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All Roads Lead to Rome

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posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Aquarius1
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Money-Laundering Inquiry Touches Vatican Bank

Interesting development Proto, including the last scandal, now if the Vatican and Catholic Church were ruling the world it would seems to me they wouldn't be dumb enough to be caught up in scandals like this, just saying.

Thanks for including this information here.

edit on 21-9-2010 by Aquarius1 because: (no reason given)

I don't believe they would be, but once again very likely may be orchestrating events to mimic Biblical prophecy, with everyone turning on Rome as it pertains to the popular misconception that Rome is simply the Church.

I think we can all agree that people who have 'faith' place a lot of pride and trust in their Religion and Religious institutions and the Vaticans increasingly frequent scandals are a source of real concern for those Christians especially who look for all such Religious Institutions to act in good faith and legitimately.

I do think we do have to ask, since Rome has likely faked it's death more than once before, is this Rome manipulating appearences to cause the Revelations loving Christian faithful that prophecy is indeed coming true?

I contend it is, because despite stealing 11 trillion dollars not one American Banker has seen the inside of a court room during the Financial Meltdown and Economic Crisis.

Rather instead the banks themselves with the very same bankers at the helm were given hundreds of billions of Tax Payer money to shore up their fraud ridden businesses to keep they system "Sound"

That alone should be cause for students of history since the Federal Reserve printed the money to do that, and simply charged it to the Tax Payers in the form of a loan, after not having any where near sufficient reserves to make the loan legitimately.

The last act of any government is to loot the treasury and while many contend the economy is getting 'better' it's still seeing massive job losses, and most of us are still looking for ways to tighten belts already squeezed beyond the breathing point.

Lots to ponder including wondering if any of these events are anything but manipulations to enslave us further to notions of debt, and weaken our resolve and accept us to increasingly less free lives.

You are only as free in this world, as the money in your pocket will carry you, and for most these days, that is not very far at all.

The Banks continue to play a huge role in driving events to more One World Laws as new International Banking Laws have just been accepted by the U.S. Congress.

The march towards Globilization and Integration proceeds full steam ahead in the face of these apparent catostrophes many of which touch us all.


posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 07:52 PM
Awesome read!

It is exactly what is going on right now..

I wonder what will happen to those of us who are neutral and have yet to pick a religious side...

I know I won't kill in the name of Him.. I believe He would find it counter-productive....

What do you do when you have all the money? When you own the world?

All I can say is continue to be a good person and continue searching for the truth of this life.. It is obvious someone is hiding the truth from us

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

If the Vatican is only one, of the numerous legions of Rome like you said , there is no doubts that the Vatican is playing a major role in Rome (the secret ancient empire) secret agenda, it's true that the religious disquise is the best way to fool the mass, while you manipulate it and do criminal activities.


edit on 21-9-2010 by Isaacland because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by infinite

ATS members, viewing this thread, need to be told the whole story ProtoplasmicTraveler

In the words of Marc Antony,

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Ok lets not. Let's talk about the mysterious black sattelite oribiting the planet from pole to pole that was up there when we first began launching into space.

Let's talk about Earth's highly advanced past, and the level of society and technology it had attained before the flood.

Come on you two,your doing this on purpose aren`t you?.

How can you barely touch on this then stop two pages ago.

Do you like to torture little puppies as well?

I`m dying here to hear what you have or as proof on " the mysterious black sattelite oribiting the planet from pole to pole that was up there when we first began launching into space."

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Are you saying Troy never existed?

Nope, not at all.

Why if Rome is an Estruscan creation did they not name it for themselves?

As stated above, one theory suggests that it was named after the river Tiber which flows through Rome.

In part because you have failed to think out the arguments these couple of authors that are amalgamated into one opinion oriented website, but have simply accepted them yourself verbatim, in part because you want to discredit the notion of Troy being involved, and in part because you want to discredit the thread itself and Rome still running the world.

You claimed Rome was a Trojan invention. Unless you are going to counter the argument by showing some evidence as to why Rome was Trojan (other than one myth), your argument has no substance and is not valid.

Further you appear, appear being the key word to bristle at early Rome using mythology, even though you don't seem to have any objection to Christians, Jews and Muslims still using Judean mythology today.

What does this have to do with anything? I care as much that Rome used mythology as I care that "Christians" and "Moslems" used it as well. What objections? What?

So what makes one mythology not mythology, and another mythology, mythology. What makes one credible and one not credible.

Where did I state that any myth was more "credible" than another myth?

Now getting back to the thread itself, no one else is arguing your point here Serbsta just you.

SO THE HELL WHAT? What does that have to do with anything? I don't care if no one else is arguing my point, I'm still going to argue it. What's this got to do with anything?

If people were really agreeing with you, you would have hundreds of stars, and post after post from member after member speaking to some real depth of information they arrived at independent of you that support your theories, which aren't even your theories but the theories of a couple of authors.

Wow... this is ridiculous. Again, I'll reiterate. I don't care how many times my posts get starred or whether or not any other poster backs up my argument. I'll still argue it. Debate the topic, not me.

