reply to post by Thepreye
reply to post by Thepreye
One thing people truly might want to consider is that the Hebrews have in fact, never, disclosed the actual name of their god. When they write about
God they spell it G-d, and when they speak of him they simply refer to him as "our lord".
Now the truth is there is/was no Yahweh there was though in the Canaanite Parthenon a Yahwasheh. Patron God of Pirates, Mercenaries and Protos.
You will have to look long and hard for a reference to Yahwasheh that has not been erased, but while you are looking you will in fact discover from
Babylon to Syria, from Egypt to Jerusalem that the Hebrews have never revealed nor speak the name of their God(s). In ancient times the Kings and
Pharaohs who negotiated the treaties as to which Gods had to be respected put in reference to the Hapiri/Habiru/Hebrew their unnamed God(s) which were
believed to be associated with unusual celestial events.
When one looks at Christianity itself, objectively, it appears they are worshiping Amen-Ra, as every prayer ends with Amen, which is thought to mean
the light. Christians actually (well their high Priests) worship the Sun, this is why they moved the sabbath from Saturday (those who worship Saturn)
to Sunday, those who worship the Sun.
Now personally Proto thinks this was a good move, as clearly most Jewish people just do not have a healthy tan! Yet I think it is way to little beach
time for people to be happy!
I suspect that at that point of time, that the 12 classic Gods which included the Sun by other names like Apollo and Amen, were the principle
extra-dimensional forces, that made up the immediate heavenly bodies and the Zodiac, the Twelve Months of the year, that the 12 Tribes of Israel are a
misunderstood metaphor, for 12 kingdoms of men that they seeded as they manifested all life onto the earth in a combined kind of Baby Shower, to get
the planet going. Races like the Norse Men, and Mayans, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Africans etc were all each one of the tribes and this had
absolutely nothing to do with Hebrew scripture, as far as the worship of Saturn and other lesser deities, all of who were likely extra dimensional
beings that imbibed certain attributes, like War or Commerce, Love or Poetry, Beauty or Wisdom etc., etc.
That this is why we have 12 months of the year, and that their were 12 disciples, and 12 Lictors and everything is measured in dozens, that the
baker's dozen the magical 13th is the Sun itself which gave/gives life to the other heavenly bodies.
I contend that the planet itself is a life form, that the planets are life forms, the others having developed into a highly evolved collective
conscious that eventually became the planet itself, as every form of life on those planets was slowly incorporated in a similar "War of all against
all" until only one remains.
That they actually exist in the same point of time and space as us to this day, but on a different dimensional wave length.
That we remain a relatively 'infant' planet or form of life, still evolving, that as are a million microscopic organisms that dwell in and on us, the
we and every other living thing is the same to the planet.
That over time even while the tears of a crocodile might no longer flow from a crocodile or the courage of a lion may no longer come from a lion
because they have been totally eliminated that those attributes will live on in the collective conscious as we develop one through a dominant life
form that emerges that devours and incorporates everything first into it, and then into the planet, ashes to ashes dust to dust, to create a
collective conscious that then too, like the others will be able to operate as one, on that extra dimension, through time and space, to continue on,
out into the stars and manifest it's own creations.
That part of that war of one, here, is about confusing people, who appear to be the dominant life form at this period of time, that will incorporate
all others into that collective conscious to in fact not know the truth of this process, because ultimately it will all come down to just being one
left, one last living thing, that has the knowledge of every living thing and attributes on this planet, who finally merges with it.
So keeping people from discovering the truth, is in fact what most of these religious texts, and false histories are about, it's all part of Bellum
omnium contra omnes the war of all against all, where like in the Highlander movie, there can be but one.
One as in just one, no man and woman, just one, no birds and bees (my they sure have died off at an incredible rate haven't they) just one, no trees
and forests (rapidly dissapearing aren't they?) no wild animals prowling the hinter lands (they are almost extinct aren't they?) no fish in the sea
(they are being over fished and poluted out of existence) etc, etc.
While Bellum omnium contra omnes has been a concept since Roman times, it is thought to actually be just the war for one dominant kingdom to emerge to
dictate everything in the Kingdom of man, is much more than that.
Now if I believed fully in all this mystic, magical, extra dimensional stuff, and someone actually knew all this, you know knew it for a fact, he
would probably be some really outrageously dressed mystic wizard type, with a really funny hat, and long ornate flowing robes, and a staff!
Gee I wonder where we could find someone like that. Walk into the Vatican and the first thing you see is the 12 signs of the Zodiac.
I do keep an open mind too, the fact that all these extra-dimensional creatures still do exist, that they influence us, that they are in fact around
us, one or two might be hanging out in your house right now watching you read this smiling or frowning.
I believe it is highly possible to communicate with them, in altered states, where traditional reality melts away as you reach a different vibration
level yourself, as shaman and priests often do with various gifts of nature they consume and ingest.
I believe understanding it all, is far, far simpler than what is put into the scriptures, that was meant to confuse people and create a shared
backdrop and story line to evolve and fight the war of all against all Bellum omnium contra omnes through a shared reality that engaged everyone in
the concept.
That yes, while they are dotted with the occasional actual esoteric bit of wisdom and truth, that for the most part they are deceptions, meant simply
to confuse the individual so you will never be the ONE that wins the war of all against all, Bellum omnium contra omnes. That the things we imagine we
understand through these books, we don't in fact understand at all.
That it is actually embedded deep in our self conscious as we ourselves manifest into this time and dimension and space to participate in the grand
story, trying to order the planet at last finally into One so it too can reach it's full potential, and all the things incorporated into it, like a
cake or a stew, through this long laborious process, which to us seems to take forever, but in cosmic time, is really just the blink of an eye, the
twittering of a star.
That in part these scriptures are meant to separate us from our inherent knowledge by slowly indoctrinating us from birth, to disconnect and never be
in tune, with our own inherent understanding of the universe and life.
Alethea wants to know where Rome is ultimately heading; it is heading to ONE through Bellum omnium contra omnes the evolution of the planet.
By focusing on one of the 12 ways exclusively, then you are favoring that ONE in this war.
The one though is the planet, it is the host life form that sustains us, we are in fact all being incorporated into it, ashes to ashes, dust to dust,
like it or not!
edit on 18/11/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: Spelling
edit on 18/11/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: spelling