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New speed cameras trap motorists from space

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posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
Just consider,for a moment that this technology is not intended for speeders-thats the selling point for joe public.

Only if They® are going to hang a GPS/GSM cell phone combo around your neck to check if you're walking too fast.

Go back and read a few different articles, I think you're misjudging what this thing is. Not that GB newspapers tend to get it right, for some reason British press seem clueless about GPS. Even the "legit" ones.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by LockwithnoKey
No need to bother with remote satellites when RFID is available. It can detect all the same info based on the tag going through "read" zones of which many already exist. Your phone, car key, passport etc...all have a transponder chip as of now, imagine what is to come...

Your phone doesn't have an RFID part. Your car key may, my Civic key does as part of the anti-theft system. The one in your passport is an h-field part, and can't be read at much of a distance. For that matter, so is the one in my car key fob.

You could, I imagine, equip the cars with e-field parts like the ones you use for paying toll, that would work. However, it's a lot easier and covers ALL the roads if you stick a GPS/GSM module on the car. Problem solved, and you don't have to retrofit all the roads with expensive readers.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:21 PM
Yes! Finally! I've been waiting for this! I hate those pesky speed bumps and I am so glad they're finally going to catch those speeders! Boy is that a big problem! Especially on those traffic congested roads. People are always speeding in gridlock traffic. Man we should monitor jaywalking by satellite too. Those jaywalkers are such a nuisance. Man they should have satellites that detect when people are having sex without a condom too. We need to send agents to their door to do a demonstration on illegitimate pregnancy and STDs. We should monitor when people pass gass too. We can show them the hockey graph and how their bodily expulsions of gas are causing global warming. We should monitor people's hand washing habits too! Those dirty people that don't wash their hands are always getting us sick.

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posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

Awesome news. Get rid of the speeders once and for all. I always thought they should have speed controls in cars, which had a gps system, the gps would know the speed limit of the street in which the car was driving, and limit the car to that speed only, no faster. And in case of an emergency, they could call onstar and have them unlock the vechicles speed abilities, only if the excuse to speed is a valid one.

Hate humanity much?

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by dariousg

The lawyers are going to love this. If you show up at all in court on one of these deals, you will win. The simple fact is that if you show up at court generally for a speeding ticket no matter how you get it, you have a better than 50% chance of beating the ticket. The cop has to be there and half the time they're not and the ticket gets immediately thrown out. The cameras don't have a flawless performance like any device and they are unable to prove that it was in fact working when it took the picture of your plate, since they have to tell you that there have in fact been operational falures and false positives with other similar devices. It is a pain to go to court and most folks can't take the time off of work to do it, which is what they hope and expect will happen.

You still do have the right to confront your accuser in this country, at least for the moment and the technology is far too easy to challenge.

As far as being tracked, etc I agree that it is a huge issue and will not buy a car that has a gps installed. There are also hand held gps systems and retail stores where your personal information is inputted upon purchase so that it would be possible to have you tracked as your name is aligned with the device. Should you want a hand held, buy it off of Craigslist.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Bedlam

Originally posted by LockwithnoKey
No need to bother with remote satellites when RFID is available. It can detect all the same info based on the tag going through "read" zones of which many already exist. Your phone, car key, passport etc...all have a transponder chip as of now, imagine what is to come...

Your phone doesn't have an RFID part. Your car key may, my Civic key does as part of the anti-theft system. The one in your passport is an h-field part, and can't be read at much of a distance. For that matter, so is the one in my car key fob.

You could, I imagine, equip the cars with e-field parts like the ones you use for paying toll, that would work. However, it's a lot easier and covers ALL the roads if you stick a GPS/GSM module on the car. Problem solved, and you don't have to retrofit all the roads with expensive readers.

Yes, many new phones..Droid in particular have a magnetic field detection receiver which is all that is needed..passports, car keys and many other things are typically passive rfid which only need the strength of the receiving field to be adjusted for range. This is why cloning is such a problem with rfid, and of course if the device in question has a wandering or sensing active function then it's all the easier!