Because many people on the site are in fact not conspiracy theorists they don't actually know how to observe and investigate ellements that suggest a conspiracy is present.

Good one, sure fire way to win over the crowd.

When this coordinated attack began 5 months later 5 days ago launched by no more than a dozen posters all banded together through a dislike of the original piece and or the original poster, 23 pages of content were generated in just 2 days.


What absolute rubbish!

No one is coordinating anything against the thread (as far as I'm aware) and for you to simply make this assumption because there were more people who began to question this thread than earlier on really does speak for itself.

Most of those posts presented no actual counter theory, or complete theory but simply an attack on the Original Piece and the Original Poster. Considering the thread had long fallen to no longer being current, and was generating on average 5 or 6 posts a day for months, this burst of posting rivaling and then surpassing the frequency of posts in the first 72 hours the thread was originally posted clearly points to a coordinated effort on a group banded together to each try to make their own incomplete counter theories seem more popular simply by trying to use the same dominating techniques all societies do when putting myth forward as fact.

You seem infatuated with numbers about your thread... I don't really care... at all, if we can stick to the topic please?

So moving forward as the attack on the thread no longer becomes entertaining to those enlisted to that end...

Quick guys! Hide all those letters which detail our coordinated attack!


Look, again. Are you going to back up the argument and present some factual and corroborating evidence which backs up the theory that Rome was Trojan? If all there is is this myth, then there's no case and the Etruscan connection (although still lacking as a theory, the Etruscans are still largely shrouded in mystery) still remains the more favorable option.

If we can move on to another point it would be great, because this is just going in circles.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by Aquarius1
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Money-Laundering Inquiry Touches Vatican Bank

Interesting development Proto, including the last scandal, now if the Vatican and Catholic Church were ruling the world it would seems to me they wouldn't be dumb enough to be caught up in scandals like this, just saying.

It does not surprise me one bit.

Remember, these are the same people who are supposedly taking thousands of years to take control of the world when they supposedly have this infinite amount of power and resources. It doesn't surprise me that "they" would get caught up in something silly like this.

Either they are stupid OR they don't exist.


posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by gps777

I`m dying here to hear what you have or as proof on " the mysterious black sattelite oribiting the planet from pole to pole that was up there when we first began launching into space."

The Black Knight from Space

Ancient satellite Orbiting Earth

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by serbsta

Cheers muchly serbsta.

Now here`s a man who loves puppies!

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:53 AM


posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by Isaacland

Yes legion, we are many, rome. The walking zombie, the machine, it;'s them. As we go on rules will get stricter and stricter, until we become this walking robot. It's really the plan. What is perfection worth if you are not alive ? You don;t feel the joy of perfection since you are gone, not aware of it. Sometimes I like rolling in dirt, it makes me feel it. Do stupid things, play, it's the very notion of I am alive. Next you will hear how to dress, or how to tie your shoes, or god knows what, or that you may not sit down because it's wrong as customs. Of course this is calling bettering your self
these freaks scare me. The further we go this way, the further we distance our self from the truth.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Isaacland

Can I ask why you're talking about aliens from that planet you keep mentioning?

What's this got to do with Rome?

Oh and spell check is your friend.

edit on 22/9/2010 by serbsta because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by pepsi78

i have seen many explanations for TPTB. Alien Civilisations, esoteric Stargates, Shapeshifting reptilian Lizard humanoids, a Paranormal supreme force, a ancient civilisation, God's prophecies, a Jewish or Bankers or even a Bill gates conspiracy...and i don't know why but i am more convinced that all historical events and present proofs lead to Rome to be TPTB like ProtoplasmicTraveler is saying, this thread is very interesting, a matter of fact it is this thread that motivated me to register to ATS.

edit on 22-9-2010 by Isaacland because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2010 by Isaacland because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by serbsta

it appears he's trying to get you upset by comparing your research to mine, then poking fun at it, sorta like people do about sitchin. if you mention anything about sumer, it's like auto-sitchin-skeptic-time, as if the guy wrote the sumerian texts lol it's the only way to ignore like 4000 years of history that has been wreaking havoc on the critics of ancient history of the last 300 years. i don't think they saw that one coming.

hang in there. we're rooting for ya. and i still say that if the one world order in biblical prophecy is relevant to this thread, then so is the rest of the data in revelation.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by serbsta
reply to post by Isaacland

What's this got to do with Rome?

Oh and spell check is your friend.

