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All Roads Lead to Rome

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posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by mick1423

I really feel he is right on the money, I myself think the 13 colonies were meant to grow into Caesar's new 13th legion, to weigh in on any crisis with deciding military force and might.

We fight for the Corporations, the Corporations are Rome. Their spider web is amazing, our business as vast and numerous as they are, through corporate spider webs are owned at the top with the prefered stock by a very small number of Oligarchs, whose original wealth in fact does come from Rome.

Many of whom are descendant of nobles.

They are just really good at putting up those incredibly complex fronts.

We are very good at accepting them!

Great post thanks my friend.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:10 PM
S&F(s) for you Proto! I have researched all of this myself and I don't see any real errors so fantastic job!

There are a couple of things that were missed, the JW's also allegedly signed a treaty with Hitler that basically stated that they would look the other way and not condemn Hitler's actions as long as JW's were left alone. I picked up that from a Gif image of the 30's treaty, that was on the original UseNet alt.conspiracy in 1985.

The second thing, "Where is all the value/money going?" You seem to have a pretty good handle on the direction this little plan has taken, so I presume you have some ideas on where it will go.

Let's call this pure speculation, but if we go back to the Hopi, Egyptian, Mayan, etc. histories, it appears we have might have a 6500 year cycle coming to a close and apparently some kind of global ELE. The PTB have the seed vaults in place, they have the underground bases and it appears that Mars is changing enough that soon it could be made habitable. I wonder if NASA sent some biological material along with the rover, to say start a little seeding? Maybe some nematodes or biological material from Antarctica or some other low oxygen almost inhospitable environment? I wonder what's next?

Cheers - Dave

[edit on 4/25.2010 by bobs_uruncle]

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by rgseymour
I leave to enjoy life and come back to another brilliant thread you have created...I have read first part of thread, but must prepare for the coming week..., will read and reply. S&F my friend as it is much deserved.



Thanks so much for giving it a look, I hope you get a chance to read it all when things are less stressed for you.

I hope you have a great week, and thank you for commenting!

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

We need to grow up and become responsible and stop acting like insecure children is all, and find our centers and some real convictions of our own, and some resolve and then exercise it.

Our freedom has not been taken away, we just don’t want it or it’s responsibilities, we lack faith in ourselves and instead want to put it into God and Country

Much as I agree with you, that's too massive an ask of many -- imo and unfortunately

Path of least resistance is the road of choice for many, if not most

Iike ants and bees, like herds of wilderbeast

The natural born-leaders are said to be One in Twenty

They're the first to be eliminated by those engaged in the various forms of human-husbandry

Remember the cowboys-and-Indians movies ? The chief is killed, after which his troops adopt funny expressions (usually a few in close-up, so we get the message) of confusion, fear or even downright stupidity -- after which they turn tail

There was a thread on ATS recently, thread title was (approx.) 'US soldiers say officers said 'blame us' later, kill now '. Worded differently, but that was the gist of it

Being accountable, to many, means knowing where to pass the buck. Life's easier that way, in the opinion of many. It's how God and Country gained their power

Have to confess, life (imo) would be so much better if people 'became accountable and stopped being so insecure' as you put it. Gee, the progress that could be made were people to take your advice. All I know is, I've wept tears of disappointment and disillusionment because they're not interested in your advice and would prefer to use their time, efforts and emotions elsewhere

But hope springs eternal, which is nice

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Any legal document that says God, or any Legal Proceeding that says God is just a confusing way to say the Vicar of Christ, God's sole legal representative on Earth.

How do you conclude/know this? Have you seen anything written to this effect?

Sovereigns and Heads of State, who swore an Oath to the Pope when they take office, in fact swear a good many oaths you don't know about.
They are bound to disclose them if you ask, but they are not bound to volunteer them.

Same question, how do you know they would be bound to tell if asked by Jo Schmoe?

What about the royals of Asia who do not follow 'god' in either the traditional christian sense or the covert pope?

Again, what is the ultimate goal of all of this??

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Honestly Dave they say if you took all the Gold that's ever been discovered it wouldn't even fill an Olympic Swimming pool.

It does have some applications in teeth and computers and such, but to tell you the truth, a think the elites drink it in powdered form as an anobolic alixer and detoxifier to keep themselves relatively immune from all the polutants and junk and diseases they feed us.

I could be wrong about that.

On some kind of hard to explain level, I think the Hour Glass is metaphorical, it stands on one side for a finite amount of time, until the sand runs out, and then you flip it over?

Same thing with the way the galaxy orbits probably, it gets halfway through the cycle and flips over like the hour glass.

I have a funny feeling one day I am just going to walk outside, and find a 100 foot wall of water coming my way, or 200 mile an hour winds blowing everything to smithereens, or, my favorite one, the Sweedish Bikini team kidnapping me!

I am hoping though, like at the amusement park, maybe there is a way to ride the ride upside down if you are in your seat real good.