Oh ya! The Iphone now has apps for cloning, tracking, and tagging rfids as well

[edit on 4/20/2010 by LockwithnoKey]

[edit on 4/20/2010 by LockwithnoKey]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:45 PM
We have a somewhat similar system to that here in the U.S. and have for a while.
Speed Limit Enforced By Aircraft

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:55 PM
Ah, so the UK prison state plot thickens once again...

I'm just counting the days they mandate the RFID chip for all UK subjects. Once this happens, the US better be on the look out.

Every police state measure that occurs in the UK is generally converted over tot he US.

UK and Australia are the beta tests for taking control of the US.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by LockwithnoKey

Yes, many new phones..Droid in particular have a magnetic field detection receiver which is all that is needed

Uh, no. You're talking about the flux gate magnetometer used for a compass. That won't work at all as a receiver, and you're lacking the interrogator side totally as well. So, no, "many new phones" neither have RFID tags nor can they read/write them.

..passports, car keys and many other things are typically passive rfid which only need the strength of the receiving field to be adjusted for range. This is why cloning is such a problem with rfid, and of course if the device in question has a wandering or sensing active function then it's all the easier!

There is more than one sort of RFID. They are not all the same. The h-field parts such as the ones in passports are not able to be read at any real distance. No matter how high you 'turn up the receiving field', whatever that would be.

Oh ya! The Iphone now has apps for cloning, tracking, and tagging rfids as well

Only with external hardware. You can't in any way say that "makes most cell phones have RFID transponders", because it isn't true. Not only that, what you're seeing isn't the tag side but the interrogator side, which is backwards from what you were saying anyway.

The iPhone 4 will have a near-field link in it that can be used to pass data or interrogate appropriate RFID parts, the "near field" part of the description tells you that it's an h-field device, and again won't lend itself to being interrogated at a distance.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Bedlam

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
Just consider,for a moment that this technology is not intended for speeders-thats the selling point for joe public.

Only if They® are going to hang a GPS/GSM cell phone combo around your neck to check if you're walking too fast.

Go back and read a few different articles, I think you're misjudging what this thing is. Not that GB newspapers tend to get it right, for some reason British press seem clueless about GPS. Even the "legit" ones.

I just look at how other similar sytems have been sold to us in the past,like the "blue cameras" I mentioned earlier.

Sure,this sounds great on the surface-catch those criminals right?
My main point was that all such systems are eventually upgraded,and IMO abused by those who we entrust our very liberty to under our so called "democracy".

You mentioned GPS,through phones etc...that tech does not need to be carried in the form of a phone my friend,for the satellites mentioned in the OP will easily be able to determine your gps location,through facial recognition.

If they do not aqquire a face hit,they simply cross reference with the nearest traffic street camera that did aqquire one in the same vehicle/on the same street with the same clothes...

All this and more will be done by these sytems in the near future,and they will be done in millionths of a second,24/7
Money is being plowed into such technologies by the trillion,IMO,through blackmarket projects initiated to raise funds for the control of the masses by people who consider mass murder,oppression and suffering a part of their job IMO.Anything to get the job done,right?

Your grandchildren will not recognize the world we lived in today...but at least we will have less speed bumps and accidents huh..

We could all volunteer for a nice Transorbital lobotomy courtesy of the state of course,OK maybe we would have to pay £300 for it but-that would surely cut down on crime,and heck no one would have to worry about anything,right?

[edit on 20/4/2010 by Silcone Synapse]

[edit on 20/4/2010 by Silcone Synapse]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by AzoriaCorp
Ah, so the UK prison state plot thickens once again...

I'm just counting the days they mandate the RFID chip for all UK subjects. Once this happens, the US better be on the look out.

Every police state measure that occurs in the UK is generally converted over to the US.

UK and Australia are the beta tests for taking control of the US.

I always find it really interesting when people from th USA say "the UK is a guide for what will happen to America"

Many folks in the UK say the same about the USA- i.e.what happens there,will come here.

To get to the truth of the matter,we have to consider a symbiotic collusion of the two countries I believe.

Its like the two administrations actually bounce things off one another,across the atlantic,testing the bar so to speak.

