Someone pipes up with - Hold on, people. Let's not rush to judgement here. This might be false flag. After all, Al Qaeda is a phantom we cooked up.

Yet this chaos is the ideal scenario for those who believe that Bush & Cheney rained death on 3000 innocents on 9/11.

There's a great amount of literature available on Al Qaeda. Even if you believe it to be an imaginary organization, at least check out the opposing view before forming your opinions.

I don't even know where to begin? I'm not arguing with you because I respect the fact you recommend viewing both sides before forming opinions. But I have seen both sides. And to me from what I gather, while all of the literature on Al Qaeda might seem great and all, I can write good books too. Anyone can create anything using words. Point being, when confronted with the evidence presented that is in opposition to the official story of this organization and how it came to be, we find the literature to be false. As people who were alive clearly stated, "we called them freedom fighters." Bin Laden was a CIA tactician, he helped arm the men of the Mujihadeen we specifically funding to do our dirty work in S. Ossetia. When they were done we scrapped them.

Surely you can even go into detail about the Saddam/Osama/Clinton connection. But on such high levels of power like that, there is obvious corroboration. We might not have all of the evidence as of now or even ever, but we have enough to prove the truth in the grand scheme of things, which is what is highly important. The third video with Z. Brez should be enough of a nail in the coffin to that testament.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:36 AM
I would like to understand something:

The media says "the 9/11 happened according to the official reports by the U.S. Gov.". Everyone comes in here and starts saying things like "boohooo...the media is controlled by TPTB. Everything they say is BS".

But when they say something that goes in favor of your theories, now it's a "REPORT: Al Qaeda NEVER existed! *flashing lights and those funky animations*" and everyone screams of joy and "I told you so!" ?

How does that work? If something isn't trust-worthy, then it's not trust-worthy. It's not good just when it agrees with you.

And honestly, who the hell is BBC to say what is or isn't? They are reporters, not spies or special agents.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:45 AM
"Al Qaeda never existed" the heck you say! Next thing you know your going to tell me Santa Claus and the Tooth Fair aren't real either.

Al Qaeda = Adult equivalente of the Boogie Man. Do what I tell you or The Boogie Man (Al Qaeda) will get you

[edit on 26-4-2010 by XNeMeSis21]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by filosophia

"I think you are looking into the Obama mirror, in which you see what you want to see when you think of Obama. Listen to the song "Cult of Personality."

Is that the track by Living Colour? The complexities of a figure like President Obama can somehow be delineated by a pop song?

You mention the "Bush admin crimes". Is this the belief that President Bush slaughtered 3000 people on 9/11? Obama should investigate this? On what planet would that ever happen? It's not the job of the President to pander to the desires of conspiracy theorists.

As to he "bows to every foreign leader he meets", I find it astonishing that a President who has massive respect & goodwill abroad receives this kind of abuse in the United States. Disagree with his policies if you see fit, but random & indiscriminate abuse, egregious slander, the bizarre belief that the USA is some kind of stinking fascist dystopia ruled by a succession of sociopaths, ie the philosophy of these kind of forums, - where will all this take you in life?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:54 AM
Okay, someone brought up the point of the MSM releasing this info.

Could this be another layer in the dis info?

Now we all know that the Intel communities create what they want. Look at Iran now, I am sure 3/4 of the uprising there is created by the Intel community.

So, two possibilities. The release in the MSM was to make them seem believable again, they are wanting anger with the previous admin, or a thousand of other possibilities.

I think the anger component is the most likely. If you want to change things with the approval of the masses, you need to get the emotions running.

Look at the economic problems. We have members calling for more power to be given to the government. Are these members stupid? No, they are being manipulated to act in a certain way.

Anyway, S&F OP.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by BladeDraven And to me from what I gather, while all of the literature on Al Qaeda might seem great and all, I can write good books too. Anyone can create anything using words. Point being, when confronted with the evidence presented that is in opposition to the official story of this organization and how it came to be, we find the literature to be false.

I don't think the information presented by the OP agrees with you though. Jason Burke wrote a book called Al-Qaeda which is why he was featured on "The Power of Nightmares". He doesn't think that Al-Qaeda doesn't exist, just that it is wrongly characterised in the minds of the public and therefore our prescriptions for fighting it are - or were - wrong.

Basically someone has produced a piece of evidence which doesn't say what they think it does. The man isn't even a BBC journalist. And then they've used it to suggest something - Al-Qaeda is an invention and therefore 9/11 must have been carried out by the US or other interests because radical Islam isn't real. But ironically this is precisely the opposite of the point made by the evidence presented: Al-Qaeda as imagined by Bush may not exist, but radical Islam most definitely does.

I'm not rejecting out of hand your thesis, because I'm well aware of the US's slinks to Afghan mujahed. But the step you take regarding bin Laden being a CIA asset seems unsubstantiated. And it's wrong to suggest that the history of radical Islam is completely cooked up by the west. Do you think Sayyid Qutb was a spy as well?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Chevalerous

You are absolutely right. I meant to say the founder of the Trilateral commision(together with Rockefeller). Thank you for the correction.