Everything in this thread is about Rome being TPTB and so from page 1, so again serbsta, if Rome is not TPTB who is it then, you seems passionated by aliens civilisations, are they TPTB, please tell us serbsta, who is TPTB...

thank you
and sorry for the misspell

edit on 22-9-2010 by Isaacland because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by undo

Amen undo, and Hail to God, the supreme power, who guide us like a shepherd, us who are only insecured sheeps hoping to be saved, TPTB is a boogeyman God, but let us all follow him to the new world, Amen

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Isaacland

The problem with the machine is it's adaptibility, like a reptile, it can't adapt, not very flexible, it's the major flaw.
On the other side lies the true self, buried deep down forgoten. You are not going to see reptiles in snow.
Also the problem for the machine is that it does not care at all, for example small thing like little children.
The answer may lie buried deep down in snow, for the machine to adapt to snow to get it done the proper way.
The need for power consumes your self so the roman empire always runs out dry. It becomes a machine until
flexibility steps over and takes over. "Other empires that are flexible" The roman empire will never make it, but it may have it's rule under the sun for a while until it becomes a rock. The universe is really flexible like water, it adapts as humans do, without the other side, the provider there is just no life at all. You can't be a machine and live, so the melting forge is not the answer. They will never make it. The human factor will just outsmart the machine. You can't ask a rock to bend.
For us to make it in one peace we must build an empire in the dark, suffer and build so it may be complete under the harsh conditions of an ice age.

It would be an empire with a code of conduct but built on pure heart, there is no other way.
It would then be acceptable to the creator for haps.

edit on 22-9-2010 by pepsi78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by pepsi78

i think your last post, represented well what i am trying to say, beside Rome, every other explanations for TPTB are simply ridiculous, unreal, implausible and i will even say almost impossible. Rome is the only realistic possibility of being TPTB

edit on 22-9-2010 by Isaacland because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Isaacland
reply to post by pepsi78

i think your last post, represented well what i am trying to say, beside Rome, every other explanations for TPTB are simply ridiculous, unreal, implausible and i will even say almost impossible. Rome is the only realistic possibility of being TPTB

edit on 22-9-2010 by Isaacland because: (no reason given)

Maybe all roads lead to Rome because Rome holds the power of the original TPTB. The power of knowledge and tools created by the original TPTB that Rome hides, has hidden for thousands of years.

This is a quote from Proto a few pages back.

Ok lets not. Let's talk about the mysterious black sattelite oribiting the planet from pole to pole that was up there when we first began launching into space.

Let's talk about Earth's highly advanced past, and the level of society and technology it had attained before the flood.

Let's talk about how Troy was founded by a large group of survivors and their descendants, and move on backwards and hope we can go back far enough to come all the way around to the present in doing so.

He or someone else mentioned pre-flood, maybe there are machines that not only exist but that are far more advanced then we can conceptualize, created by others. I wonder if the tools are scattered around in different countries, very well hidden it's locations known only to Rome. Furthermore, if there could be unknown satellites orbiting Earth, maybe not limited to Earth...., I have to wonder if the original PTB that Rome masters, as in, Rome (secret information held by Rome, their land) are also orbiting the Earth and maybe other universes, planets.
I haven't read anything on the satellites yet, I'm just going on what I read in some recent posts....
What I'm failing greatly at trying to say is....
Rome, is the powers that be and have been the powers that be for a very long time now but the only reason they are the more dominant powers that be at this time and until defeated is because the original and true powers exist but are enslaved to "Rome" (tptb, currently) just as we are to be enslaved and/or extinguished.
Maybe until Rome is defeated and soon, ...... ughhh, lol....
Well, I know I should read a lot more before posting but if there are black satellites out there and they were placed there pre flood and the pyramids built to perfection, ect... maybe there was far more advanced technology and a far more advanced civilization that existed long ago and yet not really that long ago if you think about it.
If so, who injured the original PTB to the point of being severely crippled?

Forgive me for speculating with little research to back this up and I will not throw this out there anymore ...IF I don't get too many insults,

Oh, and maybe the original ptb is actually all around us and we have never noticed being enundated with specific symbols and designs resulting in an illusion that Rome is the original PTB.

Ok, I'm not going to post like this again, be nice. I know what I wrote sounds confusing but it was hard to explain.


edit on 22-9-2010 by sweetliberty because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by sweetliberty

Oh, and maybe the original ptb is actually all around us and we have never noticed being enundated with specific symbols and designs resulting in an illusion that Rome is the original PTB.

Oooh what a priceless thought my friend. Was this intuition or divine inspiration?

What are words? Sound which are symbols of thoughts so that we can understand each others higher mind.
Written Words? Symbols which create sounds in our minds so that we can understand each others higher mind.

Who controls the words, controls the mind, control the mind-control the masses

Why does legalese have different interpretation of of common everyday words? Words mean something entirely different to those in authority than they do to the masses.

Why are contracts so lengthy in nature? To put your mind a sleep before you understand what you are signing.

Where was this technique Mastered? Why does the Holy Bible have so many pages to say "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? Why do you swear upon it in court? Because you are contracting.

The blanks, I will let you think on.

With Love,

Your Brother

edit on 22-9-2010 by IAMIAM because: Because I can

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by sweetliberty

The problem with knowlege is that you melt. It's a game don't you get it.
You got all these names, english names like lampard. All the lamp does is melt you. It's not really about the people but the rulling class.
We need to frease, cool down or we are headed for total wipe out.
I would put a bounty on the head of these people. They are trying to get the prophecy done. Screw us over.
Who do you want to fight ? do you even know ? or what are you trying to get ? They are hand in hand with the aliens. The rest is invisible to them, not seen. That is the power house, and like greedy crooks they are trying to find out more. It's the zionists, the red communist bastards running the world.

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