Remember the Texas police drones a while back-people did not like them,so
"lets take it o England,and push it to satellite height...sshhhHH no one will notice over there,they are all whacked on football and booze,they won't notice,they NEVER DO mwhahahHAHAH",they say.(imo as usual)

[edit on 20/4/2010 by Silcone Synapse]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
You mentioned GPS,through phones etc...that tech does not need to be carried in the form of a phone my friend,for the satellites mentioned in the OP will easily be able to determine your gps location,through facial recognition.

This system is an offshoot of Livingstone's original road charging system from a few years back. At the time, they wanted to bolt a GSM/GPS module to your car to determine which roads you used, and when, in order to bill you for the road use. The roads had variable tolls depending on the time and location, in particular, they wanted to keep you out of London during peak congestion hours. Eventually, they ditched the GPS version and went with a tag reading system which they use now. The tags are read by cameras mounted by the road way.

Not from the satellites.

The new system adds in more camera points and tries to determine how fast you must have been going from knowing where you were at different times. That's it. Same tag reading cameras. Still no pictures from satellites.

As far as facial recognition in millionths of a second from satellites, I hate to pop your bad-movie-science-acquired-bubble, but take a few moments with a cup of tea and read "Airy disk", "Rayleigh's criteria", and "MTF" as they relate to telescopes. Not to mention that your face wouldn't be visible from overhead anyway, eh? Maybe a "top of your head in one or two pixels" recognizer, but not from a satellite.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 03:09 PM
Here's a lot better explanation of what's going on than that crap article from Daily Mail.

The only "satellite" contribution is to get a very accurate time reading from the GPS constellation that's accurate over the entire camera network. It's used to get an accurate time stamp for the tag read. That's it.

No facial recognition from satellites, or mind beams, or what not. It gets a time reference from the GPS sat. Period. The rest is the same old tag reader that is used in GB now for congestion control.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 03:51 PM
Having driven in the UK, I'm impressed that there's a stretch of road where you can get above 40mph.

Everything seemed like mass over-crowded gridlock.

A country of 60 million people and there are 2 main arterial routes North to South, the M1 and the M6, I certainly spent many happy hours napping on both.

Edit to add - they really do have a thing about "watching" though, what with all the cameras (even in public toilets) and now this. Somewhat creepy.

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 04:04 PM
Uh, no. You're talking about the flux gate magnetometer used for a compass. That won't work at all as a receiver, and you're lacking the interrogator side totally as well. So, no, "many new phones" neither have RFID tags nor can they read/write them."

Nope, I'm sure not. Don't care about the reader, which it can function as. Only as the transmitter to which I am referring.

There is more than one sort of RFID. They are not all the same. The h-field parts such as the ones in passports are not able to be read at any real distance. No matter how high you 'turn up the receiving field', whatever that would be."

Yes, you are correct. There are many "sorts" if you mean encryption styles, but the tech is the same for near all applications at the core of the devices. The "Receiving field" is just that, the range that an enabled device can transmit or be read. In case you weren't aware, RFID is based in magnetics, and elcectromagnetics which can be augmented for use. That's why there is UHF and CF etc..

Only with external hardware. You can't in any way say that "makes most cell phones have RFID transponders", because it isn't true. Not only that, what you're seeing isn't the tag side but the interrogator side, which is backwards from what you were saying anyway.

The iPhone 4 will have a near-field link in it that can be used to pass data or interrogate appropriate RFID parts, the "near field" part of the description tells you that it's an h-field device, and again won't lend itself to being interrogated at a distance."

External hardware is for using it in an off network cm style lock, different application of RFID. Transmission is still on the stock phone though, sorry nice thought though...

And back to the billboards and car keys...betcha didn't know that a transponder chip can either DAMPEN or AMPLIFY your cellphone signal...

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 04:12 PM
At this rate we wont be allowed to go outside and act like the typical "average joe". Instead we'll all be control like properly, behaved, robotic, citizens. C'mon it'll go deeper than that other than tracking our cars/trucks from space next they'l be tracking how many miles we travel per annual so they can hit us harder with taxes to pay-off the economy debt.

Whats next they'll be tracking us on our spending with ID cards before you all realise it we'll all be one control world system/society do as they tell us, think what they want us to know and hear only what they want us to hear and see what they only want us to see.

Do you honestly call that FREEDOM!!!????