Also, he is not officially the NSA to Obama. But those familiar with his books know that he is the 'un-official' NSA to a lot of presidents.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by Zamini]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by Zamini

Obama was supposedly at Columbia University in NYC from 1981-1983 when he worked on an undergraduate degree in political science and foreign relations. Zbigniew Brzezinski was the Head of Communist Studies at Columbia University in New York City at that time. Brzezinski was also Obama’s “guru and controller” while at Columbia. At the time Brzezinski mentored Obama through the writing of his senior thesis on nuclear disarmament by the Soviet Union, Brzezinski was also Pres. Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor. Brzezinski is currently Obama’s foreign policy advisor. Indeed, the roots of the Obama candidacy likely go back to a project begun by Zbigniew Brzezinski and his National Security Council subordinate, Professor Samuel Huntington of Harvard, in the early 1980s.
For more information, read the following:

“Behind The Copied Speeches - Governor Deval Patrick Is Brzezinski’s Spare Obama”

By Webster G. Tarpley 2-19-08

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 12:38 PM
great post OP.

Alqueda never existed...

so now... i ask...

WHO did 9/11?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028
great post OP.

Alqueda never existed...

so now... i ask...

WHO did 9/11?

Pakistan Secret Police with Funding from Saudi Arabia.

Case Closed.


posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

No I actually agree with what you were saying, maybe you read that out of context. I don't use this information to prove what occurred on 9/11, but I use it as a basis for showing very solid contentions:

1.) The government lies and those lies are perpetuated through fear-mongering corporate media.

2.) All the general public knows about Al-Qaeda are talking points from corporate media.

3.) The end result is a general and irrational fear for radical islamic and muslim "terrorists".

I find it hilarious though still, that people can generalize so much. Think of how many Christians who promote war are considered radical by other nations. When the majority of Islam preaches peace, and a few radicals take things to the next label, our media helps us group "terrorists" and the Islamic faith like it's nothing. We don't even realize there are more violent radical Christians in this country than "terrorists" in the world.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by BladeDraven

I agree with all of that.

Indeed part of the reason I distrust the Truth Movement is because I think it discourages people from looking at the real problems in the world, and particularly with the USA. IMO "truthers" who think that the sheeple are being fed a lie so they can feel safe and others can profit are, ironically, guilty of exactly the same thing. They haven't seen through the matrix at all.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:00 PM
Even if it was all a set up,

what would you do? Not much besides come on here and pull the "told you so!" nonsense. There's not much you can (or will do) if this was indeed a cover up.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade

Indeed part of the reason I distrust the Truth Movement is because I think it discourages people from looking at the real problems in the world, and particularly with the USA. IMO "truthers" who think that the sheeple are being fed a lie so they can feel safe and others can profit are, ironically, guilty of exactly the same thing. They haven't seen through the matrix at all.

What are you talking about ?

It is called the 911 Truth Movement because that is the Agenda.

Exposing 911.

Matrix ????

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Sean48

I have no idea what you're talking about. What's the "Agenda"? Why have you capitalised it? What does it mean to "expose 9/11"? Why do you think I'm unaware - or indeed interested - in how the "truth movement" gets its name? Do you know what a metaphor is?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
reply to post by BladeDraven

I agree with all of that.

Indeed part of the reason I distrust the Truth Movement is because I think it discourages people from looking at the real problems in the world, and particularly with the USA. IMO "truthers" who think that the sheeple are being fed a lie so they can feel safe and others can profit are, ironically, guilty of exactly the same thing. They haven't seen through the matrix at all.

Truthers seem to think there are no real problems in the world. They don't want to believe we're hated or there are indeed groups out there that are willing to murder our civilians or soldiers. So they decide to live in a little world together pushing everyone's opinions that don't go with theirs out the door.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:12 PM
I agree with Zambini and Trickoftheshade on this one. It is good to finally see another truth surface in the mainstream. My faith in truth has been rekindled, for now......

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by NWOWILLFALL
It's never a good thing when they start admitting everything seriously hope everyone is ready for a revolution.

That much is true. Something major is going to happen pretty soon, I think, that is forcing their hand.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:56 PM
If this is what you call evidence that AQ never existed than you have indeed set the bar very low. It is absolutely old news that the US funded the Afghan resistance against the Soviet Union but it is quite a stretch to hold that up as proof of anything other than we have long employed the "enemy of my enemy is my friend," approach to foreign policy.

The US, as we are want to do (see our "support," of the Anti Castro Cubans in the 60s) we pulled the rug out from under the Afghan rebels once they had served their purpose to us.

Please don't mistake this as evidence that I believe the official story of the events of 9/11 for there are many holes in it. Just as there are large, gaping holes in the alleged evidence supplied in the videos contained in the OP

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