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The Black Triangle UFOs

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posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 08:13 AM
The Stealth Blimp has a facebook page now!!!

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by alexander_delta

If you want to solve this mystery, look into the history of Lockheed's "small rigid airship". Check it out:

This does not seem even remotely related with respect to hundreds if not thousands of eye witness descriptive reports. It certainly does not visually align itself with the Belgian study. The notion that this Lockheed device and subsequent spin offs are responsible for the black triangle phenomenon is jumping to conclusions at best. Less likely than the TR3B Astra rumors.

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by MasterOfSparkz

Originally posted by alexander_delta

If you want to solve this mystery, look into the history of Lockheed's "small rigid airship". Check it out:

This does not seem even remotely related with respect to hundreds if not thousands of eye witness descriptive reports. It certainly does not visually align itself with the Belgian study. The notion that this Lockheed device and subsequent spin offs are responsible for the black triangle phenomenon is jumping to conclusions at best. Less likely than the TR3B Astra rumors.

Its totally related. The most simple shape for radar deflection is the triangle. Small rigid airships that are engineered for stealth are going to be triangular.
Alien species would not care about small radar cross sections, nor would they care about navigation lights.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by alexander_delta

Originally posted by MasterOfSparkz

Originally posted by alexander_delta

If you want to solve this mystery, look into the history of Lockheed's "small rigid airship". Check it out:

This does not seem even remotely related with respect to hundreds if not thousands of eye witness descriptive reports. It certainly does not visually align itself with the Belgian study. The notion that this Lockheed device and subsequent spin offs are responsible for the black triangle phenomenon is jumping to conclusions at best. Less likely than the TR3B Astra rumors.

Its totally related. The most simple shape for radar deflection is the triangle. Small rigid airships that are engineered for stealth are going to be triangular.
Alien species would not care about small radar cross sections, nor would they care about navigation lights.

Can you substantiate what you are proposing here? Just because you have jumped to a few logical conclusions concerning the black triangles, albeit conclusions that are completely speculative in nature, this DOES NOT mean that your guess is automatically correct. There are simply too many questions concerning sighting similarities that this project would not even begin to account for. I will readily admit that the class aircraft you are proposing here as being that which constitutes the large number of sightings, may in fact represent a tiny fraction of them, that's VERY possible. However, if you had studied the triangle phenomenon as observed by numerous highly qualified observers, you would know that the vast majority are FAR and away too large to fit your Lockheed speculations. There is also the fact that many of these seen around the globe have been observed both leaving and entering large bodies of water. Not to mention the fact that triangle sightings date back much further than the Lockheed project's time of origin.

Incidentally, I am not one that believes these are automatically "alien" vehicles. Not in the typical sense of the word "alien" anyhow. Because of the aforementioned observed commonalities, I honestly don't know what to believe. In fact, I have found it most beneficial to exclude the ideal of absolute formed conclusions concerning the entirety of all phenomena. I will tell you however that after studying the whole of the UFO thing for the last twenty or so years, it's far more likely that we are not the only intelligent beings native to Earth. We know beyond question there have been several "ages" of civilizations that have long since past. Stop and think about it just for a second. There is so MUCH that we do not understand about ourselves as a species, let alone the true nature of the environmental reality we live within. Think about where we as a scientifically evolving creature were at just 100-200 years ago. Can you imagine where we will be at (if we don't destroy ourselves) 1000 years from now? Imagine a relatively small human segment from an Earth civilization long past that was roughly 10,000 years ahead of where we are presently at. Anything and everything that they held as common place understanding would seem like something out of a science fiction story to us.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 06:18 PM
My parents were driving along the Hume Highway in Victoria, Australia in the early 90's, when they saw a huge black triangular craft with bright red lights on each corner. This thing was hovering silently above a hill, with a bright white searchlight being used 'bright as football stadium lights'. after a few minutes this thing shot away to the sky at incredible speed, at an angle. From a standstill. Neither of my parents are remotely interested in ufo's, never read books on the subject or anything like that. They only told me last year when I brought up the subject of my own ufo sighting, which was nothing like theirs. They prefer me not to talk about it, but I told them they'd seen a classic ufo! Dad thinks it's military, not alien...
edit on 18-11-2011 by AussieWitness because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by -Blackout-

I have seen these craft myself i have also seen a mothership which looks like a big star glowing and pulsating all the clours of the rainbow

a small grey pod with a red laser on it caomes out of those motherships

the triangular ships have two versions the mini one can hover 3 ft above your head without you knowing its their just as the large black ones have a cloaking device that can make it dissapear in thin air.

the most beautiful thing about these craft is the fact they can can sit in one spot and hover without making any noise,

so these are very real but the question that should be asked is why are these shaped like triangles why are triangles so important on this planet. once you find the answer to that many secrets will be unfolded for you

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