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 04:13 PM

When the Cash For Clunkers thing started, I had a feeling THAT was a government ploy to get more computerized vehicles into the hands of Americans to monitor us.

Then, when the Toyota braking problem occurred, it led me to believe THAT was related to the Cash for Clunkers.

I came up with a conspiracy theory, and told a few people about it, but thought better than to put it online.

I've since heard that NASA was brought in to see if they could figure it out, so I'm feeling that I can say something without being considered suspect of knowing things I shouldn't know.

However, if anyone can give me a reason not to think this way, I'm listening.

You can see more of my theory and comments

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Bedlam

As far as facial recognition in millionths of a second from satellites, I hate to pop your bad-movie-science-acquired-bubble, but take a few moments with a cup of tea and read "Airy disk", "Rayleigh's criteria", and "MTF" as they relate to telescopes. Not to mention that your face wouldn't be visible from overhead anyway, eh? Maybe a "top of your head in one or two pixels" recognizer, but not from a satellite.

The sattellites do not have to have facial recognition.

They have to communicate with various other databases,on the ground,which link them to any person of interest though other means of identification,such as ground based facial recognition,amongst many others,like credit card transactions and store cameras etc..

The millionths of a second 24/7 cliam I made is not a joke.Any one at the front line of computing will agree,its a matter of a few years.

I am thinking about these sytems when they all link up,which I think will happen the way our civilisation is moving-and the people who will control them may not have the best intentions for the likes of us masses..

I wish I held your viewpoints in a way,it would be a whole lot easier..
Oh well,good luck.

Heres hoping that my


(I love that phrase

is far from the truth of the situation,for all our sakes.
For if I am correct,then we are all in a very bad way indeed,IMO.
Lets hope I am wrong.

[edit on 20/4/2010 by Silcone Synapse]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by LockwithnoKey

Nope, I'm sure not. Don't care about the reader, which it can function as. Only as the transmitter to which I am referring.

What about a "magnetic field sensor" (which by the way IS the compass) says "RFID interrogator" to you? I'm really curious. (edit - and what would be the point of having an interrogator on the cell phone but no receiver for the data?)

Yes, you are correct. There are many "sorts" if you mean encryption styles, but the tech is the same for near all applications at the core of the devices. The "Receiving field" is just that, the range that an enabled device can transmit or be read. In case you weren't aware, RFID is based in magnetics, and elcectromagnetics which can be augmented for use. That's why there is UHF and CF etc..

Nooooo, not encryption styles, but basic functionality. There's no such thing as a "receiving field". I design with this stuff, so yeah, I sort of know what I'm talking about. Some RFID parts use h-field interrogation, which is magnetic, some use e-field, which is radio.

External hardware is for using it in an off network cm style lock, different application of RFID. Transmission is still on the stock phone though, sorry nice thought though...

And back to the billboards and car keys...betcha didn't know that a transponder chip can either DAMPEN or AMPLIFY your cellphone signal...

Well, no it's not on the stock phone. And, no, an RFID transponder can neither "dampen" nor "amplify" a cellphone signal.

Where in the world are you getting all this? Educate-yourself?

edit: oh, well, I've fixed the quote nesting five times, the editor keeps putting the original post back up although the preview is ok. Not the first time I've seen it do that, either.

[edit on 20-4-2010 by Bedlam]

posted on Apr, 20 2010 @ 05:38 PM
So this seem like another way to catch us speeding. I don't like it, but if you are speeding then you are speeding no two ways about it. Follow the limit and you will have no issue. If this is implemented, then I anticipate an increase in the number of defensive driving courses I must complete.

So this thing will mark your location at "time A" at "location A" then again at "time B" at "location B". It will then measure the time it took you to get from A to B and compare it to the speed limit. If you beat the speed limit, then you essentially got caught speeding. Is that how it works?


I'm on a stretch of highway with a posted limit of 60mph and an hour later this thing catches me 80 miles down that stretch of highway. Then it would be fair to say that I was going 80 mph.

I don't like it one bit; but, then again, I don't like radar guns one bit either.

On a side note, I suppose that the cops will be able to locate stolen cars within minutes of the theft report, no? Or will they be too busy catching the real know, the speeders

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