I guess time tells all, kind of like the ride at the amusement park. You got to get on that roller coaster and ride it to know.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:20 PM
Wow, you've certainly put together one heck of a thread. I haven't had time yet do do more than skim through it, but will definitely take the time to pour over, and absorb it all.
The obvious effort you put in certainly deserves it.

I'll keep an eye on it as you make changes and tie up any loose ends.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Wolf321

Hi Friend, look up Vicar of Christ and Papal Bullas, Wiki will give you watered down reassuring versions by the way.

Visit the vatican website though and do a search there, no you aren't just cooking, you are cooking with gas.

The Emperor of Japan was defeated in World War II and was forced to sign a Treaty, a Treaty with Roman Incorporated States. He lives and enjoys his sovereignty by the Grace of God.

Whats the point? Same as when you sit down to play monopoly or any similiar game of conquest.

There is an old saying you seperate the men from the boys, by the price, type and amount of their toys.

Ever play king of the hill as a kid?

It's just a bigger hill in this version that's all.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by lernmore

I miss John, he was a charachter.

Sun down you better take care, if I find you been cheating by my back stairs.

Gordon Lightfoot wrote that song about the woman, he was with when he died, who was a professional groupie.

Beware Caesar the groupies of Hollywood are upon you!

Take me to your leader!

Thanks for posting!

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

On some kind of hard to explain level, I think the Hour Glass is metaphorical, it stands on one side for a finite amount of time, until the sand runs out, and then you flip it over?

Same thing with the way the galaxy orbits probably, it gets halfway through the cycle and flips over like the hour glass.

Bikini-team hostage, huh ? Tsk tsk, click of knitting-needles --
' Typical man', lol

When my head tips to the side occasionally, I view it as our all-important world being possibly a microbe in a muddy and neglected garden-pond in some forgotten back-corner of a massive and glorious cosmic estate -- possibly during Halloween period

At other times, I view our supposed lives as being possibly the side-effects (similar to indigestion) of our 'real' lives, elsewhere. Or possibly our nightmares

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by Dock9

Have to confess, life (imo) would be so much better if people 'became accountable and stopped being so insecure' as you put it. Gee, the progress that could be made were people to take your advice. All I know is, I've wept tears of disappointment and disillusionment because they're not interested in your advice and would prefer to use their time, efforts and emotions elsewhere

Evolution is a process my friend, and sadly one of the things that seems to slow it down is the concept of revolution, which is just kind of like it sounds revolving in circles.

Evolving is a path upward and onward, but it takes time, in that old trusted and true method of realizing that yes, walls are stronger than your head!

Some people are thicker skulled than others, and we all know some or thinner skinned than others.

So it can be a slow process, but its one that ultimately gets sped up, when you share ideas that tempt people not to take another battering ram attempt at the wall.

I have seen some people grow on these boards in incredible ways, and you know what, often the ones who are stuck in that entrenched revolving attacking the wall position just get angrier the more they see it.

I think they know at sometime at some point they are just going to be left out in the cold with no one left to play with, and their last best hope before making a mad dash to catch back up with the other kids is to throw a temper tantrum and try to employ emotional domination.

It's almost the first thing we learn as kids, waaaaaa feed me, waaaaa change me, waaaaa tickle me.

Old habits die hard.

We just have to focus on the positives, try to gain and maintain momentum and try to get it snowballing towards critical mass.

There are a lot of us, there are a lot of very intelligent and wise people on these boards, who are in fact ready to adapt and be flexible and try some different and potentially better things and apply some broader and potentially better perspectives.

We just have to encourage it, by sharing, by discussing, by letting other people know what we think and feel, and understand always, that while life is pretty cruel, they have created an illusion for it that is comforting to them and makes it tollerable, and are reluctant to let that go, for fear of the consequences.

Patience is a virtue, last person out, grab the Dali Lama!

Thanks my friend.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Thanks for your monumental efforts in bringing this to the table!

It's the stuff that counts.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Awesome read mate, I find your threads to be my cup of tea so-to speak. I tend to drift off during NWO rants, however what you publish seems to make sense to me, I was raised a catholic and wished i had this ammo during my schooling. Is this all your own conclusions?? is there any good books or online docos you can reco???

Cheerz again..

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Dock9

you think it's been easy being a christian? oh good grief, charlie brown!

as soon as i became a christian, my partying buddies wanted nothing to do with me, as if i had a disease.

the factory where i went to work at 18 because my dad could no longer work (he had prostate cancer), was a series of one harrassment after another.

one guy followed me around the place and sniffed everywhere i sat, making groaning noises. when i expressed my dissatisfaction with his behavior, he called me a prude and claimed that i would probably never get married and be a frigid old maid , incapable of having sex.

one broke into my locker, ripped down the photos i had taken of my little nephew and my poems, and threw them away.

another dropped a bra on my head from 10 ft in the air.

another posted the centerfold from hustler magazine on my work station.

another pasted 2 pallet tags to my nipples and the dude was old enough to be my grandfather.

another told me he was sure i'd get laid someday but it wouldnt be by him (i mean he just came up with this outta thin air. it was driving these guys bonkers that i was a single 18 year old female who wasn't interested in exchanging vulgarities with them or acting like a slut just so they wouldn't be bored at work).

and that's just the beginning of my life as a christian! it goes downhill from there and that was back in 1978!

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

All true

You're just becoming too good

God and Country are da cementa shoes. And it seems gravity forces the minds of many right down into those cement shoes. So their ballast (and what holds them captive, underwater, underground) becomes their ultimate jail. And many will defend it -- will defend their self-imposed jail

It reminds me of those old toys. Some might remember them. A perky little doll or figurine on top with a lead-weight in the rounded-base. No matter how often you pushed the figurine over, it would immediately spring back up, righted by that heavy-base

If we substitute humans for the dolls/figurines, and substitute that heavy, gravity-defying base-action with God and Country, we see how it's possible for humans to tolerate, survive and even enjoy what's going on all around us

God and Country. Defend them and they will support you. Kill in the name of God and Country and no blame can be attached to you. Better still, you can feel virtuous about your killings

God and Country -- the Western version of the Brass Monkeys who See, Hear and Speak no evil

God and Country -- the mental, emotional and spiritual equivalent of the horse's blinkers

God and Country -- patented, proven pattern/blueprint/system for Life !

God and Country -- the ultimate Team Sport ! Join now !

(and get the bonus-pack which includes all the spin-offs and associated organisations which promote/support the God and Country

Or not

Less popular are systems of passive observation, non-judgementalism, bend-with-the-breeze, non-membership/non partisanship. But they are also considered to have considerable merit by those intoduced to them

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:56 PM
The very nature of civilization since its inception 10,000 years ago has been oppressive hierarchy, the concentration of power/wealth into the hands of the few, top-down hierarchical economies/nation-states, extreme societal specialization/stratification/warfare/environmental exploitation/conquest.

That is the very nature of civilization, hierarchy and nation-states. You couldn't possibly take out one organization, it's not one organization, there is no one puppet-master, the system itself BREEDS authoritarianism in all manners of life- government, economic, religious, social, etc. etc.

We evolved to live in small, tight-knit, egalitarian tribal societies. Our hierarchical competitive and top-down civilization is relatively new, and if we truly want freedom and sustainability, the whole thing's gotta go. Sorry.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by 2theC
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Thanks for your monumental efforts in bringing this to the table!

It's the stuff that counts.

Thank you so much my friend, I appreciate that and you taking the time to read it.

I truly am thrilled so many people found and took the time to read it all.

Thanks for commenting!

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 11:04 PM
Bravo, That was a very interesting read.

Any links to the story of Caesars corpse?

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by deenuu
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Awesome read mate, I find your threads to be my cup of tea so-to speak. I tend to drift off during NWO rants, however what you publish seems to make sense to me, I was raised a catholic and wished i had this ammo during my schooling. Is this all your own conclusions?? is there any good books or online docos you can reco???

Cheerz again..

Thanks my friend, lets face it, when we are going to talk about a New World Order it should be a kinder gentler New World Order, which is why today I am calling on a thousand points of light out there...

Ooops, that was my lets bomb baghdad speech!

Actually what really got me fascinated about all these things, and the best source in my opinion for really understanding it all, are the Treaties between the various Sovereign Parties every time a war ends, and the Papal Bullas which are decrees by the Pope.

I find these to be the most accurate description of History because it portrays what the actual movers and shakers and main players were in fact putting forth in contracts to one another.

Not what they told folks back home, and not what the History books would say, but what they would agree to between themselves, and bind their nations and resources too.

In fact the more you read them, and learn of them, and then look at what they are actually saying and agreeing to do between one another and then what they tell us or the history books say, sometimes it's as opposite as night and day.

You need a couple of things beside the treaties to really understand them, some old legal dictionaries, the older the better, the words have precise meanings that are defined by what the word precisely meant at that time, so if its a treaty from say 1400, you want a latin dictionary, and other dictionaries that are close to that old.

We learn to talk in the figuritive sense, treaties are literall, so understanding what the words literally mean and not applying figurative definitions is crucial.

Most of the treaties going back thousands of years are available and you can see how things really progress.

Who is really involved, and who has what power, and who is doing the dictating.

It really changes everything, and its the only way you will ever really know the truth of what these people are up to.

They put it in writing between themselves one another, they put it into treaties, they pretty much believe you or I will never read or understand if we do.

It's all out there in black and white.

Thanks for posting my friend, I am delighted you enjoyed the read.

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Bravo, That was a very interesting read.

Any links to the story of Caesars corpse?

Shhhhh I wasn't supposed to tell anyone about that!

Not a story you are going to find in print anywhere, it's a secret society, secret!


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